Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Two

Chapter 21 Chapter 21

Secretary-General Two 洪放 5169Words 2018-03-20
Cheng Yiyi and Fang Lianghua stayed in Hong Kong for three days, visited Weiyuan's company headquarters in Hong Kong, and inspected the Hong Kong market.Except for attending the banquet on the first night, Wu Lanlan never showed up again.Cheng Yiyi understood Wu Lanlan's mood, so he didn't take the initiative to ask from the beginning to the end.Tian Shiming explained twice, saying that Lan Lan was inconvenient, so... It was Fang Lianghua's first visit to Hong Kong, and he ran everywhere he could, and truly enjoyed the joy of shopping in paradise.Before leaving the hotel, Fang Lianghua already had a dozen large and small bags in his hand.Ouyang helped to get into the car, Cheng watched all the way, and shook his head inadvertently.

After leaving the customs, they arrived in the mainland. At the airport, Wu Lanlan unexpectedly came. Tian Shiming asked: "Why are you here? Don't say anything." "I happen to be doing health care here. I knew they were leaving, so I came over to see them off." Wu Lanlan looked at Cheng Yiyi. Tian Shiming said with a loud voice: "Aha, okay, comrades-in-arms, I'm here to see you off." Cheng Yiyi said: "Actually, there is no need, just meet up." Wu Lanlan's face was obviously just put on makeup, and the powder didn't seem to be evenly spread out yet.She pulled the process all the way and said, "Say hello to Zhuo Zhao and the others for me. I have been comrades in arms for more than ten years, and we will see each other less and less in the future."

"How can there be less? After our project in Nanzhou starts, I'll take you there, so I'll see you? Women, just say some hurtful words. Secretary Cheng, don't see outsiders." Tian Shiming interrupted . Cheng Yiyi didn't answer Tian Shiming's words, and said to Wu Lanlan: "Go back and see the old chief more often, it's pretty lonely by yourself." "I will." Wu Lanlan smiled, but tears glistened in her eyes.Cheng Yiyi hurriedly avoided, and everyone went to the waiting hall.Wu Lanlan said: "Leader, I won't see you off." Then she turned and ran away.Looking at Wu Lanlan's running back all the way, Cheng felt a pain in his heart, and immediately felt a faint sadness.

It is not unreasonable for Wu Lanlan to say that she will meet less and less in the future when she is middle-aged.Last year, when Wu Lanlan accompanied the old chief to Nanzhou, Feng Jun talked and laughed with everyone.But now, Feng Jun has already turned into a wisp of smoke.Life is short, not to mention middle-aged people? Back in Nanzhou, the Nanzhou Old City Reconstruction Plan has been officially released, and it has been approved by the National People's Congress.When Cheng Yiyi reported his trip to Hong Kong to Qi Ming, Qi Ming also told about it by the way, and wanted to ask Cheng Yiyi to come out and serve as the commander of the old city renovation.

Cheng Yiyi didn't agree, and said, "I'll see the plan first, then I'll talk about it." Qi Ming didn't insist anymore. He knew that Cheng Yiyi had different opinions on the reconstruction of the old city, so he handed the planning book to Cheng Yiyi and asked him to take a good look at it. There might be some action in the near future. "Action? Demolition? Or..." Cheng Yiyi asked. "Of course it needs to be demolished. How can the city develop without demolition?" Qi Ming said while looking at Cheng Yilu. It’s suitable. While we’re demolishing, we’re also considering building. I’ve already contacted a developer in a provincial capital, and they may be coming soon. Make preparations first, and we’ll talk about it when the time comes.”

"I've always thought that we can't follow the idea of ​​demolition and relocation of the old city." Cheng Yiyi held the plan and was about to continue, but was interrupted by Qi Ming, "Comrade Yiyi, we have to take a long-term view. The old city is good. , but after all, it is old. From the perspective of urban development, livelihood projects, and future protection, it is necessary to move. If you don’t push the old, why come up with the new. Isn’t it?” Qi Ming said. Patting Cheng Yiyi on the shoulder, "I know this job is difficult, the task is heavy, and there will be a lot of trouble. You do it first, who can take the lead if you don't take the lead? I won't let Qi Ming take the lead Right? Haha, right!"

