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Chapter 98 (7) Composing poems with poems

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1136Words 2018-03-20
Composing poems based on "Poetry" can be traced back to "Poetry? Daya? Zommin": "Jifu recites, and the sound is like a breeze"①; That's how it started. ("Qian Zhongshu Research" page 11) ①Jifu: Yin Jifu, the Minister of Zhou Xuanwang, helped Xuanwang Zhongxing. ② Shaoling: Du Fu.See the fourth sentence of "Xi Wei Liu Quatrains": "Or look at the emerald orchids, and the whales are not caught in the blue sea." ③ Retreat: Han Yu.See "Tiao Zhang Ji" for a sentence: "Pull out the whale's teeth with the stabbing hand, and drink the heavenly pulp with a ladle." Also "Send Wu Benshi to Fan Yang": "The dragon makes horned teeth, and I want to take it with my hands." Jia Daochu was a Buddha. , without a name.

Composing poems with "Poetry" can be traced back to "The Book of Songs? The People". Yin Jifu wrote a poem to bid farewell to Zhong Shanfu, calling the poem "Mu Ru Qingfeng", and using verses to describe this poem.Those who use verse to describe poetry are called "poetry".The most prominent is "Poetry" written by Sikong Tu in the Tang Dynasty. The twenty-four poems in "Poetry" are 24 poem reviews, and there are also 24 poems, that is, poems are used to criticize poems. "Mu Ruqingfeng" commented on poems with verses, so it was the earliest to comment on poems with poems.

Du Fu's "Six Quatrains for Play": "You may look at the emerald orchids, but the whales are not caught in the blue sea." It also reviews poems with poems, and uses verses to comment on two styles: one is emerald orchids, which is a beautiful style; The second is the blue sea of ​​whales, which is a majestic style. Han Yu's "Tiao Zhang Ji": "Pull out the whale's teeth with the stabbing hand, and drink the heavenly pulp with the floating hand." It praises a majestic style.Also "Send No Master to Fan Yang": "Jiaolong messes with the corners of his teeth, and he wants to take it when he makes mistakes." It is a compliment to a thrilling style.In addition, such as Liu Yuxi's "Hanlin Bai Twenty-two Scholars See Sending Poems with One Hundred Rhymes": "Yuqin is quiet at night, and the Qi tree is blowing in the spring. The people of Ying have no traces, and the immortals abandon their swords and rulers." Mr. Qian called it a "good example" of criticizing poems by poems in Supplement to Tan Yi Lu.

Yuan Haowen's "Thirty Quatrains on Poetry" is also a poem-style talk about art, but Du Han is most famous for his poems and poems. In order to understand the style of using poems to criticize poems, here are a few poems in Yuan Haowen's "On Poetry Quatrains", so as to help us get a glimpse of the use of quatrains in writing poetry reviews and poem reviews.For example, the first song: "Han ballads about Wei Shijiu are divergent, and there is no one to discuss them in detail. Who is the chisel hand in the poem?Temporarily teach Jing and Wei to be clear and muddy. "Kaizong Mingyi, he was not very satisfied with the "variety" of poems since the Han and Wei Dynasties, which one is the "orthodox style", and no one commented on it, so he decided to criticize poems with poems. Thirty quatrains, from ancient poems in the Han and Wei Dynasties to Song poems, Almost all the abstractors expressed their opinions, forming a group of systematic and insightful literary criticism masterpieces. Yuan Haowen's comment on Tao Qian is: "A word is natural and eternal, and the luxury is full of truth.Nanchuang Bairixi Emperor, did not harm Yuanming is from Jin. "Tao's poems are natural in language and pure in content. He appreciates them very much. Yuan Haowen takes Jian'an character as the criterion for his poems, so he has his own views on Liu Kun and Zhang Hua: "Cao Liu sits on a roaring tiger and lives Wind, there are no two heroes in the world.

It's a pity that Liu Yueshi in Bingzhou did not teach Jian'an Middle School in Hengli. ""Yexia is romantic in Jinduo, and Zhuanghuai still sees "Quaker Song".If Fengyun hates Zhang Huashao, what about Wen Lixin's voice? "He believes that good poems must have strength of character, and they must be tragic and generous. Liu Kun is winning with tragedy, so he appreciates it; although Zhang Hua's love for children is more than wind and cloud, he thinks it is better than Li Shangyin and Wen Tingyun. When dealing with folk literature, he admired the fresh and vigorous "Chile Song": "The generous ballads will never be passed on, and the Qionglu is a natural one. Zhongzhou's eternal heroism also goes to the Yinshan "Chile River." Quoting this four chapters , we can see Yuan Haowen's likes and dislikes. He has expressed his own opinions on the poems of the literary world in the past dynasties. He has theories and literary talents, making him an important work on poetry in terms of poetry.

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