Home Categories world history This history is quite reliable 3: Yuan Tengfei talks about world history

Chapter 2 2. Piloting sea passages

Is it all Marco?Poroja's business Western civilization originated from the ocean and has developed to this day.The event that marked the rise of capitalism was the opening of new shipping routes. The new shipping routes were opened in the 15th to 17th centuries, which was equivalent to the Ming Dynasty in my country at that time.The Ming Dynasty was established in 1368 and perished in 1644, the 17th year of Chongzhen. The opening of the new sea route was probably in the middle and late stages of the Ming Dynasty in China.Western historians call the history of the world since 1500 modern history, and the history after the 20th century is contemporary history, while Chinese historiography did not enter modern world history until 1917.If you are interested, I recommend a book-"Global History" by LS Stavrianos, a famous contemporary American historian.If you are currently working or majoring in something related to the word "foreign", such as foreign language, foreign trade, diplomacy, you can learn to take out food - what if you sell it to foreigners?Buy this book and see.The book is divided into two volumes, the first volume is very thin - the world before 1500; About eight hundred pages.The second book is worth reading. It contains the marriage customs of European countries. If you are interested in marrying a European, you can read the marriage customs there. It is very good and should have an international concept.

Under what background was the new air route opened?Europeans worked so hard to open up new sea routes, for what?The first thing they need is gold.To develop capitalism, a country needs four necessary factors: capital, raw materials, market, and labor force. Only with these can a country's capitalism develop.The number one priority is funds, if you don’t have money, it’s all bullshit!Why can't Africa develop capitalism?It also spends shells.If Europeans want to develop capitalism, they must first solve the problem of funds.Gold was scarce in Europe, so it had to go to the East to find it.In fact, there is no gold in China, only brass.In ancient China, gold was said, but it was brass. If China wanted gold, why did it still spend copper coins? Why didn’t it spend gold coins?China is a country that is extremely deficient in precious metals.

Our country's gold mainly relies on imports. Up to now, the gold reserves are only more than 1,000 tons, and the United States has more than 8,000 tons.China is a gold-poor country. If you say there is no gold, it is a bit white, right?Hey!Neither does silver!Silver in ancient China relied on imports from Japan, and it became a commonly used currency after the Ming Dynasty.In ancient times, there were copper coins and iron coins, and there was a serious shortage of precious metals.Who is so boring to tell the Europeans that we have them here?Old horse—Marco?Polo!You said he has never been to China, his book "Marco?Polo's Travels was well edited, yet some still believed it, and even drew a road map according to what he said.If you say that he has been to China, why do you write seven out of ten sentences that are wrong?He said that the top of the Khan's palace was covered with gold, so what if the Khan fell a gold brick while sleeping and was crushed to death?You say glazed tiles are gold, but you really don't know much.If you have been to China, why didn't you record the Great Wall?Why is it not recorded that Chinese people use chopsticks to eat?This is the bare minimum.This is what foreigners think the most amazing thing about Chinese people is that they actually eat with two sticks. Let’s see that foreigners are even more funny, cutting them with a knife. Do you eat people?It's still raw, and it's eaten while it's bleeding. These people are too barbaric, and they drink blood like hair.

Mark?Polo said that China has gold, and this group of people mistakenly thought that China really had gold, so they rushed here. In fact, it is Europe that really has gold.In ancient Europe, gold coins and silver coins were spent.But they didn't use all their gold as currency, otherwise they wouldn't be able to open up new shipping routes.The ancient European imperial palaces are incomparable to our Forbidden City. They are similar to the Juyi Hall in Songjiang. They are built of big stones, soaked in water, and a torch as thick as an arm is stuck on the wall. It is eerie.What did their gold do?Churches are built.Why did the Renaissance oppose theocracy?Because all the gold builds churches.

