Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Finale

Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Five

Secretary-General Finale 洪放 5110Words 2018-03-20
The Jiangnan Provincial People's Congress was postponed for a full twenty days, which has never happened before in history.Prior to this, the Provincial Party Committee 3 held an emergency meeting to conduct research.At the same time, a report was made to the central government, and it was finally decided to postpone it for 20 days. Secretary Bian Weidong asked, "Within these 20 days, a decision must be made on relevant issues." This related question is actually the question of Qi Ming, secretary of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee and candidate for vice governor.Cheng Yiyi was both surprised and quite normal.Ever since he heard that Nanzhou had discovered Wu Bing's notebook, he had a premonition that a political storm in Nanzhou was coming.And the storm that came this time, the first to bear the brunt was none other than Qi Ming.Because the little book clearly recorded the bribes Qi Ming got for the southern line project.

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection quickly set up a special team and went to Nanzhou. Qi Ming called Cheng Yiyi the first time he learned of the postponement of the Provincial People's Congress.Ask Cheng Yiyi what is going on?The National People's Congress of a province will be pushed farther than ever before.Is there a major problem?or…… Cheng Yiyi said that there is a problem.But I don't know the specific situation.This was decided upon by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and reported to the Central Committee for approval. Qi Ming sighed, and asked if the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had sent an investigation team to Nanzhou?Cheng Yiyi said that I am even more unclear.Besides, there is discipline...

Qi Ming stopped talking, thanked Cheng Yilu, and hung up the phone.Cheng Yiyi also sighed. Last week, he went to Xijiang to investigate the real estate situation involved by Wang Hao.This week, Qi Ming, his old partner in Nanzhou, fell into the "South Line Gate" again.From this point of view, being an official is also a high-risk business.Especially when the power is getting bigger and bigger, the risk is constantly increasing. In the afternoon, Cheng Yilu sat alone in the office and read a few documents.The phone rang, and upon seeing it, it was Wen Ya. Cheng Yiyi said: "Why did you call suddenly? Where is it?"

Wen Ya smiled and said: "Why, can't you call me? I'm in Shenzhen, drinking tea alone, and I think of you. "Ah, isn't it?" Cheng Yiyi felt a little warmly missed when she said that. "Yeah, are you busy? Didn't have a meeting? You have a lot of leaders. I really want to go to Nanzhou again. The city is full of camphor, that's great!" "Is it? Camphor is indeed very good. However, I have left Nanzhou now." "Leaving? Where?" "Transferred to the provincial party committee, as deputy secretary-general and director of the general office."

"Promoted again? Congratulations!" Wen Ya continued: "But for a cadre like you, it's a good thing to be promoted more. Unlike some cadres, it's not pleasing to look at." Cheng smiled all the way and asked Wen Ya how she was doing now?Wen Ya said, of course it's very good, am I not drinking tea alone?How leisurely.In life, we must know how to feel, that is, to improve the quality of life.In this regard, Secretary-General Cheng can learn from me. "Definitely study-" Cheng Yidao, a leisurely life, is actually not only gentle, everyone likes it.However, how many people can really get it?The ancients said: "It's rare to be free for half a day in a floating life", the ancients all sighed so much, let alone the current rush?

"Well, I won't bother you anymore. I just want to say hello. Goodbye. Come to Shenzhen for tea when you have time!" "I'm looking forward to it too. I hope there's a chance." After putting down the phone, Cheng stood in front of the window all the way, remembering Wen Ya drinking tea with him in the Green Bamboo Tea House before leaving Nanzhou. Wen Ya can actually be regarded as a beautiful woman, but... Standing in front of the window, on the bustling Renmin Road, vehicles and pedestrians are like crucian carp crossing the river, and everyone is busy.Everyone has their own goals, but some goals are bright, and some goals are hidden in the shadows from the very beginning. No one would think that the goals they set will eventually lead them to where.They are just desperately moving forward towards their goals.However, as we walked, there was no turning back.

