Home Categories officialdom novel Secretary-General Finale

Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

Secretary-General Finale 洪放 6043Words 2018-03-20
Jane Yun is back. Although she has only been out for more than four months, Jian Yun has undergone great changes.When Cheng Yilu saw her, he suddenly felt an indescribable strangeness.He even felt that the Jian Yun who sent him to him in the past no longer existed.Instead of her, there is a brand new open fashion woman Jian Yun. Cheng Yiyi lives in Jiangnan Building, the hotel owned by the Provincial Party Committee Office.This is a suite with a bedroom inside, a reception room outside, and a small room next to it, which is a play room and has now been transformed into a study.Cheng Yiyi likes to be quiet, so not many people know about this house.So far, except for Liu Zhuozhao who came to Jiangcheng for business and sat here, no one else has set foot here.

As soon as Jian Yun entered the door, she smiled.Said: "Ha, it's decorated like an appendix, it's refreshing." Cheng smiled all the way and looked at Jian Yun.Although fashionable, people are thin.The skin on the face, probably due to the use of cosmetics, looks a little dark at close range.Seeing Cheng Yiyi looking at her, Jian Yun hooked Cheng Yiyi's legs with her hand, and said, "Have you become more beautiful? Didn't you expect that? Looking at you like this, you don't miss me at all." Cheng Yiyi didn't speak, but lightly touched her He patted her on the back lightly.Jian Yun kissed Cheng Yiyi's face, and then asked: "Do you really miss me?" "Ah!" Cheng Yiyi patted her twice again, and Jian Yun said: "This house is really warm. I like it!" That's good." Cheng all the way pulled her to sit down and asked her why she came back suddenly?Jian Yun said: "It's not sudden, it's temporary. I want to see how you look. I have to go back to Beijing tomorrow." "So soon?" Cheng Yiyi asked.

Jian Yun nodded, at this moment, Cheng Yiyi seemed to see Jian Yun from four years ago again.It was the first time she interviewed Cheng Yiyi, the secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee, and she gave him a business card when she left. It was a business card that she designed herself, with a light green plain orchid flower as the bottom of the village.Cheng all the way still remembers that there is a line written on the business card: Jian Yun looks forward to your sincere criticism, your criticism is my love. Cheng Yiyi was immediately moved by the business card and the words on the business card. Jian Yun was like a spring camphor leaf, fluttering in his mind...

Jian Yun walked around the house for a while, and Cheng Yiyi said let's go out for dinner.Jian Yun couldn't say, "I've already made an appointment with the two former sisters from Provincial Taiwan to get together at night. Just leave it alone." Cheng Yiyi glanced at her blankly, and said, "That's fine. You go out, I'll wait for you." After Jian Yun left, Cheng Yiyi sat in the room alone.Because of Jian Yun's return, he had already turned down the dinner party at night. Originally, he wanted to sit down and have a good meal with Jian Yun. After sitting for a while, the room began to get dark.Cheng didn't turn on the lights all the way, just sat in the study room, the tranquility of dusk came over him all of a sudden, he remembered that in the early years when he was in the army, at dusk, he liked to run to the mountain behind the barracks alone, watching the sky change inch by inch. black down.The sky and the earth have changed from light to vastness, from noise to tranquility.At that moment, there was a feeling that Cheng always remembered all the way, as if he had melted into the dusk sky.

The world is boundless, and people are like mustard seeds. Jian Yun's big bag was placed in the living room, and she went out with the small bag on her back.She has already turned all the things in the big bag out.When she left just now, she changed her clothes again.Cheng turned on the light all the way, trying to tidy up her bag for her.There are some clothes, and some books and notebooks.Cheng Yiyi put the clothes in the cupboard one by one, and then went back to organize the books.The books are all about fashion. Cheng put them on the coffee table all the way. When he picked up the notebook, several photos slipped from it. He picked it up and glanced at it, but he was frozen.

These photos are all group photos, and there are only two characters on them.One is Jian Yun, and the other is a man who looks to be in his forties.Some were shot on the grasslands, some were shot on the Great Wall, and some were shot in Gongyinli.In every photo, Jian Yun is like a branch, clinging tightly to the man's body.There were even scenes of hugging and kissing... Cheng Yiyi's head hurt, so he sat down quickly.The photos were scattered on the ground, but Jian Yun was still smiling on them. ...and sat until the tears rolled down my face.Cheng Yiyi's heart felt as if a big hole had been dug, pain, depression, compassion, and helplessness.

