Home Categories Portfolio Feiyang: after summer

Chapter 3 Chapter 1 Let's Listen to the Wind Sing-2

Feiyang: after summer 11111Words 2018-03-20
Lying down and looking at the blue sky, you are by my side. --Inscription Yiqi's bicycle After the math teacher explained the last complicated function problem, the bell for the next night's self-study rang right in time, which just interrupted the teacher's preparation to be filled with passion again.The teacher saw the faces of the students who couldn't hold back their excitement, so he waved his hand and said, I will talk about other things tomorrow, and get out of class is over today. As soon as the words fell, the students rushed out halfway.In the third year of high school, it is really rare for students to have such vitality.

Some students don't live on campus, but go home every night, and these students go to the carport to push the carts.Suddenly, Qi yelled, saying that his car was missing.This interrupted everyone's conversation and laughter, so Fei stopped Jie and Ah Zhao and asked them to help find them. Sheng, Xuejun and Xiao K heard this and stayed to help Qi find a bicycle. In the darkness, the light of several flashlights strafed bicycles of all sizes in the carport.Jie deliberately went to the small bamboo grove behind the carport, but he couldn't find Qi's faded purple bicycle with crooked faucet.

The students gradually disappeared, and the cars were also pushed away, leaving only two abandoned cars lying on the ground without a sound. Xuejun said, Xiaoqi, your car is gone, please forgive me. Everyone also wanted to comfort Qi, but she laughed and said, great, my car is finally lost, great, my mother is finally willing to buy me a new car. Jie squinted at Qi and said, your little car, who has been with you for six years, must be heartbroken after hearing what you said. Qi is still in high spirits, and in the dark, anyone can see her dancing figure. Xuejun shone a flashlight on his face from his chin, looking horrified, he lowered his voice and said to Qi, Master, you are so bad, you actually abandoned me, how can I feel sorry for you...

Qi was scared by Xuejun and screamed, and then said, you don’t know how difficult my bike is to ride, I can’t even step on it, my mother never changes it for me, I don’t lock it every time I ride it, but it Just don't lose it.It was finally lost today, and my hard days are finally over haha.And, I didn't lose it, it lost it by itself. If my mother asks, you all have to testify for me. Fei looked at Qi in surprise. Qi is a girl who doesn't talk much. She talked so much tonight, which shows that she is really excited. Everyone listened to Qi's words, and there was no sound. Suddenly Sheng shined a flashlight on the bamboo forest over there, and said loudly, Qi, your car is there, I saw it!

no?Qi asked desperately. of course not.Sheng replied calmly.Qi walked over and pretended to kick Sheng's car, and said half angry and half coquettish, you are not good people, you just know how to bully me. Everyone laughed, Fei Douqi said, you have been looking for a car for you for so long, why are you not a good person?Okay, let's go home, don't get too excited, go back and let your mother think that you sold the broken car yourself and tricked her into buying a new car for you. Qi immediately calmed down and said, yes, then I will control it.Then she went to Fee's car and asked Fee to take her.

Fei hurriedly said, I'm sorry, my rear tire is flat, it seems that you have to trouble these handsome guys, you can choose one yourself. When Qi was hesitating, little K hurriedly said enthusiastically, Qiqi, let me take you, my tires are full and I just took a taxi this afternoon. Everyone knew that Little K was a bit cautious, so they secretly laughed and said nothing.But Qi refused, and went to Ah Zhao, saying that you can take me, little K is not stable on the bike, and I am afraid of falling. How dare he, even if he falls himself, he dare not fall you.Sheng interjected. Yes, even if you fall, he will be under it.Jay added.

Ah Zhao, you should take me with you, they are not good people, they just know how to bully me.Qi said firmly. Xuejun immediately said, bah, he is the worst.We all have a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, unlike him, who has a kind face but a dark heart... Before Xuejun finished speaking, Ah Zhao kicked Xuejun's front tire hard, shaking Ah Zhao's hand holding the faucet. Fei smiled and said, Xuejun, you are so brave, you dare to offend our elder brother face to face. Jie said, well, let's not follow blindly, it doesn't matter which car we take, it's so late, let's go back quickly, so we got on the car and left.

