Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Two

Chapter 34 Chapter Thirty-Four

Secretary-General Two 洪放 5628Words 2018-03-20
As soon as Cheng Yiyi returned to Nanzhou, as soon as he entered the office of the municipal party committee, Secretary Fang Lianghua rushed over. "The secretary has worked hard all the way," Fang Lianghua said with a smile. "It's okay." Cheng Yiyi replied: "You have worked hard and are catching up with many things." "Actually, it's nothing. The Tongshan side handled it fairly smoothly." Fang Lianghua said, but his face was clouded involuntarily. While packing up the documents on the table, Cheng Yiyi asked Fang Lianghua what was going on.Fang Lianghua said one after another, and Cheng Yiyi sighed: "Jia Hongqi is also a good person. Before Comrade Qi Ming went abroad, I was discussing with him, and I wanted to move Jia Hongqi and let him go to the east of the lake. I don't want to... …Ugh!"

"This..." Fang Lianghua was also surprised, he didn't expect Cheng Yiyi to think about Jia Hongqi in this way.If Comrade Qi Ming hadn't gone abroad, if he had made this idea a reality a few days earlier, maybe... At this time, the most intolerable person in Fang Lianghua's heart was Liu Jinsong.This stupefied young man is almost a major event that ruined the whole thing.If Jia Hongqi wakes up, or if the investigation team continues to investigate like this, what will be the result?Fang Lianghua didn't dare to think about it anymore, Cheng looked at him all the way.He quickly reported the Weiyuan project to Cheng Yiyi.So far, more than 70 million yuan has been invested, and by the end of the year, the total investment can reach 150 million yuan.

"So many? What have you done?" Cheng Yiyi was a little surprised. "Most of the machines were sold, and the main equipment was imported from abroad." Fang Lianghua said: "Mr. Tian Shi Mingtian called me the day before yesterday, saying that they have to speed up the progress and start production before the Spring Festival." "That's good, but..." Cheng Yiyi wanted to say something and then stopped. Fang Lianghua didn't ask either, because his mind is not on this right now.When it comes to Weiyuan, it is just a temporary response. After Fang Lianghua left, Chen Yang came in, looked at Deputy Secretary Cheng Yiyi, wanted to speak but didn't.Seeing Cheng Yiyi, he said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, just say it, and still talk dumb with me?"

"That's not it. Secretary Cheng, I think you've been away for the past few days, and you seem to have lost weight." Chen Yang said. "Really? Where are you thin?" Cheng handed the document to Chen Yang along the way. Chen Yang said: "It's because you've lost weight. The beard has grown too. This is not your usual style." Cheng Yiyi laughed haha ​​this time, "I still have my usual style? What is my usual style like?" "I'm not sure. Anyway, it's not like this now. I ran into Jian Yun on the street two days ago, and she asked about you. I said you went to Beijing." After Chen Yang finished speaking, Cheng didn't speak all the way , and then said: "Jia Hongqi had a car accident, and some people said that he was killed."

"This... Is there such a thing? No way. A car accident is a car accident. Who was the victim? Chen Yang, don't listen to people talking nonsense when you see wind and rain in the future." Cheng Yiyi criticized. Chen Yang knows the temper of Deputy Secretary Cheng Yiyi, he criticizes you because he loves you.While gathering the documents on Cheng Yiyi's desk, he said, "There are still people passing it on. This is the secretary-general..." "It's even more outrageous, don't say it." Cheng Yiyi immediately interrupted Chen Yang's words. Chen Yang smiled and went out blushing.

Cheng Yiyi held the tea cup and stood in front of the window.The weather is getting colder, and the camphor tree has been resting for a few days, but the leaves are still stretching upwards vigorously.This is what Cheng Yiyi likes. He stretched out his head and saw many fresh small buds sprouting from under the leaves of the camphor, purple red, like little secrets, hidden and shy.He really wanted to reach out and touch those little purple buds, and smell their fresh and youthful breath... The trip to Beijing was a heart-breaking trip for Cheng Yiyi.Along the way, he also thought about several possibilities, what kind of situation it would be after seeing Wu Lanlan.And what was it like to see the old chief?Over the years, he has been to Beijing countless times, but never has he felt as heavy as this time.He was even in a daze, always thinking about those days in the army, Wu Lanlan's appearance when he was young, and Wu Lanlan's shy face when he hugged Wu Lanlan for the first time.

But all of this may be gone.Cheng Yiyi got off the plane, and his comrades in Beijing came to pick him up.All the comrades knew about Wu Lanlan's condition, but they didn't mention it in front of Cheng Yiyi.It wasn't until the collapsed hotel that everyone talked about Wu Lanlan.Only then did Cheng Yiyi know: Wu Lanlan had been in a coma several times, and the old chief told her that Cheng Yiyi, the head of the regiment, was on his way to Beijing, so she held on... Hearing this, Cheng Yiyi seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. He quickly took the hands of his comrades and came to the hospital.

