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Chapter 30 act five

The first Northampton.Enter King John, Pandulf holding the crown and attendants in a room in the palace. King John Now I put my crown into your hands. Pandulph (Crown to King John) Take back your honor and authority from me, the pope's representative. King John now begs you to keep your sacred promise, go to the French, and use all the powers that the Holy Pope has given you, to stop their advance before the war comes to us.Our resentful states and counties are all rebelling one after another, and our people are unwilling to obey the king's orders, but instead pay money to foreign monarchs.This kind of dangerous situation where people's minds are chaotic can only be settled down by relying on your strength.Do not delay, therefore; for this is a time of serious illness, and the cure must be hastened, or it will be incurable.

Pandulph, I started this turmoil because you insulted the Pope. Now that you have sincerely repented, my three-inch tongue can still make this turmoil peaceful and make your turmoil The treacherous land has returned to sunny weather.Remember, on Ascension Day, because you have sworn allegiance to the Pope, I am going to tell the French to lay down their arms. (Down.) King John is Ascension Day today?Didn't the Prophet say that I'll take off my crown before noon on Ascension Day?Sure enough, there is such a thing.I thought I would be forced to give up my crown; but, thank God, this time it was automatic.

Enter Bastard. Bastard Kent has surrendered the whole city, only the castle of Dover is still in our hands.Like a hospitable host, London has opened its doors to welcome the Dauphin and his army.Your nobles refused to accept your order, and all defected to your enemy; the few remaining people who stood on your side were also frightened and panicked, each with a double-headed mentality. Will the nobles of King John still refuse to come back when they hear the news that Arthur is not dead? The bastard and the others found his body thrown in the street like an empty treasure chest, and the jewel of life hidden inside had been snatched away by some villain.

That bastard John King Herbert told me he wasn't dead. Bastard, on my soul, he said so, because he didn't know.But why are you so disheartened?Why is your face gloomy?You were ever ambitious, be heroic in your deeds; let not the world see fear and pessimistic doubts rule the eyes of a king.May you be active as in these troubled times; may you yourself be a fire against the blaze of the prairie fire; menacing menaces, frightening off boastful menacers with fearless eyes; The ordinary masses of the world will look at your example to increase their courage and summon up their indomitable and resolute spirit.go!Like a majestic God of War, show off your majesty on the battlefield, fully demonstrate your courage and confidence in winning.Hey!Shall we be willing to let them go straight to the lion's den, Shall we, a lion, tremble at their threats?what!Let's not give people a joke.Take the initiative and run out of the door to give him a head-on blow before the enemy enters the door.

The envoy of Pope John has just come, with whom I have made a happy settlement; he has promised to advise the Dauphin of France to evacuate his troops. Bastard, shameful alliance!Do we still want to rely on others to uphold justice, compromise and flatter the aggressive force, and negotiate despicable peace agreements with it when the enemy army is pressing down on the border?Could it be that a brut, a pampered dandy, can flaunt his might in our soil, run rampant in this battle-hardened country, and veil his unfurled banners from our skies, without encountering resistance ?Sire, let us take arms; perhaps the bishop cannot broker your peace; and if he has such strength, at least let them see that we are determined to defend.

KING JOHN Then leave it all to you. Well, Bastard, go, take courage!Even if the enemy is more rampant than now, I dare say our strength is enough to deal with it. (same below.) Second Field St. Edmunds near Bury Plain.Enter the French camps of Louis, Salisbury, Mauron, Pembroke, and Bigot, each in arms and soldiers. Comte Louis Mallon, take another copy of this document, and keep it for the record; the original is still returned to these lords.Our purpose is written in it, and by this covenant, they and we may understand why this solemn oath was taken, and maintain both unwavering and unchanging allegiances.

Salisbury It will never be destroyed on our part.Honorable Prince, although we swear to support your actions wholeheartedly and voluntarily offer our hearts, but believe me, Your Highness, the scars of this era of great pain and deep pain must be covered by rebellious and despicable hands Ointments, to heal an old sore, have made so many new wounds, which I am most sorry for.what!I grieve with all my heart, for I must draw my sword from my loin, And how many widows there are in the world; while my ruined country, Shouts the name of Salisbury, and asks for my aid and defense!However, this era has been infected with a serious illness. In order to save our dying justice, we can only fight chaos with chaos and destroy violence with ruthless violence.O my sad friends!We are all sons of this island nation, and now we shall see such an unfortunate day, follow the iron heels of a foreign race, and step on its gentle breast, is it not a painful thing?When I think that we must, for unavoidable reasons, have turned our faces against our enemies, and come here under the banner of a foreign country, in the company of the enemies of our country, I can weep bitterly over the disgrace.what!come here?Ah, my country!If you could move a place, if the great arm of Neptune that encircled you unknowingly carried you to a heathen shore, then perhaps these two Christian armies could put an end to their enmity, and work together, Cannibalism again!

