Home Categories Chinese history "General History of Taiwan" Volume 1

Chapter 17 Volume 11 Educational Journal

Lian Heng said: Huh!Since the well field was abandoned, the school was closed, and the talents were declining. The reason why the imperial court selected scholars was the imperial examination.The imperial examinations are not enough to get talents, and talents have to be obtained through the imperial examinations. Therefore, the politics of Guan and Shang, the classics of Zhongshu, and the articles of Xiangru and Ziyun, Gou is not one of the eyes of the chief secretary, and he will never meet him all his life. .It is because the imperial examinations are not enough to win talents, but also suppress them, destroy them, block their eyes and ears, and imprison their minds, so that all the heroes of the world can enter my trap, and those who defend well dare not resist me, and I can worry about nothing. .Therefore, the establishment of schools is public; the system of imperial examinations is private.To harm the public with selfishness is the art of the overlord.In the ancients, the amount of people granted land, one man with one hundred mu, and a family of eight could live without hunger.Set up Xiangxu to teach them. At the age of eight, he entered elementary school and learned about Liujia, Wufang, and Shuji. At fifteen, he entered university and learned the sacred ritual music. Studying abroad is better than learning less.The difference between the princes' age, tribute and less learning is from the emperor, and they learned from Taixue, and their orders are called "Zaoshi".If the same behavior can be matched, then don't shoot it. After the conclusion is made, the official will be appointed.Therefore, in ancient times, the selection of scholars was also lenient, and their use was also strict; the later selection of scholars was also strict, and their use was also lenient. How can talents see it?Taiwan is a deserted island in the sea, and it has the rule of the former king.The Netherlands got it and began to teach the natives, and the teaching was just as a slave.In the three years of leading the platform, priests were sent to teach.To believe in Christ.At that time, the Guihua natives called Xingang, Mujialiuwan, Xiaolong, Madou, Damujiang, and Dajiedian, each with a church.Every Sunday, everyone rests and gathers here to pray and preach scriptures, so there are more and more followers.In the second year of Yongli, each community began to set up primary schools, with 30 students in each class. The classes were in Dutch, Dutch and the Old and New Testaments. Pastor Jiaqi Yushi also translated "Jesus Questions and Answers" and "Moses Ten Commandments" in Fan language to teach Fantong, the graduates are selected as teachers.Therefore, most of the Fan people learned Roman characters, could write books, cut goose tubes, slightly pointed, poured ink in the middle, and wrote very quickly. They used them for all deeds and official documents. .However, those who teach it are respecting the sky, respecting the superior, and loving the clan and country. Therefore, in the end of the Netherlands, there will be no rebellion among the natives, so the power of education is also there.Yanping conquered Taiwan, the system was first established, the soldiers were rested and the people were rested, and the establishment of schools was still in progress.In August of the nineteenth year of Yongli, the heir Wang Jing used Chen Yonghua as a brave defender.Yonghua governs the country, is old and mature, please build a holy temple and establish a school.The scriptures said: "The wasteland conquers new creation, the land is narrow and the people are few, and the public treats it." Yonghua said: "In the past, Cheng Tang was a king with a hundred miles, and King Wen prospered with seventy miles. How can a country be ruled by a wide land? All the people, the only way is for the king to employ people to seek talents and to help them. Today, Taiwan is fertile and wild, with thousands of miles away from the coast and overseas, and hundreds of thousands of people. Upbringing, after thirty years, is enough to compete with the Central Plains, so why worry about its narrowness. If a man lives alone without education, he is close to a beast. Fortunately, the people have enough food, and when they are waiting for soldiers, they should quickly educate and cultivate talents. If there are sages in the common state, the state will be in Yongning, and the fortune of the world will be prosperous day by day." Follow it.Ningnanfang was chosen as the site, facing Kuidou Mountain, and Minglun Hall was built next to it.In the first lunar month of the spring of the twentieth year, the holy temple was completed, and thousands of people watched it around the Pan Palace in the ceremony of explaining dishes by civil and military officials.All societies were ordered to set up schools to teach Confucianism to the children of the people in the middle of the country. All people entered primary schools at the age of eight, and taught classics and historical articles.Tianxing and Wannian prefectures have three-year exams. Those who are famous in the state exams will be transferred to the government, and those who are famous in the prefectural exams will be transferred to the hospital.Once