"That's not what I meant. I meant that the plan said there was a blue line area last time. I don't know what's going on this time? Well, let me have a look first and then talk about it." Cheng said all the way, rolled up the plan and went out. Qi Ming sat on the chair, he understood Cheng Yiyi's thoughts.In terms of the reconstruction of the old city, Cheng Yiyi is fundamentally not active and not advocating.I heard that when the Yanjiang Old Street was being demolished last year, Cheng Yiyi did not agree at first. Later, Ren Huaihang took over the job and asked Cheng Yiyi to be the team leader, and the demolition of the old street was taken down.This time, Qi Ming also applied Ren Huaihang's method. You can disagree, but you must be the commander of this project.In this way, from the outside world, the impression that there are differences within the team is eliminated.Nanzhou has just experienced an earthquake in the officialdom, and Qi Ming really does not want to see disunity in the team or other abnormal phenomena.

In the morning, Qi Ming had another meeting. He was about to get up when Fang Lianghua came in. "Secretary Qi, I want to report my thoughts to you." Fang Lianghua said. "Aha, thought? Well, it's a trip to Hong Kong, right? I heard comrades all the way said that the situation is good. Weiyuan's strength is very strong, that's good. You must firmly grasp this project." Qi Ming put down his bag . Fang Lianghua said with a smile: "The projects are all carried out under the leadership of Secretary Qi, and I will keep an eye on them. I want to report something..."

"Let's talk." Qi Ming waved his hand. "Last year when I was in Tongshan, when the Tongshan Expressway was under construction, I insisted on implementing sunny operations and open bidding. As a result, Haowangjiao Engineering Company won the bid. The project was completed very well. At the beginning of this year, after I went to the municipal party committee, Wu Feifei, the boss of Haowangjiao, came to see me. While I was not paying attention when I was leaving, I put a card in my drawer. I just saw it a few days ago and handed it over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. After thinking about this matter, I should report it to Secretary Qi, which can be regarded as an ideological report. Let's go." After Fang Lianghua finished speaking, he looked at Qi Ming. Qi Ming frowned, and immediately said: "This approach is right. Very good! Leading cadres must grasp themselves. Whether they send it or not is theirs. But whether we accept it or not is our own business. It depends on the quality of a cadre and the sense of integrity of a cadre. Lianghua, you are still young. You have done a good job, very good!"

Fang Lianghua smiled, took out a small box in his hand, and handed it to Qi Ming.Qi Ming asked what it was, and Fang Lianghua said that he would know it when he opened it. Qi Ming opened the box, and inside was a jade rabbit.He immediately understood that he was a rabbit, and Fang Lianghua was really a caring person, so he said, "From Hong Kong?" "I just looked at it casually, and I think it's okay, so I'm going." Fang Lianghua said on his lips, but thought in his heart: For this jade rabbit, he and Ouyang ran for a long time.Just for this one rabbit, the price is not small...