Everyone got on the bike one after another. Fei passed by Xiao K and patted him on the shoulder, saying earnestly, "Little friend, calm down." Little K sighed, shrugged and got on the bike. Er Xuejun's Roar Both Fei and Qi have a common problem, that is, singing, singing while walking, singing while sitting, singing while doing problems, singing while chatting, and even singing when riding a bicycle. Originally Qi didn't like to sing, and when they were together, only Fei howled and howled, but when they were close to Mo, Qi and Fei were affected by it after being together for a long time. As a result, they sang even more fiercely than Fei. In the end, the two of them always fought hard The voice can be said to have fallen together.The direct consequence of their depravity is the disaster of those around them.

The victim at this moment is Ah Zhao.He took Qi, and Qi sang the song of Twins while swinging her legs, and Fei rushed over to sing a duet with her. Think about the scene at this moment, seven people and six cars shuttle in the light of the flashlight.There are no street lights, only the stars and the moon in the sky.The roads are wide and the breeze kisses everyone on the cheek.There are fields on both sides of the road, and there are farmhouses in the depths of the fields. The lights flicker in the distance, responding to the winking eyes of the stars in the sky. It was such a harmonious and beautiful picture, but it was completely ruined by the singing of the two girls.Ah Zhao got a little annoyed and told them to keep their voices down, but the two sang loudly on purpose, as if showing off.Ah Zhao was almost overwhelmed by the binaural music, so he had no choice but to ride his bike as hard as he could, trying to get rid of Fei.Fei tried her best to step on the pedals, but couldn't keep up, so she had to give up and ride slowly by herself, singing Stefanie Sun's "I stand alone in front of the traffic lights and look at the sky..."

Xuejun felt that the sound source in front of him was getting closer, which had already disturbed his cheerful chat with Sheng Xing. He shouted at Fei, stop singing, it's too noisy.But the more Fei became more interested in singing, Xuejun yelled a few more times, but after nothing came to fruition, he secretly rode to Fei's side, grabbed Fei's clothes, and shouted loudly in her ear, shut up! Fei yelled "Ah——" in fright, and almost fell out of the car. Then Fei shouted at Xuejun angrily, what are you doing! Xuejun roared even louder, stop singing!Shut up-- After the last breath of the word "口" disappeared, there was a moment of silence on the street, and Fei heard the frightened sound of Feng Wuwu.

Suddenly, somewhere in the distance came a dog barking, spreading rudely across the road, and then a second dog barked, then a third, a fourth, a fifth, and finally it seemed like all the dogs in the town barked .The sound of dogs barking together was swirled and fluttered in the sky by the wind. Xuejun was completely frightened.Because this guy is 1.84 meters tall but is terribly afraid of dogs.And now it was his snarling that pissed off the dogs, he felt guilty. Fei looked at Xuejun's expression of surprise, embarrassment and fear, so bad that he didn't faint. Qi also laughed in front of him, and then sang intoxicatedly, "Attention, stepping on a dog's tail, it's like getting an electric shock..." Ah Zhao ruthlessly aimed at a brick and pressed it over it.This frightened Qi, she grabbed Ah Zhao's clothes nervously and almost fell off the car.Ah Zhao said, elder sister, please be quiet. Then Qi behaved, and let Ah Zhao take her wherever she wanted. Little K has been riding silently at the end.Fei found out, so she slowed down and stood side by side with Little K, and asked, brother, are you all right?Little K said, so-so.Then I asked inexplicably, why does she always reject me?Fei said, don't you see that everyone is good friends like this?Little K shook his head and asked, have you read my note?Fee nodded.Little K said, then please.Fei said, I didn't promise you, you have to let me think about it.Little K said, okay, then give me an answer tomorrow morning.Fei said, why are you in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.Little K acted a little coquettishly, and said, she was just in a hurry.Fee was so disgusted that she suddenly felt a little nasty in applying that common saying to this matter. Fei rolled her eyes at Little K, then rode to the front and chatted with Jie about the Internet. We live in different units, and we usually separate at the fork in the road, but because Azhao is going to escort Qi home today, Xiao K dragged Jie to send him off together, Sheng and Xuejun also carried forward their style and sent Fei back to the house. . Before bidding farewell to the two, Fei sighed for little K, saying that we have always