Louis, Your magnanimous speech has fully demonstrated your spirit of loyalty; The noble emotions that war in your breast can shake the world and weep the gods.what!What a valiant battle you have fought between necessity and just concern!Let me wipe for thee the noble dew that glistens on your cheeks; my heart once melted before a woman's tears, but a common flood of emotion; but a man pouring like this Hot tears, such a tempest from the soul, shocked my eyes more than I saw the vaulted sky filled with fire-breathing meteors.Raise thy brow, Salisbury venerable, and with thy great heart drive away this tempest; and let those who have never seen a world of enraged giants save but drink and eat and play and talk Let the eyes of babies who know nothing else shed their tears.Come, come; you'll reach out for infinite fortune, like Louis himself, and you'll all share my riches with all you've done to help me.

Enter Pandulph with his attendants. Louie I think an angel was just talking.Behold, the Pope's legate has come to communicate to us the will of Heaven, and with holy edicts our actions have been justified. Pandulph blesses, noble prince of France!I have come here for no other purpose than to tell you that King John is reconciled to Rome; his soul is set right, and is no longer hostile to the Holy Church, the great court of Rome.So now you can roll up your glorious banner, subdue the savagery of violent war, and let it lie tamely at the feet of peace like a domesticated lion, no more harming the living, leaving only A ferocious appearance.

Louis Your Excellency, I beg your pardon, I don't want to go back.I am the heir apparent of a great country, and I cannot be used or commanded by others; no government in the world can drive me to be its loyal servant and tool.Thou hast at first fanned the ashes of the cold war between a vanquished kingdom and myself, and fueled it, and kindled this blazing fire; It is impossible to blow it out with this weak breath from your mouth.Thou hast taught me my rights, and what I may claim of this land; Thou hast inspired me this adventure, and now thou artst thou tell me that John hath made peace with Rome?What does that peace have to do with me?By my marriage title, after Arthur, I claim the dominion of this land; and now it's half-conquered by me, I must retreat, because John has made peace with Rome?Am I a slave to Rome?How much money did Rome spend, how much manpower was provided, and how much armament was provided to support this battle?Am I not solely responsible?Who has shed a drop of sweat or done anything in this war but me and those who are under my rule?Didn't the inhabitants of these island nations shout "Long live my king" to me when I passed their cities?In this gamble for the crown, am I not sure of winning?Do I have to self-destruct now?No, no, on my soul, I will never do anything like that.

