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Chapter 2 eleven to twenty

Words in the world 王国维 1725Words 2018-03-20
eleven Zhang Gaowen said: "Feiqing's words are deeply beautiful and Hongyue (1)." Yu said: only Feng Zhengzhong is sufficient for these four characters.Liu Rongqi said: "Feiqing is exquisite and incomparable. (2)" It's not close to the ear. Notes: (1) Zhang Huiyan's Preface to Selected Poems: "Wen Tingyun is the tallest poet in the Tang Dynasty, and his words are profound and beautiful." (2) Liu Xizai's "General Introduction to Art" Volume 4 "General Introduction to Songs and Songs": "Wen Feiqing's Ci is exquisite and incomparable, but the class is not beyond the whimsy."

twelve "Painting screen golden partridge (1)" is also in Feiqing's language, and its words are similar to it. "Yellow Orioles on Strings (2)" is also Duanjiyu, and its lyrics are similar.If you want to find it in the words and sentences in the middle of the word, then "Try Strict Makeup with Tears (3)", is it close? Notes: (1) Wen Tingyun [Genglouzi]: "The willow silk grows, the spring rain is thin. The sound of the flowers leaking. The geese are startled, and the city is black. The golden partridge is painted. The fragrance is thin, and the curtain is penetrated. The Xiejiachi Pavilion is melancholy. The red candle Back, the embroidered curtain hangs down. Mr. Mengchang doesn't know."

(2) Wei Zhuang [Bodhisattva Man]: "The night in the red building is melancholy, the incense lamp is half-rolled with a tassel tent. When the waning moon goes out, the beauty and the tears bid farewell. The pipa is golden and emerald feathers, and the oriole is singing on the string. Advise me to go home early, the green window man Like a flower." (3) Feng Yansi [Bodhisattva Man]: "Jiao Huan piles pillows, hairpins and phoenixes, dissolves the dream of spring water and poplar flowers. Red candles and tears dry out, green screens are cold with smoke and waves. Brocade pots draw arrows, and jade pendants are far away from the horizon. Tears test strict makeup, Falling plums and flying dawn."

Thirteen The main verse in the Southern Tang Dynasty: "The fragrance of the stalks sells the remnants of the green leaves, and the west wind worries about the green waves (1)." There are many fragrances and filth, and the beauty is old and twilight.It is only appreciated in ancient and modern times, "Drizzle dreams go back to Jisaiyuan, and the small building blows through the jade sheng cold." Therefore, it is not easy to understand people. Notes: (1) Li Jing [Huanxisha]: "The fragrance of the stalks sells the remnants of the green leaves, and the westerly wind worries about the green waves. It is still haggard with the time, which is unbearable. The drizzle dreams back to Jisaiyuan, and the small building blows through the Yusheng Han. How many teardrops can limit hatred, leaning against the railing."

fourteen Wen Feiqing's words are beautiful in every sentence.Wei Duan's own words, bone show also.Li Chongguang's words are also Shenxiu. fifteen When the Ci came to Li Houzhu, his horizons began to widen, and his emotions became deeper, so he changed from the words of actors to the words of scholar-bureaucrats.Zhou Jiecun's placement under Zhu Wenwei (1) can be a reversal of right and wrong. "Man grows and hates water and Changdong (2)", "Flowing water falls and flowers go away in spring, heaven and earth (3)", "Jin Quan" and "Huan Hua", can there be such a scene?

Notes: (1) Zhou Ji's "Jie Cun Zhai Analects Miscellaneous Works": "Mao Qiang, Xi Shi, the most beautiful women in the world. Strict makeup is good, light makeup is also good, rough clothes are messy, and do not hide the national beauty. Fei Qing, strict makeup is also good .Take care of yourself and put on light makeup. The master of the rear will wear rough clothes and mess up his hair." (2) The Empress [Meeting Joy]: "The forest flowers withered the spring red, too hastily, but the cold rain came in the morning and the wind came later. The tears of rouge leave people intoxicated, when will it be heavy? Naturally, people grow and hate water and long east!"