been good friends, and it would be best if this continues. Sheng and Xuejun smiled vaguely, said goodbye and left. Fei stepped on the sensor light, and took out a note from Little K in the corridor, which wrote his thoughts. He said that he knew that the college entrance examination was about to affect him badly, and that his grades had dropped significantly this month, but he really Unable to control himself, he thought that Qi would become his motivation to study hard, so he begged Fei to help him and make him happy. Fee folded the note and put it back in her pocket, sighing softly, she didn't know how to explain it to this silly boy. San Ah Zhao's Football The life in the third year of high school is very tense, the papers are flying all over the sky, and I can't finish it no matter what I do.Fei always wanted to stop doing it one day and relax completely, otherwise she would really collapse. It just so happened that the three main subject teachers were on a temporary business trip today, and the sub-subject teachers were also unable to come, so the class teacher informed that they will have physical education in the three afternoons, and the physical education will be made up next week. Everyone has mixed feelings about the news.The joy is because I finally have half an afternoon of free time, and the worry is that there will be no physical education class and no time to breathe next week. However, Fei and her friends are people who are drunk today and don't think about such distant worries. Taking advantage of this rare good weather, let's go to the playground and have fun. In the first class, everyone played badminton, table tennis, basketball, and football. Everyone was very energetic. In the second class, everyone's physical strength obviously couldn't keep up.Halfway through the second class, half of the people took a break.Fei and Qi found a clean, shady grass and sat down, humming softly and chatting quietly. Suddenly a football flew over and hit the tree trunk next to the two girls.The leaves fell in pieces and scattered on their heads. They were startled, turned around and saw Ah Zhao proudly showing off his muscles not far away.Fei and Qi were annoyed and funny, and called him over, saying, come here and rest, don't cause trouble anymore, call them over too.As she spoke, Fee pointed to several people on the basketball court who were bent over with their hands on their hips. After a while, everyone came over. Sheng and Xuejun sat beside Fei carelessly, and Ah Zhao and Jie sat in the little shade left beside Qi.Fei stretched her waist and said, I want to lie down for a while.Then she took the coat that Ah Zhao had thrown aside and used it as a cushion for her head. She gave half of it to Qi, and Qi and she also lay down with their hands on their heads. It seems that laziness is contagious. After a while, everyone lay down, except Jie who insisted on sitting. He seemed to be thinking about why he refused to let go of his reserve. Fei asked the shy Jie, where did little K go, why didn't he come and rest together?Jie said that the teacher called Little K away just now. Fei squinted at him and smiled slightly.Then he turned his head to the right and found that Qi was also looking at her. The two of them giggled tacitly, then closed their eyes and fell asleep. Fei squinted for a while and didn't feel sleepy anymore, so she peeked at Sheng beside her, who was gnawing a small piece of grass with his legs crossed and his eyes closed.Xuejun on Sheng's left tossed and turned and couldn't find a comfortable position. He found Fei was peeking at him, pouted at her, then turned his eyes and thought of a bad idea, and carefully stuffed it into Sheng's. mouth.After Sheng found out, he beat Xuejun angrily, and then fell asleep on his side, with his back to Sheng and Fei. Now Fei Ke felt a little embarrassed, turned sideways to Qi, saw her red face with a sweet smile, she boldly stretched out her hand and pinched Qi's "pig nose" (Azhao "praise" her), Qi Immediately woke up, and glared fiercely at Fei, who covered her mouth and smiled until her face cramped.Suddenly Fei stopped laughing and motioned Qi to look at Ah Zhao. It turned out that Ah Zhao had fallen asleep and started snoring, with his mouth open and the saliva slowly flowing down. Fei and Qi covered their mouths and smiled, for fear of waking Ah Zhao, then Fei called Sheng and Xuejun softly, and they immediately got up to see Ah Zhao lying on the grass sleeping so soundly.No one dared to wake him up, because it would be bad luck to offend the elder brother.Fei found that Jie was kicking Ah Zhao's football in the distance, so she thought of a bad idea and asked him to bring the ball over. She motioned for everyone to get up and stay away, and then she kicked the football on Ah Zhao from a distance. As expected, Ah Zhao woke