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Chapter 6 act five

Mariana was veiled and Isabella and Father Peter stood beside the road; the Duke, Varius, ministers, Angelo, Escalus, Lucio, prison guards, servants and citizens, etc. superior. Your Excellency, it's been a long time!My faithful old friend, I am glad to see you. His Royal Highness Angelo Escalus has returned safely, and the ministers are very excited! The Duke thanked you both.I have heard people outside say how just and strict you are in governing the country. In order to thank you for your hard work, let me first express my condolences to you before I give you other compliments. His Royal Highness Angelou Meng praised the award, which made the minister feel extremely ashamed.

Duke, your achievements are well-known. It can be engraved on a copper pillar, and it will last forever without shame. How can I hide my goodness and my virtuous?Give me your hand, and let the common people know that the superficial courtesy can reflect the favor from the center.Come, Escalus, you should also walk by my side, you are my good prime ministers. Father Peter and Isabella stepped forward. Peter Now your time has come, go and kneel before him, and speak louder. His Royal Highness Duke Isabella seeks revenge!Please bow your head and look at a wronged - well, I was going to say, virgin!Your Majesty!Please don't look forward to any other affairs until you have heard me tell me that there is no lie, and give me justice, justice!

Duke, what is wrong with you?Who bullied you?Just say it.Lord Angelo can give you justice, you just need to tell him. Isabella My lord, you want me to ask the devil for help!Please listen to me yourself, because what I want to say may cause me to be punished for not being able to hear the letter, and maybe Your Highness will avenge me.Please, just stand here and listen to me! My lord Angelo, I think she's a little mad; she's come to intercede with me on behalf of her brother, who was executed by law--Isabella by law! Angelo, so she held a grudge, and would definitely say something ridiculous.

Isabella What I am going to say may sound strange, but it is true.Isn't it strange that Angelo is a person who breaks the promise?Isn't it strange that Angelo is a murderer?Isn't it strange and strange that Angelo is a whore, a hypocrite, a guy who ravages women? Duke, that is very strange. Isabella's strangeness is strange, but the truth is true, just as undeniable as he is Angelo.Truth can never be deceived. The duke drive her out!Poor thing, she's out of her mind to say that. O Isabella!Your Highness, if you wish to be saved in the next life, please don't think I'm a lunatic and ignore me.What seems impossible is not necessarily impossible.The worst villain in the world may look as serious and upright as Angelo; under the cover of a dignified appearance, a clean reputation, and a high position, Angelo may be a heinous murderer.Believe me, my lord, I do not mean to slander him, and if I had worse words to describe him, I would not describe him too much.

Duke She must be a lunatic, but it is strange that she is so insane. O Isabella!Your Highness, please don't think that way, don't drive away your reason just to break the law.Your Highness, please be aware of the details, and don't let the hypocrisy cover up the truth. The Duke has plenty of people who aren't crazy, and don't talk as well as she does.What do you have to say? Isabella I am the sister of Claudio, who was sentenced to death by Angelo for adultery.I, who has vowed to practice Taoism and has not yet taken the ordain, learned the news from a Lucio——Lucio, Your Highness, I am Lucio, and Claudio asked me to report to her and ask her to try to exercise Lord Angelo, forgive her brother's execution.

Duke I did not call you to speak. Lucio Yes, Your Highness, but you did not tell me to be silent. Duke I will tell you to be silent now.When I have something to ask you, I hope you can speak more eloquently. Lucio, please rest assured, it is absolutely true. Duke needn't tell me that; take care of yourself. Mr. Isabella has already told me something about it—Lucio is good. Duke She is good, but it is a big mistake for you to speak when you should not speak.Go on. Isabella I'm going to see this vicious and vile regent—Duke, you're talking crazy again. Isabella forgive me, but I speak the truth.

Well duke, let it be true; go on then. Isabella How I begged and pleaded with him, how I knelt and wept to him, how he refused me, and how I answered him, these are long stories, and I don't need to go into details.The final result, as soon as it is mentioned, makes people feel ashamed and indignant, and it is difficult to speak.He said that I must use my innocent body for him to vent his animal desires before he can release my brother.After thinking about it countless times, the brotherhood made me feel no shame, and I finally agreed to him.But the next morning, having achieved his purpose, he issued an order for my poor brother's head.

