Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Two

Chapter 3 third chapter

Secretary-General Two 洪放 4783Words 2018-03-20
The Auto Parts City is an investment attraction project brought in from the coast by the Transportation Bureau in the first half of the year.It is said that the Transportation Bureau has been tracking this project for more than two years, and finally succeeded at a critical moment with the help of a fellow villager who is an official in a certain department in Beijing.After Secretary Qi Ming arrived in Nanzhou, the first major thing he took care of was the auto parts city project.He put forward a slogan at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee: to promote stability through economic development, and to seek development by attracting investment.

Cheng Yiyi did not agree with the auto parts city project from the bottom of his heart.But he didn't object either.The reason for his disapproval is that he learned some production insider information about the auto parts industry.A lot of environmental pollution and other issues are involved here.This project originally developed very well in the coastal area, but with the rapid development of the coastal economy, environmental protection issues have been put on an important position.Some coastal high-pollution and high-energy-consuming enterprises began to move to the inland.Jiangnan Province, as a transition zone for the transfer of coastal enterprises to the inland, was the first to undertake these transferred projects.Not for the coast, but for Jiangnan Province, it is a treasure.Both Secretary Qi Ming and Mayor Zhao Shouchun have been to the headquarters where the project is located.To put it bluntly, this is an accessory company designated by FAW.For the convenience of land approval, apply in the name of the market.Cheng Yiyi didn't object because he felt that Nanzhou, which is located in the inland area, really had to step up efforts to attract investment if it wanted to develop greatly.The development of China's economy is showing a pattern of water flowing to higher places. The more economically developed a place is, the more it attracts talents and capital.The more backward the place, the more outflow of talents and capital.In the end, these places became the bottom of the pot of economic development.Secretary Qi Ming called it the "pot effect".

"Nanzhou cannot be the bottom of the pot", this is the most basic tone set by Secretary Qi Ming for Nanzhou's economic development.It is precisely because of this that although many people know that the Auto Parts City project will inevitably bring a series of pollution when it comes to bring rich benefits and returns, it still has to be implemented, and it must be implemented with enthusiasm.This is the inland investment attraction, which is the rapid development model that the inland can seek after the coastal areas are developed. Wu Guangda, director of the Transportation Bureau, was enthusiastically introducing the situation to Secretary Qi Ming and Mayor Zhao Shouchun. He was talking about how much effort they had put in, and finally won this big project with an investment of 600 million yuan.

Cheng listened all the way, this project covers an area of ​​nearly 500 mu, close to the urban area, which was originally designated as the Nanri Development Zone.After Jiang Hechuan, the boss of Nanri Group, fled abroad, Nanri soon went bankrupt.A big butt debt is left, and the government is still waiting for a solution.The workers in Nanri asked the municipal party committee and the municipal government many times, and the answer could only be: Jiang Hechuan fled abroad, the case is not closed, and it cannot be processed for the time being.Now, this piece of land that Nanri encircled for the third phase of the project happened to be assigned to the Auto Parts City.Cheng listened and watched all the way, feeling a little nervous for some reason.

Wen Ya, the investor representative of Auto Parts City, is a very young woman with a good temperament.The leaders of Nanzhou City have already become familiar with her in the preliminary negotiations of several projects.Wen Ya came over and greeted Cheng Yiyi: "Secretary Cheng, thank you for coming!" Cheng Yiyi laughed haha ​​and said, "This is a major event in Nanzhou. I accompanied Comrade Qi Ming here." Wen Ya also smiled, she looked mature and intelligent when she smiled. Wu Guangda also came up and said, "Secretary Cheng, the time is almost up. Is it..."

"Let's start on time." Cheng Yiyi straightened his clothes with his hands, which was his habit for many years in the army. When the music started, Qi Ming, Zhao Shouchun, Cheng Yiyi, Fang Lianghua, and Wang Shuocheng, the deputy mayor of the city government in charge of industry, all started to stand in front. As soon as he stood up, Fang Lianghua signaled for the music to stop.In the past, this was what Secretary-General Cheng Yilu did.Looking at Fang Lianghua now, it seems that he is not doing badly. Cheng walked five steps forward all the way, stood in front of the microphone, and said, "Friends and comrades, today, the largest investment project in Nanzhou - the Auto Parts City, has laid the foundation stone. This is..." His voice was caught Suddenly another, louder sound was drowned out.Cheng Yiyi hurriedly stopped and looked back at Qi Ming.Qi Ming was also looking around in surprise.Wu Guangda had already run to the edge of the arena, and saw a large group of people on the periphery of the arena, all rushing towards the middle of the arena.Wu Guangda ran back again, and the security personnel scattered everywhere began to block the crowd.

