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Chapter 23 Supplementary picture

Zhu Kerou, Southern Song Dynasty, "The Picture of Ducklings in the Lotus Pond"

Tang Zhangxuan "Pounding and Practice Picture"

"Spinning Wheel" by Wang Juzheng, Northern Song Dynasty

Susiguo Chan Clothes Unearthed from Mawangdui Han Tomb No. 1 in Changsha

Dongjiang textile portrait stone unearthed in Caozhuang, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province

The Eastern Han Dynasty "Everything is going well" brocade unearthed from the Niya site in Minfeng, Xinjiang

The Eastern Han Man-beast Grape Pattern Unearthed from the Astana Tomb in Turpan, Xinjiang

Silk Paintings Unearthed from Mawangdui Han Tomb No. 1 in Changsha

The four-petal flower Luo of the Tang Dynasty unearthed in Xinjiang

Tang Dynasty Wax Valerian Elephant Screen

Tang Dynasty folder valerian pair of bird screens
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