Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Two

Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

Secretary-General Two 洪放 5111Words 2018-03-20
The provincial party committee held a one-month economic seminar for department-level cadres, and Qi Ming asked Cheng to participate together.Cheng Yiyi also feels that he should participate. Now the whole party is building a learning party. As a leading cadre, facing the ever-changing economic development, if you don’t study, don’t recharge your batteries, and don’t update your knowledge structure, you will be eliminated soon. . The seminar was chosen to be held in the scenic Jing'an Mountain. Jing'an Mountain, in the Tang Dynasty, became a famous mountain in the world because of the visit of the great poet Li Bai.The scenery on the mountain is beautiful and the trees are verdant.The whole mountain is not big, it is located in the western suburbs of the provincial capital, but the mountain is very quiet, and the Provincial Party Committee Training Center is located deep in the shade.Three light green houses are integrated with the whole mountain.The birds chirping in the forest adds to the tranquility.

Such a world is really a good place for research. Cheng Yi likes to walk in the mountains when he is not in class all the way.Along the tree-lined road, go all the way to the depths of the mountain.At the end, there is no way, only a waterfall hanging shyly in front of you.Cheng looked at the waterfall all the way, it was clean and pure, jumping greenly from the rock into the deep pool below, like a young girl with cardamom, lively and reserved, and shy. wisps of wit... Cheng stood under the waterfall all the way, often thinking a little bit.Thinking about it, I forgot everything. Because it is a department-level cadre class, the officialdom is actually very strong.Food and beverages happen every day.It is understandable for the leaders to study abroad, and for the local cadres to stop by or make a special trip to see it.Except for breakfast, there is a treat for every meal if you want.As a result, when classes are held in the afternoon, a small half of the seats are often vacant, and occasionally there are even not too light snoring sounds from the seats.

The professor of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee who taught the class had no choice but to turn a blind eye. Whether you came or not, whether you snored or not, he talked about his own class.After the class is finished, the research questions are written on the blackboard, and the next class is a special discussion. Thematic discussions are the strengths of these department-level cadres.Therefore, even though there was no class, despite the snoring, the discussion was still lively.All kinds of opinions are wonderful. At this time, you have to admit that these cadres are qualified, level, and theoretically insightful.

Cheng Yiyi seldom participated in dinners. He came to this seminar mostly to find a clean life.The personnel inspection in Nanzhou has just ended, and although the results haven't come out yet, it's obvious that it's grass on the monk's head.After coming to the seminar, the phone calls continued for the first two days, and Cheng became annoyed all the way, and had to answer them.Wu Guangda, Zhang Feng, and even Wang Xueyan all said that Secretary Cheng studied hard here, and they wanted to come and visit.Cheng Yiyi refused all of them, why did he come to visit?After staying in the army for 20 years, can't you live like this?

I brought the computer with me. Although the training center also has a computer room, it is not convenient after all.In the evening, when Cheng came back from a walk all the way, he usually read a book first and then surfed the Internet. When I was at home before, although Cheng Yiyi also surfed the Internet, he only browsed and browsed, and rarely read in depth.This time enough time, he often follows a certain topic on the Internet, looking down, including related links of this topic.Last night, he saw the management of the city, and saw the concept and practice of urban management and development in China and even in many places around the world.Looking at these, he couldn't help but think of the urban construction of Nanzhou.A few days ago, Yue Qi called and talked to him about the demolition of Paifang Street.After Cheng Yiyi came out to study, Yue Qi was temporarily in charge of this matter.Yue Qi has different ideas about the demolition of Paifang Street, in fact, she just doesn't agree.Her point of view is to reserve all, and Qi Ming will certainly not agree.She was a little upset about this, so she talked with Cheng together.

Cheng Yiyi didn't answer Yue Qi's question, but said vaguely: "Since it is the decision of the municipal party committee, obedience is the principle. But in the actual operation, there must be flexibility." Although this was said to Yue Qi, it was actually a strategy that Cheng Yiyi planned to use in the demolition of the old street. The general direction, demolition is set.Moreover, judging from the quality of life of the residents in Paifang Street, it has reached the point of demolition and renovation.Cultural protection is also limited, so to use it flexibly means to grasp the setting of the blue line area and protect the historical relics as much as possible.

