Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Two

Chapter 20 Chapter Twenty

Secretary-General Two 洪放 4987Words 2018-03-20
Hong Kong Causeway Bay Seaview Hotel is a hotel with a high scale in Hong Kong.When Cheng Yiyi and Fang Lianghua arrived at the hotel, Tian Shiming had just boarded the plane from the United States.The vice president of Weiyuan who accompanied them was called Ouyang Yixiong, known as Ouyang. He was a shrewd and capable young vice president.He graduated from Tsinghua University in China in his early years and studied economic management. He used to work in a joint venture company in China. He was attracted by Tian Shiming because of a business negotiation, and was eventually poached. Ouyang has been in Hong Kong for five years and is very familiar with Hong Kong.After staying, several people had a quick light meal, and Ouyang suggested that everyone go out for a walk.Whether Cheng Yiyi said it or not, the changes in Hong Kong are calculated in days, so we need to take a closer look.

According to Cheng Yiyi's understanding, the biggest characteristics of Hong Kong are nothing more than three points: first, commercial prosperity, second, dense population, and third, tranquility.In such a big city, although people come and go and the traffic is constant, it makes people feel quiet and not impetuous.He asked Ouyang if that was the case.Ouyang smiled and said: "Secretary Cheng saw through Hong Kong at a glance. These three points are the characteristics of Hong Kong. As for quietness, everyone is busy and no one has time to disturb anyone. Even the trees on the side of the road grow by themselves. It's strange to be quiet."

"This is not like the mainland," Fang Lianghua said. "The biggest feature of the mainland is that it interferes with each other. There are too many human factors." Ouyang told a joke that when he was in the mainland, he once went to see a leading cadre.The cadre complained that he had no peace all day long.After asking, I found out that it was all because of various affairs, which didn't sound like much, but they all had to be dealt with.How can there be peace when you are busy?He suggested that the leader may not have to do everything by himself, which might be better.The leader smiled and said that he did not understand the situation in China.Being an official in China is supported by power.The externalization of power is just one word: busy.If you are busy, it means that you have power and popularity; if you are not busy, if you sit in the office all day and no one comes to answer you, it can only mean that you have no power and no weight in the eyes of others, that is, you cannot eat well.

"Secretary-General, is that the case?" Ouyang asked. Fang Lianghua laughed twice, "Yes, and no. It's a bit general." Along the way, Cheng saw that no matter the cars or people on both sides of the street, they kept their eyes on each other and kept moving forward.Looking from this street, the steeple of a church can be seen vaguely.Cheng Yiyi asked Ouyang where it was, and Ouyang said that it was a church, and behind it was the oldest old street in Hong Kong, which was very well preserved.After listening to it all the way, Cheng thought to himself: In Hong Kong, a place where every inch of land is expensive, there is still an old street, which shows the cultural awareness of Hong Kong people!In this way, he naturally thought of the old street in Nanzhou.The old street along the river has been demolished, leaving only an ancient pagoda of Nanzhou.Soon, Paifang Street was going to be demolished again. Although he made some speeches within his ability at the planning meeting, he knew that it was just talk.As prosperous as Hong Kong, there is still an old street, but what about Nanzhou?

Fang Lianghua probably also saw Cheng Yiyi's thoughts, and said: "In fact, urban construction has its own way. The characteristics of Hong Kong can only be in Hong Kong." Cheng didn't make a sound all the way.Ouyang said: "If Secretary Cheng and the Secretary-General don't mind, let's have some snacks at noon. The snacks in Hong Kong are also very flavorful." In Hong Kong in the early summer, the long beards hanging from the banyan trees are dotted, fluttering on the road outside the snack bar.Cheng Yiyi remembered that seven years ago, when he first came to Hong Kong, he bought a jade bracelet for Zhang Xiaoyu at Chow Tai Sang Gold Store.That bracelet has been worn on Zhang Xiaoyu's hand ever since.But seven years later, Zhang Xiaoyu is far away in Australia, and their relationship may be coming to an end...

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiyi couldn't help but sighed softly, Fang Lianghua looked at him, but didn't speak. In the afternoon, Cheng lay all the way in the room without going out.Fang Lianghua and Ouyang went out, Fang Lianghua said he wanted to buy something, Hong Kong is a shopper's paradise, how could he not buy anything? Cheng Yiyi: "Say you just buy it, I've bought it before." After sleeping for a while, Cheng Yiyi got up and looked at the street scene from the floor-to-ceiling windows.Causeway Bay is the most prosperous area in Hong Kong, especially for business.Looking down from the window, except for the storefront, there are pedestrians, shrouded in silence.Sometimes, he can only see the broad crown of the banyan tree, which is also quiet and green.

