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Chapter 17 act four

The introduction speaker plays the role of time. Time: I have made a few people happy, I have suffered for all people, good, good, evil, and evil have announced their joys and sorrows one by one; let me now use the name of time to drive the twins, skip a long period of time, please don’t criticize : Sixteen springs and autumns have already passed silently, how many changes have occurred in the white-haired and beautiful people during this period; I have the ability to overthrow all the customs of the world, why should I bow to the shackles of the rules of the past and the present? This is not a small gap, and everyone’s experience has already been explained in the previous article; now I want to mention a completely new reason, so that the old story shines with brilliant light: It’s like you suddenly woke up from your sleep Wake up in a start, let me unfold a new scene to you.

Leontes repented of his foolish rootless envy, and shut his door and dwelt thereafter in solitude; good spectator, imagine me again in Bohemia, and remember the king He has a son at his knees, Florizer is The name of this young prince; now let’s talk about Perdita, she is a handsome man: I don’t need to predict her later life here, the news will be announced one by one in due time; now she has a shepherd as her Father, her future fate will soon be revealed. If you think this drama is boring, please don't worry, I hope you will not be bored like this again in the future! (Down.) The first Bohemia.Enter Polixenes and Camillo, a room in the palace of Polixenes.

Polixenes good Camillo, ask no more of me.It hurts me to refuse you anything; but if I granted your request, I could hardly live. Camillo Fifteen years have I been from my country; And though I am used to living in a foreign country, Yet I wish to return to my old home.Besides, my old lord, the King, has confessed, and has sent for me; and though I should not boast, it is added to my departure that I might ease his heart a little. A lot of motivation. Polixenes, you love me, Camillo, do not leave me now, and forget all your past labors.Your own goodness makes me indispensable; it is better that I never knew you than that you deserted me in the middle.You've got me a lot of work that no one else but you can ever be happy with; and if you can't stay here and take care of it yourself, you'll have to put aside what you've made yourself.If I haven't given these things much thought--never too carefully--then I must devote myself hereafter to the study of how to express my gratitude to you; increasing.As for that wretched country, Sicily, please don't mention it any more; when you mention that name, it makes me sad to think of the brother you said, who confessed his sins and gave up his old grievances; he The tragic death of that precious queen and children, even now, makes people weep again.Tell me, when did you see my boy Prince Florizer?Kings are just as unfortunate to have bad sons as to have good ones and lose them.

Camillo, I have not seen the prince for three days.What pastimes he took I do not know; but I am sorry to note that he has not been much at court these days, nor has he been so zealous as he was in those arts befitting a prince. Polixenes I think so too, Camillo, I am a little troubled.According to reports from my eyes and ears, he is always in the home of a very ordinary shepherd; it is said that the shepherd was originally poor, and no one knows how to make a fortune all of a sudden. Camillo, I have also heard of such a man; it is said that he has a daughter who is immortal, and her fame spreads so far, that no one can think that her origin is only such a hut.

Polixenes I also have such a report, but I fear that is what lured my son there.Go and see with me; we disguised ourselves, and questioned the shepherd, whose simple mind would not have troubled him to tell the reason why my son was there.Please just accompany me in this matter, and put aside Sicilian thoughts. Camillo obeys His Majesty's will. Polixenes My best Camillo!We should go pretend. (Down.) The second game is the same as before.On the Autorigus road near the shepherd's cottage. Autorigus (sings) When the narcissus first puts its delicate yellow, hi!There's a doll over the valley; it's the best time of the year, and the blood of the winter is running wild.

Bleached cloth sheets hang to dry on the wall, hi!How beautifully the birds sang! It aroused my unbearable itch, drinking with a jug of wine is better than sitting in the dragon court. Listen to the beautiful song of the lark, hi!There is also the cry of thrushes and magpies, singing the joy of summer together, when I hug left and right on the straw. I once waited on Prince Florizel, and wore the finest velvets; but now I'm banished. Shall I grieve over this, my dear? The pale moon shines on the evening; when I stalk from here to there, I did not go wrong my way. If the tinkerer can make a living and carry his pigskin bag on his back, of course I can also explain clearly and confess to this set of activities under the shackles.

Sheets are my specialty; when the kite is making its nest, it is necessary to shorten the sporadic scraps of cloth.My father named me Autorigus; he, too, was Mercury-starred like me, and a thief of odds and ends that no one paid attention to.Hu Yao drank six, dazzled and stayed in the willows, and in the end I got this colorful cloak. Being a thief is my only livelihood.On the main road, it is not fun to be afraid of being caught by the officials, tortured and hanged to death; ——A good deal has come to your door! Enter the clown. The clown showed me: every eleven wethers yields twenty-eight pounds of wool; every twenty-eight pounds of wool sells for a pound or a few shillings; there are fifteen hundred sheared sheep, how much wool is there in all?

AUTORIGUS (narrator) If the net is set right, this chicken will be caught by me. The clown has no chips, I can't figure it out.Let me see, what am I going to buy for our shearing feast?Three pounds of sugar, five pounds of currants, rice--what does my girl want rice for, but papa has made her preside over the feast, it's her idea.She had made twenty-four bouquets for the shearers, and for the trilogy; He sang hymns on the horn flute.Shall I buy some saffron powder to color the pear pie?shell?Dates? ——No, that was never on my account.Kernels, seven pieces; ginger, one or two pieces, but I can ask people for nothing; dark plums, four pounds; and the same amount of raisins.

Autorigus I am miserable! (Crawling on the ground.) O clown! - Autorigus Oh, help me!help me!Take off this rag for me!Then let me die! Clown, poor man!You should wear more rags, but why do you take off even these? AUTO RIGUS Alas, sir!This dress hurts me more than the whippings I've had on me; I've been beaten hard a million times. Clown, poor man!Taking millions of hits is no fun. Mr. Autorigus, I met robbers, and they broke them; they took my money, my clothes, and put on me this disgusting thing. Clown what, is one on horseback, or on foot? Autorigus is a walker, good sir, a walker.