Laiqin opened the door and came in, telling Secretary-General Cheng Yiyi that Comrade Ma Hongtao, Deputy Secretary-General of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee, would come over in the evening.Because they are all from Nanzhou, so come to ask if Secretary-General Cheng is present? "Ah, let me join." Cheng Yiyi replied.Laiqin said that's good, I'll tell Secretary-General Cheng the location then. After Laiqin left, Cheng returned to his seat all the way, but felt dizzy for a while.He quickly calmed down, held his breath, and slowly let himself relax.Ten minutes later, the dizziness disappeared.This dizziness was the same as the last time in Nanzhou, it came suddenly and went away quickly.As Dean Jiang said: The more this is the case, the more attention must be paid.The key is to rest well and adjust well.

At this stage, Cheng Yiyi's mood has been very complicated, and the office is also busy with work, and he has not done a good job of rest and adjustment, so it is normal to feel dizzy.Especially after Jian Yun left, they haven't been in touch until now. Cheng Yiyi sent some money to Jian Yun through the electronic bank on the second afternoon after returning from Sangju.Although he knew that Jian Jun might not need it, he had promised that he would bear her study expenses, and as long as Jian Yun didn't take the initiative to stop, he would continue to pay. Zhang Xiaoyu sent him a group of photos in Australia with her son, and in some of the photos, she consciously left an empty space and asked her son to write: Dad.Cheng Yiyi understood her thoughts, but he didn't say a word in the interview. He felt that it was not time to talk about his relationship with Zhang Xiaoyu. He had just finished with Jian Yun, and the deep scar in his heart was still hurting. It was impossible for him to walk back into Zhang Xiaoyu's arms with this pain.He needs time, they all need time.

Before leaving get off work, Laiqin called Cheng Yiyi and told Cheng Yiyi that he was in Jiangnan Building at night, which was nearby and convenient.Cheng Yiyi had an intuition that Ma Hongtao's visit to the provincial capital this time must have something to do with Qi Ming's affairs.Or to say, 'He may have been ordered by Qi Ming to find out the truth.Because Qi Ming also knew that the relationship between Ma Hongtao and Deputy Secretary-General Cheng Yiyi was not an ordinary relationship.If Ma Hongtao stepped forward, he should gain something.Now, since the matter of the southern line project has surfaced, let’s think about it again, ^^

Breaking through is unlikely.Everything is easy to handle, and someone will come out to speak out, but it is difficult to handle bribery.The economic issue is a sensitive issue. If it is not handled well, even the speaker will have an accident.It's not unrelated that Qi Ming is in the province.But at this time, it is impossible for this relationship to be useful. Sure enough, as soon as Ma Hongtao saw Cheng Yiyi, he went straight to the point and explained Qi Ming's intentions and reasons for letting him come.This is in line with Ma Hongtao's character, and even more in line with his relationship with Cheng Yiyi.Cheng Yiyi asked: "Is there a lot of talk in Nanzhou?"