up. After waking up, he stared at the football with anger on his face. Suddenly he raised his hand and found that his face was full of saliva. Now he was out of breath. He hid behind the pine tree and secretly observed Ah Zhao’s classmates. Can't help but burst out laughing. Ah Zhao found their hiding place following the sound, and walked over angrily. Everyone covered their mouths behind the tree and became nervous. Laughing vigorously, I don't know who pushed Fei and pushed her out, so she suddenly appeared in front of Ah Zhao alone. Fei was terrified, and suddenly she was exposed so directly in front of Ah Zhao. She didn't dare to look up at him, knowing that this time something serious happened, and Ah Zhao would definitely not be able to spare her. Fei secretly hated who betrayed her at such a critical moment.She looked at Qi behind the pine tree for help, Qi shook her head and said she didn't know anything.She glanced at the others and found that Sheng Xiao was the most treacherous, and even winked at her, so she understood what was going on. Then, facing Ah Zhao's eyes that were bigger than eggs, she pointed to the person behind the pine tree and said, "It's all Sheng's bad idea, it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with us." Ah Zhao said loudly, all of you come out to me.A few people came out tremblingly, with their heads bowed.Sheng said, not me, definitely not me. Ah Zhao asked everyone, who did the good deed, and who had itchy skin?Fei firmly pointed at Sheng, Sheng immediately pointed at Xuejun, Xuejun pointed at Fei, Jie and Qi hesitated, Jie pointed at Sheng, Qi pointed at Fei. Then everyone looked at each other's people and thought, This is all bad. Ah Zhao was very angry, but he was about to laugh seeing everyone in such a mess, so he continued to pretend to be cool, saying, I will clean up one by one, even if you didn't kick the ball and you didn't stop it, then you should hit it. Everyone looked at each other.Then, a tragedy happened under the sun.These five people together are not Ah Zhao's opponents, the boys were picked up and shaken by him, and the girls were knocked on the head by him. After arguing for a while, everyone was tired, so they lay back on the grass and went to sleep peacefully. The sky is blue and blue. Apart from "beautiful", I really can't think of any extreme words to describe it.The layers of branches and leaves of the pine needle tree filter out the glare of the sun, giving people under the tree warmth that is neither restless nor greasy.The grass is newly grown, and the grass is vigorously revealing its vitality.The birds flying in the sky sing happily, spreading their happiness to more people.The air in late spring is filled with the scent of sunshine and green grass. For a moment Fee thought she would melt into the grass, into the sky.She closed her eyes and imagined looking down on her and her good friends from a high altitude. She wanted to engrave all of this into her heart, and let herself remember that there were so many people around her, and she was so happy. After the fantasies were over, Fei was still obsessed with one thing in reality. She wanted to know who pushed her out, whether it was Sheng, and if it was Sheng, why didn't Sheng point her out.At this time, Xuejun who was lying down suddenly spoke, saying Fei, let me have a review with you, otherwise you won't be able to spare me if I don't turn myself in. Speaking of this, Fei understood who betrayed her, and she wronged Sheng, greatly wronged Sheng, because he did not betray her when he was wronged and identified people.So Fei jumped up, picked up Ah Zhao's football and threw it at Xuejun, but her technique was so poor that the ball completely deviated from the expected track and hit Ah Zhao's sideways butt. After witnessing all this, Jie sighed lightly like an accomplished monk, there is no way, Qiu still loves his master the most, Fei, this is fate, you admit it. Then everyone calmly saw Ah Zhao turning over and chasing after Fei. The four of them watched the excitement for a while, then lay down and continued to sleep as if nothing had happened.Maybe it was too bloody, so I couldn't bear to watch it. In fact, it is not surprising to see Azhao teach people a lesson. In the end, the two of you were tired from chasing me, Ah Zhao slapped Fei feebly to finish the job, and the two returned to the grass.As soon as they returned to the grass, the two discovered that something had happened. Sifei's coat When Fei and Azhao were sleeping on the ground, Sheng, Qi and Jie were separated, but after they left, the three connected.At this time, Little K came out of the office building and was scolded by the teacher for an hour. He finally came back.As soon as he came back full of boredom, he saw his friends lying on the ground, especially his beloved Qi sleeping next to