"What's going on?" Cheng Yiyi asked Wu Guangda angrily. "Yes, they are employees of Nanri Group. They came here knowing that the foundation stone was laid today. Secretary Cheng, look..." Wu Guangda spoke anxiously, his face flushed. Fang Lianghua had already come up and scolded Wu Guangda severely: "What happened in advance?" He asked Cheng Yiyi: "Did it be suspended or not?" Cheng didn't speak all the way.Zhao Shouchun said in a rough voice, "Continue." Fortunately, the crowd on the periphery was stopped by the security personnel, and their voices gradually became quieter.Cheng Yiyi continued to say a few words, and then invited Mayor Zhao Shouchun to give a speech.Zhao Shouchun did not follow the original speech, but simply said some words of congratulations and requests, and ended his speech in a hurry.Wen Ya finally said a few words, her voice was basically not heard.The voices outside the arena stopped for a while, and then rose up for a while.After Wen Ya finished speaking, Cheng Yiyi announced the foundation laying of Nanzhou Auto Parts City.Qi Ming took the shovel first, shoveled it twice, and then put it down.Since it is the foundation, it is symbolic.Cheng saw that Qi Ming was not in a good mood all the way, and as expected, Qi Ming was about to leave as soon as the work was over.Before leaving, he told Cheng Yiyi, and asked him to work with Deputy Mayor Wang Shuocheng to find out the reason. He also said: "The environment is not good. This is a big taboo in attracting investment. It must be dealt with seriously!"

After Qi Ming and Zhao Shouchun's car left, Cheng Yiyi, Wang Shuocheng, and Fang Lianghua questioned Wu Guangda in detail.In fact, it is clear to Cheng Yiyi that all the employees of the old Nanri Group participated in the fund-raising of the Nanri Phase II project.But all the funds raised were taken abroad by Jiang Hechuan.After inquiring about the situation, Cheng Yiyi said, "I need Secretary-General Lianghua and Mayor Shuocheng to study this matter carefully. Construction of the auto parts city has started. If this continues, it will definitely affect the construction and the investment environment of Nanzhou. My opinion is: give appropriate comfort first, and then solve it slowly."

"I agree with Secretary Cheng's opinion," Fang Lianghua said. "The people here are different from ordinary people. There are some intellectuals and some former leaders of Nanri. I think that specific problems need to be analyzed in detail. Clear up the situation, and then solve it. Of course, at present, we still need to appease according to Secretary Cheng's request, so as to facilitate the construction of the auto parts city." "I think it will work." Wang Shuocheng looked at Cheng Yiyi.Cheng Yiyi said, "That's it." Cheng got into the car along the way, Fang Lianghua and Wang Shuocheng continued to stay, they wanted to discuss with Wen Ya again.Chen Yang smiled in the car: "Let the Auto Parts City accept all these employees."

Cheng didn't make a sound all the way, Ye Kai drove the car very fast, as if he was afraid that someone would catch up behind him.In fact, Chen Yang knew in his heart that his idea was just talk.Those people don't want to work, they want to raise funds.Chen Yang has followed Cheng all the way since he came to the city to become the secretary-general.Years ago, Cheng Yiyi was promoted to deputy secretary, and the secretary and driver also had to make adjustments.But Cheng Yiyi said that Xiao Chen and Ye Kai should be familiar with each other.As a result, Chen Yang was promoted from Secretary-General Secretary to Deputy Secretary-General.Ye Kai joked about this: "Thanks to Secretary Cheng, everyone has been promoted."