By the way, the clown, he must have been a porter, judging by the suit he left you; and if it's a horseman's suit, it must have had a lot of experience.Give me your hand and let me hold you.Come, give me your hand. (Helps Autorigus up.) O Autorigus!Be gentle, sir.Yo! Clown, poor man! O Autorigus!Good sir; take it easy, good sir!Sir, I'm afraid my shoulder blades are broken. What about the clown!Can't you stand still? Autorigus Gently, good sir; (steals the clown's purse) Gently, good sir.You have done a good job. Are you short of money, clown?I can give you a few bucks.

Autorigus No, good sir; no, thank you, sir.I have a relation not a mile from here, and I go to him; I can borrow money from him, or whatever else I need.Don't give me money, I beg you; that would make me unhappy. What kind of person was the clown who robbed you? Autorigus: As far as I know, sir, he's a billiard-playing fellow.I know he once waited on the prince; I do know afterward that he was scourged from court, my good sir, though I don't know for any good of his. You should say bad, clown; good men are not flogged from court.They reward people with goodness to keep it there; but it's hard to keep it for a few minutes. Autorigus I should say the bad, sir.I know this guy well.Then he was a hozen-handler; then a government servant; then a puppeteer of the prodigal son, who married a pot-tender within a mile of my fields; All kinds of nasty industries changed one after another, and finally became a hooligan.Some people called him Autorigus. clown fuck!He was a thief; he was often seen at church openings, in fairs, and in bear-shows. Autorigus Yes, sir; that's him, sir; that's the rascal who put me in this suit. Clown Bohemia There's no more cowardly rascal; you just put on some air, spit in his face, and he'll get away. AUTORIGUS To tell you the truth, sir, I don't fight.I'm utterly useless in that; I'm sure he knows that too. How are you now, clown? Autorigus Good sir, much better; I can get up and go.I should say goodbye to you and go slowly to my relatives. Clown, do you want me to take you away? Autorigus No, sir with a kind face; no, good sir. Good-bye, then; I must go and buy some spices for the sheep-shearing feast. Autorigus Good luck to you, good sir! (Exit Clown) Your purse ain't enough for spices.When you have a sheep-shearing feast, I'll be there too; and if I don't play tricks on the trick again, and make the shearers themselves sheep, then take me out of the roster, and count Be a decent person. Walking forward, walking forward, stepping on the sidewalk, happily holding on to the boundary tree: I am happy to walk all day without getting tired, but walking for a mile with a sad person is like going to hell. (Down.) The third game is the same as before.On the meadow Florize and Perdita in front of the Shepherd's Cottage. Florizer This strange dress of yours animates every part of you; not like a shepherdess, but like Flores appearing at the beginning of April.Your sheep-shearing feast is like a gathering of gods, and you are the fairy queen of it. My lord Perdita, it would be rude of me to reproach you for being so eccentric—oh!Forgive me, I have already said it.You conceal your noble self, the symbol of the world's vision, in the garb of a farmer; I, a lowly woman, dress up as a goddess.Fortunately, our banquet does not lack some crazy nonsense when serving every dish. The guests have regarded it as a routine and don't pay attention to it. Otherwise, I will blush when I see you dressed like this, as if I saw myself in the mirror . Florizer I thank my good eagle that flew over your father's ground! Perdita God bless you This thank you is not without reason!It seems to me that our difference of class can only arouse fear; your dignity is not accustomed to fear.Even now I tremble with fear at the thought that your father might have walked here by chance, just like you.God!How would he feel if he saw his noble work so badly stapled?What will he say?How can I resist his solemnity in this borrowed splendor? Floriser had nothing to worry about but pleasure.The gods also once lowered their status as gods for love, and turned into beasts.Jupiter turned into a bull and blew; Neptune, the