his most hated Jie, and they also shared Fei's pink coat.Then anyone can imagine the scene of this man going crazy at that time. No matter what Xuejun and Sheng explained, they said that Youfei and Azhao were separated by them, and they didn't sleep in the same clothes. It was Xuejun who wanted to snatch Qizhen's Azhao's clothes. They shared Fei's coat, and they didn't sleep next to each other. The distance between the two of them was so far that they could sleep alone... Everyone tried their best to explain, but little K couldn't believe it , but scolded Jie as worthless, and said it harshly, and stepped on Fei's coat frantically. Qi endured it again and again, and finally couldn't help it anymore, and yelled, Classmate K. Little K squinted at Qi, Qi clenched his fists, and then slapped him loudly across the face. Then little K looked at Qi with a surprised face, endured the sparkle in his eyes, turned around, and ran away. Fei and Ah Zhao witnessed the dispute not far away, and Fei felt her face was burning hot after hearing the voice.They ran over and saw that Qi had also run away, and Jie stood there without saying a word, blushing, and his eyes were full of anger. Fei glanced at Jie and went after Qi.Chase all the way to the small lake in the school.Qi couldn't bear it anymore and cried out. Fei knew that things were getting worse.The gentle Qi has never hit anyone, not even cursed, she has never blushed with anyone, and has always been kind.Fei has never seen Qi cry, because Qi is an optimistic person and can resolve any major incidents. Now, looking at the situation, it's really over. Not knowing what to say to Qi, Fei took out a tissue to help her wipe away her tears.After a while, Qi stopped crying.Fee said I'm sorry.Qi said, none of your business.Fei said, blame me, I shouldn't have called everyone to rest together, and I shouldn't have kicked Ah Zhao's ass, causing her to chase me, causing your situation to change, and finally blaming me, after running for a long time, nothing happened. Let Ah Zhao catch up, but let him beat him, so what? I should come back earlier, so Xiao K will not see such a situation when he comes over.When Qi heard Fei say "kick Ah Zhao's ass", she couldn't help laughing, and then said angrily, "I don't blame you, it's all that lunatic, what are they talking about?"I'm really pissed off, he talks nonsense about everything indiscriminately, why should he.Have you heard what he scolded Jie, which sentence is not insulting me! Fee bit her lower lip lightly, really not knowing what to say. Fei finally coaxed Qi back, and Qi was neither crying nor angry, but she said she would never talk to that madman again.Back in the classroom, I found Jesse doing English problems with headphones on.When I asked other people, they all said that Jie said that he didn't want to talk today, so they didn't want to bother him. Xuejun gave the pink coat to Fei and said, I have been shooting for a long time, but it is still very dirty, don't wear it today, go back and wash it. Fei attributed all these misunderstandings to herself, so she said thank you, and threw the clothes downstairs, saying, it was all the trouble, tell it to get out. After throwing it away, Xuejun just stood there in a daze.After a few seconds, Fei suddenly realized that doing so would embarrass Xuejun.So I looked at him and said, I'm sorry, I appreciate you, but I, I can't, forgive it. Xuejun still stood there without changing his expression.Fei was a little flustered, but immediately understood, so she ran down the third floor, picked up her clothes and ran up, panting, and said to Xuejun, thank you, I will go back and wash it, and I will wear it in a few days. Fei looked at Xuejun bravely, afraid that he might have something else to worry about.After a while, Xuejun said calmly, it's not your fault, let alone it, remember? Fee nodded vigorously. When she turned around, she was suddenly moved. She felt that Xuejun had grown up. A meal of five A whole week passed, and little K remained independent and did not ride to and from school with everyone.When answering questions in class, Little K was very active and acted like he was defiant.When someone else makes a mistake, he will resolutely criticize it.Jie had already talked to everyone and got along better, but when facing Qi, he still avoided it.Qi is a very forgetful person. She doesn't take her troubles to heart and gets along with everyone normally. It's just that Jie's obvious avoidance sometimes makes her a little unhappy, and she absolutely disdains little K's appearance of dying. When K made troubles, she would frown at Fei, making expressions and gestures that hated him and wanted to hit him.Fei also responded with a similar expression, so the class was more fun. Qi's mother hasn't bought a bicycle for Qi yet, because Qi is too picky and thinks