What you see, Pandulph, is only the surface of reality. Whether Louis is good on the outside or on the inside, I recruited this elite army this time and selected the most valiant fighters in the world. I originally wanted to win the glory of victory from the jaws of danger and death. Before the goal is achieved, I will never return empty-handed. (Trumpet sound) What trumpet calls us so loudly? Enter the bastard, leading his attendants. Bastard In accordance with the just principle of equality, I beg you to hear a few words; I have come here to spread the word.Holy Eminence Bishop of Milan, my lord has sent me to inquire how the work you have done for him is going.After hearing your answer, I can declare the will of our king with the power I have received. Prince Pandulf was too stubborn to accept my mediation; he was determined not to lay down his arms. The bastard swears by the blood of his anger, the boy is right.Listen now to our King of England, for I speak for him.He was ready; it was his natural and due course of action.For this impertinent march of monkeys, this masquerade dance, this rash trick, this ignorant presumptuousness, this childish army, our king can only dispose of it. He smiled; he was well prepared to sweep this trifling war and the might of these dwarves beyond his borders.His mighty giant palm once beat you so hard that you dared to stick your head out in front of your door. Some jumped into the well like a bucket, some squatted on the firewood in the stable, and some shut themselves in the box. In cupboards, some in pigsties, and some in cellars and prisons for their safe hiding-places, When the crow of your country crows, It trembles at the voice of an English soldier; Will this victorious hand that has battered you in your lairs weaken its strength here?No, let me tell you, the valiant king has already put on his armor, like a hawk hovering high in the sky, watching the chicks in its nest with scorching eyes, ready to turn over and strike the enemy who intends to invade at any time.Be ashamed, ye degenerate, ungrateful traitors, ye cruel Nero, who slit the belly of your dear mother England; Marching forward with the sound of drums; they have already taken off their thimbles, put on their scorpions, put down their needles and threads, and picked up their spears. Their tender hearts have been condensed into iron-blooded wills. Louis Your threats are done, and you may return safely; I admit that you are better at cursing than I am.Good-bye; our time is too precious to waste talking with quarrels like yours. Pandulph asked me to say a word. Bastard no, I still have something to say. Louis, I don't want to listen to either of you.Beat the drum; let the tongue of war assert my claim and announce my coming. Yes, Bastard, when your drums are beaten, they cry out, just as you also cry out when we beat you hard.Just stir up an echo with your drum, and you'll hear the same loud echo from the other drum; Roar like thunder; for the valiant John did not trust the capricious messenger. ——He didn't need his assistance, but he was just playing with him. --He has approached with an army; on his brow sits the death of bones, ready to feast on the flesh and blood of thousands of Frenchmen today. Louie beat your drums, let us experience your majesty. Bastard, don't worry, Prince, I will teach you our colors today. (Exit each.) The third game is the same as before.The sound of battlefield horns.Enter King John and Herbert. King John, how do we win or lose today?what!Tell me, Herbert. Herbert's situation is probably very unfavorable.How does His Majesty feel? King John's fever, which haunted me for a long time, made me miserable.what!My heart feels very uncomfortable. Enter an envoy. Messenger, your brave kinsman, Faucanbridge, begged your majesty to leave the field hastily, and he sent me back to tell him which road you intend to take. King John said to him, I will go to Swinstein, and rest in the monastery there. Messenger, rest assured, for the great reinforcements which the Dauphin was expecting had struck and sunk three days ago on the sands of Goodwin.Sir Richard has just received the news.The French army was demoralized and was already retreating. O King John!This vicious fever, burning my body, prevented me from welcoming the good news.To Swinstein; hasten me to the cot; weakness takes hold of me, and I'm fainting. (same below.) The fourth game is the same as before.Enter Salisbury, Pembroke, Biggot, and others from the other part of the field. Salisbury I never thought the King of England would have so many friends. Pembroke cheer up; cheer up the French; if they lose the battle, we're done. Salisbury's bastard bastard Falcon Bridger was desperate to fight everywhere, and he was the only one who supported today's battle. The Pembrokes said that King John was very ill, and had left the field. Several soldiers helped Maolun get injured. Maureen leads me to the traitors of England. Salisbury We were not called that when we were in power. PEMBROKE This is Lord Merlon. Salisbury He was badly wounded and dying. Flee, Maureen, noble Englishman; you are bought and sold like a commodity; find an exit from the straying of treason and error, and regain the loyalty you have cast away.Seek where King John is, and kneel at his feet; for if Louis be victorious on this tumultuous day, He'll cut off your heads for your labors.He has sworn this oath before the altar at St Edmundsbury, where I am with many others; and it is at that altar that we pledge to you intimate co-operation and enduring friendship. Is something like Salisbury possible?Is this sentence true? Wasn't Maolun's hideous death close to my eyes? Didn't I just last a sliver of life, drowning in