(3) The master of the post [Lang Taosha]: "The rain is murmuring outside the curtain, and the spring is fading. Luo Qun can't bear the cold at five o'clock. In the dream, he doesn't know that he is a guest, and he is greedy for joy all day long. Don't lean on a railing alone. There are no boundless mountains and rivers. It's easy to say goodbye Time is hard to see. Flowing water, falling flowers, spring will go, heaven and earth." sixteen Those who are poets do not lose their innocence.Therefore, being born in a deep palace and growing in the hands of a woman is the shortcoming of the posthumous ruler, that is, the strong point of the poet.

seventeen An objective poet must read more about the world.The deeper the reading of the world, the richer and more varied the material, the author of .A subjective poet does not need to read the world.The shallower the experience of the world, the truer the temperament, and the same is true of Li Houzhu. eighteen Nietzsche said: "For all literature, I love those written in blood."Emperor Song Daojun's [Yanshan Pavilion] Ci (1) is also slightly similar.However, the Daoist Lord is just a relative of the Daoist rebirth, and the latter master has the meaning of Sakyamuni Christ who bears the burden of human sins, and the size is different.

Notes: (1) Song Huizong [Yanshan Pavilion] (see apricot blossom in the north): "Cut the ice gauze, lightly stack it several times, and lightly pour the swallow fat evenly. The new style of beautiful makeup, the fragrance is overflowing, and it is embarrassing to kill the maid of Ruizhu." It is easy to wither, and more ruthless wind and rain. Sorrow. The idle courtyard is desolate, and there are many spring evenings. With so much hatred, these two swallows have never been able to speak. The sky is far away, thousands of rivers and mountains, where do you know the Forbidden City? Don't think about it? Except in the dream, sometimes I went there. There is no evidence. And the dream is also, the new come and don't do it."

nineteen Although Feng Zhengzhong's poems do not lose the style of the Five Dynasties, they are extraordinarily grand, opening up the atmosphere of the Northern Song Dynasty.Both the middle and the latter subject words are outside the scope of "Hua Jian", so it is appropriate not to list their characters in "Hua Jian Ji" (1). Notes: (1) Long Muxun's "Selected Poems of Tang and Song Dynasties": "In the case of "Hua Jian Ji", there are many poets from Xishu. Not because of the different genres, Sui Er left it behind. The king said it was not true."

twenty In addition to [Magpie Stepping on Branches] and [Bodhisattva Man], the words in the middle are the most impressive, such as "A Tall Tree Magpie Holds a Nest, Slanting Moon Bright Cold Grass (1)" in "Drunk Flower Room", Yu Wei Suzhou's "Liuyingdu" Gaoge (2)" and Meng Xiangyang's "Sparse Raindrop Indus (3)" cannot pass. Notes: (1) Feng Yansi [Drunken Flower Room]: "Spring has not yet arrived in the small snowy garden. The plum blossoms by the pond are early. Tall trees and magpies hold their nests, and the slanting moon brightens the cold grass. The scenery of mountains and rivers is beautiful. Jinling Road since ancient times. Young people look old but never meet again. Tired of being drunk with the golden cup, there are many partings and few reunions." (2) Wei Yingwu [Temple dwelling in Duye sent Cui Zhuzhu's book]: "The lonely people are lonely and sleepless, and the leaves are falling. The cold rain is darker and darker, and the fireflies are crossing the high pavilion. Sitting makes the green light dawn, and hurts the thin summer clothes. Ning Zhi At the age of Fang Yan, it is even more desolate to leave home." (3) Volume 6 of "Quan Tang Poems": Meng Haoran's sentence, "Misty clouds and light rivers, sparse raindrops and sycamore trees." Tang Wang Shiyuan's "Meng Haoran Collection" preface says: "Haoran tastes leisurely travels in secret provinces, autumn moon is new, Zhu Yinghua writes poems Yes. The Haoran sentence goes, "Micro-clouds light rivers and rivers, sparse raindrops and sycamore trees." "
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