a month, give granary meals.In the three-year test, it is especially important to make up for the six subjects.In March, with Yonghua College and Ye Heng as the assistant teacher of Guozi, teaching and educating them, Taiwanese people naturally began to study.At that time, Shen Guangwen, the Minister of Taipu Temple, lived in the Arhat Gate and taught Fan Li in Chinese.And the refugee gentry, most of them belong to the great scholars, carrying books in their arms, went to the shogunate, lectured on the scriptures, recited the law of the ancestors, and they were full of enthusiasm and wealth, and they flourished for a while.After the Qing people got Taiwan, in the 22nd year of Kangxi, the magistrate Jiang Yuying set up the second institute of sociology in Dong'anfang to teach children, also known as Yishu.Subsequent counties were added.Twenty-three years later, Confucianism in Tai and Feng counties was established.In the following year, Zhou Chang, the inspector, and Jiang Yuying, the magistrate, expanded the former site of the Confucian Temple, and set up a prefectural school next to it. A professor was sent by the province to manage the study of science.The county school set up teaching instructions, which were subordinate to Xuezheng, and then a member of the teaching staff was added.However, the school is empty, and the private school is empty.The sons of the four peoples all enter the study room at the age of seven or eight, and are taught by the teacher. They read or "Thousand Characters" first, and when they are finished, they are taught the four children's books, and they are strictly recited. capital.Those who can't, the prestige is Xia Chu.At the end of the year, he was awarded the three classics of "Poetry", "Yi" and "Zuo Zhuan".Before it is finished, the art is taught, the lessons are tested, and the questions are set and supervised.After ten years of study, you can take the exam.Those who are smart read ancient prose and read history books in order to become rich.The father orders his son, and the brother encourages his younger brother. They all regard the examination as the great cause of their life, overcome hardships and encourage them, and strive to be the first and fear the latter.In the old system, there were two examinations in three years, one for the scientific examination and one for the annual examination.In the twenty-fifth year of Kangxi, Governor Wang Xinming of Fujian Province and Governor Zhang Zhongju made a statement that there were 20 civil and military children in Taiwan each year, 20 civil and military children in Kejin, 20 Nanshan students, and Zengguang students.The annual tribute is based on the order of the granary raw food, and the annual tribute is one person.When the exam is about to take place, Tong Sheng goes to the county to take the exam, and writes his name, age, appearance and native place of three generations, and Lin Sheng keeps it.The sons of Zaoli, servants, advocates, and lowly households are not allowed to try. If there are others, all students will chase them away, and the granary will sit together.On the day of the pre-examination, the county magistrate enters the examination shed (the examination shed is also called the Academy of Scholars), rolls the rolls, and goes to the door for the examination.The examiner checks it up and down, publishes the list in a few days, and re-examines it.Decreasing successively, until the end is overturned, is the house of shifting.All counties are collected, and the system is the same.Taiwan is attached to Fujian, and it is divided into road patrols and admirals.In the fifth year of Yongzheng, it was changed to Han Yushi.In the seventeenth year of Qianlong, he still returned to Taoism.One day before the general examination, Xuezheng court clothes paid homage to the saints, went to Minglun hall, sat on the floor, set a case in the middle, and the janitors stood up to read the scriptures, and all the students waited on them.After the ceremony, he was admitted to the hospital.First of all, archaeology, try to use poems, Fu, policy theory, and classic interpretation, and the new and old are completed, and those who don't take the test will listen to it.The old students will be tested for the second time, and the new students will arrive.In addition to the upper house, those who rank first will eat next time.Those who do not take the exam will not be allowed to take the township exam.Try to list the fourth class, send out learning and warning.Those who fail to succeed after three trials will have their tops stripped off.The next time I took the examination of Tongsheng, I took the test at the door, and it was forbidden to carry books, searched and burned.The list will be released in a few days, and a dozen of them will be selected for re-examination. They will be entered according to the amount, and then the imperial edict will be recorded, and the red list will be distributed to all schools in prefectures and counties.Xuezheng led the homage to the saint, and retired after the ceremony.There is one person who pays tribute at the age of school in Taiwan, and one person who pays tribute at the age of two in each county. After that, it is called "Sui Gong".Those who live in the granary are studying and study, and they are born at the age of the granary, so they