Although this was a joke, Chen Yang and Ye Kai really thought so in their hearts.It is somewhat better to follow the deputy secretary than to follow the secretary general.In the municipal party committee compound, not only officials are divided into big and small, but also secretaries and drivers.The size of the secretary and driver depends on the size of the officials he follows.There is a catchphrase: the secretary is the leader's ears, and the driver is the leader's mouth.It means that the leader often learns about things he cannot understand through the secretary, and indirectly uses the driver to release some things he wants to say but cannot say. Fang Lianghua stayed in the auto parts city, and Wu Guangda brought in the two chief executives from the crowd. One of them was Lu Husheng, the former vice president of Nanri.Fang Lianghua first said a big reason, but was choked by Lu Husheng's words: "When Jiang Hechuan was working on the project, the municipal party committee also said the same thing. That was what Secretary Ren Huaihang said. But now... look, so So many people, so much money." "Don't get excited, Lao Lu, you are also an old comrade from the army, you must be more enlightened than others." Fang Lianghua handed over a cigarette. Lu Husheng picked it up and clicked on it, but he didn't speak.Another person said: "You can't say that Mr. Lu has a high level of consciousness. No matter how high level of consciousness is, you still have to ask for money. Besides, it was collectively recommended by all our workers. We proposed that the government sell this land and pay part of it to our workers first." Money. The government also agreed, but until now there is no money. Isn’t this making fun of us?” "How can you say that?" Wang Shuocheng interjected, "The key is that Jiang Hechuan's case is still pending." "Then, if Jiang Hechuan's case is not concluded, we will not get money for a day?" Lu Husheng's temper flared up again. "Of course not," Fang Lianghua continued to smile, stood up and patted Lu Husheng on the shoulder, and said, "That's it, Lao Lu, we will study after we go back, and we will definitely give you an answer. From the Auto Parts City, please Do the work. You can't solve the problem by making trouble!" Wang Shuocheng also echoed, and everyone walked out while talking.Fang Lianghua got into the car, Wu Guangda and Lu Husheng stood there for a while, and the crowd dispersed. Fang Lianghua returned to the Municipal Party Committee, but he always felt uneasy.He knew that Lu Husheng was a comrade-in-arms and a subordinate of Secretary Cheng Yiyi.Lu Husheng didn't dare not listen to Cheng Yiyi's words.However, as the secretary-general, he could not directly ask Cheng Yiyi to do things.After thinking about it, he went upstairs to Secretary Qi Ming's office, reported the situation in the Auto Parts City just now, and then said: "I think this matter needs to be resolved. The person who leads Nanri Group employees to mess around. If you stabilize him, things will be easier." "Who is it?" Qi Ming's eyes were still on the document. "Lu Husheng, the former vice president of Nanri Group. Also..." Fang Lianghua paused on purpose. "Ah?..." Qi Ming raised his head. Fang Lianghua said: "He is also a comrade-in-arms and an old subordinate of Deputy Secretary Cheng Yiyi. I think, may I ask Secretary Cheng to talk about it?" Qi Ming was about to speak when the phone rang, it was Wen Ya.Wen Ya said that she didn't expect that the people of Nanzhou would give her a big blow right after the foundation was laid. After that, she couldn't help worrying.Qi Ming said with a smile: "Where is this? Mr. Wen just don't worry about it. We are doing work, and this situation will not happen again in the future." Putting down the phone, Qi Ming pondered for a while, then called Deputy Secretary Cheng Yiyi and asked him to come up.As soon as Cheng came up, seeing Fang Lianghua, he felt confident.Qi Ming talked about Wen Ya's call just now, emphasizing that the municipal party committee should take improving the investment environment as a major issue of the city, and asked the secretary of the road to personally intervene, especially to do a good job in the work of Lu Husheng. Cheng Yiyi said it was easy to handle, and I called Lu Husheng afterwards.Seeing that the matter was settled, Fang Lianghua went downstairs first.Cheng Yiyi was also about to go out, but Qi Ming stopped him. "All the way, I want to set up a standing committee in a few days. First, I'll have a look at the candidates for the government team. What do you think? In Nanzhou, you are more familiar with me than me. The key is that you make up your mind." Qi Ming laughed while talking. . "That's