blood, like a wax figure melting beside a flame?All deceit is useless to me. What else in this world can cause me to speak deceit to others?I must die here and live forever by the truth. Since this is an absolutely true fact, why should I treat others with hypocrisy?I say again, if Louis is victorious, unless he breaks his oath, your eyes will never see a new day reveal its light in the east.On this night, whose dark, poisonous breath has already breathed on the red-hot face of the feeble, day-weary sunset, on this night of sin, you will stop your breath, use your Every life pays the price of your treason; if Louis wins with your aid.Hail to a Herbert of your king's side for me; I confess all this to you, with the thought of my friendship, and because my grandfather was an Englishman.The only reward I ask of you is that you help me to a secluded place, away from the noise of the battlefield, where I can meditate on my remaining thoughts in peace, and let my soul, through meditation and devout prayer, May the power of my will escape from my shell. Salisbury We take your word.I wholeheartedly welcome this great opportunity to turn back from our sinful ways and retrace our old ways; The dikes we despised return tamely and quietly to our oceans, to the feet of our great King John.Let me help you, to lift you out of here, for I see the cruel agony of death manifested in your eyes.Go, my friends!Let us make a new flight; and this new flight is fortunate, for it tends to the old justice. (Exit all the supporters Maolun.) The fifth game is the same as before.Enter the French camp Louis with his retinue. As if unwilling to sink, the Louis sun continued to stay in the air, staining the western sky with a blush, while the British dragged their heavy and feeble steps back from their own positions.what!We're so majestic today, After such bloody battles, We bid farewell to the glorious day with a cannon-fire of demonstration, Furrow our rumpled banners, And come home from the empty field; The bloody plain, almost gone It's under our control. Enter an envoy. Where is His Highness the Envoy Prince? Louis here.what news? The Earl of Merlon, the envoy, is dead; the nobles of England follow his advice, and betray us again; Your long-awaited reinforcements have run aground and sunk on the sands of Goodwin. Louie, bad news!You deserve death!All the joy I had tonight was taken away by you.Who told me King John fled An hour or two ago, Before the dark night parted our weary armies? Messenger No matter who said it, it is the true fact, Your Highness. Good day Louis, rest in peace everyone tonight, and take extra precautions; I'm going to get up earlier than the day, and try my fortune tomorrow. (same below.) Scene 6 Bastard and Herbert from opposite directions in the square near Swinstein Abbey. Who is Herbert over there?Hey, report your name!Speak quickly, or I'll shoot an arrow. Bastard a friend.who are you? Herbert I am from England. Bastard where are you going? What's the matter with you, Herbert?You can ask me, why can't I ask you? Bastard, are you Herbert? Herbert You guess well; I can trust you to be my friend, because you know my voice so well.who are you? Bastard You may call me whoever you think I am; and you may consider me a collateral descendant of the Plantagenates, if you will. Herbert's good and bad memory!Coupled with the blurry night, I am blind, so I am sorry.Brave warrior, I beg your pardon for my ear not being able to discern a sound it knows so well. Bastard forget it, forget it, you're welcome.What's the news outside? Herbert I am running about in this dark night, looking for you. Bastard, don't gossip like that, what's the news? Herbert!My good lord, there are but dark, gloomy, startling and dreadful tidings worthy of this evening. Bastard Show me the wounds this bad news has made; I'm not a woman, I won't faint from it. King Herbert I fear have taken a monk's poison by mistake; I was nearly speechless when I left him.I was afraid that you would be in a hurry when you suddenly found out about this matter, so I hurried out to report the bad news to you, so that you can be prepared for this unexpected turn of events. How did the bastard survive?Who tasted it for him first? Herbert A monk, I tell you; a regicide traitor; he took a sip, and in a moment his guts burst open.The king can still speak, and maybe he can be cured. Bastard, when you leave the king, who will watch over him? Don't you know, Herbert?The nobles came back, and they brought Prince Henry with them.The king, at Prince Henry's entreaty, has pardoned them; and they are now at his side. Bastard, hold back your wrath, O majestic Heaven, make us suffer no blows we cannot bear!I tell you, Herbert, My army was half swept away by the tide this evening, when they passed Lincoln Moor;you go first!Take me up to the king; I'm afraid he'll die before he sees me. (same below.) SCENE SEVENCE, THE GARDEN OF SWENSTEAM HOUSE Enter Prince Henry, Salisbury, and Biggot. It was too late for Prince Henry.His blood was completely poisoned; his lucid mind, which some considered the frail chamber of the soul, was already uttering an incoherent delirium that foretold the end of life. Enter Pembroke. Lord Pembroke was still talking; he believed that if he could be taken out into the open air, it would relieve some of the heat of the poison that was burning within him. Prince Henry Bring him here in the garden. (Exit Bigot) Is he still talking nonsense? Pembroke He is quieter than when you left him; he sang just now. Prince Henry, hallucinations in sickness!Severe pain can make people lose the feeling of pain in the long-term continuation.Death had invaded his exterior, and the invisible hand was assailing the heart, stabbing