blue sea god, turned into an ram and howled like a sheep; and the golden Apollo in the robe of fire once disguised himself as a poor farmer like me now.The object they pursue is not more beautiful than you, and their purpose is not purer than mine, because I am in love and not in etiquette. O Perdita!But, my lord, you will surely meet with the king's opposition, and then your will will have to yield; either you will change your mind, or I will have to give up this life of two wings. Florizel, dearest Perdita, do not spoil the fun with such thoughts.If I can't be yours, my beauty, then I'm not my father's; for if I'm not yours, then I can't be mine, and nothing belongs.Even if fate is against me, my heart is resolute.Be cheerful, good man, and drive the thought away with what you see.Here come your guests; lift up your face, as on the day we two agreed to marry. O goddess of fate, Perdita, please be merciful! Florizer Look, here come your guests; entertain them with vivacity, and let us all be merry. Enter the shepherd, along with Polixenes and Camillo in disguise; the clown, Sister Mao, Tao Guer and others follow. Shepherd Ouch, daughter!When my wife was alive, on such a day, she had to prepare meals, serve banquets, and cook vegetables; she was a housewife and a servant at the same time; Singing and dancing again; sometimes at the top of the table, sometimes in the middle; sometimes pouring wine on this person's shoulder, and sometimes next to that person's shoulder, working so hard that his face was as red as fire, and he had to sit down to rest and drink. Raise a glass to everyone.You withdraw as if you were the guest of honor being entertained rather than the hostess of the party.Please come and welcome these two friends who don't know each other; because in this way we can become acquainted and be good friends.Come, don't be shy, and act like your mistress.Say, welcome us to your shearing feast, and your good flocks shall prosper. Perdita (to Polixenes) Welcome, sir!It was my father who wanted me to be the hostess of today. (to Camillo) Welcome, sir!Give me those flowers, Aunt Tao.Dear gentlemen, these rosemary and rue bouquets are for you; their color and fragrance will not fade in winter.May God bless you both and never be forgotten!We welcome you. Beautiful shepherd of Polixenes, it is fitting that you match winter flowers to our age. Mr. Perdita, the splendid season is over, and before the afterglow of summer fades away and the dreadful winter comes, the most beautiful flowers of the season are only carnesia and what some call nature's bastards I have never planted carnations in our village garden, and I don't want to pick one or two. Polixenes, good girl, why do you despise them? Perdita Because I've heard it said that, in their variegated splendor, man has surpassed nature. Polixenes Even so, the tools that improve the work of nature are also made by work of work; therefore, what you say is the work of work added to work of work, is also the work of work of work.You see, my dear girl, how often we graft a good shoot on a wild tree, to impregnate a poor plant with a good one.This is an art of improving nature, or changing nature, but that art itself is out of nature. Perdita, you are right. Polixenes Grow carnations in your garden then, and don't call them bastards. Perdita I would not plant a sprig in the ground with my shovel; as I would not this lad, who would say it was fine, if I were covered in paint, would want to marry me only for the appearance.Here are your flowers, strong mint, vanilla; marigolds that go to bed with the sun, and rise with him with tears: these are midsummer flowers, and I think they should be given to middle-aged men.Here you go, you are welcome. Camillo If I were one of your sheep, I would eat no grass, and the gaze would keep me alive. Perdita Oh, stop talking!You will be so thin that a January wind can blow you about. (to Florizer) Now, my fairest friend, I wish I had some spring flowers that would suit your age--and you, and you, still budding on your virgin twigs put.O Proserpina!All you need now are the flowers you dropped from Diss' car in your panic!The daffodils that boldly open before the swallows