From a distance, it seems that you can see a small piece of the sea.When he was a soldier, Cheng Yiyi's troops had been stationed along the coast, so he was familiar with the sea.The sea in Hong Kong is actually a bay, and it is also peaceful.It is precisely because of its tranquility that Hong Kong is a natural harbor. Taiping Mountain is to the south of the window, full of greenery.Although Hong Kong is a place where commercial atmosphere is more important than everything else, greenness and tranquility are everywhere.The greenery and tranquility made Cheng Yiyi think of the camphor trees in Nanzhou City in an instant, and the simple rhyme like the camphor trees...

Turning on the TV, Phoenix Satellite TV was broadcasting a film about corruption in the Mainland. Cheng opened the bag all the way, took out the tea brought from Nanzhou, made a cup of tea, and sat on the sofa.He was surprised to see Zhang Minzhao in the film.Zhang Xiaoyu's uncle, the former secretary of Nanzhou's municipal party committee and later deputy governor, was wearing a prison uniform in the film, with a very decadent expression on his face.In an interview with reporters, Zhang Minzhao's articulateness seemed unclear, "I regret that I failed to control myself at the critical moment. I am sorry to the party and the people."

Cheng Yiyi looked a little sad, this person was not only his leader, but also his relative.After all, Zhang Minzhao loved Cheng Yiyi very much.Zhang Minzhao played a role in Cheng Yiyi's journey from the government to the municipal party committee.Moreover, in normal times, Zhang Minzhao is actually very kind and low-key.But in the reporter's manuscript, Cheng Yiyi clearly heard the evaluation of Zhang Minzhao: always flamboyant and domineering. O fallen tiger!Cheng Yiyi sighed. The film reveals that Zhang Minzhao's case is about to be sentenced.This process has been known all the way.Although he never spoke about Zhang Minzhao's case in public, in private, he also learned about the case through some relationships.The number of bribes Zhang Minzhao took is huge, it can be said to be huge.A while ago, Zhang Minzhao had a bad attitude and resisted censorship.It has changed for the better recently, and I actively cooperated with the investigation. What I saw on the film just now is the situation after the attitude has changed.Cheng Yiyi thought that Zhang Minzhao was right to do so, and it was better to plead guilty than to resist blindly.If it has been the previous attitude, Zhang Minzhao may become one of the very few high-ranking officials who were sentenced to death for taking bribes.Cheng Yiyi also heard that Zhang Minzhao's change of attitude was due to a meeting with one person.This person was Zhang Minzhao's superior for many years, and he personally visited Zhang Minzhao in the detention center.After this person left, Zhang Minzhao told everything.

Before coming to Hong Kong, Zhang Xiaoyu's aunt called Cheng Yiyi to ask if Zhang Minzhao's case would be finally... Cheng Yiyi knew what his aunt meant. He thought about it and said: Since uncle has said everything and his attitude is good, the organization will consider it.In fact, when he said this, his heart was beating drums, and he didn't know what would happen, but he had to comfort his aunt like this. Cheng heard the noise in the corridor all the way, it was Fang Lianghua and the others who came back. Ouyang knocked on the door, came in and asked Cheng Yiyi, did you have a good rest in the afternoon?Cheng all the way said yes, very good.After turning off the TV, Fang Lianghua came in with several bags of things in his hands. He said it was too expensive, but it was not cheap at all.Ouyang said that buying things in Hong Kong is not about being expensive or cheap, but about being able to buy some authentic products that cannot be bought in the mainland.Especially small household electrical appliances are all original products.Those sold in the mainland are all produced by joint venture factories. "Now, the mainland has become the largest factory in the world." Ouyang laughed.