Wu Lanlan lay peacefully on the hospital bed. Compared with the last time in Shenzhen a few months ago, she has completely changed.The original round face is now pointed.The chin is fully protruding, the eye sockets are deep, and the face is paper-like.Cheng watched all the way, feeling sour in his heart, and almost cried.He stepped forward to hold Wu Lanlan's thin hand, and slowly stroked it. Wu Lanlan woke up and opened her eyes with difficulty.For a moment, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes... Cheng Yiyi patted Wu Lanlan on the head. This was Wu Lanlan's favorite action when they were together.Wu Lanlan must have sensed it too. She smiled lightly. Although the smile was no longer as bright as before, it could be seen that she was very excited inside.She turned her hand around and grabbed Cheng Yiyi's hand, two tears flowed from her eyes.

Cheng Yiyi hurriedly wiped Wu Lanlan's tears with his hands, and said softly, "Lanlan, I'm here to see you." "...all the way..." Wu Lanlan's lips trembled. "Don't say it, Lan Lan, I know what you want to say. Take good care of your illness, and we will accompany you. You see, not only me, but also so many comrades in arms. They are all here." Cheng Yiyi said with his hand to With a wave from behind, a large row of comrades-in-arms all stood up in unison. Wu Lanlan smiled again and closed her eyes. Cheng glanced at Wu Lanlan all the way, and came out with his comrades.In the corridor, he asked his comrades where is the old chief?The comrades replied that the old chief knew that Cheng Yilu was coming, so he left on purpose.He said he didn't want to see Cheng Yiyi and Wu Lanlan when they met.Cheng Yiyi's heart tightened again, and he said he was going to see the old chief.Just as they walked out of the hospital, the old chief was already standing at the door of the hospital.Cheng Yiyi couldn't believe it: the old chief, who had always been physically strong, was now gray-haired, clearly showing his old age.Standing in the crowd at the door, the old chief was so helpless and lonely.

"Old chief!" Cheng ran forward all the way, gave a military salute with a "snap", and then hugged the old chief. The old chief said: "It's good to be here, it's good to see you." His voice was also very old. Cheng Yiyi carefully asked about Wu Lanlan's illness, and advised the old chief to relax. At this point, if the old chief himself was exhausted, it would have an even greater impact on Wu Lanlan's recovery. "All the way, I know you're comforting me. I'm a revolutionary soldier, and I know that Lan Lan is holding on because she just wants to see you. You're here, and she's relieved when she sees it. I'm relieved too. Really Yes." The tears on the old chief's face flowed down the wrinkles little by little, muddy and old.