When I traveled to Europe, I really visited temples during the day and slept at night!Stores close at 6 o'clock in the evening, and you dare not go to open places, so you can only sleep.In summer, it’s still light after 9 o’clock in the evening, and I can’t sleep, which is very painful. In winter, it gets dark at 3 o’clock, and I have nothing to do when I go back to my room.Looking at various cathedrals during the day, I feel that the Gothic cathedrals are similar, and the cathedrals are beautiful.Cologne Cathedral, it is no exaggeration to say that if you wear a hat and want to see the top, the hat will definitely fall off.The church is more than 150 meters high, which is equivalent to more than 50 floors. It is built of stone blocks. Before the appearance of reinforced concrete, it was a miracle in the history of human architecture. It took more than 600 years for this church to be completed.The cathedral in Milan, Italy, was built for 511 years. There are more than 200 statues of saints on the exterior wall of the church, more than 100 spiers, and a gilded statue of the Virgin on the top, holding the Italian flag. It was built from 1386 to 1897.In fact, Notre Dame de Paris has not yet been completed. There is no steeple on the bell tower, so it was simply not repaired, and it was pulled down without money.What's even more funny is the cathedral in Strasbourg, France, called the Unicorn Church. There is only one steeple, and the other one was not repaired because of lack of money.A cathedral needs to be repaired for hundreds of years. If there is no money, it will stop working. Once it stops working, it can stop for a hundred or two hundred years. When there is money, it will continue to be repaired.Why is it so expensive to build a church?Because the standard for building a church in a European city is that the whole city can go in and worship in this church.How big do you think this church is?If there are 2,000 people in our city, 2,000 people need to enter, and if there are 3,000 people, 3,000 people must be able to enter.In all the ancient cities in Europe today, the tallest buildings must be churches, and the tallest buildings in villages and towns must also be churches.

When I arrived in Florence, I lived in the suburbs. I couldn’t afford to live in the city. It cost several hundred euros a night, so I had to live in the suburbs.At night it was too bright to sleep, so let’s stand on the balcony of the hotel and see a beautiful medieval town, so I asked a few traveling companions to go for a walk.After entering the city, I found that there were still people living there, drinking coffee and chatting, and within a few steps, I came to the very center of the town - the church in the town. There were not even 1,000 people in the town, but the three men hugged the pillars of the church. But come here, like the pillars of the Great Hall of the People, there are four in total. The bell tower is definitely the kind that you can fall down as soon as you raise your head while wearing a hat.

After getting on the bus the next day, I asked the tour guide what the name of the church was, and the tour guide said, who knows the name of that small dilapidated church.I insisted on asking the tour guide to ask me. The tour guide held the phone and didn't know who to talk to for a long time, and then told me that it was called St. Francis Church.I said you asked how tall the bell tower was, and the answer was 57 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 20-story building.Then I said you ask what year the church was built.The tour guide is annoying, why do you have so many questions?Are you the legendary curious baby?Since the tour guide is annoying, let's pull it down, and I can't ask any more questions.I guess it was not built in the past two years, it must be an ancient building.In a small town with thousands of people, it would be a waste of money to build such a cathedral, all the money was spent on it.

There are 12 mosaic paintings inlaid with gold in Venice's St. Mark's Basilica. It takes 20 years to paint each painting. It takes 240 years to calculate these 12 paintings, let alone how many years it took to build this church.So every cathedral in Europe is resplendent and magnificent.It should reflect the dignity of God and the insignificance of man. God looks down on you from a high heaven, and once you enter it, you will naturally walk softly and slowly.Many churches have a mouth painted on them, with simplified Chinese characters "no loud noises allowed", and other places there are "don't spit", "don't take away the toilet paper", "the trash can is here", all in Chinese characters , and there are only simplified characters, which kindly remind us that it is really exciting to see.

All the gold in Europe has built churches, so we have to go to the East to find it.Gold is indispensable, and spices are also indispensable.The West longs for Eastern commodities. Except for gold, they are spices. Spices are not perfume, but pepper, aniseed, cinnamon, and cinnamon.Because foreigners eat meat as their staple food, and meat is not easy to preserve, they use this thing to marinate meat. In addition to their desire for gold and spices, Europeans also wanted to spread Catholicism.Whether you call him noble or simple, foreigners feel very pitiful when they see a nation that does not believe in God.Chinese people have never believed in anything since ancient times. Have you seen Chinese people begging for rain?Holding the pig's head, I begged Lord Dragon, please let it rain, if it really rains, it will be very effective.This Dragon Lord is too cheap, it rains just for a pig's head, it's really low request.In the next game, give another pig's head.If it didn't rain, he would hold the pig's head and scold Lord Dragon while walking.You have seen foreigners enter the church, oh God, I will rob the bank tomorrow and bless me with success.If it doesn't work, yell at you for being blind to God, absolutely not.This is the best thing about Chinese people. They believe in everything and nothing. They believe in what is good for me, and they don’t believe in what is not good for me.When Matteo Ricci and his gang came to China, they were shocked at once, oh my God!Chinese people read the Four Books and Five Classics, worship Buddha, and practice alchemy. What do you believe in?We are quite proud of the fact that the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are integrated into one, and Confucius, Sakyamuni, and Taishang Laojun receive incense together.Integrating the three religions into one, in fact, doesn't that mean you don't believe in anything, aren't you afraid that the three of them will pinch each other?

