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Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Desire for Sensual Stimulation

new alchemy 奥修 3912Words 2018-03-20
"Kill the desire for sensual stimulation.... Learn from sensual stimulation and observe it, for only then will you be able to lay hands on the science of self-knowledge and get your foot on the first rung of the ladder." "Kill the desire for sensuality." We live for sensuality, we crave sensuality.We are always in search of fresher sensual stimuli; our whole life is an effort to acquire fresher sensual stimuli.But what happened?The more you seek out sensory stimulation, the less sensitive you become.You lose your sensitivity. That seems contradictory.In sensory stimulation, sensitivity is lost.Then you demand more sensory stimulation, and this "more" kills your sensitivity even more.Then you ask for more, and finally a moment comes when all your senses become dull and dead.Humanity has never been so dull and dead as it is today.Humans have always been more alive before, because there were not so many possibilities for satisfying sensory stimuli before.But now science, progress, civilization, education, have created many opportunities for access to sensory stimulation.In the end, you will become a dead person; your sensitivity will be lost.Taste more food -- strong flavors, heavy flavors -- and you lose your sense of taste.If you travel around the world and go on seeing more beautiful things, you will become blind; the sensitivity of your eyes will be lost.

You change love objects every day—girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband.If you switch partners every day, your sensitivity to love will die.You are entering danger zone.You will never be able to go into the depths; you will only be moving on the surface.The more things you experience, the less your ability to experience becomes.And then at the end, when everything around you becomes dead, you ask for divinity, you ask for joy, you ask for truth.A dead person cannot experience divinity.To experience divinity you need total sensitivity; you need to become alive.Remember, likeness brings likeness.

If you want divinity, "divinity" means the most alive, ever alive, ever young, ever green, if you want to meet divinity, you have to become more alive.How can it be done? "Kill all desire for sensuality." Don't seek sensuality; seek sensitivity, become more sensitive. The two are different.If you ask for sensory stimulation, you ask for things; you accumulate things.But if you ask for sensitivity, you have to work on your senses, not on things.You are not trying to accumulate stuff.You have to deepen your senses, the senses of your heart, your eyes, your ears, your nose.Every sense should be deepened so that it can feel the subtle things.

We cannot even feel gross things, and we have to become capable of feeling subtle things.The world looks rough because we cannot feel subtle things.What is not seen is hidden in what is seen.Look at these trees.You see the rough side: the body of the tree.You never see, never feel the life within it.That's how it grows!The tree itself does not grow: the tree is just a body.Something else, something unseen, is growing in it.And because of it, trees grow.The inside is growing, and because of it, the outside grows.But you only see trees, so only the outside is seen. look around you.Look carefully into your friend's eyes.You only see the eyes, not the one who is looking through the eyes.Touch your friend's body.You only touch the gross; you never feel the inner subtlety.Only the body, the outer, is felt; because your eyes (your senses) have become so dull that they cannot feel the inner, the invisible.

You need more sensitivity.Requires less sensory stimulation and grows in sensitivity.When you touch, become that touch.When you look, become the eye.When you listen, your whole consciousness has to come to the ear.To listen to a song, or to the sound of a bird, becomes an ear.Forget about other things as if you were just ears.Put your full being above the ear.Then, your ears will become more sensitive. When you look at a thing, whether it is a flower or a beautiful face or a star, become the eyes.Forget about other things, as if no other part of your body exists, and your consciousness becomes nothing but eyes.Then your eyes will be able to see deeper, and you will also be able to see that which cannot be seen.What cannot be seen can also be seen, but you need more penetrating eyes to see it.

"Kill the desire for all sensual stimulation." And grow in sensitivity.Think less about the things of the world and more about your senses.purify them.The senses are purified when you don't ask for sensory stimulation.When you demand more and more sensory stimulation, you are killing your senses. Those who discover divinity are those whose senses are fully active, those whose senses are at their maximum.Then you can not only see the divinity, but you can also taste the divinity and smell the divinity.Divinity can enter you through any of the senses.Ultimate understanding occurs only when divinity enters you through all the senses.If you can only see the divine, it is only a partial understanding.Then you are not really enlightened yet.If you cannot touch divinity, if you cannot taste divinity, you are only partially enlightened.