What Cheng Yiyi is worried about now is not just the demolition, but the development that Secretary Qi Ming is introducing, which is to manage the city.After reading it on the Internet, Cheng Yilu understood that the so-called running a city is, to put it bluntly, a land exchange.Exchange the city's land for the development of real estate, so that the finance can obtain income and achieve the purpose of transforming the old city. What Qi Ming introduced was a real estate development company in the provincial capital. I heard that many prosperous areas in the provincial capital were developed by this company.Such a company must have both strength and the ability to reach the sky, otherwise, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to make a difference in the prosperous area of ​​the provincial capital.

After studying for a week, because it was the weekend, most of the office staff went back.Cheng Yiyi didn't want to go back at first, but there were no people on the whole mountain, and it was empty to stay there.After much deliberation, I ran to Zhang Xiaoyu's aunt's house. Zhang Xiaoyu's aunt, the wife of Zhang Minzhao who is now awaiting trial.She moved out of the provincial capital by herself and lived in Zhang Minzhao's hometown, a hundred miles away from the provincial capital. Cheng Yiyi didn't use a car this time, but took a ride by himself.The weather was muggy along the way, as if it was going to rain.The car arrived around noon.When my aunt saw Cheng Yilu, she was really surprised and asked why she didn't take a car.Cheng Yiyi said that he didn't need a car, and it was very convenient to take a car.The aunt smiled and said: I'm afraid I haven't taken a car for many years.

Yes, it has been many years, Cheng said with a smile all the way. My aunt is much better than the last time I came to see her. In fact, my aunt is only a little over fifty, not much older than Cheng Yiyi. Cheng asked about her aunt's daily life all the way, and her aunt said that there was no need to worry about it, as she still had retirement salary, which was more than enough to live alone.Zhang Minzhao has only one daughter, who is in Australia.Because of Zhang Minzhao's incident, he interrupted his studies early and started working in a company. My aunt asked about Zhang Minzhao's case and heard that it was going to be tried soon, and Cheng nodded all the way.

"I'm afraid... As long as it's not like that, it's fine." The aunt sighed. Cheng Yiyi persuaded: "Then it shouldn't be. I heard that the attitude of pleading guilty later was better, and there were mitigating circumstances." Cheng Yiyi said, but he didn't know what to do. "Yeah, last time I asked someone to bring a message to him. When I went in, I said what I had to say. At this time, no matter how hard my mouth is, it's in vain. It's better to be lazy than to die. It's important to save your life." Aunt Liu shed tears. "I thought so too. It seems that he figured it out later. Alas!" Cheng Yiyi sighed.