When living abroad, don’t say that you are an atheist. In the eyes of foreigners, if you don’t believe in God, you are an animal.If you want to eat dog meat, it is the same as cannibalism, so you might as well publicly admit that you cannibalize yourself.In the West, religious belief can be integrated into the mainstream society. Why are entrepreneurs in Europe and the United States willing to do good and help others?Bill?Gates donates hundreds of millions a year, which is very related to the Christian belief. Another reason for opening new sea routes is the crisis of trade routes.It turns out that there are old shipping routes leading to Europe, and both China's Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road can reach Europe.Then why did the Europeans open up new routes when they were full?Because the old shipping route was blocked by the Ottoman Turkish Empire, the poor trade route caused a commercial crisis.The Ottoman Empire was established by the Turkic peoples called by the Tang Dynasty in China.After being destroyed by the Tang Dynasty, the Turkic people migrated all the way westward to today's Asia Minor and the Anatolian Plateau, where they converted to Islam. In the 11th century, a branch of the Turks established a country under the leadership of the leader Osman. This country was called the Ottoman Turkic Empire, and the English translation was called the Ottoman Turkish Empire.Turkey is English, and Turkic is Turkic, just like China and China are the same thing, not two countries.There are many kinds of Turks, and the Ottoman Turkic Empire is named after its founding monarch.Just like today's Saudi Arabia, it is a man named Ibn?The people of Saudi Arabia established the country in 1932, so this country is called Saudi Arabia.