it with countless wild fantasies, which huddled into a chaotic mass as they surrounded and occupied this last stronghold.Strange that death also sings.I am the fledgling of this feeble swan, watching him die singing a mournful dirge to himself, and from the feeble reed of life, playing a requiem, to perpetuate his soul and body rest in peace. Salisbury Be at peace, prince; for thy gift's business To order this disorder which he bequeaths. Bigot led his attendants and waited for King John to sit in the middle of the chair. King John O, now my soul has a little leeway; it will not go out through the window or through the door.On my chest is such a scorching midsummer that burns all my internal organs to ashes; I am a document written on parchment, baked by such a fire, and my whole body is shriveled and scorched. How does His Majesty Prince Henry feel about his body? King John is poisoned to the marrow, sick to the bone; dead, forsaken, and forgotten; and none of you will call Winter, put his cold finger in my throat, or let my country Let the river flow through my fiery chest, or ask the cold wind in the north to kiss my parched lips and give me some comfort from the cold.I don't ask much of you; I entreat some cold consolation; but you are so stingy that you refuse me even that. Prince Henry!May my tears have some power to relieve your pain. King John The salt of your tears is hot.Inside me is a hell, and the poison is the devil in the prison, who ravages the blood of irredeemable sin. Enter Bastard. Bastard!I was full of anxiety, wishing I could spread my wings and fly in front of His Majesty. King John, nephew!You are here to close my eyes.Like a ship sailing in the sea of ​​life, the cables of my soul are broken and burnt, and only one thread remains, which holds the wrecked hull together; when you tell me your news, it will be Wandering to unknown lands; what you see before me will then be a heap of decayed bones, ruining the majesty of its lord. Bastard Dauphin of France is preparing to attack here, God knows what strength we have against him; for as I moved my army on favorable ground, As I passed Lincoln Moor, a sudden tide swept me most of the night All the people and horses were swept away. (King John dies.) Salisbury you send these deadly tidings to a dead ear.my lord!my lord!Just now he was a majestic king, but now he has become like this. Prince Henry I must go like him, stop my journey like him.What was once a king, now is clay; what protection, what hope, what support is there in this world? Bastard, are you going like this?I shall remain on earth to avenge you, and then my soul shall serve you in heaven, as on earth I am your servant.Now, now, you returning stars, where is your strength?Now you can show the sincerity of your contrition.Return with me to the field at once, and drive destruction and eternal disgrace beyond our enfeebled lands.Let us hasten to meet the enemy, or the enemy will soon find us; the French dauphin is behind us. Salisbury So you don't know as much as we do.The Bishop of Pandulf is resting there, who came here half an hour ago from the Dauphin of France, and on behalf of the Dauphin, he made a proposal to us for peace, declaring their determination to withdraw their troops at once to a truce; We might as well accept it for our honor. Bastard, we must strengthen our defenses, so that he will retreat in the face of difficulties. Salisbury Nay, they may be said to be already beginning to retreat; for he has sent many chariots to the sea, and entrusted his disputes to the bishop.If you agree, this afternoon, you, me, and other gentlemen can hold negotiations with this bishop and negotiate a satisfactory result. So be it bastard.You, my noble prince, and the other princes who are not present at the meeting, must be present at your father's funeral. Prince Henry's body must be buried at Worcester, as it was his last will. Bastard, then bury there.May His Highness inherit the legacy of the late kings, shoulder the glory of the motherland, and enjoy endless blessings forever!I kneel at your feet with the most humble sincerity, and offer you my unchanging devotion and eternal obedience. Salisbury We honor the same devotion to your highness, never stain it in the slightest. PRINCE HENRY I have a loving soul to give you its thanks, but know no other way but tears. Bastard!Let us only pay this age our due sorrow, for it has long received our sorrow.Our England has never bowed, and never will, at the proud feet of a conqueror, unless it first injures itself with its own hands.Now these sons of it are back in the bosom of their mother country, and though the whole world is our enemy, attacking us on three sides, we may drive them back.So long as England is true to herself, no catastrophe can shake our hearts. (same below.) Note: King Lionheart is King Richard I of England (Richard I, Coeur de Lion, 1157-1199), who participated in the Third Crusade. This three-cent penny is similar to two-cent and four-cent pennies; therefore, a rose is added behind the ear of the queen on the face of the coin for identification. Basilisco, a character in a popular play of the time, demanded that he be called a "knight" when he was humiliated. St. George, one of the saints, the patron saint of England, is said to have slain dragons. When the Roman army attacked Jerusalem in AD 70, the insurgents who were engaged in a civil war in the city united to resist the aggression. The name of the ancient British coin, together with thirteen shillings and four pence. Ascension Day (Ascensionday), the day after Jesus died, that is, the fortieth day after Easter. Nero (Nero), Roman tyrant, who killed his mother.
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