return, and flamboyant to the March winds; the dark violets, sweeter than Juno's eyelids, or the breath of Cecelia; the primrose, which died forever unmarried, like the maiden who had never seen the bright Phoebus in the mid-heaven; the gallant, crown-like lotus; and all kinds of lilies, With Zeeland.well!I have no flowers to wreath you; to sprinkle them all over you, my friend! Floriser what!Like a dead body? Perdita No, like a beach where love lies and plays, not like a corpse; or a living body in my arms, not to be buried.Come, take your flowers.I'm as presumptuous as they are in a Whitsunday idyll; my dress must have changed my disposition. Florizer Whatever you do is better than what has been done.When you talk, darling, I want you to keep talking forever.When you sing, I hope you sing like this when you do business, sing like this when you give alms, sing like this when you pray, and sing like this when you manage your house.When you dance, I want you to be a wave in the sea, wave forever, and do nothing else.Every movement of yours, in every way, is so peculiarly beautiful; Every thing that is seen, makes one think that nothing could be better; In everything you are a queen . Perdita, Dorikers!You flatter me too much.If your youth and your sincerity did not show you to be a pure shepherd, my Dorickles, I have good reason to suspect you of ulterior motives. Florizer I have no intention to arouse your suspicion, and you have no reason to doubt me.But come on, let me dance with you.Give me your hand, my Perdita; like a pair of turtledoves, never parted. Perdita I swear so. Polixenes This is the fairest little jasper in the pastures; her every movement, every gesture, has something nobler than herself, and this place seems to humiliate her. Camillo He said something to her that made her blush with shame.Really, she was the queen of the farmhouse. Come the clown, let's play the music. Aunt Tao asks Sister Mao to be your lover; well, don't forget to have garlic in your mouth, kisses taste better. How could Sister Mao be so reasonable! Don't talk about the clown, don't talk about it; everyone should be polite.Come on, play it. (Music played; shepherds dance.) Polixenes Pray, good shepherd, who is that fair farmer who dances with your daughter? Shepherd They called him Dorickles; he boasted himself that he had good pastures.I take him at his word; he looks like an honest man.He said he loved my daughter.I thought so too; for even the moon staring at the flowing water could not compare to his staring fixedly at my daughter's eyes so infatuatedly.Let's be honest, it's impossible to tell who loves who more from their kissing. Polixenes she dances well. Shepherd She's good at everything; though I shouldn't boast so much.Had young Dorickles chosen her, she would have offered him more than he could have dreamed of. Enter a Servant. Servant (to the clown) Oh, my lord!If you'd heard the peddler at the door, you'd never dance to tambourines and flutes; no, bagpipes won't tempt you.He sang a few tunes faster than you can count your money, as if he had eaten many ballads; and all ears were fastened to his songs. Clown He comes just in time; we ought to call him in.There is nothing I can love more than folk songs, as long as they sing sad things in a happy tune, or sing happy things in a very sad tune. Servant He has songs for all kinds of men and women; no dressmaker fits each customer with the right glove so properly.他有最可爱的情歌给姑娘们,难得的是一点不粗俗,那和歌和尾声是这样优雅,“跳她一顿,揍她一顿”;惟恐有什么喜欢讲粗话的坏蛋要趁此开个As a practical joke, he made the girl reply, "Oh, spare me, sweet man!" Pushing him away, leaving him like this, "Oh, spare me, sweet man!" Lexi Nis this is a funny guy. Clown really, what you said is a very naughty thing.Does he have anything new? Servant He has ribbons of every color on the rainbow; so many knots that all the lawyers of Bohemia come and count them; Sing them one after the other, as if they were the names of gods and goddesses.He sang so sweetly of the cuffs and bosoms of women's blouses that you'd think every blouse was an angel. The jester leads him in; Tell him to sing all the way. Perdita ordered him not to sing vulgar sentences. (Exit servant.) The clown can't see that