"A lot. It hasn't stopped." Ma Hongtao said: "Secretary Qi Ming's hair has turned gray a lot. We only see white ones in the past few days." "Ah, yes." Cheng Yiyi sighed, and Ma Hongtao said again: "The investigation team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will officially arrive in Nanzhou tomorrow. Before I came in the afternoon, I met Secretary Tianbai, and he said he didn't trust a party. , I can’t help but a corrupt municipal party secretary, no, it’s not that I didn’t report it, it’s just that the time has not come.” "Tianbai is like this, and it's too radical." Cheng changed the subject all the way, and asked how is the progress of Wangchun Primary School recently?Ma Hongtao said soon, it is under renovation.Cheng Yiyi said it was all right, and then asked them if they had enough funds.If it's not enough, I'll try to find a way for them. Ma Hongtao said that there should be no problem, and they said that there may be a slight surplus of funds.The key is that the labor is all free of charge, and this saving is not a small amount. Cheng Yiyi nodded and told Ma Hongtao that he had recently contacted a large mining company outside the province and wanted to invite them to Renyi to develop mines.This incident was a task he set for himself after visiting those old mines before he left Nanzhou.Now that we are in the province and have a wide range of contacts, there will be hope for this matter to be done.It seems that it is unrealistic to rely on the local mine owners. Only by introducing large-scale mining can we fundamentally solve the long-standing problem of Renyi Mine development. Ma Hongtao said with a smile: "Although the Secretary-General has left Nanzhou, his heart is still there. This idea is good. After I go back, I will let Renyi make preparations and actively connect." "It's still early. Let's tell them when it's basically settled." Cheng stopped all the way.In the evening, Ma Hongtao did not live in the provincial capital, but went back to Nanzhou. Cheng Yilu told him to keep his head clear when the storm came.Whoever should be responsible for any matter must be responsible; you must not meddle in it, let alone make a fuss. Back in the room, Cheng watched TV all the way and wanted to surf the Internet, but it was getting late, so he went to bed and rested.But I couldn't fall asleep.My mind is full of one by one.” There are all kinds of ones, and I have the same thoughts with my father when I was a child The one who climbed the mountain, the one who met the old chief later in the army: the one who took a walk with Wu Lanlan, the one who watched a movie with Zhang Xiaoyu; the one with Jian Yun and her, and even Wen Ya, Feng Jun, Ren Huaihang, Chi Haoran, including Yue Qi, Liu Zhuozhao, Er Button, He Hua, and the stele for donating students in Chengfan Village that he scolded... The next day, as soon as Cheng Yiyi arrived at the office, he was scolded implicitly by Wang Hao on the phone. Wang Hao said: "Yiyi, it's a good thing to come to Xijiang to investigate real estate! We have some shortcomings, and we also have some shortcomings. Mistake. Please ask Secretary-General Cheng to point it out, and we must correct it.” Mi was startled all the way, thinking how did Wang Hao know about this?Mr. Zhu said it, no.Is it Director Yang, or Xiao Zhang? However, at this moment, I have to answer Wang Hao's words first.Cheng Yiyi laughed a few times, "Comrade Wang Hao is too hypocritical. However, why do I sound a little emotional? I have reported my deficiencies and mistakes to the leading comrades of the Provincial Party Committee. After the report, I will The task is gone, and it is waiting for the leaders to make decisions. How can I give you instructions? what? " "Secretary-General Yiyi, I heard that you made private visits on Weibo and interviewed some people. Of course, this is also the need for research work. I also heard it and said it, just said it." When Wang Hao got to this point, Cheng Yilu understood that he knew everything, and knelt down and said, "Yes, in order to obtain more first-hand information, we also made an appointment with someone. But, it's all about seeking truth from facts. This is also a method of investigation. Mayor Wang Hao please understand!" "Of course I understand. But not everyone can understand. Well, let's not talk about it. I'm just asking. Don't take comrades all the way seriously," Wang Haofu said: "Next time comrades all the way come to Xijiang , I will toast two more. Let's have a good drink." "Of course it's good, of course it's good." Cheng responded all the way, Wang Hao said goodbye, and he was gone.Who let Wang Hao know about this so quickly?Cheng Yiyi got up and stood in front of the window. The sky was gray, as if it was going to rain.In June, such weather is rare, especially in Nanzhou, and it is even rarer. Jiangcheng has a large population, especially a lot of cars, and the air is not clean. It is like a person's eyes, which are always covered with a layer of plastic paper.Cheng Yiyi called Director Yang to come over and asked him if the report after his investigation in Xijiang was finished?Director Yang seemed a little surprised, didn't he say he didn't want to write the report?I didn't say it last time, and Section Chief Zhang didn't write.If there must be one, I will discuss it with him and get it done as soon as possible.Now that I have researched, I thought about it, and there is still a report, so please work harder.Director Yang said that hard work is not hard work, but there are some things, do you want to show it in the report?You can figure