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Chapter 37 to meet

tears and laughter 纪伯伦 1102Words 2018-03-20
The night embellishes the sky with jewel-like stars, shining brightly.From the valley of the Nile rose a nymph, flapping invisible wings.The fairy sat on a throne made of colorful clouds, and the throne floated over the Mediterranean Sea, shining silver in the moonlight.A group of elves swam in front of the fairy in the sky, and they shouted as they swam: "Holy, holy! This is the daughter of Egypt, and her glory shines on the earth." From the peak of Mount Jiankou surrounded by cedar forests, the phantom of a young man was lifted up into the clouds by a seraphim, and he sat on a throne next to the fairy.The group of elves swam past them again, shouting in unison: "Holy, holy, this is the son of Lebanon, whose glory will last forever."

The young man held his lover's hand and looked into her eyes. The wind and waves carried away their love words and spread them across thousands of rivers and mountains: "Daughter of Isis! How perfect and beautiful you are! How deep and great is my love for you!" "Son of Astarte, what a handsome youth you are, and how much I miss you!" "Darling: My love for you is like a standing pyramid. Generations cannot break it down." "Darling, my love for you is like your fir tree, evergreen." "Scholars and scholars of all nationalities, from all over the East and West, ask to learn from your philosophy and explore your secrets, my dear!"

"The great men of all nations come to you, to enjoy your beauty, to appreciate your charms, and they are delighted. Enchanted, my dear!" "There are rich treasures in your two palms, which can fill thousands of warehouses, my dear!" "Your arms have sweet springs flowing, and your breath is a breeze, my dear!" "The palaces and temples on the banks of the Nile celebrate your glory, and the Sphinx speaks of your great tradition, dear!" "The green fir on your chest signifies that you are a nobleman, and the castles around you show how brave you are, my dear!"

"Oh! how comforting it is to love you, and how sweet it is to hope for you. My dear!" "Oh, what a generous lover you are, with what a faithful heart, how beautiful your gifts, how precious your gifts, you have sent me a host of young men who represent the sleeping Awakening. You sent me the 'knight, who made my people strong from weakness; I'm talented and enlightened my people. " "What I send you are seeds, and you make them bloom like brocades. What I give you are seedlings, and you make them green. You are a fertile virgin land, which can make roses The scent of lilies and lilies is intoxicating; it will make green firs and cypresses soar into the clouds."

"Darling. I see sadness in your eyes, do you still feel sad by my side? "Some of my children have gone to foreign countries, leaving me behind, wouldn't it make people miss and sad?" "My dear, I'd rather have your sorrow than the fear and panic I have now." "Daughter of the Nile, you are a great nation, what are you afraid of?" "I'm worried that a tyrant is playing tricks to get close to me, trying to hold me in his hands by force. " "Beloved, the life of a country is like that of an individual: there are fears, and there are hopes; there are ideals, and there are depressions."

A pair of lovers hug each other and drink nectar from kissing cups.Again the chorus of the Elves sang before them: "Holy, holy, earth and sky are filled with the glory of love."
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