How could the Duke have such a thing! Isabella, that is so true! Duke ignorant bitch!You don't know what you're talking about, maybe you've been instructed by someone to deliberately damage Lord Angelo's reputation.First, his integrity is well known to everyone; second, his eagerness to punish his own faults is completely unreasonable; if he himself committed that bad thing, Then how could he put your brother to death if he put himself in the same place as others?Someone must be instigating you behind your back, tell me the truth, who told you to come here to complain? Isabella so?Gods in the sky!Please give me patience!The laws of heaven are clear, and the evils that are temporarily covered up will be exposed one day.May God bless Your Highness, I can only hold my grievances and say goodbye.

Duke I know you want to run away now.Come on!Lock her up for me!Can this malicious slander be allowed to slander my trusted ones?It must be a conspiracy.Who gave you the idea to come here? Isabella is Father Lodovic, and I hope he is here. Was the duke a priest?Does anyone know this Lodovic? Your Highness Lucio, I know him, he is a nosy priest.I hated him when I saw him, and if he wasn't a monk, I'd have to beat him up, because he used to speak ill of you behind your back. The duke has spoken ill of me!What a priest!And instigate this villain to falsely accuse our regent!Go get the priest!

Lucio Just last night, I saw her in jail with the priest; he's a presumptuous priest, a vile fellow. Peter God bless Your Highness!I was just listening all the time and realized they were all lying to you.First, the woman's accusations against Lord Angelo are all false, and he never touched her body. Duke, I take your word for it.Do you know that priest Lodovic he was talking about? Peter, I know him, he is a man of high morals, he is not as vulgar or nosy as this gentleman said, I can guarantee that he has never said a bad word about His Royal Highness. Believe me, my lord Lucio, he speaks badly of you.

