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Chapter 35 Section 1 Road and Army, Jianhe and Jimi Prefecture and County in Song Dynasty

The Northern Song Dynasty unified the Central Plains and ended the disputes of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. However, the rise of Liao in the north and the founding of Xixia in the northwest formed a tripartite confrontation.In view of the decline and fall of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty had too much military and financial power in the local area, and the tail was too big to lose. Therefore, after the founding of the country, it adopted the method of "strong stems and weak branches". , and later worked hard on the adjustment and reform of the political districts. In the early days of the founding of the Song Dynasty, it followed the Tang system and divided the country into 10 roads. Taizong changed it to 15 roads, and it was increased to 23 roads in Shenzong. "The division of road is between the supervision area and the administrative area. It has greater power than the supervision area, but it is not equal to a complete first-level administrative area. In the Song Dynasty, the power of the road chief was not equal to that of the state chief in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. It is not equal to the post-Tao chiefs of the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty; but it has more power than the governors of the Han Dynasty and the interview envoys in the early Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, there were at least three chiefs (some more), and one chief was in charge of finance, Administration is called transfer envoy; one officer is in charge of military affairs and is called appeasement envoy; the other is in charge of judiciary and supervision and is called prison. So each road has three agencies and three officers, and the power of each officer is not very great. In the state of the Song Dynasty, many affairs could still go directly to the central government, so the system in the Song Dynasty can be said to be a system between the third level and the second level."

In the sixth year of Shenzong Yuanfeng (AD 1083), the 23rd road is Jingdong East Road and West Road, Jingxi South Road and North Road, Hebei East Road and West Road, East Road, Yongxingjun Road, Qinfeng Road, Liangzhe Road, Huainan Road East Road and West Road, Jiangnan East Road and West Road, Jinghu North Road and South Road, Fujian Road, Chengdufu Road, Zizhou Road, Lizhou Road, Kuizhou Road, Guangnan East Road and West Road.These roads are in terms of the jurisdiction of the transshipment envoy. "In the first year of Qingli (AD 1041), Shaanxi was divided into Qinfeng, Jingyuan, Huanqing, and Fu (fufu) Yansi roads. In the eighth year (AD 1048), Hebei set up Daming, Gaoyangguan, Zhending, and Ding State 4th Road. In the fifth year of Xining (AD 1072), Xihe Road was set up in Shaanxi again, which was specially set up for the military. It was led by the Transshipment Department, so it was not counted in the Eighteenth Road and the Twenty-Third Road. At the beginning, there was only one Transshipment Department in Shaanxi, and when it was taken over by Xihe Road in Xining, it was divided into two Transshipment Departments. One ruled the Yongxing Army, called Yongxing Jun Road; once governing Qinzhou, it is called Qinfeng Road." (Qian Daxin's "Shi Jia Zhai Yang Xin Lu") Later, in the fourth year of Chongning (AD 1105), Jingji Road was restored and became 24 Road.

The capital of the Northern Song Dynasty was still Kaifeng Prefecture in Tokyo according to the old system of the Five Dynasties, and the name of Henan Prefecture in Xijing (now Luoyang) has not changed.At this time, Songzhou (now Shangqiu City) was promoted to Nanjing Yingtianfu.Because it was the residence of Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty when he was appointed as the Jiedu envoy of the German army, it was regarded as the place where Longfei lived. Therefore, after the founding of the country, it was not only used as the name of the country, but also promoted Songzhou to Nanjing.Beijing Daming Mansion (now Daming County, Hebei Province) was an important stronghold for defending Gyeonggi and managing the north.It needs to be explained that the prefecture and the state were at the same level at that time, and the prefecture was a special state.In the Tang Dynasty, apart from the various mansions introduced in the previous chapter, only mansions were established in the capitals of the mainland. For example, Chengdu and Jiangling were successively one of the five capitals, so they were called Chengdu Mansion and Jiangling Mansion respectively. It was also renamed Yizhou and Jingzhou.However, in the Northern Song Dynasty, Jiangning (now Nanjing), Xingyuan (now Hanzhong), Zhending (now Zhengding) and other cities that had nothing to do with both became prefectures.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, new settings such as army and prison were added.In the Tang Dynasty, the army was the name of the troops stationed in the border area. The big one was called the army, and the small one was called Shouti.During the Five Dynasties, the army was listed as a political area, but it did not govern counties and belonged to prefectures and prefectures.In the Song Dynasty, it was officially listed as the name of the political district.There are two types of counties under jurisdiction and counties without jurisdiction. Counties under jurisdiction belong to Lu, while counties without jurisdiction belong to prefectures.For example, in the northeast of today's Baoding City, Hebei Province, there was the Ansu Army established in the Northern Song Dynasty and Ansu County under its leadership. In Suicheng County, these two armies have counties under their jurisdiction, so they belong to the state level. They have always been known as "Tongliangmen, Tie Suicheng".

Prisons are established in areas with various industries.There are industries such as mining and metallurgy, coin casting, salt cooking, tea making, and horse herding.Some prison names had already appeared before the Song Dynasty, but they were not clearly listed as political districts until the Song Dynasty. Like the army, they also had two categories at the same level as the state and at the same level as the county.At the same level as the state, such as Guiyangjian, which belongs to Jinghu South Road, has jurisdiction over Pingyang and Lanshan counties, and there are famous silver pits such as Baizhu, Maoshou, and Jiuding in the territory.Another example is the Lingjingjian on Chengdu Fu Road, which was later renamed Xianjingjian. It is famous for producing well salt. It has Renshou and Jingyan counties under its jurisdiction, which are two relatively famous places.At the same level as the county, there are prisons located in areas such as casting coins, iron smelting, horse raising, and frying salt, which also reflects the grand occasion of production development and economic prosperity at that time.

The Song Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty's ethnic policy of "governing the remote ethnic areas" by "government by customs", mainly establishing Jimi Prefectures and counties in the southwestern region. In the southwestern part of Guangxi alone, there were 54 Jimi Prefectures, with counties and caves under the prefectures.He also served as the magistrate, magistrate, and magistrate of Dong as the chieftain, and the descendants were hereditary, and the tribute did not enter the household department.This system is also called the native official system.The implementation of this policy accelerated national integration.

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