are called the students of the upper house.When encountering Qin En, the person who pays tribute in the current year is regarded as the entribute, and the next person is regarded as the year-old tribute.At the beginning of Shunzhi, the edict selected the students from the prefectures and counties to go to the court for an examination, and a group of twelve years was called Bagong.At the beginning of Yongzheng, it was set as a six-year trip, with two people from the prefectural school and one from the county school. If there is no such person, there will be a shortage.In the eighth year of Qianlong's reign, a group of twelve years was decided, as an example.At the time of the township examination, all students go to the examination, and those whose writing is excellent but limited, will be selected as the deputy list.Taiwan's quotas are all on the main list, and those who are worthy are unprepared, or the sub-list is sufficient, which is called a sub-tribute.After the township examination, Xuezheng selected several excellent students from the provincial examination, which were called excellent tributes.All five are selected scholars, and those who donate are taken as tributes.In the second year of Yongzheng, all provinces were ordered to order that those who were born in non-grandsons should not be used as teaching posts, and those who are currently in use should be dismissed, so the teacher's way is emphasized.Afterwards, it was abolished, donations prevailed, the tiger ratio was grand, and there were many unreasonable people.Therefore, in the three-year grand competition, when all the students are finished, the emperor orders the envoys to their hometowns.In autumn and August, three examinations were held in the province.With a betrothal coin, sent to the capital, called Juren.In the spring and March of next year, the emperor ordered the ministers to conduct three tests, and those who passed the imperial edict gathered in the court, and the emperor personally asked him about his policy.Taiwan has been established since the 25th year of Kangxi. In the 26th year, Zhang Yunyi, the admiral of the land route, said: "Please follow the example of Gansu and Ningxia for the Taishi Township Examination. The Xiangwei of Fujian Province will be re-numbered, and one or two names will be selected for the exam. If there are many people, they will be withdrawn." One of the characters written by Zhao Zhun.In the thirty-sixth year, Governor Guo Shilong asked the Taishi to withdraw, and the whole body was evenly distributed, and he could enter the memorial.Since then, every time I drop out of school and cross the sea, there are fewer people who try.In the seventh year of Yongzheng, Xia Zhifang, the imperial censor who visited Taiwan, was allowed to play, and he was still one of the numbered quotas.In the thirteenth year, Zhang Sichang, the inspector, asked for an increase in the quota, and the governor Lu Zhaoju played, and ordered Xu Jiazhong to add one.In the first year of Qianlong's reign, Enke, Fujian added 30, and Taiwan also added one, so take it as an example.In the 11th year of Jiaqing, the pirates rebelled, and many people in Taiwan admired righteousness to resist insults.In the next year, Zhao Sanyuan of the Grain Storage Road visited Taiwan and asked Governor A Linbao and Governor Zhang Shicheng to ask for an increase in the quota, and ordered the Taishi to elect Yougong.Fifteen years later, the imperial edict was issued, and three names were appointed.At the beginning, the small test of Cantonese in Taiwan was attached to each county.In the fifth year of Qianlong's reign, Yang Erxi, the censor who inspected Taiwan, had lived in Cantonese for a long time, and his household registers can be verified. There are more than 700 candidates who are currently eligible to take the exam, and they will be assigned a new number.A total of eight students from the Siyi Tong School will be attached to the government school. Once more and more people are taken in, they will be added and paid tribute. Please make a decision.However, the provincial examination is still attached to Fujian Province, and the whole body is uniform.In the eighth year of Daoguang, the Governor-General Sun Erzhun created another name in Fujian Province, and did not take the name of Yuesheng.Many Cantonese people have come to Taiwan, and there are also quite a few people who read and interpret Lei Lei.For example, the prefectures and counties should regard money and food as the difference, but since the Qianlong period in Taiwan, the reclamation has been advancing day by day, the people have become rich, the literary style has flourished, and the scholars who lecture on the classics and study history are comparable to those in the straight province.Therefore, when the province was established, the amount of pan in Taiwan increased sharply, and the amount of solution was also set at seven.In the fourth year of Qianlong's reign, Nuomubu and Shan Demo, the censors who visited Taiwan, invited Tai Shihui to take a test according to the example of the township test.The ministry discussed taking Taishi and examination, and if there were ten people, please choose one among them, and write as an example.Afterwards, there were those who dismissed the dangerous subjects and entered the CI forest.