it out, the main thing is to guide.While talking all the way, Cheng suddenly asked, "Did you tell Comrade Wang Hao anything else?" "No. I'm not familiar with him." Director Yang explained, Cheng Yiyi nodded and asked Director Yang to go back and prepare well.When Director Yang was about to leave, Cheng Yiyi asked him to invite Section Chief Zhang to come over and find him for something. In a few minutes, Section Chief Zhang arrived. Cheng Yiyi asked about the report, and then mentioned Wang Hao strategically. He asked whether he had mentioned it to others when he visited the plastic factory in Xijiang last time. Section Chief Zhang scratched his head, thought for a while, and said falteringly: "Secretary-General Xin asked me, and I briefly reported it. It's all right? I shouldn't have said it." "It's okay. Write the report properly and go." Cheng Yiyi smiled all the way, but his heart suddenly turned cold.The matter became clear. Section Chief Zhang told Xin Min, and Deputy Secretary-General Xin Min told Wang Hao. Wang Hao then called to "invoke the teacher to inquire about the crime". This Xin Min... Cheng Yiyi shook his head. Recently, Deputy Secretary-General Xin Min has been very busy, and Cheng Yiyi seldom sees him.Sometimes met in the corridor, Xin Min's attitude is lukewarm.Cheng Yiyi understood his feelings. Perhaps after Lin Xiaoshan's accident, Xin Min had always thought that he would take over Lin Xiaotong's position. How could he have imagined that a deputy secretary of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee had accidentally nailed him in front of him.If it were someone else, Xin Min might feel better.But the person nailed in front of him was Cheng Yilu.Cheng Yiyi has never been his opponent, not even his imaginary enemy. Things in the world are often like this, you have been calculating, but no one else is calculating.You wait and see indifferently, maybe one day, the pie will actually fall from the sky.How many people can really decide their own destiny?Especially people in the officialdom, fate is on it.In the distribution of official interests, there are very few people who can decide their own interests.In fact, many people understand this point, but they just can't let go of it mentally.If you can't let go, you start to be attached, and you become narrower a little bit. Not only in officialdom, but also in love, and in shopping malls. Secretary-General Xu Qizhe's secretary came over and said that Secretary-General Qizhe had something to ask Secretary-General Cheng to come over.Cheng Yiyi said yes, I will go up later. What did Xu Qizhe want from him?Under normal circumstances, Xu Qizhe would call directly, but now he asked the secretary to come down and call, explaining that the matter was quite important.Cheng sat and pondered all the way for a while, and guessed there was nothing serious, so he went upstairs and ran into Qi Weiping. Qi Weiping smiled and asked Cheng Yiyi: "Are you free tonight?" "No arrangements for the time being." Cheng Yiyi also smiled and asked: "What? Is there a happy event?" "No. It's the boss of a company, please sit down. It's okay. , I invited you for him, and that's it. Qi Weiping added: "He's from Beijing. Cheng Yiyi said: "Let's talk about it in the afternoon." " When they arrived at Xu Qizhe's office, Xu Qizhe cut straight to the point and asked Cheng Yiyi: "Wang Hao from Xijiang, does he have problems with real estate development?" ―――――― "This...according to what we have investigated so far, there may be some problems. But in the end, the Disciplinary Committee has to investigate and confirm." Cheng Yiyi knew that Wang Hao's question had already been raised in the secretary's small-scale meeting. come out.Secretary Bian Weidong has a clear attitude: we must investigate thoroughly, and if the facts are true, we will punish them severely.Xu Qizhe's cell phone rang, he checked it, but didn't answer it.Continue to ask Cheng Yiyi: "Because of the asset replacement, does it also involve personnel resettlement? So the land price has been loosened?" "It's... hard to say. I don't know the details." Cheng Yiyi said. Xu Qizhe drew a circle on the paper with a pen, then turned around and said, "This is a sensitive question, so I asked. Some old leaders who retired to the second line asked this repeatedly. I can't answer it either!" Cheng Yiyi knew this leader who had retreated to the second line.This person had been Xu Qizhe's direct leader in the early years.Even at the National People's Congress, the influence is still there.Wang Hao must have found Du Li about this matter, and Du Li told the old leader again.The old leader came to look for the former "old subordinates". "Secretary-General Qi Zhe, I have also considered the asset replacement of Xijiang in the past two days. I think the level of land price itself is only an operational matter. The key is whether anyone has obtained undue benefits from it. It's very important. Secretary Wei Dong is also very concerned about this." Cheng looked at Xu Qizhe all the way, saw that he frowned, and stopped talking. Xu Qizhe put down his pen, "Yeah, this is very complicated. I'm afraid that the problem will be enlarged." "I know that." Cheng Yiyi nodded. Xu Qizhe asked about several new systems formulated by the general office. How is the implementation?Cheng Yiyi said everything is very good, after all, everyone's quality is very high.What's more, the system is also dead. As long as you pay attention to it, you can stay within the rules even if there is no system.
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