Cheng Yiyi: "It's true, the mainland has become a big factory for all advanced countries. It processes in the mainland, puts on the brand of foreign products, and then sells them in the mainland. Some of them are directly OEM, which has a great impact on the national industry. !" Just as Ouyang was about to speak, his cell phone rang. Ouyang said a few words, put down the phone, and told Cheng Yiyi that Mr. Tian was back and was rushing here from the airport. Fang Lianghua: "Boss Tian is too busy, too busy!" The dinner will be held in the Tianhou Hall of the hotel.The luxurious facilities in this hall are rarely seen even along the way.Ouyang said Mr. Tian will be there soon, let's sit down for a while.Just after sitting down and saying a few words, Tian Shiming arrived. "Sorry, I kept Secretary Cheng and the Secretary-General waiting for a long time, sorry!" Tian Shiming stepped forward with fists clasped. Cheng Yiyi said: "Mr. Tian is busy with affairs, so I won't say anything if I'm sorry." "Okay, let's sit." Tian Shiming asked Cheng Yiyi to sit at the top, Fang Lianghua to sit on the right, and the others to sit in turn.Tian Shiming said: "Leave an empty seat next to Secretary Cheng, a beautiful lady will come later." "Ma'am?" Fang Lianghua asked with a smile. "Yes, he is my plenipotentiary representative in the United States. Come back to Hong Kong with me today." Tian Shiming said, and the wine had already been served. "Don't wait, women are just wasting time, let's drink first. Today, I suggest that we drink according to Hong Kong's method, order casually, okay?" Everyone said that this is of course good, and it is better to drink casually than anything else. Tian Shiming paid respects to each of them first, each with a small cup of Moutai.After one round, Tian Shiming said: "You are really welcome. I am very honored that Secretary Cheng and the Secretary-General came to Hong Kong to inspect our company. In this way, I will respect Secretary Cheng again. This time, we will go together." Going one means having a drink, of course Cheng Yiyi knows it.But he didn't expect that the waiter came up to change the glasses. It was a goblet of about three taels, all filled up, and a full glass of white wine made people feel flustered.Tian Shiming had already picked up the cup, looked at Cheng Yiyi, and drank it in one gulp. Cheng Yiyi said: "Mr. Tian's way of drinking is probably not the way of drinking in Hong Kong?" Tian Shiming smiled, but his face turned red: "This is the way of drinking in my hometown Shandong!" "No wonder. But Mr. Tian's boldness from Shandong is admirable. I'll be a native of Shandong." Cheng Yiyi said as he picked up the cup and drank it all at once. "Good drinker, so courageous!" Tian Shiming slammed on the table and said. Fang Lianghua said from the side: "Secretary Yiyi was the head of the army in the early years, he is the God of Dionysus." Tian Shiming said: "That's what it should be. Dionysus is good." Just as he was talking, there was a movement at the door.Tian Shiming's eyes turned to the door, and said: "The beautiful lady I mentioned is here, come quickly, everyone is waiting for you." Cheng Yiyi raised his head, but was stunned. The woman who came in also stopped, and after only a moment, she walked towards the table.Tian Shiming had already got up, walked over, stroked the woman's shoulder, and let her sit in the empty seat next to Cheng Yiyi.Cheng Yiyi didn't look at this woman, Tian Shiming introduced: "This is Ms. Wu Lanlan, our company's plenipotentiary representative in the United States," and turned around to introduce Cheng Yidao, "Lan Lan, these are all guests from Nanzhou City, this yes……" "I know this one, Mr. Cheng Yiyi." Wu Lanlan stood up and said. Tian Shiming was a little surprised: "You know him? Haha, okay, old friend." Cheng Yiyi simply said: "Ms. Wu Lanlan and I are comrades-in-arms, and his father was my old chief." "Ah, comrade-in-arms! Okay, comrade-in-arms, meeting comrades-in-arms in Hong Kong is also a kind of fate. Come on, Lan Lan, let's toast your old comrade-in-arms together." As he spoke, Tian Shiming brought Wu Lanlan's cup to Wu Lanlan's mouth . Wu Lanlan glanced sideways at Cheng Yiyi, and said, "That's fine, I respect you." Cheng Yiyi also drank, Tian Shiming continued to introduce, and then drank.Wu Lanlan didn't seem to be having a good time. Although she wore heavy makeup on her face, she was tired, maybe it was because she just got off the plane.Wu Lanlan turned her face to the side, smiled and asked Cheng Yilu: "Are you still used to it?" "It's okay." Cheng Yiyi said. "Ah..." Wu Lanlan swallowed what she wanted to say. Cheng Yiyi felt embarrassed, so he talked to Tian