An hour later, Cheng Yiyi got up and packed Jian Yun's bag again.Books, notebooks, and photos were put in, even the clothes that had just been hung in the closet.Then, he left a note on the table, saying that he was in a hurry and was on a business trip.Please take a good rest when Jian Yun comes back, and just close the door when you leave tomorrow. After going downstairs, Cheng Yilu called the driver Xiao Tang and told him to come over immediately.He is going back to Nanzhou.On the way, Cheng Yiyi didn't speak all the way.Xiao Tang played a tape, it was folk music.As Mi listened all the way, her heart became brighter.Moreover, he suddenly felt a sense of letting go of his burden.The love between two people is all about chance; at the beginning, knowing and falling in love with Jian Yun, it should be said that apart from innocence and freshness, other things can only be said to be a kind of love.He was very doomed, so he left this time.Walking and walking, when it was time to turn around, I turned back.This may also be fate, fate cannot be forced, since it is exhausted, let it go, there is a famous koan in Zen Buddhism, which is "let go".Let go of the mind, and let go of the body.Now that it has been let go, everyone has to be happy.Otherwise, carrying it on in a daze, in the end, it will be a greater harm to both of them.However, the process of letting go is, after all, a kind of pain in the heart...

When approaching Nanzhou, Cheng Yilu called Liu Zhuozhao and said he was going to drink at his Xanadu.Liu Zhuozhao first thought that Cheng Yiyi was joking, so he said: "The peach blossoms are gone, and the wine is empty. What are you doing here?" Cheng Yiyi said seriously: "Come to drink. You won't really refuse me?" "Are you really coming? Already?" Liu Zhuozhao asked. "Of course it's true. It will take about 20 minutes." Cheng said all the way to Gui.At the gate of the party school, Cheng Yiyi asked Xiao Tang to find a place to live in the city, and pick him up at six o'clock tomorrow morning. As for himself, another arrangement will be made in the evening.

After Xiao Tang left, Cheng Yiyi called Liu Zhuozhao again at the door.Liu Zhuozhao came soon, and when he saw Cheng Yiyi, he said, "Head, what's the matter? He ran here all of a sudden, passing by?" "Are you here specially?" Liu Zhuo looked at Cheng Yiyi with strange eyes.The cafeteria was cooking, Liu Zhuozhao said, "Let them make some small dishes, and we two can have a good drink." Cheng Yiyi said it was just right, so I just wanted to have a quiet drink with the two of us.After the dishes came, Liu Zhuozhao specially opened a bottle of Wuliangye, each of them poured a big glass, Cheng Yiyi smelled the aroma of the wine, looked up and took a big gulp, full of half a glass.Liu Zhuozhao hurriedly said: "You can't drink wine like this! Slow down, and drink with Sichuan food."

Cheng Yiyi took another sip, and Liu Zhuozhao got anxious and reached out to grab the cup.Cheng Yiyi said: "Don't take it away, I will take these two sips first. Then we will drink slowly." Liu Zhuozhao asked: "Is there something wrong? Otherwise, the leader would not be in this situation^" "What could be the matter?" Cheng Yiyi laughed, but there was some helplessness in the laughter, "How do I know? Let’s talk about it, it’s always easier for people who say it.” Liu Zhuozhao held the cup and touched it all the way. Cheng Yiyi sighed, "Zhuo Zhao, in fact, this is a love affair. Jian Yun and I are going to break up."