My aunt wiped her tears and said that it was noon, let's cook something and eat together.It doesn't matter what Cheng Yiyi said, anyway, there are still hundreds of miles to go. The rice is sold from rural households, and most of the vegetables are sent by neighbors.Zhang Minzhao was born here since he was a child. When he was six years old, both his parents died of illness.He became an orphan, and the neighbors in the whole village, who had one meal and one piece of clothing, forced him to be raised, went to school, and finally became a national cadre.Zhang Minzhao is very grateful for his hometown.No matter where I go to work, as long as it is something my old family is looking for, I will do my best.In the eyes of the old family, Zhang Minzhao is still the little orphan back then.The old family remembers his kindness.Therefore, after Zhang Minzhao's accident, people in his hometown couldn't believe it. Some people even proposed to jointly petition to prove that Zhang Minzhao was not a corrupt official.It wasn't until the central government released some of the facts about Zhang Minzhao's case that the family couldn't help but sigh.After my aunt returned to her hometown, people in the village renovated his house, and even installed water heaters. "It's better here, it's quieter, and the relationship between people is better." Aunt sighed. "The air in the countryside is also good. I'm getting old, and I want to find a place to live in the countryside." Cheng Yiyi thought of the man named Thoreau in Walden Pond. "Where's Xiaoyu? Are you okay now? She called a while ago, it seems..." Auntie looked at Cheng Yiyi, as if she was a little hard to say. Cheng Yiyi said with a smile: "She is very good. Recently, there is a problem and it is being resolved. She wants me to go to Australia." "All the way, if I was in the past, I might not persuade you. But now, after your uncle's accident, I figured it out. Being an official is also risky. No matter how big an official is, once an accident happens, he is not as good as a poor beggar The beggar can still live, your uncle...hey. Therefore, I advise you, listen to Xiaoyu's words, and go out if you can't. It's not a problem for a woman to go out for a long time." Auntie's words obviously meant that she already knew something Said on the inside. Cheng looked at his aunt all the way, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I want to go out too. But, auntie, you know my personality, and I can't let go of this side. Being an official is risky, and the key depends on how you handle it. As for Xiaoyu, my idea is to come back as much as possible, if she really doesn't come back, I'll just..." "So what? Divorce?" Aunt asked. "That depends on the situation." Cheng Yiyi started the topic, saying that I will cook, I haven't done it for many years, and my previous cooking skills are still good. My aunt said that I can do it for you, you go around, and I will call you when I am done. Cheng walked along the house and turned around.The air in the countryside is indeed fresh. There are very few people in the village, and most of them have gone out to work.It is the beginning of July now, and in ten days or so, some of the migrant workers will fly back like migratory birds, rushing to snatch them up.Except for the crowing of chickens and pigs, the village was extremely quiet.But looking up, wisps of cooking smoke were rising continuously. My aunt cooked three dishes and one soup, all of which were local products from the countryside.Even the pork is a local pig.Cheng accompanied his aunt to drink two glasses of wine along the way, and he saw that although her spirit was better than the first time, she was obviously old. Looking at his aunt, Cheng Yiyi suddenly remembered Zhang Minzhao's appearance when he was taken away from Shuanggui in Nanzhou.A deputy governor, at that moment, I don't know what to think?And now, before facing the final trial, what was Zhang Minzhao thinking, and what could he be thinking? Fang Lianghua's headaches came one after another. Ever since Yin Meier rejected Fang Lianghua's proposal to kill the child, she even turned off her cell phone.Fang Lianghua is unlikely to call Yin Meier's unit directly, that would be too risky.Many people can recognize his voice, at any rate, he has also been a secretary in Tongshan for several years.Originally, Fang Lianghua planned to take some time to go to Tongshan to have a good talk with Yin Meier face to face.But when she turned off her phone, she basically lost all information.Fang Lianghua had no choice but to worry. Yin Meier kept her word, maybe this time she would treat her child the same way she showed her love to Fang Lianghua back then.That would be troublesome, and it would be big trouble. Fang Lianghua really felt the power of women this time, especially the power of a normally shy woman like Yin Meier. After returning from Hong Kong, Fang Lianghua put the necklace he sold to Yin Meier in his office.He sold a total of four necklaces and gave one to Hu Ju, which was the cheapest.This one is for Yin Meier.There is another one to be given to the wife of a classmate in the provincial capital.He gave the last one to Shi Ni. Just as he was putting the necklace on Shi Ni's neck, Fang Lianghua knew that another trouble was coming. Shi Ni blushed, half coquettish and half angry, "I don't want to go back to Provincial Taiwan, so I'll stay at Nanzhou Terrace, okay?" Fang Lianghua was startled, this was the last thing he wanted to see, so he smiled and said, "Nanzhou Xiaotai, how can it compare with the provincial one. Your career is in the provincial one, don't think about it." "No, I stayed here because of you. As for career, loving you is my career!", Shi Ni