Qi Ming caressed the jade rabbit with his hands, and it was obvious that he liked it very much.After rubbing for a while, Qi Ming put the jade rabbit into the box and asked, "How much is it? Isn't it cheap?" "This, this... Hong Kong is very cheap. Just be considerate, please stop talking about Secretary Qi. You are going down, the car is ready." Fang Lianghua said and walked out. Qi Ming also picked up his bag and followed him out. Cheng came all the way to Renyi, feeling very complicated.Since Feng Jun's accident last year, he has only been to Renyi twice, once to condolences to the needy households, and once to accompany the leaders of the Provincial Department of Finance to inspect. Ma Hongtao called and invited Secretary Cheng Yiyi to attend the unveiling ceremony of Renyi's mining group. During the phone call, Ma Hongtao said: "Secretary Cheng came up with this idea. Secretary Cheng has found a way for the people of Renyi to get rich. You must Come!" Cheng Yiyi was not good enough to refuse, not to mention that he also wanted to see how Ma Hongtao worked. When the car arrived in Renyi, Ma Hongtao and a team of county party committee and county government were already waiting.Cheng Yiyi said, "Hong Tao, you've learned how to show off, it's not good!" "That depends on who is coming. When Secretary Cheng is here, the benevolent and righteous people welcome him from the bottom of their hearts. This is not a ostentation." Ma Hongtao laughed. "You, you've learned to play tricks. Well, you've started a group without making any noise. What can Hong Tao do?" Cheng praised and followed Ma Hongtao into the conference room. Ma Hongtao reported to Cheng Yiyi about the establishment of the mining group.In fact, it is very simple. It is led by the government to unite the original five individual mines with larger scale, more advanced equipment, and better safety conditions, and implement the five unified management, unified safety precautions, unified sales, unified mining, and unified scheduling. , Form a joint-stock mining enterprise.A few days ago, the general meeting of shareholders was held and the leadership was elected.An executive deputy county magistrate of the county government serves as the chairman, and the general manager is the boss of the largest of the five joint mines. "Our purpose is to change the mining of small mines from disorder to order, which not only takes advantage of our resources, but also strengthens management and eliminates potential safety hazards." When Ma Hongtao reported, Cheng Yiyi had been thinking about a problem. He gave Ma Hongtao this idea, whether it was right or wrong.Since Renyi's mine was rectified last year, its finances have plummeted, and the lives of local people have also returned to poverty.Mines are resources of benevolence and righteousness. If there are resources, they must be developed. The key is how to develop them reasonably.The purpose of Cheng Yiyi's idea is to find a flexible way for benevolence and righteousness, which will not violate national policies, but also ensure safety and increase local income at the same time. From the current practice of Ma Hongtao, it is carried out according to Cheng Yiyi's idea, and it is carried out very solidly.After Ma Hongtao's report, Cheng Yiyi said a few words briefly: "Renyi's establishment of a mining group is an opportunity and a new starting point for Renyi County. The key is to pay attention to safety and management. Only safety Only when it is well managed can it be beneficial. Renyi has a profound lesson on safety issues. We must keep in mind the mistakes of the past and the lessons of the future!" After Cheng Yiyi finished speaking, the leaders of the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources who came to participate in the ceremony also said a few words, and then everyone drove to the mine.Looking from a distance, colorful flags are flying and crowds are crowded.This is an old mining area, and the road has already been repaired. After getting out of the car, Ma Hongtao introduced: "This mine was originally opened by people from the south, but later withdrew its capital and left. Now it is in charge of a big local boss. This time he was elected as the general manager of the group." As he spoke, he saw A chunky man with a red face came over, and Ma Hongtao introduced again: "This is Cheng Yicheng, deputy secretary of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Huang Chengfu, the general manager of the group." "Hello, Secretary Cheng, it is our honor to be able to attend the unveiling ceremony of our mine in person!" Huang Chengfu was spitting foam, his face gleaming brighter because of the sunlight. Cheng Yiyi shook Huang Chengfu's hand and said, "Well done! Very good!" Ma Hongtao said: "Don't look at him as a short and fat man, but he is a rich man with tens of millions of assets. Before this joint mine formation, he originally planned to go to the south. We did the work and stayed. The joint venture There is no market without management, and he is a talent in this area.” "Retaining talents is a manifestation of the quality of politics. Hong Tao, you can't just stay, you have to play a greater role. Getting rich for one person is not getting rich. The key is to drive. Not only the mining industry, but also drive The development of the tertiary industry fosters new growth points of the benevolent economy." Cheng Yiyi walked to the rostrum while communicating with Ma Hongtao. Ma Hongtao kept nodding his head. The rostrum was built temporarily, similar to the old opera stage in the countryside.Cheng stood on it all the way, and at a glance, there were people all over the mountain and slopes, and in the valleys farther away, there were people standing vaguely in front of the houses. On behalf of Renyi County Party Committee and County Government, Executive Deputy County Mayor Wang Nong announced the official establishment of Renyi Mining Group, and read out the approval documents of the provincial and central authorities.Huang Chengfu made a speech on the development and management of the joint mining industry in the next step.Cheng listened all the way, thinking: This