The system of martial arts began in the Tang Dynasty, and its system is similar to that of scribes.In the Qing Dynasty following the example of the Ming Dynasty, there were two subjects, Class A and Class B, and those who took the Wutong test for the first time must first master the four sons' books, and take literature and military preparation as the exterior and interior.Afterwards, only the martial arts classics were recorded, and every year, they tried to use swords, stones, horses and arrows to pull out the most special ones.The same goes for township associations. At the beginning, in the twenty-ninth year of Qianlong, after Li Yiqing, the censor who inspected Taiwan, returned to Beijing and took over his order, he said: "Taiwan's four counties take the exam, and people from Duofu, Xing, Quan, and Zhangfu prefectures have a little proficiency in writing and ink, but they cannot aspire to their native places. It refers to those who live in Taiwan with the same surname, thinking that they are brothers and nephews, and openly go to the exam. The instructors don’t have time to ask, and the guarantors have no time to go into detail. Even if they steal a piece of clothing and return home with the clothes on, they are called people in Taiwan, but in fact there is no such person in Taiwan. The minister arrived in Taiwan last year, writing and watching the wind, the students in the four counties only had more than 80 volumes, and the officials who inquired were said to be all in the interior. The direction of the institute. Now the North and South Second Road in Taiwan is more than one thousand and hundreds of miles long, with no less than tens of thousands of households, and only a few doctoral disciples. In general, it is all due to the change of name in the mainland. The examination of Taidi used to have It is forbidden by the Ming Dynasty that those who do not grow in Taiwan should not be affiliated with Taixue. The Holy Dynasty’s ultimate intention of cultivating the frontier has been recognized by all. It is also stipulated that naturalization must be naturalized for 20 years, and those who have no original place of origin will be allowed to take the exam. Today four People from the government do not have a place where they can take the exam, but travel across the ocean, or take the exam again in two places, or use fake names to steal their honor by flouting merit orders. All civil and military students, according to the example of pretending to be a native of Beiwei Chinese style, have all returned to their native places. I still ask the governor to order the Taiwan Road, which is also in charge of the admiral's education and administration. After that, what measures should be taken to check the prefectural and county examinations and the road examinations? , knowledge and knowledge are fine, and their clerks and others dare not share the disadvantages of seclusion and bribery. Si Zehai is all Zou and Lu, and the transformation of people is far away." The Ministry of Rites will discuss the reply, and the Ministry of Rites will play .It is an order to prohibit counterfeiting.In the battle of Cai Qian, people in Taiwan served their duties bravely, and merchants in the suburbs also donated their salaries to help the army.Afterwards, Zou increased the amount of pan, and appointed three suburbanites to be attached to the government school, thinking that the children of suburban merchants would take the exam.First, in the ninth year of Shunzhi, school regulations were promulgated, and all academic journals were ordered to erect monuments in Minglun Hall, which was regarded as the foundation of education.Those who are encouraged are loyal ministers and upright officials.As for those who are supervised, they are not allowed to write a letter stating the advantages and disadvantages, they are not allowed to form associations to arbitrarily judge the country, and they are not allowed to publish articles to claim their reputation.Offenders will be stripped of their leather, and they will be punished with the same crime, which can be described as severe.The husband's country raises scholars, so it also cultivates vitality.There were 30,000 imperial scholars in the Eastern Han Dynasty, who spoke dangerously and profoundly, and did not hide their powers. The public officials avoided their derogatory comments, and the world regarded them as their referees.Song Zhusheng Fuqueluo Drum, invited Li Gang, the legacy of the three generations, only this is similar.Now it is a major national event and not allowed to speak, so it is useless for all students to study!It's cool to mess up the people and destroy the hearts of the people!The people of the Qing Dynasty won the world with bows and horses. After entering the customs, they still followed the Ming system and used the imperial examinations to win over talents.Scholars go to school with bundles of hair, and they are poor in years, and this is the only picture.Those who are lucky enough to achieve their ambitions can wear blue and purple, wear seals and ribbons, gain wealth and honor, and be favored by clan friends.Those who are unlucky and lose their ambitions will spend their whole life in a state of old age and die without a single advisor.Wuhu!The advancement and retreat of talents is based on this as a trade-off. How can politics be governed, and how can learning flourish?

