Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Two

Chapter 17 Sweet Dreams - Commemorating the Anniversary of "Morning Post"

Since the night of Yinhua World in the Pacific boat, there has never been a reunion moon. On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the boat stopped on Weibing Lake. From dusk until late at night, black clouds accumulated and the lake looked gloomy. It's been another thirty days, and the autumn rain is continuous, and the fourteenth and fifteenth nights are spent in the sound of the rain, and I have already forgotten the bright moon! After dinner tonight, she actually came to see me, talked about the soothing scenery, and opened the window—the woods and grass outside the window seemed to be covered with a layer of severe frost. "The moon is out!" We were overjoyed, put on our coats in a hurry, and went to the lake.

Leaving the path in zigzags, stepping on the dewy autumn grass, softly and silently.Going down the slope, the lake water is close to your feet.Her coat was spread out, mine was covered, and we sat down silently, feeling slightly cool in autumn. Yue'er is not very clear.In the hazy surroundings, the mountains became greener and the water whiter.The waves of the lake are as faint as brocade.A couple of stars flickered in the distance on the opposite bank.Faint laughter was heard in the center of the lake.A small boat, carrying two people, slowly drifted into the depths of the forest from the mist.

Looking back at her, she was also looking at me, under the moonlight, with lacquered eyes, dark cloud-like hair, and a soft oriental smile on her face.How pitiful!We can only use the language of Westerners and talk to each other. She talked about how ten years ago, when the morning dew was still zero, she went home from the field with a lot of flowers in her arms. ——How barefoot, a large group of children are holding hands and dancing on the grass to the softest sound of the piano.When I got to the comfortable place, I felt like a fairy in feathers. ——And how do you like to work.In the summer evening breeze, I was holding a needle on the porch, thinking about the words in the book I just read...these words are full of poetry, refreshing, and there is only a smile.

Gradually, we talked in depth: talking about the liveliness of Western girls and the gentleness of Eastern girls; talking about philosophy and friends, which aroused a long discussion.The result is satisfactory, the interest becomes deeper, and the future world is talked about more freely, gradually intruding into the current international issues.I looked at her and suddenly lost my courage.She couldn't stop fiddling with the edge of her clothes, and she hesitated to speak. ——However, we have said many sad old things in half-brightness. "The most regrettable thing is the temporary selfishness of international issues! The ideal and loving heaven is still far away from us, but the responsibility to build this heaven is on us..." She bowed her head and I took it lightly , "It's on the girl we know each other best."

There has been no sound since.The thoughts just now were too heavy, and it seemed that the scenery with light clouds and breezy scenery couldn't bear it.We all want to break free, but we don't know what to say for a while.Decades of related history, and tens of millions of people's relative feelings, are all pushed on the two of us tonight-too sad to express! A hundred steps away, in a light, joyful singing came leisurely, passing through the forest and water—we all woke up like a dream, "It's the joyful and lively spirit of Westerners!" She said with a smile, and I sighed. One breath!

Thoughts expanded again, and after a second silence—only the lake was slightly turbulent, and the sound of oak leaves falling to the ground as the wind passed by. I can't say anything more, and I don't want to say anything more—she suddenly stroked my arm gently and said: "The happiest time is to be with the most intimate friend in the most beautiful environment, but to be silent with each other." Without saying a word!" The higher the moon, the cooler the wind.The clothes were already wet from the dew, and we all felt that we couldn't bear it. —— Standing up very tiredly, turned around the shore of the lake, went up the steps, and there was a brightly lit tower standing in front of you.She invited me to her upstairs room, brought me a souvenir notebook, and asked me to leave a note.After mentioning my name, under the heading of "Happy Thoughts", I pondered for a while, then picked up the pen and wrote down, it is:

"Under the moonlight, beside the lake, sit with you!" On the way back alone, the thin figure lay on the ground. ——In the past 120 minutes, the longing is in my heart, like a good dream. On the night of October 25, 1923, Guanbilou, Wellesley. A collection of essays "leisure". )
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