short fat man may look like an idiot, but he still speaks in a sensible and orderly manner.This also illustrates a feature of the transition from some private entrepreneurs to modern entrepreneurs in the process of my country's economic development.These entrepreneurs are also exploring, accumulating, and growing.For example, in mining, at the beginning, it was to find a mine, pull a team, and sell it for money; later, it was to establish a company, manage it extensively, and make money as the first priority; until now, after several rectifications, And after learning many lessons, these entrepreneurs began to pay attention to business management, seeking high efficiency with safety.Although Huang Chengfu felt that the words of modern enterprise management spit out from Huang Chengfu's mouth were a bit nondescript, but after all, he started to spit them out.This is progress!That is development! After Huang Chengfu finished speaking, Wang Nong announced that he would invite Comrade Cheng Yiyi, deputy secretary of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee, to speak, and there was a round of applause.Cheng Yiyi cleared his throat: "Comrades, on behalf of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, I would like to express my congratulations on the establishment of Renyi Mining Group! Here, I would like to say three simple words: 1. Congratulations! This is the economic life of the Renyi people. It is a major event in Renyi, which will play an important role in promoting the resource development and economic development of Renyi. Second, the requirements. It is hoped that the Renyi County Party Committee and County Government, especially the Renyi Mining Group, will earnestly implement the modern management of the mining industry as a group to survive It should not only be modern in form, but also should be emphasized and strengthened in connotation. Third, suggestions. Safety production is the top priority, especially in the mining industry. We must put people first and put life safety first. Comrades Why, coming to Renyi to participate in this ceremony reminds me of your old secretary, Comrade Feng Jun. That is a lesson learned in blood, safety is no small matter, once it happens it is a big deal." Cheng stopped all the way and looked down. There were so many people, but they were all quiet.He continued: "Therefore, I hope that mining groups will continue to increase investment in safety, and set up a special safety fund in the profits of the mining industry. In terms of modern management of the mining industry, we must continue to strengthen learning, learn from other places, and improve The level of modern management. Renyi County Party Committee and County Government should take the development and safety of the mining group as an important matter, and should not relax for a moment. Mining. I believe that through the attention of the county party committee and the county government, through the efforts of the mining group itself, and through the strong support of the general public, Renyi Mining Group will definitely become the pillar of Renyi's economic development and social progress, and will definitely help the people of Renyi get rid of poverty Get rich and make your due contribution! Thank you everyone!" There was a moment of silence, and then there was a burst of applause.Ma Hongtao said: "Secretary Cheng speaks well, and the common people welcome it!" Next, Cheng Yiyi, Ma Hongtao, and a director of the Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources unveiled the plaque for Renyi Mining Group.When the red silk was pulled away, the bright red characters of "Renyi Mining Group" on the signboard became brighter in the sunlight. After the plaque was unveiled, Cheng Yiyi followed Ma Hongtao down to the No. 1 mine that was about to be mined.The working faces here are all equipped with safety protection facilities. Huang Chengfu said: "I have to install them now. If one dies, the mine will be over." Cheng Yiyi coughed and criticized: "Mr. Huang, it seems that your understanding is still wrong. This is not a question of whether people will die or not. It is an inevitable requirement for how to modernize an enterprise and how to standardize management." Ma Hongtao went on to say: "Secretary Cheng is right in his criticism. Mr. Huang still needs to strengthen his studies. United Mining is no longer the small private mine you used to be. Without management, there will be no benefit, and without safety, there will be no guarantee. Secretary Cheng, our next step is to We will always take safety issues into consideration when conducting mining training courses, please rest assured!" "That's good." Cheng Yiyi replied. In the afternoon, Cheng Yilu continued to investigate in Renyi.He focused on some poor households, especially those who lost their main labor force due to mining accidents.The family is desolate, food and clothing are worrying, this is the deepest impression on Cheng Yiyi from these families.After seeing these families, Cheng Yiyi felt his heart tighten and his nose sore.He didn't say much, but Ma Hongtao felt strangely heavy. In the evening, Cheng all the way declined the retention of Ma Hongtao and the comrades of the Renyi team, and returned to Nanzhou.In the car, Cheng Yiyi asked Chen Yang: "Can Renyi really improve mining safety?" Knowing that Cheng Yiyi has been worried about this matter, Chen Yang replied: "The key is management." "Yes, yes!" Cheng Yiyi sighed. When the car was approaching Nanzhou, Cheng Yiyi received a text message from Wu Lanlan: Forgive my rudeness, and pay attention to Weiyuan's investment. Of course, Cheng Yi knew the meaning of the previous sentence, but what about the latter sentence?Is it to remind Nanzhou to pay attention to Weiyuan's investment in Nanzhou?or something else?But no matter what it is, Wu Lanlan, as the representative of Weiyuan in the United States, this reminder is of certain value.Cheng Yilu suddenly had some kind of hidden worry in his heart.He immediately replied a text message: I am glad to see you are doing well, thank you for reminding me.
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