Well, Peter, he will clean himself up one day, but to your highness, he is suffering from a strange disease now.He knew that someone was going to accuse Lord Angelo of you, so he specially asked me to come here and tell him what he knew was true or not; if he was called in the future, he would be able to swear to prove these words.First, regarding this woman's slanderous words against this nobleman, I can prove to her face that her words are completely wrong, and force her to admit it herself. Master Duke, tell me. (The guard exits Isabella, and Mariana steps forward) Angelo, do you find this drama ridiculous?God, how stupid are ignorant people!Bring some chairs.Come, my lord Angelo, I am a complete spectator in this case, and judge yourself.Master, is this a witness?Let her show her face before talking. Mariana Forgive me, my lord; I shall not show my face until my husband's permission. Duke, are you a married woman? Mariana No, my lord. Duke are you a virgin? Mariana No, my lord. Was the duke then a widow? Nor is Mariana, Your Highness. Duke Why, neither this nor that; neither virgin, nor widow, nor married, What then are you? She may be a whore, my lord Lucio, as many whores are neither virgins nor widows nor married. The duke told that guy to shut up!I hope that one day he commits a crime, and then he will have a say. Lucio Yes, Your Highness. My lord Mariana, I confess that I have never been married; I also confess that I am no longer a virgin.I had sex with my husband, but my husband didn't know he had sex with me. His Royal Highness Lucio, he was probably drunk and unconscious at that time. Duke, it would be nice if you were drunk too, so you don't keep nagging like this. Lucio Yes, Your Highness. The duke This woman cannot be a witness for Lord Angelo. Mariana, Your Highness, please listen to me.The woman who just accused Lord Angelo of adultery with her also accused my husband; but she said he was in my arms while he was talking to her. Is Angelo not the only one she's accusing? Mariana I don't know. The duke doesn't know?Didn't you just talk about your husband? Mariana Yes, my lord, that is Angelo; he thinks it is Isabella's body that he has near, but does not know that it is mine that he has near. The nonsense of Angelo's school is too absurd and bizarre.Let's take a look at your face. Mariana My husband has ordered me, and now I can show my face. (removes the veil) Cruel Angelo!This is the face you swore to be worthy of love; this is the hand that you held fast when you made the alliance; this is the body that takes Isabella's place in your garden. Duke, do you know this woman? According to her, Lucio not only knew each other, but also had a relationship. The Duke forbids you to speak again! Lucio obeys, my lord. Your Highness Angelo, I admit that I know her; five years ago, I had a marriage proposal with her, but it was not realized, partly because her dowry was not enough, but mainly because her Not a good reputation.From then until now, five years, I could swear I never spoke to her, never saw her, never heard from her. My lord Mariana, by heaven and earth, I have committed myself to this man irrevocably, and on Tuesday night we were married in his garden.If what I say is a lie, let me kneel on the ground and never stand up, turning into a stone statue. Angelo I just thought it was ridiculous, but now I can't bear it anymore; Your Highness, give me the right to judge them.I can see that these two shameless women are just tools to be used by others, and there are powerful people behind them to manipulate them.My lord, let me bring this conspiracy to light. The duke is well, punish them as you wish.You foolish priest, you wicked woman, you conspire with that woman, do you think that swearing by holy names destroys the reputation of a man who is known to be a good man?Escalus, you also sit down with Angelo and help him figure out who is the mastermind of this matter.There is also a priest who ordered them, go and arrest him. Your Highness Peter, it would be great if he was here, because these two women came here to appeal for their grievances precisely because of his instigation.The prison officer where he lives knows and can tell him to call him. The duke hasten to catch him. (Exit the jailer) My lord, this case is related to you, you have full authority to hear it, and punish those who slander your reputation in this generation in the way you think is most appropriate.I'll leave you for now, but you don't have to sit up, let's talk about these rumors and slanders. Your Highness Escalus, we must investigate thoroughly. (Exit the duke) Lucio, don't you say you know that Father Lodovic is a bad man? Lucio, he just dressed up like a person who learned Taoism, but he was full of evil in his heart.He yelled blood at the duke. Escalus begs you to wait here until he comes, and confront him with what he has said to you.This priest is probably a very tricky person. Lucio is, my lord, the most cunning in Vienna. Escalus Call back that Isabella, and I will speak to her. (Exit a page) My lord, please let me interrogate her, and you can see how I deal with her. Lucio listened to her just now, you may not be able to deal with her better than Lord Angelo. Escalus Do you think so? Lucio I say, my lord, if you deal with her quietly, she'll probably confess everything; in public, she'll be ashamed to say nothing. Escalus I'll do something secretly. Lucio is right, women are serious in broad daylight, and they will become frivolous in the middle of the night. Enter Isabella, the officer waits. Escalus (to Isabella) Come, girl, here's a lady who says what you say is quite wrong. Lord Lucio, the scoundrel I mentioned has been found by the jailer. Escaleus came just in time.Don't talk to him until I ask you. The duke disguised himself as a priest and went up with the jailer. Lucio silence! Come Escalus, did you tell these two women to slander Lord Angelo?They have confessed that they are entrusted by you. The duke had none of that. How about Escaleus!Don't you know where you are now? The duke respects your position!Let the devil be adored for a while in