these peddlers are really capable, sister. Perdita Yes, good brother, I shall never see anything. Enter Autorigus singing. Autorigus (sings) The white cloth is white, like snowflakes; the black gauze is black, like a crow; a pair of gloves smells like roses; a fake face covers a handsome face; an amber necklace and glass bracelet, embroidered with a head, gives a rich fragrance; a gold thread hat embroidered with a belly cover, buy it back and give it to your sister Pretty; Iron sticks and pinpoints, all the treasures in the boudoir are complete; Come and buy, come and buy, it’s strange if you don’t buy it. Clown If it wasn't because I fell in love with Sister Mao, you wouldn't have to try to cheat money from me, but now that I love her, I'm so in love with her that I have to buy some ribbon gloves. Sister Mao, you once promised to buy it for me to wear today; but it is not too late. Aunt Tao must have promised you more than that. Sister Mao has already given you what he promised you; maybe he gave you more than what he promised you, if you have the nerve to say it. Clown, don't girls talk about etiquette?Can I wear pants in front of everyone's face?Can't you whisper your secrets at milking time, at bedtime, or under the stove, must you babble in front of all your guests?No wonder they were all whispering there.Shut your mouths and don't say another word. Madam Mao, I have finished.Come, you promised to buy me a scarf and a pair of fragrant gloves. Didn't I tell you, clown, how I paid someone on the way? Autorigus Indeed, sir, there are plenty of kidnappers out there; one has to be careful. You don't have to worry, clown friend, you won't lose anything here. Autorigus I hope so, sir; for I have many valuable things. What do you have, clown?Is it a folk song? Sister Mao, please buy some; I like the engraved folk songs because they must be true. Autorigus Here is a very sad folk song about a moneylender's wife who gave birth to twenty purses at a time, and she wanted to eat snake heads and boiled toads. Sister Mao, do you think this is true? Autorigus is really gone, only a month ago. Aunt Tao, God bless me not to marry a moneylender! There was the name of the midwife Autorigus, Mrs. Gossip, and half a dozen grandmas present.Why am I talking nonsense all over the place? Thank you, Sister Mao, let’s buy it. Good clown, put it aside.Let's see what other songs there are; buy the other stuff later. Autorigus Here's another song, about a fish that appeared on the shore on Wednesday, April eighty, more than two hundred and forty thousand above the water; and he sang this song to impress the girls hard-hearted.It is said that the fish was originally a woman, but because she refused to have sex with the man who loved her, she became a cold-blooded fish.The song is very touching, and it is absolutely true. Aunt Tao, do you think that is true? Five judges of Autorigus have investigated the matter, and there are too many witnesses to count. The clown put it down too; let's see another one. Autorigus It's a light little tune, but it's lovable. Sister Mao asked us to buy some relaxing songs. Autorigus This is a very light song, it can be sung to the tune of "Two Girls Fighting for the Wind."Any girl in the West can sing this song; it sells well, I tell you. Sister Mao and we can also sing.If you sing too, you can hear how we sing; it's a three-part chorus. Aunt Tao, we learned this tune a month ago. AUTORIGUS I can join; you know this is my diner.Please sing. (The three sing in turn.) Go, Autorigus, because I must go, and you don't need to find out where I am going. Where is Aunt Tao going? Miss Mao!where to go Where is Aunt Tao going? Could it be that the curse that Sister Mao had sworn is forgotten, what secret should I know? Tao Guer asked me to go there too. Sister Mao, are you going to the farm or the mill? Tao Guer's two places are not good places. Neither was Autorigus. Aunt Tao Huh, isn’t it? Neither was Autorigus. Aunt Tao, you once swore that you loved me. Sister Mao, you have repeatedly sworn that you love me. Where are you going? Clown Let's finish this song in a quiet place; My papa's talking to those gentlemen, let's leave them alone.Come, come with me