Shiming and the others while drinking.Wu Lanlan rarely interrupted, but Cheng Yiyi could always feel Wu Lanlan's eyes fixed on his back.This former comrade-in-arms, the daughter of the old chief, if not for the appearance of another man, they might have gone from love to marriage.However, just before their wedding, she fell into the arms of another man.Last year, she accompanied the old chief to Nanzhou. At that time, she was divorced.In Nanzhou, in addition to investing in some projects, she had many long talks with Cheng along the way.Cheng Yiyi could tell that she longed for Cheng Yiyi in her heart.However, Cheng all the way can not.When Cheng Yilu found himself sleeping on Wu Lanlan's bed that drunken night, he told himself: From now on, they can't see each other again.From then on, Wu Lanlan was just the old chief's daughter and his comrade in arms.At the beginning of this year, Cheng Yiyi heard from the old chief that Wu Lanlan had gone to the United States, but he didn't want to... It is exactly "Where in life do we not meet each other, why do we need to know each other when we meet"! After drinking to the fullest, naturally we talked about Weiyuan's project in Nanzhou.Fang Lianghua said that Nanzhou City has issued three policies to give preferential treatment to the Weiyuan project.And the situation about land and taxation is also mentioned.Tian Shiming wiped his glowing forehead: "Thank you for this! However, Weiyuan operates in many places. The key is to see where the environment is good and where the conditions are good. Nanzhou is a good place, and Secretary Cheng is Lan Lan's comrade-in-arms, with such a good policy, can I not go? I will go. Come, have another drink!" Cheng Yiyi said: "Mr. Tian's investment in Nanzhou is a win-win for Nanzhou and Weiyuan. Of course we welcome and are happy. However, this wine... I can't drink it. I'm a bit high." Tian Shiming said with a smile: "Secretary Cheng is huge, I know about it in Nanzhou. Come, come, Lan Lan, you drink too. Come on, everyone!" Wu Lanlan inadvertently turned the whole way with her elbow, then held the cup and said: "Mr. Tian, ​​today my comrades-in-arms and the Secretary-General are exhausted from the journey. I think this is the last glass of wine. I will drink it tomorrow. I will drink this The cup is drunk first, and then everyone cheers together!" Tian Shiming clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, cheers!" Cheng Yiyi also stood up. It stands to reason that Wu Lanlan knew Cheng Yiyi's drinking capacity, and he only drank six points of the wine tonight.After drinking up the cup, Cheng Yiyi pointed at Wu Lanlan and said softly, "Thank you, old comrade." Wu Lanlan didn't answer, she just lowered her head. After the dinner, Tian Shiming invited everyone to go to Hong Kong for a night tour, especially mentioning to see Hong Kong Night Sea.Cheng Yiyi said that he was a little tired, so he would not go, not to mention that he had seen it before.Tian Shiming said a few words of persuasion, then pulled Wu Lanlan over and said, "Then invite your comrades to accompany you, so you can catch up on the old days." "That's fine!" Cheng Yiyi agreed, although he didn't expect Tian Shiming to make such an arrangement. Wu Lanlan said a few words to Tian Shiming, and then accompanied Cheng all the way upstairs. At the door of the room, Cheng Yiyi suddenly asked, "Why do you..." "You're asking how Tian Shiming and I got together, right?" Wu Lanlan said, "I haven't found a suitable job since I arrived in the United States. Later, I met Tian Shiming who was talking about business in the United States. We had a good chat, so I became their company's employee. Plenipotentiary of the United States. Of course, and..." "Ah, how is the old chief?" Cheng Yiyi changed the subject.He opened the door, turned on the light, and the room suddenly lit up. "That's it, I haven't contacted for a long time. I heard that Feng Jun..." Wu Lanlan looked at Cheng Yiyi with a bit of sadness in her eyes. "Yes, Feng Jun is dead, and we are all old too." Cheng Yiyi sighed. The two sat down and drank a cup of tea, but couldn't find a suitable word to say.After sitting for a while, Wu Lanlan yawned twice, and Cheng Yiyi asked her to go back to rest first, saying that she was too tired.Wu Lanlan didn't refuse either, and went back to her room. Sitting in the empty room, Cheng Yiyi felt that everything between him and Wu Lanlan had really become a thing of the past.At least they can face each other calmly now, and in the face, there is no longer even a trace of expectation and impulse. Time changes everything!Cheng Yiyi deeply felt the power of time.
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