his fiery chair!Where is the duke?He should be here listening to me. Escalus We represent the duke, and we want to hear what you say, but be careful what you say. Duke I dare say it.well!You poor people!Do you want to find a lamb among these foxes?Your grievances mean that there is no hope for Shenxue!Has the duke gone?So who else is in charge for you?This duke is an unjust duke, who ignores your plain accusations, and lets the wicked man you accuse bring you to trial. Lucio is the bad guy, that's who I'm talking about. What Escalus, you impudent priest!Isn't it enough for you to make these two women falsely accuse a good man? Do you dare to insult him like this in front of him?How dare you implicate the duke and criticize him for unfair trial!Come and punish him!We're going to break every joint in you so that you can honestly confess.snort!unfair! Duke, don't lose your temper.Even the duke himself dared not bend my finger any more than he dared bend his own.I am not of his people, nor of this place.Because something happened here, I had the opportunity to watch everything here with a cold eye; I saw that the education in Vienna was abolished, the government regulations were in disrepair, and that although various crimes were clearly punished in the law, because of the pampering and appeasement of the authorities, the strict laws were like dentistry. The string of broken teeth hanging at the doctor's door can only be pointed out as a joke. Escalus How dare you slander the government!Take him to jail! Angelo Lucio, what do you have to tell him?Isn't he the one you told us about? Lucio is he, my lord.Come here, old bald man, do you know me? Duke I hear your voice, and I remember you.We had met at the prison gate when the duke had not returned. Lucio, do you remember?So do you remember what you said against the duke? Duke I remember very well. Lucio for real?Didn't you say he was a pervert, a fool, a coward? Monsieur Duke, if you take that for me, you must take yourself for me.You really said that about him, and you said something worse and worse than that. Lucio Oh, you damned home!Didn't I pull your nose because you were rude? Duke I can swear I love the Duke as I love myself. This villain, Angelo, is spreading treacherous rumors everywhere, and now he wants to hide again! What more could a man like Escalus tell him.Take him to prison!Where is the prison officer?Take him to prison and lock him up so that he doesn't talk anymore.Those two whores and the other accomplice were also arrested by me. (The jailer wants to arrest the Duke.) Duke Wait a moment, wait a moment. Angelo what!Does he want to rebel?Lucio, you help them catch him. Lucio is all right, master, forget it.Why, you bald liar, must you wear your turban?Let us see your villainous countenance.damn it!We want to see what kind of jackal face you have before sending you to your end.Don't you want to take it off? (Tears off the priest's turban the Duke is wearing, and the Duke reveals himself.) Duke, you are the first villain who turned a priest into a duke.The prison officer, these three good innocent people, let me release them on bail first. (To Lucio) Don't slip away, sir!The priest is about to speak to you.look him up. Oh, Lucio, I may be guilty of more than beheading! DUKE (to Escalus) What you just said is innocent, so sit down.I want him to stand up and give up his seat. (to Angelo) Sorry.Can you still defend yourself now with your eloquence, your wit and your cheek?If you think you can, plead; and when I speak, you'll have nothing to say. Angelo, my majestic lord!You see my fault like a god in the sky, and if I think I can hide it from you, will it not be more sinful?Your Highness, please don't judge me for my infamy, I am willing to admit everything.I beg Your Highness to sentence me to death immediately, that would be a great grace. Come the duke, Mariana.Tell me, have you ever been engaged to this woman? Angelo Yes, my lord. The duke took her so quickly to the wedding at once.Father, go and marry them; when you're done, bring him back here.Prison officer, you go too. (Exit Angelo, Mariana, Peter, and the jailer.) Your Highness Escalus, although this incident is unexpected, what makes me even more surprised is that he would have such a shameless behavior. Come the duke, Isabella.Your priest is now your king; but though my appearance has changed, my heart is still the same, and I will continue to serve you as I have consulted in your affairs. Isabella Kusano is rude and ignorant, she has worked a lot, Your Highness, and I hope His Highness will forgive me! The duke pardons you, Isabella, you don't have to be polite in the future.I know you are grieved over your brother's death; and you may not understand why I am so incognito, trying to rescue him, rather than simply using my power to prevent his execution.O good girl!I did not expect him to be put to death so soon as to defeat my original purpose.But may he be safe after death!Now he doesn't have to worry about life and fear of death, and he is much happier than living with fear in his heart. You can comfort yourself with this kind of thinking. Isabella I think so too, Your Highness. Re-enter ANGELO, MARIANNA, FATHER PETER, AND THE JARLER. Duke, for Mariana's sake, you must forgive him, the newlywed, who has insulted your immaculate chastity with obscene delusions.But since he put your brother to death, and committed adultery and breach of contract at the same time, the law, however merciful, must cry out, "As Claudio died, so shall Angelo die." !" One dies quickly, and the other cannot allow him to postpone his death. The same punishment is used to offset the same crime. This is called the cycle of retribution!Therefore, Angelo, since your crime has been exposed, and if you try to deny it, but you cannot deny it, we condemn you to die on the scaffold that Claudio decreed, and execute it as quickly as he did.take him! Mariana, my merciful Lord!Please don't give me a husband in name only! The duke gave you a nominal husband, your own husband.Because I took care of your reputation, I decided to complete the wedding for you, otherwise