In the ninth year of Kangxi, sixteen imperial edicts were issued, and local officials were ordered to gather gentry in the Minglun Hall to give a lecture on the day of Shuowang, so that the army and the people can learn from it.In the first year of Yongzheng, "Guang Xun" was published, which was distributed to all townships and ordered to be recited by children.On the day of Lunar New Year's Eve, we also gather at the local government office to preach one by one.In the first year of Qianlong's reign, the "Academy Discipline and Training" was reissued.However, the school is not prosperous, the vanity is still favored, and the prison of writing is full of killings. The reason why it suppresses scholars, plays with talents, and burns books to prosecute scholars is nothing like this.Taiwan is a new sea service, and the people who work hard are mostly survivors. They are full of wheat and grass, and they miss their homeland, so many of them are not happy to be officials.In the 23rd year of Kangxi, Weitai Kui, the prefect, was first built as Wenshuyuan.In the 19th year, Liang Wenxuan, a sub-road inspector, also built Haidong Academy, which was successively established in various counties, thinking that it was a place for all students to study.There is a Zhai house, the chairman of the court division, and a supervisor to supervise it.The officials and teachers try once a month, take 20 children each, and give each of them seven coins for tuition and silver.Forty extracurricular students, each with three cents and seven cents.As for the mountain chief, 400 yuan is paid for the repair, 120 yuan for the additional examination and 120 yuan for the small class, and 12 taels a month for the supervisor.In the fifth year of Qianlong's reign, Liu Liangbi, the sub-inspector, hand-crafted five academic regulations of Haidong Academy: the first is Ming Dayi, the second is the principle of learning, the third is practical learning, the fourth is the text style, and the fifth is careful friendship.In the twenty-seventh year, Jueluo Siming, a branch inspector, determined again: one is Duan Shixi, the other is emphasizing teachers and friends, the third is setting up courses, the fourth is dunning practice, the fifth is reading theory, the sixth is text style, and the seventh is advocating poetry. Learning, eighth is learning career.During the Daoguang period, Xu Zongqian served as a road patrol, and tried his best to rectify the school regulations, especially those who were sent to the hospital to study.I must come every night to ask questions of all living beings, teach them how to protect themselves and make up their minds, and encourage them to read and write.At that time, all the living beings competed to observe and learn from each other, and most of the people who were close to the school became talented.Tai County is the first good area, and the literary style is vigorous. There are literary clubs in the east, west, south and north, and Kuilou is the center, so Kuilou is also called an academy.Every time there is a matter of learning, gather together to discuss it, so as to advance and have a division, but dare not make radical remarks.And appreciating wonders and resolving doubts is also based on time.For example, when a driver gets off the car, he must try to observe the wind, try to use poems, Fu, policy theory, or inquire about the advantages and disadvantages of the place, which still means to learn from others.The ancients rumored and the common people slandered; businessmen traveled in the city, and the craftsmen performed arts to admonish them.In Mengchun of the first month, the Can people follow the road with wooden duo, collect their style poems, and use Chen Tianzi, so the king does not come out of the court, and knows the chaos of the world.However, under three generations, the right and wrong in the world come from the imperial court, not from the school.Therefore, when the Son of Heaven honors him, the crowd tends to think it is right; if the Son of Heaven humiliates it, the crowd thinks it is wrong. When he is addicted to poison, profit and wealth inspire the heart, and morality and righteousness grow.In the eleventh year of Guangxu, Liu Mingchuan served as the governor, analyzed Xinjiang, set up officials, and increased the number of students.Following the approval of the Ministry of Rites, it was found out by various schools that 150 students and 86 military students were transferred from the schools in the north and the south to the schools in Taiwan. Fifty-two scholars, eleven martial arts students, eleven who were assigned to Miaoli, eleven martial arts students, forty-nine scholars and twenty-two martial arts students who were assigned to Yunlin from the Jiazhang School.The increase in the original granary students should be supplemented by the new students according to their rankings. Since the eighteenth year, it has been changed to the new students to support the meals.At that time, the governor and the admiral supervised the academic administration, and approved the examination fee. The annual examination fee was 12,000 yuan for two sessions, half of which was shared between the northern and southern governments.The annual examination is 3,300 yuan, and the scientific examination is 2,700 yuan.The newly established Taiwan government will start the examination in separate sheds in Xinmao, that is, according to the regulations of the North and the South, the total of the two examinations at the age of 6,000 yuan, and the departmental examination will be 2,700 yuan.All of them are spent on the balance of the salt class.The examination fees for the northern and southern prefectures