In the 7th century, the Arab Empire rose in the Arabian Peninsula. In 642, the Arab general Amur led troops to capture Alexandria.According to the 13th century was born in ancient Egypt historian Ibn?Kifti said in "History of the Sages" that after Amur occupied Alexandria, some scholars boldly expressed their desire to preserve the precious books in the library of Alexandria, and Amur asked Caliph Umar for instructions, and the answer he received was It is: "Read the book you mentioned first. If the content is the same as the scriptures (referring), there is no need to preserve it; if it is contrary, there is no need to preserve it, and you might as well destroy it." So a fire burned for half a year, and the Alexandria Library was destroyed. It's completely over, and many things that record human history have been destroyed. After the establishment of the Ottoman state, one can imagine the attitude towards the trade between Christians and Confucians.First of all, 80% of the heavy tax is levied. Do you think it's over after collecting 80% of the tax?As soon as the knights pulled off their headscarves and covered their faces, they became Zoro. They chased after the merchant and cut the merchant in half. The goods belonged to him, and the trade route was blocked. So the Europeans tried to find a way to get around it. Although the Ottoman Empire controlled the Eastern Mediterranean and involved the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, it was not from the North Pole to the South Pole after all.Can't you go around on both sides of it? In Europe, the Ottoman Empire occupied the Balkan Peninsula. To the north of the Balkan Peninsula is Germany, and to the east of Germany is Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, and Siberia. If you go there, you will be licked by a bear.It seems that going north from the Ottoman Empire and taking the old trade route will not work.Can it go south?The Ottoman Empire controlled North Africa. To the south of North Africa is the Sahara Desert, which is as big as Brazil, and it is impossible to get out of it.Therefore, although the Ottoman Empire did not go from the North Pole to the South Pole, it was located in the middle of the world, and there was no way to get around it. It could only open up new shipping routes. One of the conditions for the opening of new sea routes is the advancement of navigation technology.Nautical technology includes shipbuilding, compass, gunpowder, sails, etc. Without gunpowder and sails, you can only stare at the pirates, and you cannot compete head-on.The compass is more important. Once the boat goes out to sea, follow the feeling. We can go as far as our heart goes, and that's it.Furthermore, if you want to sail, you must have a compartmentalized ship.It cannot be leaked in one place and sink as a whole. Once the watertight door is lowered, even if one compartment is flooded, the other compartments cannot enter the water, and the ship will not sink. It can still sail with a compartment of water.The design of the Titanic was that 6 cabins were flooded and it would not sink. As a result, it lost its back, and 7 cabins were flooded and sank.Because the captain made a mistake, he saw an iceberg in front of the bow and was about to hit it. He steered the rudder, thinking he could avoid it, but he scraped against the iceberg.The bow of the ship is the strongest, so it’s definitely okay to hit the rear. It’s better not to hide, but to hit it directly, scratching and cracking 7 cabins, and sinking immediately.Who taught Europe to build such boats?Chinese!Still Chinese!Because the wave height of our Bohai Sea is 1.2 meters, we have to use this kind of boat. If we use that kind of one-cabin boat, we will be finished.Also, a boat cannot have only one sail, which will break when the wind blows.The Greek warship has only one sail, and the multi-sail design was also taught by the Chinese.Advances in technology have provided conditions for long-distance voyages. Another important condition is the centralization of Spain and Portugal.Europe was originally about the same size as China. We are one country, and there are more than 50 countries in it. There is no concept of unification. They don't think they are divided and should be merged.The medieval history of Europe - the history after the fall of the Roman Empire is very similar to China's Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou, with feudal states and state establishment.The King of France decrees that he does not leave Paris. The King of England is also the Duke of Normandy in France. He is the King in England, has a territory in France, and is a retainer of the King of France.The king of France, when you come to the Champagne region, the people don't care about you at all. First of all, he doesn't know that he is French, and second, he doesn't know that there is a king in France, because the Count of Champagne is in charge of their affairs here.At that time, the most powerful country in Europe was the Principality of Burgundy, and the most powerful person was the Duke of Burgundy. Does this country still exist now?Only Spain and Portugal achieved national reunification at that time and established centralized power, because they wanted to expel the Arabs on the peninsula. During this process, national reunification was completed. The Arab Empire was later split into three: Green Dashi, Black Dashi, and White Yidashi.The food in green clothes is in Egypt, the food in black clothes is in West Asia, and the food in white clothes is in Spain.The Spanish Christians launched the Reconquista Movement, and it took 800 years to drive these people away. It was the year of Columbus's voyage.There are two important kingdoms in Spain, one king is male and the other king is female. The marriage of these two people made the country complete and unified. After Spain and Portugal completed the centralization, they were able to pay the cost of the voyage. Other small countries simply did not have this ability, so Dias started the voyage under such circumstances. In 1488, the Portuguese navigator Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope.He didn't go any further when he got to this place. In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to go, but that the sailors were about to mutiny.Everyone thinks this place is terrible. The two oceans meet, the