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Chapter 6 (4) On Annotating Poems, You Need to Know the Author's Hands and Eyes

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1052Words 2018-03-20
(Huang Tingjian) The third song of "Ti Luoxing Temple": "Little rain hides the mountain guest and sits for a long time." Qingshen's note quotes: "The mountain is hidden in the lake." According to only the origin of the label, no hand-eye.The victory lies in the ability to hide in the rain, not in the ability to hide in the mountains.Jia Langxian's "Seeing the Peaks of Zhongnan in the Evening Sunshine" says: "Hiding in the rain for half a day, and going to the window today", you can note it.Those who sit for a long time will wait for the rain to clear and the mountains will be visible; the poem "Shengye Temple Yuetang" in the valley says: "The bitter rain has been relieved, and all the peaks come to present their petitions."Han Zhiyao's "Fuzhou Rugui Museum on February 23rd of Bingyin" says ②: "The good flowers are empty to thank the rain and hide the spring", Yuan Yishan's "Sunny Scenery Picture" says: "The Tibetan mountain is only good for clouds and smoke", using "Tibetan" Words can also be visited.New Supplement 30, "Tixiuan": "Wan Lai is uneven and writes about the bright moon."

Qingshen's note: "See above for Wan Lai." According to "You Bu Wei Zhai Essay" Ding Yun③: "Use Wang Xizhi's Lanting poem: 'Although the sounds of the group are uneven, I am just a relative.'" Yes. "Writing" refers to the words of Zhu Ying in the middle of the moon (see page 256 of "Guan Zhui Bian").In this sentence, one or two characters refer to sound, five, six, and seven characters refer to shadow, and three or four characters pun on sound and shadow. Xiao Se, Lin Ying has been mixed for a long time ④." (339 pages) ① Jia Langxian: Jia Dao, a Tang poet.

②Han Zhiyao: Han Xun, a Tang poet. ③ "You Buwei Zhai Essay": ten volumes, written by Qing Guangcongxie. ④ Liu Zihou: Liu Zongyuan, a Tang writer. In this commentary poem, you must know the author's hand and eye skills.For example, in Huang Tingjian's poem: "Light rain hides the mountain guest and sits for a long time." Pay attention to the word "Tibetan".Here it is called "Yu Zang Mountain", and Jia Dao said that Chengshan (the peaks in the southwest) "Hidden Rain", that is, the mountain is hidden in the rain, which can be said to be "hidden in the rain" in the poem.The use of "rain hides mountains" seems to be anthropomorphic because rain has knowledge and can hide things.

Saying "hidden in the rain", it seems that the mountain has knowledge, and the mountain is hidden in the rain.Besides, "go to the window today", that is, go out to the window, and "the peak comes to present the form", and it is also anthropomorphic to say that the mountain or the peak has knowledge.And Huang Tingjian's poem: "While the sounds of thousands of voices are uneven, I write about the bright moon." Here we need to understand the author's mood, so I use Wang Xizhi's Lanting poem, "Although the sounds of the crowd are uneven, it is suitable for me only if I am close."

Here is a note, which expresses the author's love for the group, which is related to the author's mood, and is good. "Wan Lai Ji Chou" is to write sound, and "Write to the Bright Moon" is to write shadows. "Writing on the bright moon" means writing on the bright moon, that is, the moon writes the bamboo shadow on the ground, which is also an anthropomorphic technique. "Staggered" is not only the difference of sound, that is, "the difference of group sounds", but also the difference of shadows, that is, "the difference of forest shadows".Only by such a detailed analysis can we know the author's heart, know the author's skills and mood.

Here I will talk about visiting page 256 of "Guan Zhui Bian", that is to say, the word "writing": "Ju Shijuan 'sit quietly and play the piano and write it', published "Han Feizi? Ten Passes", and "Wai Chu Shuo" has "Buzi" on the upper left Wife writes evil hakama also'; one word imitates the sound, and the other imitates the shape. Since the pre-Qin period, this meaning has been used." This is a word for "writing", which is written in "holding the piano and writing it". Here, it refers to imitating the sound; in "writing evil hakama", it refers to imitating the shape.But in "Wan Lai Strangely Writes About the Bright Moon", there is a word "write", and in one sentence, "Wan Lai" refers to the sound of nature. "Wan Lai staggered", this "staggered" is to write the sound, imitating the sound is not uniform. "Writing the bright moon" refers to the unevenness of bamboo shadows in the middle of the month, which is to write shadows and imitate the unevenness of bamboo shadows. "staggered"

It is a pun on sound and shadow, and "writing" also refers to writing sound and shadow.
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