are 850 yuan for the annual examination and 700 yuan for the scientific examination, which are also used by the rest of the salt.In the early days, the Taishi Township Examination, for example, was paid by Haidong Academy to help students who did not study.After the establishment of the province, the official ships came and went, and the tickets were changed, and those who took part in the examination were given 100 yuan for those who were studying in the academy. Although they were not in the academy, the winners were also the same. Otherwise, they were only given 40 yuan, and they should go to the academy. Supervise registration and then distribute.If it is Taipei, the government will provide it on its own, and the Taiwan government will also apply for it nearby and send it to the government for approval.The reason why the imperial examinations are rewarded is the best.At that time, everything was in full swing, agriculture, industry, roads and mines were held successively, and many talents were borrowed from foreign countries. It was inscribed that it was a plan to cultivate people. In twelve years, a telegraph school was first set up in Dadaocheng to learn their skills.In the 16th year, the West School was set up in the city, and four people were hired as teachers. They selected intelligent children from all over Taiwan to teach them. Divided into Chinese and various courses.All students pay government fees, about ten thousand taels a year.The results are great, and Taiwan's education is one of the new ones.The matter of the husband's reclamation is the great policy of governing Taiwan.Although the former Fanshe set up social sciences, they selected those who were outstanding as the students, and favored them. This was considered a strategy for restraint, not a strategy for long-term governance.In the spring of that year, in March, a fan school was set up. First, 20 fan boys from Dazhuo, Quchi, and Ma Wudu were selected and counted, and Luo Buhan, Wu Hualong, and Jian Shouxi were hired as teachers. Next to Mandarin and Taiwanese.The daily etiquette is imitated by the Han system.Every three days, the guide will go on a trip to meet the Han people, dispel their stubbornness, and cultivate their sense of perception.And Ming Chuan came to the school temporarily to test the students' homework and reward them with all their strength.The prosperity of talents is vigorous and vigorous, and it can be used in a few years.However, since Shao Youlian arrived, in seventeen years, the Western School was withdrawn, and in eighteen years, Fan School was also abolished.It's so sad!

Table of Confucianism in Taiwan Confucianism in Tainan Prefecture was governed in Tainan Prefecture, and it was established in the 24th year of Kangxi.All of the following are attached in the Confucian temples of the "Ceremony Chronicle". Confucianism in Anping County is governed in Anping County, and it was established in the 23rd year of Kangxi. Confucianism in Chiayi County was established in Chiayi County in the 23rd year of Kangxi. Confucianism in Fengshan County was established in Fengshan in the 35th year of Kangxi. Confucianism in Hengchun County was not established. Confucianism in Taiwan was governed in Taiwan, and it was established in the 15th year of Guangxu.

Confucianism in Taiwan County was not established. Confucianism in Changhua County is governed in Changhua County, and it was established in the fourth year of Yongzheng. Confucianism in Yunlin County was not established. Confucianism in Miaoli County was not established. Confucianism in Taipei Prefecture was governed in Taipei Prefecture, and it was established in the sixth year of Guangxu. Confucianism in Danshui County was not established. Confucianism in Hsinchu County was established in Hsinchu County in the 22nd year of Jiaqing. Confucianism in Yilan County was governed in Yilan County, and it was established in the second year of Guangxu.

List of Taiwan Academy Haidong Academy is located in the west of the school in Tainan Prefecture. In the fifty-ninth year of Kangxi's reign, Liang Wenxuan asked to build it, and later it became the School of Scholars.In the fourth year of Qianlong's reign, Shan Demo, the censor who visited Taiwan, asked not to build a school of scholars.In the following year, Yang Eryou, the imperial censor who visited Taiwan, asked to follow the example of Fujian Province directly under the Central Government, take the professors of the prefectural schools as teachers, and teach all the students who were admitted, and give them tuition.So Ba Gongsheng was the first to donate a thousand stones of grain to the world for repairs, and donated a hundred armors of paddy fields to make up for the funds, so he extended Professor Xue Zhonghuang as his teacher.In the sixth year, Liu Liangbi, the inspector, wrote the academic rules of the academy, and erected a stele in Eryou, which is now in the academy.In the fifteenth year, Fang Bangji, the magistrate, and Lu Dingmei, the magistrate, rebuilt the county office to the right of Chixian Building, and moved the academy to the old office.In the seventeenth year, the edict was issued to patrol the road and supervise the academic administration, so the school scholars of Sui Ke were in the Taoist Department, and the school scholars were Kuang.In the 27th year, Xun Dao Jue Luo Siming repaired the old courtyard and set up a stele to record it.Thirty years ago, Jiang Yunyu, the magistrate, chose a place under Xiqi, the prefectural school, to protect the way. Don't build this courtyard, which is 30 feet wide and 80 feet wide, facing east, and the lecture halls are fully prepared.Subsequent repairs.