Cheng Yilu's heart ached even more.He held the old chief's hand and was speechless for a long time. The next day, Wu Lanlan left forever.Before leaving, Cheng went all the way to the ward. Wu Lanlan walked under his gaze, with a peaceful expression and the same beauty as before. Except for the old chief who shed tears once at the entrance of the hospital, Cheng Yiyi never saw him cry again.This strong old soldier, old general.Cheng Yiyi knew that his heart was in pain, and it was a heart-piercing pain, but he hid them in his heart, hid them, hid them deeply.How cruel and embarrassing it is for an eighty-year-old man! According to Wu Lanlan's own request, she was buried in front of their former barracks in the suburbs of Beijing.On the grave, comrades cultivated the soil together and planted a camphor tree.Wu Lanlan said in her last words: She saw this kind of fragrant tree in Nanzhou, let it grow by her side and accompany her quietly.Cheng Yiyi understood Wu Lanlan's thoughts, and couldn't help crying while cultivating the soil.If it was said that Cheng Yiyi hid Wu Lanlan deeply in his heart back then, then from this moment, Wu Lanlan hid herself out of the world forever. After all the soil was cultivated, everyone left the grave and were about to return, the old chief said let me stay a little longer, Lan Lan will be alone from then on.No, she still has company.In another world, she still has her mother, her brother, and after a few years, her father. "Lan Lan, wait for Dad, ah!" Cheng stood in front of the camphor tree all the way, thinking about these, tears flowed down at some point.He wiped it quickly, returned to the table, and wrote a big "read" on the document he had just read with a pen. As soon as Qi Ming came back from Germany, he hurriedly convened the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.At the meeting, Qi Ming talked about the development of German industry and social civilization, "Compared with Germany, we are not a few years behind, decades behind. Especially social civilization, even surpassed ours by a century." Qi Ming's words were a bit alarming, but when he got in touch with Nanzhou, Qi Ming's real purpose of the conversation began to emerge. "Many of our leading cadres have never been able to open up their minds and update their concepts. Whether it is considering problems or handling specific affairs, they are timid and hesitant to move forward. Our Weiyuan project and our old city reconstruction are strictly speaking relatively Those who are lagging behind are all man-made, especially the ideological problems of leading cadres. Nanzhou wants to develop and leap forward. In my opinion, we must first find gaps and shortcomings from cadres, especially leading cadres. Only leading cadres want to Only when we understand everything, think positively, and reform boldly, can Nanzhou achieve its goal of rising in the central region.” "Every member of the Standing Committee here, we all need to think deeply!" Qi Ming looked around the conference room. No one spoke, and everyone took notes solemnly in their notebooks.After a while, Qi Ming said, "That's all I'll talk about. Next, please tell me about some recent key projects and tasks." Fang Lianghua first reported the Weiyuan project, and Qi Ming listened to it, and said: "This project is going well, and we need to increase investment and strive to put it into production as soon as possible." Fang Lianghua nodded and said, "Mr. Tian will come over in a few days, and we will study it then." Yue Qi briefly talked about the demolition of Laopaifang Street, especially the treatment of the three nailed down households.Zhao Shouchun listened, laughed, and said it was a hooliganism.Yue Qi blushed, and Cheng Yiyi smiled and said, "This idea is my idea. Sometimes, hooligans don't necessarily have to be beaten to death with a stick. If you solve the problem, you are a good 'rogue'." Qi Ming said it was the same. Although Xu Cheng, the head of the organization, has been elected as the executive deputy mayor of the city government, the work of the organization department is still in charge for the time being.Xu Cheng said: "There are still a few personnel issues that need to be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion." With regard to personnel affairs, this is the most exciting start of the Standing Committee.Ordinary work is work anyway, how to study and what the results are, it should be said that it is not too much for the Standing Committee members to pay attention to.But personnel matters are different. In the officialdom, up to the level of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, everyone is followed by someone, and everyone is followed by someone.Personnel affairs are an accurate manifestation of these aspects. For the sake of the people you follow and the people you follow, you may operate in front of the Standing Committee, or swear at the Standing Committee.Although the secretary's office meeting had been held before, the overall situation seemed difficult to change.However, if any member of the Standing Committee is really too happy to choose that nominee, once he proposes it, he can often achieve results.It is not difficult to veto a nomination.The difficulty lies in coming up with a new candidate.You must know that the candidates who can be elected to the Standing Committee have passed several tests.One is the organization department, and the other is the secretary meeting.In fact, before, some particularly important positions went through Secretary Qi Ming.Some candidates were actually selected by Secretary Qi Ming himself. Today's personnel affairs mainly involve three, one is the director of the Transportation Bureau, the other is the director of the Education Bureau, and the third is the staff of the Huxi County Party Committee and the county government. Strictly speaking, these three seats are the seats that make many people feel excited.Wang Xueyan was originally in charge of the director of the education bureau, but last time there was a collective petition by teachers, which made Cheng Yiyi and Qi Ming very angry, and Wang Xueyan's path to regularization was over.However, as a functional department in charge of education, it is difficult to carry out work without a leader.When the Organization Department sought the opinion of Deputy Secretary Cheng Yilu, he nominated Fang Guanghui, the principal of Nanzhou No. 1 Middle School.Nanzhou No. 1 Middle School is a department-level organizational system, and the principal is also a department-level cadre.Fang Guanghui used to be a teacher at No. 1 Middle School, and later became the vice principal.Later, he was transferred to the Education Bureau as the deputy director, and returned to Nanzhou No. 1 Middle School as the