you would have lost your body to him, and your lifelong happiness would be affected.As for his property, it should be confiscated by the public according to the law, but now I award it all to you, and you can use it to find a better husband than him. Mariana, good lord, I want no one else, nor a better man than him. The duke need not intercede for him, my mind is settled. MARIANA (kneeling) begs His Royal Highness to show mercy—Duke, you are just wasting your words.Take him down and execute him! (To Lucio) My friend, now it's your turn. Mariana O my lord!Dear Isabella, help me, please kneel down with me, life after life, I will never forget your kindness. Duke, if you ask her to intercede for you, isn't that a joke!If she will, her brother's ghost will rise from the grave and take her. Mariana Isabella, good Isabella, you only have to kneel beside me, and raise your hands, and without saying a word, I will speak.People say that the best good people are those who have made mistakes; often because of a little shortcoming, a person will become better in the future.So why doesn't my husband do the same?Ah, Isabella, will you kneel with me? Duke He must pay for Claudio's life. Isabella (kneeling down) Your Highness who is benevolent and virtuous, please look at this sinner and treat him as if my younger brother is still alive!I think that before he saw me, his behavior was indeed sincere. If this is the case, then let him die.My brother died of the law, and deserved it; though Angelo's intentions were abominable, but fortunately his actions did not harm others; he must be treated as an attempt, and should be less guilty.Because thoughts are not concrete facts, bad intentions cannot be used as a basis for conviction. Mariana Yes, Your Highness. Duke Your entreaties are useless, stand up.I remembered another mistake.Prison officer, why didn't Claudio be executed at the usual hour? This is the order of the jailer. Duke, have you received any official documents to carry out this matter? No jailer, the humble officer only received personal orders from Lord Angelo. Duke, you should be dismissed for being so negligent.Hand over your keys. The jailer begged Your Highness for mercy. He was confused and did something wrong in a lowly position. After thinking about it carefully, he was very remorseful. So there was another prisoner who was originally ordered to be executed. I kept him and did not execute it. Duke who is he? Jailer His name is Banardin. Duke I wish you would keep Claudio too.Go, bring him, and let me see what he is. (Exit the jailer.) Lord Escalus Angelo, a man like you, who is considered so clever and learned by everyone, should have fallen so far; since you can't restrain your passion, and you are so reckless afterward, it's true. What a disappointment! Angelo, I am so ashamed and annoyed that I can't express it. My heart is full of remorse, which makes me feel ashamed and wish to die quickly. Enter the jailer, leading Barnardine, Claudio, and Juliet, Claudio covering his head with a cloth. Which duke is Banardine? This is the jailer, my lord. One of the duke's priests once told me about this man.Well, man, they say you have a stubborn soul, that you have passed your whole life in a muddle, not knowing that there are other worlds than this world.You are a person with no guilt, but I have forgiven you the sins of the world. From then on, you can change your mind and prepare for the next life.Father, you have to persuade him a lot, I hand him over to you. ――Who is that guy with his head covered? Jailer This is another criminal I saved, who should have died with Claudio in his head, and he looks exactly like Claudio. (Removes Claudio's hood.) DUKE (to Isabella) If he is born exactly like your brother, then I pardon him for your brother's sake; and for your dear's sake, I'll ask you to give me your hand, promise me You are mine, then he shall also be my brother.But let's talk about that later.Angelo now also knows that his life can be saved, and I saw that his eyes seemed to light up suddenly.Well, Angelo, you have done a good job in your bad deeds, and love your wife well, she is worthy of your admiration.But I can forgive everyone, but I cannot forgive one person. (To Lucio) You call me a fool, a coward, a luxury, a donkey, a madman; what have I done to you that you insult me ​​like this? Lucio Really, Your Highness, I was just joking.If you hang me for it, that's up to you; but I hope you'll whip me. The duke whips you first, then hangs you.Prison officer, I once heard him swear that he had a relationship with a woman and had a child. You go and tell the whole city that any woman has been victimized by this adulterer. Tell her to come to me, and I will call him Marry her; and after the wedding, flog him and hang him. Lucio beg Your Majesty, don't let me marry a whore.Your Highness said just now that you were originally a priest and I turned you into a duke, so good Your Highness, you should not make me a turtle just to repay me. Duke you must marry her.I pardon your slander, and all the rest.Take him to jail and do as I want. Your Highness Lucio, marrying a whore will kill me, it's almost like being crushed to death with whipping and hanging. The duke deserved this punishment for insulting the king.Claudio, you must make good your lover who suffers for you.Mariana, may you be happy ever after!Angelo, you have to treat her better. I have heard her confession and know that she is a virtuous woman.Escalus, my good friend, thank you for your kindness, and I will reward you generously in the future.Prison officer, because of your prudence and secrecy, I will give you a better official position.Angelo, he pretended to be Claudio's head by La Gejing, and fooled you, don't blame him, it's all out of good intentions.Dear Isabella, I have a feeling in my heart that is very much in the interest of your happiness; if you will listen to me, all that is mine is yours, and all that is yours is mine, come and return Gong, I still have to slowly let you all know about many unfinished business. (same below.)
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