Chongwen Academy was originally located in Dong'anfang, Tainan Prefecture. It was a free school for the government.In the tenth year of Qianlong's reign, it was rebuilt in Zhuangnian, the official of Xundao Shefu.In the fifteenth year, Lu Dingmei, the magistrate of Taiwan, moved Haidong Academy to the old county office, and took the old Haidong Academy as Chongwen Academy.In the twenty-fourth year, Jueluo Siming, the magistrate, built a new lecture hall and a vegetarian house in the east of the government office, and erected a stele to record it, which is now in the courtyard. Nanhu Academy is located next to Fahua Temple in Tainan Prefecture. In the 29th year of Qianlong's reign, Jiang Yunyu, the prefect of Taiwan, built it as a place for students to study, but it is now abolished.The inscription written by Yun Yu was recorded in the county annals of Taiwan.

Zhengyin Academy is on the left of the Taiwan County Office. It was established in Fengwen in the seventh year of Yongzheng, and Fengshan and Zhuluo counties were also established, but they are all abolished today. Yinxin Academy was originally located in Xizailin Street, the county seat. In the 15th year of Jiaqing, Huang Diacui, a gentry from the city, copied it from the Bailian Sect Zhaitang.In the eighteenth year, Li Rong, the magistrate of the county, and Diocui proposed to change it to Taiwan County Academy, and each donated money to buy property, which was moved to Zhuzai Street.Yao Ying, the magistrate of the county, donated again to earn interest.In the twelfth year of Guangxu, it was changed to Penghu Academy.

Penghu Academy is on the right side of the Chiqian Building in the county government. It was built by Shen Shouqian, the magistrate of Taiwan County, in the 12th year of Guangxu. Kuilou Academy is next to the Tainan Government Administration Department. In the fourth year of Yongzheng, it was a meeting place for all students. Fengyi Academy is located in the east of Fengshan County Office. In the 19th year of Jiaqing, Wu Xingcheng, the county magistrate, built it. Pingtung Academy is located on Ahou Street in Fengshan. In the 20th year of Jiaqing, Wu Xingcheng, the magistrate of Fengshan County, and Liu Yintang, the prime minister of Xiadanshui County, built it.

Yufeng Academy is located in the west gate of Chiayi County. It was the site of the old county school. In the 24th year of Qianlong, it was rebuilt by Li Tan, the magistrate of Zhuluo County. Hongwen Academy is governed in Taiwan and was built in the 15th year of Guangxu. Baisha Academy is on the left of Changhua Confucian Temple. It was built in the tenth year of Qianlong Emperor by Zeng Yueying, a Tongzhi of Tamsui, Changhua County. Twenty-four years later, Zhang Shizhen, the county magistrate, rebuilt it.In the 51st battle, it was destroyed, and Song Xuehao, the county magistrate, was rebuilt to the west of Wenci Temple.In the 21st year of Jiaqing, Wu Xingcheng, the county magistrate, rebuilt it on a larger scale.First, in the 16th year of Jiaqing, Yang Guisen, the county magistrate, suggested that the old warehouse outside the south gate be rebuilt into the Zhujing Academy, and the teacher extended the lecture. It was allocated to Baisha Academy.