principal the year before last.This person is young, and he still has his own opinions on education and administration.At the secretary meeting, neither Zhao Shouchun nor Qi Ming objected.As for the principal of No. 1 Middle School after Fang Guanghui was transferred, Cheng Yiyi suggested to leave it temporarily and let the vice principal take charge of the work.Personnel in education are no different than other positions. They must not only understand the profession, but also have management skills. Such people are not easy to find. Qian Xiaojun, the magistrate of Hudong County, has been confirmed as the director of transportation.Qian Xiaojun has been in the east of the lake for many years, and Zhu Hao has been suppressing him since he can't get up.It is also a strategy to transfer him to Shizhilai now. The team of the Huxi County Party Committee and the county government is equipped, and the Nanzhou City Party Committee mainly makes a suggestion, which has to be decided by the Provincial Party Committee in the end. Xu Cheng explained the candidates for the three personnel matters one by one. There was no sound in the conference room, a frequent blank spot in personnel research.Next, there will be a good show. Sure enough, the Standing Committee members began to speak one by one.Everyone must express their views on personnel affairs. This is a discipline and a principle. Ma Liang, Minister of Propaganda, expressed his disagreement with Fang Guanghui's appointment as the director of the Education Bureau. He believes that No. 1 Middle School is now a banner of Nanzhou education, which is due to Fang Guanghui's management and reform.At this time, transferring Fang Guanghui away may affect the enrollment rate of No. 1 Middle School, and in turn affect the enrollment rate of Nanzhou as a whole.Cheng Yiyi listened, smiled, and said: "No. 1 Middle School is Nanzhou No. 1 Middle School, which is also under the management of the Education Bureau. Comrade Fang Guanghui came to the bureau because he liked his macro management ability and talent, and let him Play a bigger role, this, Comrade Ma Liang, please don’t worry. No. 1 Middle School is in Nanzhou, Fang Guanghui won’t lose it. Right, haha!” What Cheng Yiyi said made the other members of the Standing Committee feel uncomfortable.Everyone knows that Nanzhou No. 1 Middle School is Cheng Yiyi's alma mater, and no one can say for sure what Fang Guanghui did. Zhao Shouchun looked at everyone and took a sip of water, "I agree with this nomination in principle. I have not been in Nanzhou for a long time, so I am not very familiar with many cadres. For the big business of education, the nomination of the main person in charge must be cautious I have also contacted Comrade Fang Guanghui, and I think he is competent. I have no objection!" In the end, it was only Qi Ming who had to express his opinion, which was the part of the Standing Committee's minutes that served as the decision.Cheng Yiyi glanced at Qi Ming. At the secretary meeting, Qi Ming agreed with Cheng Yiyi's nomination of Fang Guanghui.At the Standing Committee, he will not backtrack on what he says.Secretary, you keep your word! However, when Qi Ming spoke, Cheng Yiyi was really taken aback. Qi Ming said: "Comrade Fang Guanghui is the director of the education bureau. I agreed at the secretary meeting. I don't know much about this comrade. The organization department and comrades all the way After the nomination, I also made some side surveys. The speeches of the Standing Committee members just now gave me a deeper and more comprehensive understanding. I think so, Comrade Fang Guanghui will continue to serve as the principal of No. 1 Middle School. Comrade Zhou Lisheng from the Tourism Bureau will be the director of the Education Bureau Let’s take a look, how about it? Tell me about it, ah! Tell me about it.” This nomination was a complete surprise to everyone except Qi Ming. Xu Cheng also rubbed his eyes, a little confused.Yue Qi looked sideways at Qi Ming, Qi Ming was scratching in the notebook, but couldn't see what he was scratching.At this moment, Cheng Yiyi's brain spun rapidly.Suddenly had an impression.Zhou Lisheng had been to the Municipal Party Committee a month ago to report on the tourism work to Comrade Qi Ming, and had a meeting in Cheng Yiyi's office.This person's abilities are average, but he's good at taking the upper-level route.He used to be a section chief of the municipal government, and later became the director of the Tourism Bureau.From such a person to education, Cheng felt a little inconceivable all the way.Maybe someone from above suppressed Secretary Qi Ming, otherwise, Secretary Qi Ming wouldn't arrange it like this?And this arrangement is obviously a matter of a day or two.At the secretary meeting, Qi Ming didn't mention it. Cheng Yiyi couldn't talk anymore, although he had different ideas about Zhou Lisheng's appointment. Zhao Shouchun said, "I don't agree with this nomination. I am very familiar with Comrade Zhou Lisheng, and I can get in touch with the Tourism Bureau. It is difficult for this person to be the director of the Education Bureau in terms of ability and macro coordination. Letting him go to education will affect to the development of the entire education. Therefore, I think this nomination can be considered. It must be considered.” Qi Ming coughed twice and looked at Zhao Shouchun.Zhao Shouchun was also looking at him, Cheng Yiyi said at this moment: "I agree with Mayor Shouchun's opinion." The others didn't speak, Yue Qi opened her mouth, but was stopped by Cheng Yilu. Qi Ming coughed twice again, "The opinions of Mayor Shouchun and Comrade Yiyi were very good just now. Let Comrade Zhou Lisheng do it first. If it is not suitable, we will adjust it next step. If you don't have any opinions, that's good. , study the next one." Zhao Shouchun went out with the cup, and the atmosphere in the conference room seemed to freeze suddenly.Qi Ming didn't speak, but scratched repeatedly in the notebook.When Zhao Shouchun came in again, most of the Standing Committee members had spoken on the nomination for the Director of Transportation.It is no problem for Qian Xiaojun to be the director of transportation.A county magistrate came up, just a transfer at the same level.Zhao Shouchun's face was dark and he remained motionless.It wasn't until Qi Ming asked him that he said a word: "Since my opinion doesn't work, I won't say it. You decide, I agree." "Mayor Shouchun," Cheng Yiyi shouted. Seeing that something unexpected happened, Fang Lianghua immediately took the water bottle and poured water for everyone.When it fell to Zhao Shouchun, he said softly, "Mayor Zhao, no matter what, we still have to drink tea."
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