Home Categories world history War has never been so bloody 2. World War II US-Japan Pacific Showdown

Chapter 51 Guan Erye sells tofu

Without the participation of the "ship attack" fleet, the U.S. military was able to concentrate on the "ship attack" fleet. 14 Japanese torpedo planes attacked, and five of them were shot and caught fire. The remaining nine planes were divided into two teams and dropped torpedoes from the left and right sides of the aircraft carrier. The nine torpedoes are like nine sharks, baring their cold white teeth and breaking through the waves.This is the most palpitating moment. Hide to the left, come to the right, hide to the right, come to the left, there will always be one that can hit you. On the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, I don’t know how many steel ghosts have been so tricked.

However, the "Enterprise" survived, none of the nine torpedoes hit! This is called "Guan Erye sells tofu, and the little ghosts dare not come to the door." The "Enterprise" account took all the good luck home today. But the crisis was not eliminated, and the "South Dakota" soon issued an alarm: the next attack was coming. The attack was instigated by Tsukuda, the commander of the Second Aviation War.The Second Aviation Battle belonged to the vanguard of the Kondo Fleet. It had only one aircraft carrier, the "Hayato", and its attack capability was relatively weak. However, Kakuda's command style was completely different from Nagumo's, but it was similar to that of Yamaguchi Tamon during the Battle of Midway. A brave general who "attacks when he sees the enemy" dares to take risks and is willing to take risks.

The "Enterprise" in the naval battle.Just looking at the dazzling artillery fire in the sky, you can know how fierce the battle was at that time. Nagumo adopted the strategy of taking off the attack team from a long distance and trying to attack the opponent first. After Kakuda took over the command from Nagumo, he immediately went in the opposite direction. He ordered the "Falcon Hawk" to advance to the southeast at the maximum speed. Get as close to the US ship as possible. Going straight to the dangerous place is to let the aircraft fly a few more times when the number of carrier-based aircraft is too small, so as to maximize the utilization efficiency of the aircraft.

After the distance was shortened to 280 nautical miles, the "Hayato" released the first attack team including 29 Japanese aircraft.The captain of the attack was Lieutenant Yoshio Shiga, who participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor.Shiga found the "Enterprise" advancing in the waves at the destination. In his words, the "Enterprise" that had been hit twice seemed to have a bone in its mouth, and it sailed very slowly and strenuously. Before the arrival of the Shiga fleet, there was an interval of nearly 40 minutes. During this time period, the fighter planes of the two US aircraft carriers had been assembled. As soon as the Shiga fleet appeared, they were attacked head-on. The Japanese plane was blown up.

The greater the danger, the lower the aim. Although the aircraft bombs still fell one after another, the "Enterprise" was only hit by one bomb, and there was no major trauma.Finding it difficult to pass through the side of the "Enterprise", the Japanese planes turned their heads to attack other ships, and the "Enterprise" took advantage of the chaos to escape and withdrew from the battlefield. After the fierce battle, the skies over the battlefield fell into a short period of calm. Both sides were busy recovering the aircraft and taking time to catch their breath.Midfield inventory, the US "Bumblebee" was covered with cuts and bruises, and an obvious rectangular crater appeared in the center of the flight deck of the "Enterprise". Combat power has returned to the berth.

But it wasn't time for the curtain call, because Kakuda refused to agree. After the first attack team set off, the brave and ruthless Kakuda started to piece together the second attack team—it doesn't matter if there are fewer attack aircraft, one is counted as one. Masao Okumiya was on board the "Falcon Eagle". Just as he was busy preparing according to Kakuda's instructions, several small planes appeared dotted in the sky, flying very low.To be on the safe side, Kakuda gave the "Falcon Eagle" an order to "fight against the air." After a while, the small planes started to shake up and down, and it was only then that Okumiya figured out that they were all his own planes. He didn't know whether they belonged to the "Zuifeng" or the "Xianghe", anyway, he was homeless now.

Okumiya did not see the intact "Zuikaku" nearby, so he hastily marked the estimated position of "Zuikaku" on the map, and notified the direction to the small plane. After the small plane flew away, more and more Japanese planes were flying over the "Falcon Eagle". There were three in formation, two in formation or even alone. Each plane shook its wings, indicating that an emergency landing was necessary. These planes also came from the Nanyun Fleet. The difference is that they belonged to the remnants of the Nanyun Attack Team and escaped from the battlefield after a narrow escape.A sudden light flashed in Kakuda's mind: I am short of combat aircraft, why not use them?

Tsunoda even regretted letting go of the small plane, and he gave the order to allow the plane to land, but as one plane after another struggled to slide onto the deck of the "Hayato", Tsunoda was a little disappointed again. Many of the pilots were bloodied and immobilized, apparently seriously injured.Kakuda had no choice but to pick out some pilots who were still capable of combat, and appointed Captain Fief Shirane, the captain of the "Zuikaku" fighter jet, to take command. The pilot, who was already miserable, couldn't stop breathing, and was about to take another risk. Only the Japanese could do this kind of thing.Akumiya said to Shirane anxiously: "Shirane-kun, you have worked hard, please fly again, please?"

"Falcon Eagle".Originally a large luxury cruise ship of Nippon Yusen, it was changed to an aircraft carrier midway through construction.The huge bridge integrated with the chimney is the most obvious feature of the aircraft carrier's appearance. Shirane only answered "yes" and set off with the second attacking team. At 1:10 p.m., the Shirane fleet spotted the Hornet as it was slowly retreating towed by a US heavy cruiser. The Japanese plane quickly launched an attack, and six torpedo planes flew towards the two US ships close to the water.In this case, if one dies, one will die, and all will die if they are tied together. The cruiser hastily cut off the towline and turned to dodge. The "Bumblebee" was unable to dodge. A big hole was opened, and the fuel gushed out like a fountain.The aircraft carrier tilted so badly that the captain had to give the order to abandon ship.

The Japanese machine is like a leech biting a leg, once it bites, it will never let go.At 1:45 p.m., the "Zuihe" also joined the biting camp, and an attack group composed of recovered aircraft flew over the "Hornet", which caused another bombing on the flight deck when the US sailors left the ship. The battle had really come to an end, but Kakuda was still inexplicably excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood.He led the "Falcon Eagle" and the other two destroyers all the way to the southeast.The speed of the aircraft carrier was too fast, and the two little followers were complaining about the lack of fuel along the way.

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