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Chapter 3 Section 2 The Earnest Teachings of Sages and Sages

There were many sages and sages in ancient China, and they left many meaningful teachings for future generations.Taking these teachings as a rule of life or a guide for studying and doing things is very helpful for a person's success.Many aspiring young people in history have always encouraged themselves with the teachings of sages and sages. "Tian Xingjian, a gentleman constantly strives for self-improvement." This is a sentence that has encouraged tens of thousands of young people to strive for self-improvement.This sentence is found in the Confucian classics, which means: the way of heaven is constantly running day and night, and it is very vigorous; a person with lofty morality should be inspired by the operation of the way of heaven, and he must also be very vigorous and strive for self-improvement Only by working hard can we achieve something.This teaching has been used as a motto by many aspiring young people in history to urge them to work hard. Even aristocratic figures like Cao Pi who have been established as the prince of Wei in the Three Kingdoms period often use this teaching to motivate themselves to strive for self-improvement.He said: "Young people should really work hard. Once the year passes, how can we climb?" .Because of this, he often urges himself to keep working hard.Later, he became the founding emperor of the Wei State. Not only was he politically wise and decisive, he was a typical example of an old-style Mingjun, but he also made great achievements in literature. He is an accomplished politician and writer.

"Cultivate one's morality, regulate the family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world." This sentence is found in the Confucian classic "Great Learning", which means: If a person wants to achieve a great cause, he must first start with self-cultivation, and then improve his family. Manage well, and then we can talk about governing the country and benefiting the people of the world.If one's personal cultivation is poor, and brothers and fathers and sons are at odds in the family, how can one talk about governing the country and benefiting the people of the world?This teaching of "Cultivation, Qi, Governance, and Peace" has encouraged many people in history. Do it, and finally realize your ambition and become a respected great man.If you look at the footprints of great people in history, you will see that most of them have high personal morality and harmonious families. out of the law.For example, Yang Ye in the Song Dynasty determined to be a general who contributed to the country since he was a child. He practiced martial arts hard by himself and developed a good martial arts. After he established a family, he had very strict requirements on his family.Later, not only did he serve the country to the death on the battlefield, he became a patriotic hero, and his descendants were also loyal ministers who did their best to defend the country, which is really a kind of loyalty.

"Three people walk together, there must be my teacher." This is a sentence that encourages people to be humble and eager to learn. It is the Confucian sage Confucius teaching students the cultivation they should have in being a human being and studying.Confucius also said: "A gentleman is proud but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not prosperous." It means: a moral person is not proud even if he has achieved something; accomplished.Confucius’ teaching on the need to be humble in being a person and studying has played a very good guiding role for many people who have made academic achievements in history. They are humble and studious since they were young, absorbing the strengths of others like sponges, mastering them, and becoming themselves. He acquired knowledge and talent, and finally became a great scholar.For example, Huang Zongxi, a famous thinker in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, was very modest and eager to learn.When he was young, he not only learned respectfully from his teacher Liu Zongzhou, inherited and carried forward the teacher's knowledge, but also humbly learned from some young friends of the same generation. We need to learn a little bit of this.Later, he said in his book "Thinking of the Old Records" that besides the teachings of his teacher Liu Zongzhou, he was also influenced by his friends Shen Meisheng, Lu Wenhu and others, so he was very grateful to them and would always Remember how they helped you.

"Lying on fire and tasting courage" is a historical allusion that encourages people to work hard when encountering difficulties.During the Spring and Autumn Period, King Goujian of Yue was defeated by the State of Wu.In order to avenge his shame, Gou Jian used firewood as a bed at night, and hung a gall on the beam of the house. He tasted the gall before three meals a day, in order to warn himself not to seek comfort and enjoyment, but to remember hatred , work hard, revenge and shame.The hard-working spirit shown in this historical story is also a useful teaching left to us by the sages and sages, and has played a very beneficial role in enlightening many people.When people are pursuing knowledge or doing some kind of career, it is impossible for everyone to have smooth sailing. When encountering good opportunities, the situation is relatively smooth; sometimes the road is bumpy, and bumps and bumps are inevitable every step forward.At such times, people often use the spirit of suffering through hard work to motivate themselves, so that they can maintain a style of hard work, face the reality without discouragement, and look to the future.For example, Zu Ti of the Eastern Jin Dynasty followed the Jin Yuan Emperor to the south of the Yangtze River after his northern homeland was occupied by the Huns and Xianbei.He kept in mind the shame of the country's destruction and family destruction, and encouraged himself with the spirit of suffering through hard work. Every morning, he heard the chicken dance, practiced martial arts, and prepared for the Northern Expedition to regain lost ground.Later, when he crossed the river and made an expedition to the north, he swore that he would never turn back until he regained the lost land.He achieved great victories in the Northern Expedition and inspired the masses.In the end, although his vow was not fulfilled due to various reasons, which made him hate Jiuquan, he is an outstanding national hero inspired by the spirit of suffering through hardship and courage, and will live in people's hearts forever.

In addition to those listed above, there are many more teachings that ancient Chinese sages and sages gave to young people.These kinds of teachings are the driving force for young people to study hard and work hard.All young people who consciously follow these teachings can often become talents very early and make great contributions to the country and the nation.This is the power of Chinese traditional culture, and the young people in ancient China were very lucky to embark on the road to success under the impetus of this power.
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