that this and that car is not good-looking, and her mother is annoyed, saying that the new car will come in tomorrow, if you don't like it anymore, we won't buy it, and you can walk to school by yourself Well, it's not been two months anyway. When Qi told Fei about this, Fei really wanted to slap her. She couldn't buy a car for a week, which was good enough. For personal considerations, Fei worked as a coolie for her for a week. Ah Zhao said that she looked good. It's very "real", she now deeply understands it. At this time, Fei was about to send her home, and when Qi was nagging Fei again and again that they didn't see a good-looking car, they were surprised to see her little purple car with a crooked neck peacefully parked downstairs of her house! They were all terrified.Qi looked at Fei and the car at the same time, not knowing how to identify this incredible thing.Her car was obviously lost at school, and she hadn't seen it for a week, and now the car is parked downstairs at her house, how is this possible!She checked the car carefully, and it was where the paint had fallen off. There was also a small heart-shaped wire tied by herself six years ago in the middle of the faucet.The only thing that has changed in the car is that the faucet is no longer crooked. Qi kept asking Fei what to do, what to do, bought a new car tomorrow, didn't the old car come here today to disrupt the situation?Could it be that the lingering soul resolutely prevents the master from abandoning himself?Fei looked at Qi's expression of wanting to cry and laugh at the same time, but Fei thought she wanted to cry more. When Qi was at a loss for what to do about it, she heard the sound of the security door of her house being opened on the fourth floor.She said to Fei, it's broken, my mother must have come down to walk the dog, please help me push the car away, no matter what, don't let my mother see it.Push it downstairs to your house first, how to deal with it will be discussed in the afternoon, hurry up and push it away for me first! Fee heard the footsteps and the dog's bell getting closer, and was so nervous that she couldn't even push the car.Fei was about to leave when she suddenly remembered her car, so she asked Qi in a low voice, what should I do with my car.Qi thought for a while, then said, I don’t tell my mother that it’s your car, if she insists on asking, I’ll just say I’ll drop you off and pick you up today and it’s over.After hearing this, Fei felt that it made sense. At that moment, she felt that Qi really had a talent for deceiving people. Then she made a face at Qi, and pushed the car, ready to leave.Then I was stopped by Qi and said to go around from there, otherwise my mother would see it.Fei had no choice but to go around a building and push the broken car away.From a distance, I vaguely heard Qi's mother calling her "Qi Qi" affectionately, and then she called "Mom" sweetly. At that moment, Fei really admired Qi, and thought that this guy had been with them for a long time, not only had he failed in learning, but he had also left his teacher. In the afternoon, Qi pushed Fei's car downstairs to Fei's house and asked her to take her to school.Fei wondered why you didn't ride by yourself, why couldn't you take me.Qi said innocently, "You tried it, but the faucet of your car is crooked, to the left, so I can't ride it."Fei was not convinced, and was about to say that your broken car was also crooked before, but Qi explained that the faucet of my car was also crooked, but to the right.I usually don’t feel it when I switch to other people’s bikes, but it’s very difficult to change from my crooked to your crooked one. Faye was really sweating.Recalling how the heads of the two people became so virtuous, I remembered that in the past three years, she used to ride on the right, Qi always rode on the left, and the two of them liked to talk together with their heads together, so over time, the head of the car was infected. Fei thought about it and thought it was funny, then remembered Qi's big event, and asked what to do with the broken car.Qi whispered, I just talked to Sheng, and as soon as we leave, he will come to push the cart. I told him to push the cart to a place farther away. My mother doesn’t know him, so he should be fine. Fei said, it seems that you are determined not to want the old car. Qi said, yes, my dream will come true tomorrow, how can I let this car disrupt my plan. Fei looked at her, and felt that Qi's proud look was a bit like that of an ambitious man who has achieved success.Fei smiled, and took Qi away, thinking that tomorrow she would be able to get rid of the four-time transport work every day, and she was very happy.Then she thought, will Qi's new bike make her neck crooked again? Going to school in the afternoon, Sheng arrived a little late, and after the first get