with your things.Both sisters, neither of you will fail.Shopkeeper, let's make a profit first.Come with me girls. (Exit the clown, Tao Guer, and Sister Mao.) Autorigus, you're going to break the bank. (Sing) Shall I buy some new childhood lace? Shall we sew the strips on the shawl? My little Jiaojiao, my dear! Shall I buy some silk and satin? Do you want to put jewelry all over your head? The texture is excellent and the style is new. Please tell the shopkeeper what you want, money is a troublesome devil: if a person wants to love to dress up, he only needs gold and silver. (Down.) Re-enter the servant. Servant master, there are three cart-wheelers, three sheep-herders, three cow-herders, and three pig-herders, all covered with furs, and they say they are Saotiere; the dance they dance, The girls said it was all a wild dance, because there were no girls in it, but they themselves thought that maybe people who only knew the rules would think their dance was too rough, but it was actually quite interesting. shepherd go!Let us not look at them; there are too many foolish tricks.gentlemen!I know it will upset you. Polixenes you are troubling those who please us.Please show us these four shepherds in groups of three. Servant According to their own words, sir, three of them danced before the king, and the worst three of them could dance twelve and a half. Shepherd, stop talking.Let these good gentlemen come in, as they please; but hurry. Servant, they are waiting at the door, master. (Down.) Re-enter with the servant leading the Twelve Villagers to pretend to be Sartre.Ditto after dancing. Polixenes (to the shepherd) Father, let you know later. (To Camillo) Isn't that too much?It's time to break them up.He was really honest and told everything. (to Florizer) Hello, fair shepherd!What is it that fills your heart and forgets even the party?Indeed, when I was young, I was as infatuated with you as you were, and used to give her many little things of mine.I would give her the salesman's silk in baskets and trunks; but you let him go gently, without making a deal with him.If your girl gets it wrong and thinks it's because you don't love her or are petty, it's going to be hard for you not to lose her. I know, old Mr. Florizer, that she does not value such shabby things as much as other people.The gift she asked me to give her is deeply locked in my heart. I have already given it to her, but I have not yet officially handed it over. (To Perdita) It seems that this elderly gentleman once fell in love. In front of him, listen to me tell my heart!I hold your hand, soft and white as a dove's feather, white as an African's teeth, white as snowflakes blown twice by the north wind. What else does Polixenes have next?This young country woman seems to have spent a lot of effort washing her already beautiful hands!Excuse me; go on: let me hear what you have to say. Hello Florizel, I beg you to bear witness. Polixenes May my companion also listen? Florizer can do it, and others can do it, and all people, heaven and earth, and all things, can come and testify to me: even if I wear the most dignified and noble crown, even if I am the most beautiful thing that attracts attention in the world Even if I had superhuman strength and knowledge, I would not value them, if I could not get her love; they are her servants, she can reward them for running, or demean them forever. Polixenes spoke well. Camillo That may mean true love. Shepherd But, my daughter, won't you say something to him too? Perdita I cannot speak as well as he does; nor do I mean better.Using my own thoughts as an example, I can see his sincerity. Shake hands, shepherds; the deal is done.Friends who do not know each other, you can testify that I gave him my daughter, and I will make her dowry equal to his property. O Florizel!That should be your daughter's own virtue.If one dies, all I have is beyond your dreams; then surprise you.Come now, get us engaged before these two witnesses. Shepherd stretches out your hand; daughter, stretch out your hand too. Polixenes wait, my man.do you have a father Florizer has; why mention him? Polixenes Does he know this? Floriser He doesn't know, and won't know. Polixenes I think a