Using such a term would seem illogical.To taste God?Is he food?Yes, he is everything.You can taste it, but then you need a very subtle ability to taste it.Your food itself becomes divine.Through food, divinity is felt.The monks of the Upanishad said that food is Brahma. "Anna is brahma." They must have tasted God, they must have eaten God. We've always thought of God as a matter of logic, so we've been arguing, for or against.We have been debating whether or not God exists.That is irrelevant.God is not a matter of argument, of logic, of reason.God is actually a matter of sensitivity.If you don't feel him, get more sensitive.Any logical thinking won't help.Get more sensitive!If you are sensitive, he will appear.He is always there, but you are insensitive.Thinking dulls you, sensory stimulation dulls you.Kill the desire for "sensual stimulation".

"Kill the desire to grow." This verse is very revolutionary, very dangerous. "Kill the desire to grow." This statement seems absurd, because if you kill all the desire to grow, then what is the need to grow into divinity?So how can a person obtain the truth, how can a person become enlightened?So why have meditation and these nonsense things?We must go deep into this verse. "Kill the desire to grow." There are two types of growth.One is growth in which you can do certain things; the other is growth in which you cannot do anything.For the first, your effort is required; for the other, your non-effort is required.

Spiritual growth is the second type.Your effort will not help; it will only create obstacles.You cannot do anything about spiritual growth.The only thing you can do is surrender, and that is inaction.You can only do one thing: let divinity work within you.You can only cooperate.You can only float, swimming is not necessary, it is a deep letting go.This is what it means to "kill the desire to grow." "...grows unconsciously like a flower, yet eagerly opens its soul to the air. You too must push forward, opening your soul to eternity." But the object has to be eternal! "But it must be eternity, not the desire to grow, that pulls your strength and beauty. For on the one hand you develop in purification, and on the other hand you are hardened by a compulsive passion for personal physical and mental development."

I repeat: "But it is eternity, not desire to grow, that must draw your strength and beauty." For every desire is an obstacle, even the desire to attain divinity; every desire It is all a kind of slavery, even the desire to be free is the same.Desire itself is the problem, so you cannot desire divinity.That is contradictory.You can only desire dunya, you cannot desire divinity; because desire is dunya, desire is samsara.You cannot desire moksha (note: complete freedom).Moksha happens to you when you are in a state of no desire; freedom happens to you, divinity happens to you when you are in a state of no desire.

Let divinity bring out all that is hidden within you.Don't seek growth.Surrender so that growth can happen.Growth will happen, but it will not happen through your efforts, but through the grace of God.That will happen through God.There are many reasons for this kind of thing. There is absolutely nothing greater than you in whatever you do.It cannot be greater than you.Whatever you do, those things are always below you.The doer is always greater than the deed.Otherwise it is impossible.The painter is greater than his painting, and the meditator is greater than his meditation.No matter what you do, those things will always be below you, so how can you achieve divinity?Divinity is not below you, so you cannot achieve it through your efforts.If you could reach God through your own effort, that God would be below you, not above you, that God would only be an object, something you could hold in your hand, something you had already got .So remember, God cannot be gained through your efforts.God can happen to you, but it will not be an achievement. So what to do?What can be done on your part?On your part you have to make a negative effort.The negative effort is: don't create obstacles, don't create hindrances.Be open and waiting, and ready to move, to go.If the magnetism starts to work, you let the magnetism do it. So what is the meditation that I have been emphasizing all the time?It is just to destroy your obstacles; it is a negative effort.Through meditation you will not reach divinity, but through meditation you will become more open, and then divinity can function.Through meditation you become open; your prayers reach God.You are saying you are ready and you will cooperate now. That's all you need to do on your side.Allow, let go, surrender.Through the will, nothing can be accomplished.On the divine plane, nothing can be done through will, only through surrender.But when the time comes, everything will happen. With the meditation that we are doing here, you are just breaking down your barriers.That's why I emphasize that you should be like a child.Be a kid again.Forget about your civilization, culture, etiquette, manners, personality, face.Those are facades.throw it away!To become like a child. That would look crazy.It would seem crazy to ditch your mind and go back to childhood.Then go crazy!But whatever the cost, be like a child again.Jesus said only those who are like children can enter my kingdom of God.I would say the same thing.Go back to the point where civilization starts corrupting you, back to the point where education starts corrupting you, back to the point where society comes in.Go back to the point where you weren't socialized, when the forces of society weren't thrust upon you.Go back to that point of your innocence, and unless you go back to that point again, the blockage will still be there. Be a child again.In the process, you'll feel like you're crazy because you're throwing away all your adult values: education, culture, religion, scriptures, manners.You are throwing everything away.You are returning to the point where society has not corrupted you. The whole process might seem crazy, but it's not.It is a catharsis.If you can go through it, you'll come out of it more sane and less crazy.Madness will be thrown away.You will become purer and more awake.
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