Wenkai Academy is located in Xinxing Street, Lukang, under the jurisdiction of Changhua. In the fourth year of Daoguang, Deng Chuan'an, the prefect of Lukang Haiphong, initiated the construction.Zhu Zi was enshrined in the middle, and Shen Guangwen, Xu Fuyuan, Lu Ruoteng, Wang Zhongxiao, Shen Quanqi, Gu Qijian, Guo Zhenyi, and Lan Ding Yuan Pei were all worshiped in Taiwan.Guangwen Wenkai, so it is famous for its virtues.It was written by Chuan'an himself and recorded in Changhua county annals. Longmen Academy is governed in Yunlin County and was built in the eighteenth year of Qianlong. Lantian Academy governs Nantou Street in Yunlin County. In the 11th year of Daoguang, Zhu Maoyan, the magistrate of Nantou County, invited scholars from Nanbei Toushui and Shalianbao to propose the establishment of the academy. Three years into.Zhu Zi is worshiped inside, which is the lecture hall, and the vegetarian house next to it, with a fee of more than 4,100 yuan.The crowd also donated money to buy land, and hired the head of the mountain to pay for the tuition and fire. Gong Sheng once made a stele for Lin Li, and it is now in the courtyard.In May of the third year of Tongzhi, the gentleman Wu Lianhui rebuilt it, and Ding Yuejian, the military preparation officer, wrote an inscription: "Zu Kai Chongwen", which was Fang Ping also in the battle of Dai Chaochun.In the tenth year of Guangxu, Chaoyang, the son of Lianhui, repaired it again. Yingcai Academy was established in Miaoli County in the 13th year of Guangxu. Dengying Academy was governed in Taipei Prefecture. It was built by Chen Xingju, the magistrate of Taipei Prefecture, in the sixth year of Guangxu. Mingdao Academy was governed in Taipei. In the 19th year of Guangxu, it was established by Shen Yingkui, the chief envoy of Taiwan. Xuehai Academy was originally named Wenjia Academy in Taibei Prefecture.In the twenty-seventh year, Governor Liu Yunke toured Taiwan to Mengka, and it was renamed today.Tongzhi Cao Shigui is the leader of the mountain, and there are dozens of students who are out of school, and their writing style is vigorous.It was rebuilt in October of the third year of Tongzhi. Ming Chi Academy is located in the west gate of Hsinchu County.First, in the 28th year of Qianlong's reign, Hu Zhuoyou, a tribute student from Yongding, set up his own free school with his old house at the foot of Xinzhuang Mountain in Xingzhibao.Tamsui Tongzhi Hu Banghan Jiazhi asked the big officials to change it to an academy.The following year, Governor Yang Tingzhang erected a stele to record it.Thirty years later, Tongzhi Li Junyuan thought that the academy was too far away and it was inconvenient for teachers, so he proposed to move it to the south gate.In the forty-two years, Wang Youbi, the Tongzhi, used the funds of the school scholars to deposit funds for reconstruction.In the forty-sixth year, Tongzhi Cheng Lutai moved to the west gate because of the low-lying terrain of the south gate.In the ninth year of Daoguang, Li Shenyi, a fellow acquaintance, repaired it. Yangshan Academy is on the left of Wenchang Palace in Yilan County.At the beginning, when Yang Tingli came to Lanzhou to prepare, he took Song Yang Guishan as the school of Fujian studies, and there was also Guishan Islet in the sea of ​​Lanzhi, so it was named Yangshan, and Zhijingxing also.In the 15th year of Jiaqing, a rafter was built, and in the 24th year, Kavalan passed the judgment that Gao Dayong was the teacher of Yan Yan, and the house gradually fell into disrepair.In the first year of Daoguang's reign, Yao Ying was judged by the Department to rebuild the building in the left chamber of the back hall. There was only one hall and one room, and it was soon destroyed.In April of the tenth year leap, the Department of General Judgment Salian built three new couplets on the old site as the place for teachers.Since the early years of Daoguang, the balance of the Qingzhang was charged as rent interest, and the annual income was about 1,000 yuan for various expenses. Chung Chi Academy is located in Keelung Hall and was built in the 19th year of Guangxu. Wenshi Academy is in the west of Wen'ao under the jurisdiction of Penghu Office. In the 31st year of Qianlong, the general judge Hu Jianwei followed the request of Gongsheng Xu Yingyuan and others to donate money to build it.In the middle is the lecture hall, where the five sons of Zhou, Cheng, Zhu, and Zhang in the Song Dynasty are enshrined. Next to it are Zhai houses, each with ten rooms.In the seventh year of Daoguang, Jiang Yong, his deputy general Sun Defa, and guerrilla Jiang He, etc., donated their salaries and advocated the practice.In the spring of the ninth year, the Kuixing Building was rebuilt in Xunfang to take the image of civilization, and please raise funds for living.In the first year of Guangxu, director Cai Yucheng invited scholars and merchants to reconsider the construction, and donated more than 2,000 taels.It was completed in the winter of the second year, and the regulations were extensive, but it was out of funds. Yucheng went to the Taoist Office to ask for funding.
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