Liu Zhuozhao stopped his chopsticks and stared at Cheng Yiyi, "Really ready to share? Isn't she in Beijing?" "I returned to Jiangcheng in the afternoon, that's why I came back^" Cheng Yiyi took another sip of wine, and his brows tightened Became a "Chuan" word. "It's her..." Liu Zhuozhao probed. Cheng Yiyi didn't answer, Liu Zhuozhao knew it was pointless to ask again.For people like Cheng Yiyi, what he doesn't want to say, even if you have a gun, he won't say it.Although, for a long time, from the inner world, Liu Zhuozhao secretly hoped that Cheng Yiyi and Jian Yun would break up.Firstly, he felt that there was an age gap between them after all, and secondly, Liu Zhuozhao still hoped that Cheng Yiyi and Zhang Xiaoyu could remarry.However, now that he really heard that they were going to break up, Liu Zhuozhao felt uncomfortable again.Cheng Yiyi must also be in great pain, otherwise he would not have come to Sangju, and he would not have offered to drink alone.Cheng Yiyi is a person with a strict sense of discipline, and he is not a person who loves wine. "It's okay to divide. When the fate is over, let's divide. Think about it. Everyone has their own space to live. Since they can no longer overlap each other, they should separate each other and bless each other. That's also good!" Liu Zhuozhao persuaded, and then Accompanying Cheng took a sip all the way, "Maybe in this way you can return to the original life track. What's wrong?" "Yeah, I think so too. However, my heart is always empty," Cheng Yiyi said: "I didn't expect everything to come so fast. And it was presented in a way that I couldn't accept." Liu Zhuozhao also sighed, "What should come will come after all! As for the method, it's just the form, what matters is the content." "Ah!" Cheng Yilu touched the wine in the glass with Liu Zhuozhao, and drank it up.Liu Zhuozhao filled the glasses again, a bottle of wine, exactly four glasses, two glasses for each person.This amount is suitable for two people. While drinking, Liu Zhuozhao asked about the situation after arriving at the Provincial Party Committee Office. Cheng Yiyi said: "It's the same everywhere. The procedures, methods, and rules are the same. If there are differences, it's because the personnel at the top may be more complicated. It's like pond water, the pool above is deeper and more connotative. But there is no difference in essence, isn't it just a matter between people?" This is true.Liu Zhuozhao talked about Qi Ming, and said that after Cheng left Nanzhou all the way, Wang Jin seemed to be younger.Now turn on the TV at night and watch "Nanzhou Jin Wen", Wang Jin's appearances have far surpassed Qi Ming's.It is said that at one meeting, Qi Ming criticized this matter implicitly, which made it very difficult for the TV station. Moreover, Wu Bing's family suddenly handed over a small notebook to the Commission for Discipline Inspection recently, which recorded many secrets about the southern route project.Even Qi Ming was involved. I heard from the people on the municipal party committee that Qi Ming was in a bad mood recently. He would curse at people in meetings and complain when he was drinking. As Cheng listened all the way, he had a feeling in his heart: sooner or later, the cake of Shangxian Project will catch some people's necks.It won't be over just by Wu Bing committing suicide.A man commits suicide without leaving a clue.No, the little book is out.This small book may be the most troublesome thing for some people, and it is also the most feared thing.It is a time bomb, and it is a trial book... Last week, Qi Ming visited the Provincial Party Committee Office once and had a brief conversation with Cheng Yiyi.It was nothing more than asking Cheng Yiyi to take care of some aspects of the upcoming National People's Congress.Cheng Yiyi said that I just came and I am not familiar with personnel.What can you take care of?Of course, if you can speak up, why don't I speak up for you?However, at that time, Cheng Yilu discovered that Qi Ming was not doing well, and his expression was in a trance.When referring to Wang Jin, Qi Ming used three surprises in a row: first, it was surprising that he entered the role so quickly; second, it was surprising that he strengthened the dominant position of the government so much; Cheng Yiyi did not comment on these three accidents. He has already left Nanzhou, and it is not a good thing to talk about the cadres of Nanzhou.Listening is the highest art. After finishing the wine, Liu Zhuozhao asked Cheng to go all the way to the county government building.When he returned home, he specially found some good wild tea, brewed it, and the scent lifted people's minds. Liu Zhuozhao said, "I'll be here with the group leader tonight, let's have a good chat." Cheng Yiyi smiled and said: "Of course, as long as my siblings have no objections, I can't sleep at night anyway. My heart is very messed up." "What's her opinion? You don't know her? Listen to me and follow me. Don't worry." Liu Zhuozhao laughed, the moonlight was coming in from the window, and the shadows of some trees were also reflected, mottled and lovely, very vivid.Cheng Yiyi suddenly fell