father is the most indispensable guest at his son's wedding feast.Let me ask you again, is your father too old to be the master?Is he an old fool?can he talkCan he hear?Can you meet people and talk about yourself?Is he lying in bed and can't get up, just doing childish things? Floriser No, good sir, there are few men of his age so strong. Polixenes, on my white beard, if so, you are unfilial.It is reasonable for a son to choose a wife by himself; but as a father who only wants the good of his children and grandchildren, he should also have some opinions on this kind of matter. Florizer I admit that you are right; but, my honorable sir, for other reasons that I cannot tell you, I did not let my father know of it. Polixenes, then you should tell him. Floriser He cannot know. Polixenes he must know. Florizer No, he must not know. Shepherd, go tell him, my boy; if he knows what kind of wife you have chosen, he will not be displeased. Floriser No, no, he must not know.Come, marry us. Polixenes Divorce you, my lords; (without pretending) I dare not call you a son.You worthless thing, can I still recognize you as father and son?The majestic prince fell in love with the shepherd's crooked staff!You old thief, I'd like to hang you; but even hanging you, at your age, would but shorten your life a few days.And you, fair witch, you must have known long ago that the man you had sex with was a noble fool—shepherd ouch! 波力克希尼斯我要用荆棘抓破你的美貌,叫你的脸比你的身分还寒伧。讲到你,痴心的孩子,我再不准你看见这丫头的脸了;要是你敢叹一口气,我就把你废为庶人,摈出王族,以后永绝关系。听好我的话;跟我回宫去。 (向牧人)蠢东西,你虽然使我大大生气,可是暂时恕过你这遭。 (向潘狄塔)妖精,你只配嫁个放牛的!若不是为了顾及我王家的体面,像他这样恬不知耻自贬身分的人和你倒也相配!要是你以后再开你的柴门接他进来,或者再敢去抱住他的身体,我一定要想出一种最惨酷的死刑来处决你这弱不禁风的娇躯。 (Down.) 潘狄塔虽然一切都完了,我却并不恐惧。不止一次我想要对他明白说:同一的太阳照着他的宫殿,也不曾避过了我们的草屋;日光是一视同仁的。殿下,请您去吧;我对您说过会有什么结果的。请您留心着您自己的地位;我现在已经梦醒,就别再扮什么女王了。让我一路挤着羊奶,一路哀泣吧。 卡密罗哦,怎么啦,老丈!在你没有死之前,说句话呀。 牧人我不能说话,也不能思想,更不敢知道我所知道的事。唉,殿下!我活了八十三岁,但愿安安静静地死去,在我的父亲葬身的地方,跟他正直的骸骨长眠在一块儿,可是您现在把我毁了!替我盖上殓衣的,将要是个行刑的绞手;我的埋骨之处,没有一个牧师会加上一铲土。唉,该死的孽根!你知道他是王子,却敢跟他谈情。It's over!It's over!要是我能够就在这点钟内死去,那么总算死得其时。 (Down.) 弗罗利泽你为什么这样看着我?我不过有点悲伤,却并不恐惧;不过受了挫折,却没有变心;本来是怎样,现在仍旧是怎样。因为给拉住了而更要努力向前,不甘心委屈地给人拖了去。 卡密罗殿下,您知道您父亲的脾气。这时候他一定不听人家的话;我想您也不会想去跟他说什么;而且我怕他现在也未必高兴见您的面:所以您还是等他的火性退了之后再去见他吧。 弗罗利泽我没有这个意思。我想你是卡密罗吧? 卡密罗正是,殿下。 潘狄塔我不是常常对你说事情会弄到这样的!我不是常常说等到这事一泄露, 我就要丢脸了! 弗罗利泽你决不会丢脸,除非我背了信;那时就让天把地球的两边碰了拢来, 毁灭掉一切的生灵吧!抬起你的脸来。父亲,把我废斥了吧;我是我的爱情的后嗣。 卡密罗请听劝告吧。 弗罗利泽我听从着我的爱情的劝告呢。要是我的理性能服从指挥,那么我是有理性的;否则我的感觉就会看中疯闹,向它表示欢迎。 卡密罗您这简直是乱来了,殿下。 弗罗利泽随你怎样说吧;可是这才可以实现我的盟誓,我必须以为这样做是正当的。卡密罗,我不愿为了波希米亚,或是它的一切的荣华,或是太阳所临照、土壤所孕育以及无底的深海所隐藏的一切,而破毁了我向这位美貌的未婚妻所立的誓。所以,我拜托你,因为你一直是我父亲所看重的朋友,当他失去我的时候――不瞒你说,我预备再不见他了――请你好好安慰安慰他;让我自个儿挣扎我的未来的运命吧。 我不妨告诉你,你也可以这样对他说,因为在岸上我不能保有她,我要同着她到海上去了;巧得很,我刚有一艘快船在此,虽然本来并非为着这次的计划。至于我预备采取什么方针,那你无须知道,我也不必告诉你了。 卡密罗啊,我的殿下!我希望您的性子不那么固执,更能听取忠告,或者您的精神较为坚强,更能适合您的需要。 弗罗利泽听我说,潘狄塔。(携潘狄塔至一旁。向卡密罗)等会儿再跟你谈。 卡密罗他已经立志不移,一定要出走了。要是我能在他的这回出走上想个计策,一方面偿了我的心愿,一方面帮助他脱去危险,为他尽些力量;让我再看见我的亲爱的西西里和我渴想见面的不幸的旧君,那就一举两得了。 弗罗利泽好卡密罗,我因为有许多难题要解决,多多失礼了。 卡密罗殿下,我想您也听说过我对于您父亲的微末的忠勤吧? 弗罗利泽你是很值得尊敬的;我父亲一提起你的功绩,总是极口称赞;他也常常想到要怎样补报你。 卡密罗好,殿下,要是您愿意把我看成是忠心于王上,同时因为忠心于他的缘故,也愿意忠心于和他最关切的人,那就是说您殿下自己,那么请您接受我的指示: 假如您那已经决定了的重要的计划可以略加更改的话,我可以指点您一处将会按着您的身分竭诚接待您的地方;您可以在那边陪您的恋人享着艳福,我知道要把你们拆散是不可能的,除非遭到了毁灭的命运――上帝保佑不会有这种事!您跟她结了婚;这边我可以竭力向您的怫意的父亲劝解,渐渐使他同意。 弗罗利泽这简直是奇迹了,卡密罗;怎么可以实现呢?我要相信你不是个凡人,然后才可以相信你的话。 卡密罗您有没有想到一个去处? 弗罗利泽还没有;可是因为这回事情的突如其来,不得不使我们采取莽撞的行动。我们只好听从运命的支配,随着风把我们吹到什么方向。 卡密罗那么听我说。要是您立定主意出走,那么到西西里去吧;您可以带着您这位美人去谒见里昂提斯,说她是位公主,把她穿扮得适合于作您妻子的身分。我想像得到里昂提斯将会伸出他的宽宏的手来,含着眼泪欢迎你;把你当作你父亲本人一样,向你请求原恕;吻着你的娇艳的公主的手;一面忏悔他过去的不仁,一面让眼前的殷勤飞快地愈加增长。 弗罗利泽可尊敬的卡密罗,我要用些什么借口来向他说明这次访问呢? 卡密罗您说是您父王差遣您来向他问候通好的。殿下,您要用什么方式去见他;作为您父亲的代表,您要向他说些什么话;那些在我们三人间所知道的事情,我都可以给您写下来,指示您每次朝见时所要说的话,他一定会相信您的父亲已经把心腹之事全告诉您了。 弗罗利泽我真感谢你。这似乎有些可能。 卡密罗比起您的卤莽的作法来,总要有把握多了,照您的做法,只能听任无路可通的大海、梦想不到的海滨、无可避免的灾祸摆布,没有人能够帮助您,脱了这场险又会遭遇另一场险,除了尽力把你们留在你们所厌恶的地方的铁锚而外,再没有可靠之物。而且您知道幸运是爱情的维系;爱情的鲜艳的容色和热烈的心,也会因困苦而起了变化。 潘狄塔你的话只算一半对;我想困苦可以使脸色惨淡,却未必能改变心肠。 卡密罗噢,你这样说吗?你父亲的家里再七年也生不出像你这样一个人来。 弗罗利泽我的好卡密罗,她虽然出身比我们低,她的教养却不次于我们。 卡密罗我不能因为她的缺少教育而惋惜,因为她似乎比大多数教育别人的都更有教育。 潘狄塔大人,承您过奖,惭愧得很。 弗罗利泽我的最可爱的潘狄塔!可是唉!我们却立于荆棘之上!卡密罗,你曾经救了我的父亲,现在又救了我,你是我们一家人的良药;现在我们该怎么办呢?我既然穿得不像一个波希米亚的王子,到了西西里也没有办法好想。 卡密罗殿下,您不用担心。我想您也知道我的财产全在那边;我一定会像关心自己的事一样设法让您穿着得富丽堂皇。譬如说,殿下,让您知道您不会缺少什么― ―过来我对您说。(三人退一旁谈话。) 奥托里古斯上。 奥托里古斯哈哈!诚实真是个大傻瓜!他的把兄弟,“信任”,脑筋也很简单!