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Chapter 4 positive latitude fourth

Wen Xin Diao Long 刘勰 660Words 2018-03-20
Husband’s divine way is elucidated, the destiny is slightly revealed, Ma Long came out and the "Yi" prospered, and the tortoise saw it and "Hong Fan" shined, so "Xi Ci" said "The river draws pictures, Luo publishes books, and the sages follow them", Si said and also.However, the world is not good at writing and concealing, so it is easy to be false. Although the truth exists, the falsehood also depends on it. The six classics of the husband are brilliant, but the latitude and longitude are overlapping; "filial piety" and "lun" are clear, but "hook" and "prophecy" are luxuriant.According to experience weft, there are four false ones: the warp cover weft is like weaving healds, silk and hemp are not mixed, and cloth and silk are complete.Today's meridian is correct and weft is strange, and it is doubled and picked up for thousands of miles. It is false.Jingxian, hadith; Weiyin, divine religion.The hadith should be extensive, and the divine teaching should be covenant, but now there are more latitudes than scriptures, and the theories are more complicated, which is false.Destiny comes from heaven, which is called Fu prophecy, and the eighty-one chapters are all entrusted to Confucius, which means that Yao made green pictures and Chang made alchemy books, and there are three false ones.Before the Shang and Zhou dynasties, pictures and inscriptions were frequently seen. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the group of scriptures was prepared, and the weft was first followed by the warp.If the false is double-excerpted, the meaning is self-evident, and the scriptures are sufficient, so what is the latitude?

The original husband's view of Tulu is Haotian's death, and the matter is based on Ruisheng, and the righteousness does not match the scriptures.Therefore, the river is not shown in the picture, and the master sighed, as if it could be built, it would be effortless.Xikang Wang Hetu, prefaced by Chen Yudong, so I know the amulet of the past life, the treasure biography of the past dynasties, written by Zhongni, and it is just a preface.So the tricksters, with tricks, say yin and yang, or order disasters and abnormalities, if birds sing like words, insects and leaves form words, and the articles grow and spread, they must fake Kong's. Preface to the secret treasure, Zhu Zi is in chaos.

As for the world of Guangwu, I believe in Sishu.The weather is all the rage, and the scholars stand shoulder to shoulder.Peixian collected wefts to understand the scriptures, Cao Bao selected prophecies to determine rituals, and the perverse ways and absurd classics are too much.Therefore, Huan Tan blames his hypocrisy, Yin Min plays on his hypocrisy, Zhang Heng reveals his absurdity, and Xun Yue understands his absurdity: the four sages are well-trained, and their theories are refined. If it is the source of Xi Nongxuan, the essence of mountain dunes and rhythms, the talisman of white fish and red crow, and the auspiciousness of gold and purple jade, the things are rich and magnificent, and the words are rich and rich, which is not beneficial to classics but helpful to articles.Therefore, he resigned later and picked up Yinghua.Pingzi feared that he would be obsessed with learning, so he was forbidden to play it; Zhongyu regretted his miscellaneous truth, and did not allow him to burn it.The previous generation matched the scriptures, so it will be discussed in detail.

Praise said: Ronghe and Wenluo are pregnant Tuwei.God's treasure is used, and reason is hidden and valuable. In the history of the two Han Dynasties, the nobles were boiling.It is strange and treacherous, and its carvings are collected.
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