out of class, Qi rushed over to ask how things were going.Sheng Yin said with a face, "It's not good, I hit your mother, so I had to say that the car was just found, and then she happily pushed it back." Qi jumped up after hearing this, and shouted, what are you doing, Sheng! Sheng Ruo said nonchalantly, can you blame me, your Che Yang life is not over, what can I do. Qi stomped her feet anxiously, saying what a shitty thing you did!I wanted to treat you to dinner after doing this, but now, it’s a mess!You are not invited. Then if you don't hit me, you can treat me to dinner, right?Sheng said with regret. Of course, you know how much thought I put into a new car!I wanted to invite you to dinner to celebrate, but there is nothing left now.Qi said aggrievedly. What if it wasn't smashed?Sheng suddenly asked with an evil face. Why didn't it smash, my mother pushed it home.Qi muttered.Suddenly she looked at Sheng Xiexie's face and asked in surprise, did you destroy the car?You lied to me just now, right?right! What do you say?Sheng is still pretending.Fei was on the sidelines, but she was completely aware of the tricks. She covered her mouth and smirked. Sheng glanced at her and blinked her eyes. Now Qi's temper is on the rise, pulling at Sheng's clothes and yelling, tell me the truth!Tell me the truth, you are anxious to death, no matter how anxious you are, I will have nothing to eat! Sheng couldn't help laughing now.Then he sat upright and asked Qi to let go, and Qi said that he would not let go unless he told the truth.Sheng pretended to be calm and said that the influence would not be good, and people would see it later... He remembered what happened last week and dared not continue.Fei understood what he meant by stopping this sentence, but Qi was so preoccupied with what would happen to her broken car that she didn't pay attention to his words. However, let me be serious, I made it up just now, and lied to you. The actual situation is that I took your broken car a long way away by bike, and then threw it into a garbage dump.I walked all the remote paths, and I didn't meet any acquaintances, let alone your mother. is that true?Are you sure you didn't lie to me?Qi asked. Why did you lie to you?I want to eat, okay?Sheng completely exposed his ghost thoughts like this. Qi was so happy now, no matter how busy she was, she jumped up and said, haha, I will buy a new car tomorrow!My broken car is gone forever! Fei also laughed together, and rolled her eyes at Sheng, who also looked at her, a little embarrassed. Letter from Little K Qi finally got a beautiful new bike, and she finally got her wish. But after riding for a month, she found that the new bike was not easy to ride.Qi kept complaining to Fei, saying that she missed that broken car a little bit, and said that although the car was not good, it was not so annoying. Qi asked Sheng to go to the junkyard to retrieve his car as a reward for two meals, but Sheng refused because it was absolutely impossible and he would not waste time on rewards that could not be cashed. Therefore, Fei still takes Qi to and from school every three days.Fei secretly added three meals to Sheng's reward, but the fairy was still indifferent. It's just over a month before the college entrance examination.The spirits of the students are somewhat confused and in a trance.Even if I have a good time with my classmates every day, the objective pressure cannot be avoided. At this time, Fei found that the little K classmate who had been mad for a month finally subsided the crazy energy of studying. She couldn't find the little note that K had written to her at home, although she was sure she didn't throw it away. In fact, it's not that she doesn't understand little K. There's nothing wrong with liking someone, and it's really helpless for him to ask Fei for help. He saw Jie and Qi sleeping on the grass, and his rage was not pure nonsense. But in Fei's view, Little K is just a child, a child who is too naive. He will put on his face whether he is happy or unhappy, and he does not hide himself.Of course she could forgive a child, but she couldn't help him, not at all. She can't tell Little K directly that the seven of us have long been an intimate group, and we all have a special relationship with each other. If we want to make this group stable, the condition is that we can't reveal the little love hidden in our hearts. . One day, little K wrote Fei Sai a long letter, roughly reminiscing about the experience of the past month or so, expressing regret and apology.He said that he hated her for refusing to help him, but now he can accept and understand.He also said that he still likes Qi, and hoped that neither she nor Jie would be angry with him again, and he wanted to be good friends with everyone.He said that he lost his temper that day because the teacher talked