said and kissed Fang Lianghua. Fang Lianghua's heart was shocked again, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. After a pause, Fang Lianghua stroked Shi Ni's hand and said, "Don't be stupid, how can you stay in Nanzhou? Go back to the provincial capital, I'll see you when I arrive, how nice it is!" "Not good!" Shi Ni rolled over and sat up. "You, you, like a child. Okay, okay, lie down first, you have to think about me, if you stay in Nanzhou, can I still have a good life? If..." Fang Lianghua looked at Shi Ni. "What if? I'm afraid your wife will find out? I just want her to know. I want you to divorce!" Shi Ni raised her voice. Fang Lianghua quickly covered Shi Ni's mouth with his hands, "Oh, don't talk about it anymore." Divorce was not something Fang Lianghua had never thought about.When he met Yin Meier, he thought about divorce.But once he saw Hu Ju's appearance, it was impossible for him to bring it up.If Hu Ju knew that Fang Lianghua was going to divorce, according to her personality, she would end up dead and no one would be at peace.What's the point of a municipal party secretary making such a fuss? Shi Ni pouted, waiting for Fang Lianghua's answer.Fang Lianghua looked at this girl and remembered that when Nie Yixiao introduced them to each other, he said: Shi Ni is a flower with thorns.This thorny flower not only wants to bloom by Fang Lianghua's side, but also wants to be by his side forever. This is absolutely impossible, Fang Lianghua made up his mind, "How about this, Shi Ni, you go back to the provincial capital first. Let's talk about the future things slowly." "No, I'm not leaving, I'm here," Shi Ni pouted. Fang Lianghua suddenly became angry, he got up and got out of bed, pointed at Shi Ni and said, "Don't go? Right? Well, I'll go. Let me tell you this: first, we must go back to the provincial capital, and second, for our relationship It must be kept secret, if anyone finds out, you will be responsible!" After all, Fang Lianghua quickly dressed, opened the door and went out. Shi Ni is really a character, and she returned to the provincial station the next day, but then sent a text message to Fang Lianghua: I will give you three months.Otherwise, do so at your own risk. Fang Lianghua looked at it and smiled, thinking that everyone returned to the provincial capital, and distance changed everything.It will gradually fade away.It's not the first time for you, Shi Ni, to love a man, why should you be so dedicated? That's what I said, but there is always a shadow in Fang Lianghua's heart. Every time he meets Nie Xiao, he seems to see Nie Xiao smiling slyly. The meaning of that smile is obvious, as if he is holding your big secret . Now, Fang Lianghua is sitting in the office, it seems that he can still see such a smirk like Nie Yixiao. Gao Tian came in with a stack of documents, looked at Secretary-General Fang Lianghua, put down the documents, and wanted to leave.Fang Lianghua asked, "Is there something wrong?" "Secretary-General, Chen Yang has become the deputy director, so it's time for me to move," Gao Tian said. "Haha", Fang Lianghua smiled, "So that's what happened. Chen Yang has been with Yiyi Secretary for many years, so it's not normal to mention a deputy director. You came here too early, wait a minute, you've done a good job. , are you afraid that there will be no chance? Isn't it?" "There is a chance, but we have to wait until..." Gao Tian muttered. Fang Lianghua didn't make a sound, Gao Tian said again: "I heard that something happened to the China Merchants Sub-bureau?" "What's the matter? Which bureau?" Fang Lianghua asked. "I just heard about it, just now. I haven't confirmed it yet. It may not be accurate. I heard that Wang Changhe, the director of China Merchants' Shenzhen branch, went whoring in a hotel and was beaten and disabled for underpaying." Gao Tian said in detail. "Really? There is such a thing? Why didn't I know?" Fang Lianghua picked up the phone and called Director Ye of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau.Director Ye faltered on the phone for a while, then said, "That's what happened. He's still in the hospital, and he might lose his legs. We just got the situation, and we're about to send someone to investigate further." "What happened? Ah! Immediately send someone over and deal with it quickly. Don't leave any sequelae. Isn't this Wang Changhe all right? I heard that a project has just been cited, how can I say..." Fang Lianghua was angry and regretful. Director Ye said: "We know this. Except for the Secretary-General, we have not reported to any leader. We want to wait until the matter is settled. I will go there myself. This time it is because of the project that he invited the boss of the other company. There was an accident at the house." "Ah, then you guys go and deal with it, and report in time if there is any situation." Fang Lianghua put down the phone and said to Gao Tian: "This matter has not yet been determined, so don't spread it randomly." "I know," Gao Tian replied. Fang Lianghua was about to read the documents when Secretary Qi Ming called and told him to go up. Secretary Qi Ming told him that the development company in the provincial capital would come tomorrow, and it was the boss Du Li.Ask the Secretary-General to arrange a reception.In addition, Qi Ming said in a low voice: "I have already said to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection that this is not conducive to the stability of Nanzhou. They have already promised not to investigate, so don't worry about it anymore." Fang Lianghua felt relieved, and thanked Secretary Qi repeatedly. Qi Ming said: Thank you for what?you were alright...
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