rocks pass through the sky, and the stormy waves hit the shore. The gate of hell has been opened. If I go any further, I will be eaten by shark spirits. My mother told me to go home for dinner. Well, go back quickly.Dias went back and told the king that he saw the southernmost tip of Africa. In fact, it was not the southernmost tip of Africa, but the southwestern tip of Africa. Going further is the southernmost tip of Africa - Cape Point, which I named Cape of Storms.When the king heard this, he became anxious. If you dare not go there, forget it and scare others, so the king renamed it the Cape of Good Hope. Spain's eyes became red at the sight of it. You see how arrogant they are, we can't just sit idle, so we hired an Italian named Columbus to go on a long voyage, and finally arrived in America.Columbus’s voyage was a contract signed with Queen Isabella. His trip was not paid by the state, but Queen Isabella’s private money. It probably means that I will pay you for the voyage. When you arrive in America, you will get After the gold, my sister and brother split 20/80, 80% belongs to me, 20% belongs to you, you are the governor and admiral of all newly discovered territories, you will raise the Spanish flag and put up the cross wherever you go, let India Chinese, Japanese, and Chinese converted to Catholicism.It is said that the queen gave him all the jewelry boxes, and from then on the queen can only place flowers on her head.When Columbus saw that this business could be done, he went to get a ship excitedly. When he arrived in America, he thought he had arrived in India, so he went four times without changing his mind.This buddy is a bit memorized, is there gold in that place?The Americas are rich in gold, but in South America and North America, there is also gold on the Pacific coast, which is not available in the place where my brother went. Columbus didn't get back the gold in the end, the queen was in a hurry, you are a big liar, I was hurt by you.After Columbus's death, one of his compatriots, Amerigo, confirmed that it was not India but a new continent that Europeans had never visited, so he named this continent after Amerigo, which is what we now know as America.In fact, the Vikings who were hundreds of years earlier than Columbus have all been to America, but who made the pirates uneducated and forgot to record it. Portuguese up to?Gamma reached Calicut, India in 1498.65 years before he arrived in Calicut, the Chinese navigator Zheng He died of illness in Calicut, the place where Zheng He died on his last voyage. From 1519 to 1522, Magellan of Spain, himself a Portuguese, sailed around the world for the Spanish government. Unfortunately, he was hacked to death by the natives of the Philippines.The Pacific Ocean is named after Magellan.Did the ancient Chinese ever enter the Pacific Ocean?No.All the voyages of China's Maritime Silk Road are in the Indian Ocean. The impact of the opening of new shipping routes is a commercial revolution and a price revolution. In a word, the commercial revolution brought Europe from the Mediterranean age to the Atlantic age.This is the case in Europe, and it is the case in the whole world, and it is still the case today.Today, among the 24 developed countries in the world, except Japan and Australia, the rest are located on both sides of the North Atlantic; the South Atlantic is Africa and Latin America, and the two sides of the North Atlantic are 22 developed countries. So many countries think which organization is the most dazzling to join?NATO!You said that I joined a group of least developed countries, aren't you ashamed? The biggest result of the price revolution is rising prices. The result of rising prices is that the people are impoverished, the bourgeoisie gets rich, and the feudal lords gradually decline.It is easy to understand that the people are poor and the capitalists are rich. Why did the feudal lords decline?Which dynasty or generation of them is not a master, why did they decline?Because money land rent was generally levied in Europe at that time, and now that the currency has depreciated, it will be fine if you want to collect eggs.The currency has depreciated, so you can't sit at home every day and hope that the currency will rise.Why can't the rent be raised?The most important thing for Europeans is the contractual relationship. Once established, it cannot be changed.Half a gold coin is accepted, it was signed by my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather and your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, you want to charge two gold coins instead, are you still the grandson of your grandfather's grandfather's grandpa's grandson's grandson's grandson?I can sue you to the bishop, the lord, even the king!Therefore, the contractual relationship cannot be changed, and the feudal lord cannot raise the rent, so it is declining day by day. Then the "two teeth (Portugal and Spain)" began the early colonial expansion.Portugal first occupied points, such as Macau, China, which was only more than 20 square kilometers at that time, and then controlled commercial routes.Portugal is a very small country, with a population of 1 million and an area of ​​90,000 square kilometers. Regardless of population or area, it is equivalent to 1/100 of China.Therefore, Portugal has no ability to engage in large-scale aggression and can only occupy points and lines. Spain is more capable than Portugal, so it has done three major things: plundering gold and silver, genocide and slave trade. Mr. Liang Qichao said that after Columbus in the West, countless Columbuses followed.After Zheng He in China, there was no more Zheng He.Zheng He gave people money, he was a boy who was loved by everyone, and his flowers bloomed when he saw flowers blooming.The silver, silk, and bottles were all given to others.And Columbus turned and fished in with his elbows.Where do you go to reason? In 400 years, the Spanish Empire took away 2.5 million kilograms of gold and 100 million kilograms of silver from Latin America.Good guy, these gold and silver should be beaten into a 1-meter-wide, 1-meter-thick bridge that can span both sides of the Atlantic Ocean!A large amount of silver flowed into China. During the Qianlong period, China used half of the world's silver—65,000 tons.Westerners bought Chinese tea, silk, porcelain, and medicinal materials