to him about a serious topic for an hour. At that time, he was eager to ask for help. Looking for Qi with the mood of asking for help, but seeing such a scene, Qi and Jie smiling so happily face to face, he couldn't bear it, so he cursed the most vicious words, he just wanted to tell others his pain, but he didn't Thinking about it, it caused deep harm to those two people.He said that he thought about quitting, and looked at Jie and Qi with good wishes.But after he observed for a month, there was no movement from everyone.Now he wants to get out of the cage of his own life, he wants to return to the nature of the seven of us... Little K's letter was very long, and Fei almost fell asleep reading it.Thinking that this child has also put in a lot of effort to try to understand others, experience friendship and write this extremely long letter, Fei still insisted on staying up to show the greatest respect. Fei felt that little K had improved, but still had many wrong ideas. She didn't want to correct him, but she knew that he must be given a chance to grow up. Although, this impulsive child might do things that would hurt everyone. She wrote back the letter countless times, fearing that no matter how she wrote it, it would not be appropriate, so she wrote a few words at the end: I read your letter carefully several times, don't worry, we have been waiting for you to come back, because you are our good friend, you are our unique little K.The past can be forgotten, the future is more important. PS: Let's go together after school. The moment she put it into the little K book, Fei was a little flustered. She was afraid that the child would misread her, but what if he didn't give him a chance to read. Qijie's Promise The college entrance examination is half a month away, and the seven of them are in pretty good condition now. They are in a full state of study, full of tension, and there is no update on their emotional stories.As long as Little K can hold his breath, the rest of the people are unwilling to say anything. No, that's not right. It's true that you don't say much on the surface, but you can say it in private. Jie passes a small note to Fei, what will you do if both Xuejun and Sheng like you. Fei sent back, are you crazy?Impossible things okay? That is to say, what if. No ifs, I just want to hear the sure things. In fact, it is indeed a certain thing. What's up? What are you pretending to be stupid for?It's the fact that they both actually like you. Well, why are you as nervous as little K now?I thought you were more mature than him. It turns out that you like to compare me with him, so I'm depressed. Depressed, although they are stupid, you can't look down on them.Fei felt very guilty when she wrote this sentence, fearing that Xiao K would kill her if she saw it. You just won't answer me. Well, the answer to you is, if there is such an if, I will not do anything. What not to do? Well, it's not impossible, we are all good friends, okay, don't get yourself confused like Little K.Fei still likes to bring up little K to talk about things. Well, I understand what you mean, but I am different from Little K, I value the relationship between friends more.Let me tell you a secret, Qi and I slept on your clothes after you and Ah Zhao passed by that day, I was really happy and happy at that time.At that time, I told Qi a joke, she smiled, she was very beautiful, and I blushed.I really hope that the moment can be extended, but little K came over.He began to scold me angrily. At that time, I clenched my fists tightly. How much I wanted to tell him that I just wanted to fight with him, and I just liked Qi, but I tried my best to hold back. I knew that if I said it like this, We are all finished, the seven of us will be broken, and I will never be able to hold my head up in front of Qi again.The only thing I could do was to endure it, and finally Qi couldn't bear it and slapped him.我当时很惊讶,也突然很开心,可是琦跑开以后我就彻底地心痛了。我知道还是我做错了。 菲看见这些话很震惊,其实她一直也能感受到,只是今天杰帮他证实了。她突然有点心痛,杰对琦的感情要远远大于她,她心里有小小的不平衡。 然后她传纸条说,你没有错啊,其实谁都没有错。有些感情我们衡量不清,只是因为我们年轻,那不是错误。 杰说,也许你说得对吧。不过现在我什么都不想了,我现在只想赶紧把高考给过了。 是啊,现在在我们面前的确是这个最重要了。 那我们的友情放第几呢? 高考和友情又不矛盾,为什么要排先后呢? 呵呵,也是啊。有时我觉得你真的很好,很善解人意,真的。 可是我不是琦啊,在你心里位置还是不一样的。 怎么,你吃醋啦?Ha ha. 臭美啊你…… 认真地说,我想和你做永远的好朋友。 永远是多远呢? 你还真较真儿哪。我也不知道永远有多远,要不我们定个见面的期限吧。二十年我们聚一次,确认一下,不就好了? 呵呵,这算是给我的承诺吗? Of course it does. 那你能给琦什么? 这真是个难题,你难住我了。 好了,慢慢想吧小东西,你可以在二十年后告诉我,我能等的。 那好啊,就这么说定了。记住今天的年月日啊,二十年后见面可要准时。 你也要记住啊。老师看了我们好多眼了。咱不聊了吧。 Ok.下次再聊,今天我很开心。 拜。 告诉你,盛和学俊真的很喜欢你,他们分别对我提过。别看盛表面对琦好一些,其实他对你才是真的喜欢。你开心吧? 好了,谢谢你八卦公,拜。 菲把纸条最后塞给杰的时候,的确很开心。她想,她会永远记住身边这样的好朋友。 她琢磨着杰最后的话,心里的小花是朵朵开来着,但是她知道,这的确不能再挑明啦。小K的勇敢只能给大家带来不快,既然盛和学俊在装,她也就继续装下去吧。 她想,七个人能够彼此间体谅,宽容,彼此成全,如此难得。她希望这份感情能够走得很远很远。 她抱着那个二十年的承诺,幻想着未来。 她对自己说,我们会做二十年,四十年,六十年,八十年,我们做一辈子的好朋友。 postscript 我知道,你们都没有走远。闭上双眼,我感觉你们都在我身边。
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