我的一切不值钱的玩意儿全卖光了;担子里空空如也,不剩一粒假宝石,一条丝带,一面镜子,一颗香丸,一枚饰针,一本笔记簿,一页歌曲,一把小刀,一根织带, 一双手套,一副鞋带,一只手镯,或是一个明角戒指。他们争先恐后地抢着买,好像我这种玩意儿都是神圣的宝石,谁买了去就会有好福气似的。我就借此看了出来谁的袋里像是最有钱;凡是我的眼睛所看见的,我便记在心里备用。我那位傻小子混头混脑,听了那些小娘儿们的歌着了迷了,他那猪猡脚站定了动都不动,一定要把曲谱和歌词全买了才肯罢休;因此引集了许多人都到了我身边,只顾着听,别的全忘记了: 你尽可以把哪个姑娘的衬裙抄走,她是决不会觉得的;你要是把像个鸡巴似的钱袋剪了下来,简直不费吹灰之力;我可以把一串链条上的钥匙都锉下来呢:什么都不听见,什么都不觉得,只顾着我那位大爷的唱歌,津津有味地听那种胡说八道。因此在这种昏迷颠倒的时候,我把他们中间大部分人为着来赶热闹而装满了的钱袋都掏空了; 假如下是因为那个老头子连嚷带喊地走来,骂着他的女儿和国王的儿子,把那些砻糠上的蠢鸟都吓走了,我一定会叫他们的钱袋全军覆没的。(卡密罗、弗罗利泽、潘狄塔上前。) 卡密罗不,可是用这方法我的信可以和您同时到那边,这困难便可以解决了。 弗罗利泽同时你请里昂提斯王写信给我们斡旋――卡密罗那一定会把您父亲的心劝转来。 潘狄塔多谢您!您所说的都是很好的办法。 卡密罗(见奥托里古斯)谁在这儿?我们也许可以把这人利用利用;有机会总不要放过。 奥托里古斯(旁白)要是我的话给他们听了去,那么我就该死了。 卡密罗喂,好家伙!你干么这样发抖呀?别怕,朋友;我们并不要为难你。 奥托里古斯我是个苦人儿,老爷。 卡密罗那么你就是个苦人儿吧,没有人会来偷你这个名号的。可是我们倒要和你的贫穷的外表做一注交易哩。快脱下你的衣服来吧――你该知道你非脱不可――和这位先生换一身穿。虽然他换到的只是一件破旧不值一个子儿的东西,可是还有几个额外的钱给你,你拿了去吧。 奥托里古斯我是个苦人儿,老爷。(旁白)我知道你们的把戏。 卡密罗哎,请你赶快吧;这位先生已经脱下来了。 奥托里古斯您不是开玩笑吧,老爷?(旁白)我有点儿明白这种诡计。 弗罗利泽请你快些。 奥托里古斯您虽然一本正经地给我定钱,可是我却有点儿不能相信呢。 卡密罗脱下来,脱下来。(弗罗利泽、奥托里古斯二人换衣)幸运的姑娘,让我对你的预言成为真实吧!你应该拣一簇树木中间躲着,把你爱人的帽子拿去覆住了前额,蒙住你的脸,改变你的装束,竭力隐住了自己的原形,然后再上船去;路上恐怕眼目很多,免得被人瞧破。 潘狄塔看来这本戏里我也要扮一个角色。 卡密罗也是没有办法呀。――您已经好了吗? 弗罗利泽要是我现在遇见了我的父亲,他不会叫我做儿子的。 卡密罗不,这帽子不给你戴。(以帽给潘狄塔)来。姑娘,来吧。再见,我的朋友。 奥托里古斯再见,老爷。 弗罗利泽啊,潘狄塔,我们忘了一件事了!来跟你讲一句话。(弗罗利泽、潘狄塔在旁谈话。) 卡密罗(旁白)这以后我便去向国王告知他们的逃亡和行踪;我希望因此可以劝他追赶他们,这样我便可以陪着他再见西西里的面,我真像一个女人那样相思着它呢。 弗罗利泽幸运保佑我们!卡密罗,我们就此到海边去了。 卡密罗一路顺风!(弗罗利泽、潘狄塔及卡密罗各下。) 奥托里古斯我知道这回事情;我听见他们的话。一张好耳朵,一对快眼,一双妙手,这是当扒手所不可缺少的;而且还要有一个好鼻子,可以替别的器官嗅出些机会来。看来现今是小人得势之秋。不加小账,这已经是一桩好交易了;况且还有这样的油水!天老爷今年一定特别包容我们,我们尽可以放手干去。王子自己也就有点不大靠得住,拖着绊脚的东西逃开了父亲的身旁。假如把这消息去报告国王知道是一件正当的事情,我也不愿这样干。不去报告本是小人的行径,正合我的本色。我还是干我的本行吧。走开些,走开些;一个活动的头脑,又可以有些事情做了。每一条巷头巷尾,每一家店铺、教堂、法庭、刑场,一个小心的人都可以显他的身手。 小丑及牧人上。 小丑瞧,瞧,你现在弄到什么地步啦!唯一的办法是去告诉国王她是个拾来的孩子,并不是你的亲生骨肉。 牧人不,你听我说。 小丑不,你听我说。 牧人好,那么你说吧。 小丑她既然不是你的骨肉,你的骨肉就不曾得罪国王;因此他就不能责罚你的骨肉。你只要把你在她身边找到的那些东西,那些秘密的东西,都拿出来给他们看, 只除了她的财物。这么一来,我可以担保,法律也不会奈何你了。 牧人我要把一切都去告诉国王,每一个字,是的,还要告诉他他的儿子的胡闹;我可以说他这个人无论对于他的父亲和我都不是个好人,想要把我和国王攀做亲家。 小丑不错,你起码也可以做他的亲家;那时你的血就不知道要贵多少钱一两了。 奥托里古斯(旁白)很聪明,狗子们! 牧人好,让我们见国王去;他见了这包裹里的东西,准要摸他的胡须呢。 奥托里古斯(旁白)我不知道他们要是这样去说了会怎么阻碍我那主人的逃走。 小丑但愿他在宫里。 奥托里古斯(旁白)虽然我生来不是个好人,有时我却偶然要做个好人;让我把货郎的胡须取下藏好。(取下假须)喂,乡下人!你们到哪儿去? 牧人不瞒大爷说,我们到宫里去。 奥托里古斯你们到那边去有什么事?要去见谁?这包裹里是什么东西?你们家住何处?姓甚名谁?多大年纪?有多少财产?出身怎样?一切必须知道的事情,都给我说来。 小丑我们不过是平常百姓呢,大爷。 奥托里古斯胡说!瞧你们这种满脸须发蓬松的野相,就知道不是好人。我不要听胡说;只有做买卖的才会胡说,他们老是骗我们军人;可是我们却不给他们吃刀剑,反而用银钱买他们的谎――所以他们也不算胡说。 小丑亏得您最后改过口来,不然您倒是对我们胡说一通了。 牧人大爷,请问您是不是个官? 奥托里古斯随你们瞧我像不像官,我可真是个官。没看见这身衣服就是十足的官气吗?我穿着这身衣服走路,那样子不是十足的官派吗?你们没闻到我身上的官味道吗?瞧着你们这副贱相,我不是大摆着官架子吗?你们以为我对你们讲话的时候和气了点,动问你们微贱的底细,因此我就不是个官了吗?我从头到脚都是个官,一高兴可以帮你们忙,一发脾气你们就算遭了瘟;所以我命令你们把你们的事情说出来。 牧人大爷,我是去见国王的。 奥托里古斯你去见他有什么脚路呢? 牧人请您原谅,我不知道。 小丑脚路是一句官话,意思是问你有没有野鸡送上去。你说没有。 牧人没有,大爷,我没有野鸡,公的母的都没有。 奥托里古斯我们不是傻瓜的人真幸福!可是谁知道当初造物不会把我也造成他们这种样子?因此我也不要瞧不起他们。 小丑这一定是位大官儿。 牧人他的衣服很神气,可是他的穿法却不大好看。 小丑他似乎因为落拓不羁而格外显得高贵些。我可以担保他一定是个大人物; 我瞧他剔牙齿的样子就看出来了。 奥托里古斯那包裹是什么?里面有些什么东西?那箱子又是哪里来的? 牧人大爷,在这包裹和箱子里头有一个很大的秘密,除了国王以外谁也不能知道;要是我能够去见他说话,那么他在这一小时之内就可以知道了。 奥托里古斯老头子,你白白辛苦了。 牧人为什么呢,大爷? 奥托里古斯国王不在宫里;他已经坐了一只新船出去解闷养息去了。要是你这人还算懂事的话,你该知道国王心里很不乐意。 牧人人家正这么说呢,大爷;说是因为他的儿子想要跟一个牧人的女儿结婚。 奥托里古斯要是那个牧人还不曾交保,还是赶快远走高飞的好。他将要受到的咒诅和刑罚,一定会把他的背膀压断,就是妖魔的心也禁不住要碎裂的。 小丑您以为这样吗,大爷? 奥托里古斯不但他一个人要大吃其苦,就是跟他有点亲戚关系的,即使疏远得相隔五十层,也逃不了要上绞架。虽然那似乎太残忍些,然而却是应该的。一个看羊的贱东西,居然胆敢叫他的女儿妄图非分!有人说应当用石头砸死他;可是我说这样的死法太惬意了。把九五之尊拉到了羊棚里来!这简直是万死犹有余辜,极刑尚嫌太轻哩。 小丑大爷,请问您听没听见说那老头子有一个儿子? 奥托里古斯他有一个儿子,要把他活活剥皮;然后涂上蜜,放在胡蜂窠的顶上;等他八分是鬼两分是人的时候,再用火酒把他救活过来;然后拣一个历本上所说的最热的日子,把他那块生猪肉似的身体背贴着砖墙上烤烤,太阳向着正南方蒸晒着他,让那家伙身上给苍蝇下卵而死去。可是我们说起这种奸恶的坏人做什么呢?他们犯了如此大罪,受这种苦难也不妨付之一笑。你们瞧上去像是正直良民,告诉我你们见国王有什么公干。你们如果向我孝敬孝敬,我可以带你们到他的船上去,给你们引见,悄悄地给你们说句好话。要是国王身边有什么人能够影响你们的请求的话,这个人就在你们的眼前。 小丑他瞧上去是个有权有势的人,跟他商量,送给他些金子吧;虽然权势是一头固执的熊,可是金子可以拉着它的鼻子走。把你钱袋里的东西放在他手掌之上,再不用瞎操心了。记住,用石头砸死,活活地剥皮! 牧人大爷,要是您肯替我们担任这件事情,这儿是我的金子;我还可以去给您拿这么多来,这个年轻人可以留在您这儿权作抵押。 奥托里古斯那是说等我作了我所允许的事情以后吗? 牧人是的,大爷。 奥托里古斯好,就先给我一部分吧。这事情你也有份儿吗? 小丑略为有点儿份,大爷;可是我的情形虽然很可怜,我希望我不至于给剥了皮去。 奥托里古斯啊!那说的是那牧人的儿子呢;这家伙应该吊死,以昭炯戒。 小丑鼓起精神来!我们必须去见国王,给他看些古怪的东西。他一定要知道她不是你的女儿,也不是我的妹妹;我们是全不相干的。大爷,等事情办完之后,我要送给您像这位老头子送给您的一样多;而且照他所说的,在没有去拿来给您之前,我可以把我自己抵押给您。 奥托里古斯我可以相信你。你们先到海边去,向右边走。我略为张望张望就来。 小丑我们真运气遇见这个人,真运气! 牧人让我们照他的话先去。他真是老天爷派来帮我们忙的。(牧人、小丑下。 ) 奥托里古斯假如我有一颗要做老实人的心,看来命运也不会允许我;她会把横财丢到我嘴里来的。我现在有了个一举两得的机会,一方面有钱财到手,一方面又可以向我的主人王子邀功;谁知道那不会使我再高升起来呢?我要把这两只瞎眼珠的耗子带到他的船上去;假如他以为不妨把他们放回岸上,让他们去向国王告发也没甚关系,那么就让他因为我的多事而骂我混蛋吧;那个头衔以及连带着的耻辱,反正对我都没有影响。我要带他们去见他;也许会有什么事情要见分晓。 (Down.)
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