good. Some personnel matters need to be studied. But I can't give any opinions. Secretary Qi and Mayor Shouchun should take opinions. I'll be your adviser." After Cheng Yiyi finished speaking, he looked at Qiming, Then he said, "If not, let the organization department come up with a plan first, and we'll make a decision later." Qi Ming agreed, and asked Cheng Yiyi to tell Xu Cheng, the head of the organization, to come up with a plan next week, first submit it to the secretary meeting, and then go to the standing committee.Cheng Yiyi nodded, Qi Ming took out a box from the cabinet, handed it to Cheng Yiyi with a smile, and said, "This is a gift from a classmate from another place last time. It's the best Longjing, authentic and authentic. Take it and try it. " "Okay then, Secretary Qi would like to drink some good tea when he knows I'm here. Thank you." Cheng Yiyi took it and thanked him. Qi Ming walked from the desk to the sofa and sat down, lowering his voice: "It's not clear about Min Zhao, is it?" Zhang Minzhao is Cheng Yiyi's wife-uncle and Qi Ming's old superior, so of course he cares about both.Cheng Yiyi replied: "It seems that it hasn't been decided yet, but it's probably clear. Sigh!" "Yeah, I can't figure it out, what does he want so much money for? I heard that later, I didn't have any money with me. Even the activities in Beijing were paid by a few bosses in Nanzhou." Qi Ming said with a sigh . "Confused." Cheng Yiyi sighed. "Are you still used to being alone at home?" Qi Ming asked. "I have some habits or not. I have been in the army before, so it doesn't matter." Cheng Yiyi smiled.In fact, Qi Ming knew that Zhang Xiaoyu came to Australia last year.Cheng did not explain all the way. Qi Ming stood up, he was tall, a typical image of a northern man, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and said: "That Wenya is really amazing." "That's right, women are fine if they don't do things, and they are crazier than men when they do things." Cheng Yiyi replied. "Is it evening? She wants to invite everyone to drink." Qi Ming asked. Cheng Yiyi replied that it was night, Qi Ming nodded.Cheng Yiyi chatted with Qi Ming a few more things about attracting investment, and then went downstairs.When I arrived at my office, as soon as I sat down, Wen Ya's call came: "Secretary Cheng, you must give me a treat tonight." "Okay, we'll make a decision at that time." Cheng Yiyi piled up the documents on the table while answering the phone. "We will wait for you that night. Not only do we want to drink, but I also want to listen to Secretary Cheng sing a song. I heard that when Captain Cheng was in the army, he was the most standard tenor voice!" Wen Ya laughed loudly over there. . Cheng listened all the way, thinking how thorough the intelligence work of the enterprise is now, and he even figured out his affairs in the army, which is amazing!This gentleness is not simple! Wen Ya hung up the phone, and Cheng called Lu Husheng all the way.As soon as Lu Husheng heard Cheng Yiyi's voice, he rushed to say: "I know the head of the group is going to scold me, but these workers are pestering me. If I don't get ahead, who will get ahead?" "I'm not telling you to keep your head down. The key is not to make trouble on the auto parts city construction site." Cheng Yiyi raised his voice, a little angry. "I don't have to participate in the future, but I can't guarantee other people." Lu Husheng said. "Not only you, but also other people. Let's report something slowly, okay?" Cheng Yiyi lowered his voice and advised Lu Husheng. Lu Husheng was straight-tempered, Cheng Yiyi persuaded him to forget it, and agreed to do other people's work.Cheng Yiyi finally asked: "One day, make an appointment with your comrades, and let's get together." "As long as the secretary is free, we can do it." Lu Husheng immediately agreed. Putting down the phone, Cheng Yiyi felt that he had had too little contact with his comrades in the past half a year.There were several gatherings of comrades-in-arms, but he didn't go because of one reason or another.Moreover, when talking on the phone with comrades-in-arms on weekdays, the tone of the comrades-in-arms is not as casual as before.During the Spring Festival, he once invited his comrades together and prepared to have a good drink.But just halfway through the drink, a deputy secretary of the province passed by Nanzhou, so he had to leave his comrades to accompany the provincial leader.Thinking of this, Cheng Yiyi couldn't help feeling a little sad. At 10:20, Chen Yang came up and called Cheng Yilu, saying that there was another one waiting for him to give important instructions.
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