with silver, and a large amount of silver flowed into China.Therefore, the development of Latin America has made a considerable contribution to China. The genocide in Spain was to wipe out the Indians.When Columbus discovered the New World, there were 18 million Central American Indians, and 65 years later, there were 230,000 left.How can so many people be killed in such a short time?Mainly by infectious diseases.The Spaniards were very bad. They gave the Indians the blankets used by smallpox and cholera patients. The Indians who didn't know were very happy, and when they covered them foolishly, all the people in the village died.When we catch a cold, we may not take any medicine, and we will be fine in a week, unless it is a viral cold and we have a fever.The Indian is different. He might die if he catches a cold, because he has no immunity.For thousands of years, the New World was so pure and pollution-free, and had never had this kind of disease, and had no antibodies, so it was mainly because of the severe infectious diseases at that time, such as smallpox, cholera, diphtheria, and plague. Once these things spread, the Indians were wiped out . After the Indians were wiped out, Spain thought about it. There were no workers, and white people could not be allowed to work. After thinking about it, they thought of Africans.Blacks are more docile, unlike Indians.Indians are like us, yellow race, with tattoos on their faces, and chopping people with stone axes.Black people are more docile. If you tell me to sit, I will not stand up. If you tell me to lie down, I will never lie down. Moreover, the cost of arresting people is extremely low. Therefore, in 400 years, Africa lost 100 million capable laborers.Among the 100 million people, only 20 million reached the Americas, and the 80 million people were thrown into the Atlantic Ocean on the way.The cost of black slaves is low, and the profit of selling black slaves is 8 to 30 times, 800% to 3000%.If you catch 10 and die 8, you still earn money, as long as you don't all die, you don't lose money.A small boat can only hold 100 people. I stuffed 1,000 people in, then drove away, threw one to the Americas, and the rest was enough.Almost all the ancestors of black Americans today come from Africa. Didn't they go to Africa to find their roots?Which village is our ancestor from... In this way, the role of the opening of new sea routes and early colonial expansion becomes clear. First, Europe completed primitive accumulation.Human progress always has to be paid by someone. Unfortunately, the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have played the role of paying the price.The 2.5 million kilograms of gold and 100 million kilograms of silver, if they were on the American continent, would at most be a little yellow or white on the ears, nose, and belly button, or they would be idols in temples.Gold and silver have been buried in the American continent for tens of thousands of years, and no one has mined them. When they are brought back to Europe, they are transformed into capital and roaring machines. The dawn of capitalism begins to affect the whole world.Therefore, from the perspective of human historical development, the primitive accumulation of capital in Europe has promoted the development of the entire world history, which is progressive. Secondly, Europe began to export its own culture, and European civilization began to spread outward.European civilization itself is a strong civilization. Today you can’t see a few Chinese people wearing traditional clothes on the streets of China, they are all wearing western suits.Have you ever seen people wearing long gowns on the streets of China?Yes, it was about cross talk, and it came out without changing clothes.We can only say that we also learned from the West, and in the end we might play better than the West.This is the case in Japan. There are still people wearing kimonos on the streets of Japan, but there is absolutely no traditional clothing on the streets of China.As soon as I got on the bus, I was trampled into a mop. The influence of Western civilization on us is also reflected in festivals.Today's Chinese festivals, apart from the Spring Festival, I think Christmas is the most lively, girls and boys are happy.One year, on the night of December 24th, I bought tickets for the National Center for the Performing Arts and went to the theater with my wife. My wife said that tonight was Christmas Eve, and maybe the subway would be crowded.It was okay when I went there, but when I came back, my god, we were so crowded that we looked like packed enoki mushrooms.As soon as the car arrived in Xidan, a group of girls and boys aged 14, 15, 67, and 8 came in wearing a horn. My wife and I were separated immediately, and there was no need to look for them. Anyway, we all knew our family.too terrifying!When did you see so many young people on the streets?Anyway, there is no Spring Festival, it is the foreign festival, all go to church, do you believe in Christianity?Do not believe.Do you know who Jesus is?Allah doesn't know. Thirdly, the opening of new sea routes and early colonial expansion started a complete sense of world history.The so-called world history in a complete sense refers to the history of the world before the opening of new sea routes, which is actually only the history of regions, or the history of countries.For example, in the 8th century, the Tang Empire in East Asia, the Arab Empire in West Asia, the Byzantine Empire in Eastern Europe, and the Charlemagne Empire in Western Europe. Is there any connection between these four empires?Are there reciprocal envoys?Maybe every ten or twenty years, or every hundred or so years.A Tang Sanzang learned from Buddhist scriptures, and it is still taught in textbooks now!Today there is going to be a monk going to India to learn Buddhist scriptures. Do you want to talk about it?This matter is too common, and I will not talk about it if I fly three times in an hour. The Anshi Rebellion broke out in the Tang Dynasty, and even if the Byzantine Empire knew about it, it would not have any impact on its political situation.You live yours, I live mine, love is chaotic, you can't mess with me.Therefore, the history of the world in a complete sense was formed after the opening of new sea routes.
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