silent. Liu Zhuozhao didn't speak, just looked at the moonlight and the tree shadows in the moonlight.The humming of the scorpion is faint, as if it came from a very distant time in the Book of Songs, knocking on people's hearts inch by inch. Liu Zhuozhao said: "Do you still remember that one year when we were in the army, you, me, and Feng Jun sat together in the moonlight shining into the cat's ear hole, listening to the singing of the Vietnamese female soldiers opposite?" "I remember. Although the singing was incomprehensible, it was very pleasant to hear. It's a pity that they died under the artillery fire the next day," Cheng said all the way, and the image flashed in his mind: In a burst of fierce artillery fire, Vietnam The female soldier's long hair fluttered, and then suddenly withered... "War, that's it..." Cheng sighed all the way.In fact, not only the Vietnamese female soldiers, but also a female health worker in Cheng Yiyi's regiment, who is also good at singing.The day before, she gave Cheng Yiyi an injection, and at dusk the next day, she passed the front of the cat's ear hole and was knocked down by the Vietnamese.The bullet entered the back of his head, dyeing his hair blood-colored.And her face is still so young, so quiet. That was a visible war, but today's officialdom is full of invisible wars.In this war, people continue to fall, and people continue to be sacrificed. When it was almost eleven o'clock, Cheng Yiyi and Liu Zhuozhao were about to go to bed, and Cheng Yiyi's - look, he knew it must be Jian Yun's.She must have just arrived in the room, and saw the note Cheng left along the way, and the rearranged bag.Then, the phone call came. Pick up?No, I can't accept it.Once you pick it up, many things can no longer be continued.So it was a farewell, silent and rational, the phone was still ringing stubbornly, Liu Zhuozhao said: "Yilu, did you answer it? Who is it, right?" Cheng Yilu picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.Jian Yun said, "I'm sorry, are you really on a business trip?" "Yes, I'm on a business trip. I'm in Nanzhou." Cheng Yilu said, his voice still as steady as ever. "Is it... what did you see?" Jian Yun asked carefully. "No. Is there anything you can't let me see?" Cheng Yiyi asked back, and Jian Yun cried, "I mean, is this the end of us?" "Yeah!" Cheng Yiyi replied. Jian Yun stopped, but cried louder, "It's my fault. But I really don't want to just break up like this, I really don't want to. Can; come back?" Cheng held the phone all the way without pausing, and immediately said: "It's not necessary. I think this is very good. Follow my note. I'm going to rest. You should also take a good rest." Jian Yun seemed to want to talk, but Cheng hung up all the way and turned off the phone, Liu Zhuo looked at him and didn't speak.He knew that on this issue, no matter what he said, Cheng Yiyi would not change his mind casually.Now, he is going to end up with Jian Yun, and he can't be pulled back by the 94th Horse. At six o'clock the next morning, Xiao Tang came over on time.Cheng Yiyi hurried back to Jiangcheng.Instead of returning to the room, he went directly to the office.At ten o'clock in the morning, after a meeting, he first called the room, but there was no one there.Then he went back to the building by himself.The quilts in the room were neatly folded, and there was a bouquet of lilies in a vase on the desk.On the coffee table, there is a letter left by Jian Yun. All the way: Forgive me, I know you must be very sad.Otherwise, you won't leave me and go to Nanzhou alone.I am also very sad that our good time for so many years is over.I feel sorry for myself. I cannot and should not excuse myself.After arriving in Beijing, I met a couple of people. Under their influence, I knew that I had changed, not only in my lifestyle, but also in my love.In my heart, you are becoming more and more an elder rather than a simple lover.My love is in Beijing.I never thought of this, but, just like when I fell in love with you back then, I was caught off guard and couldn't escape. Originally, when I returned to Jiangcheng this time, I just wanted to make this matter clear to you.I don't want to, I haven't said it yet, and this result appeared.That's okay, what should come will come after all.Come, be calm. In fact, I also know that we are still somewhat inappropriate in your heart.Otherwise, why have we not been married for so many years? I'm leaving, thank you for your love and care over the past few years.I hope you are happier.take care. Simple rhyme Cheng watched all the way, his nose was sour, and tears could not be restrained.He opened the window and looked out into the street.There are cars everywhere, and pedestrians coming and going in a hurry.A leaf that fell early was blown by the wind and kept spinning in the air.That kind of rotation, like a parting dance, is poignant and sad... Back in the office, Deputy Secretary Liu Kai asked Cheng to go all the way, and handed him a report letter, which was jointly signed by some veteran cadres in Xijiang to report the land issue.The letter stated that individual leaders of Xijiang City wantonly accepted bribes from real estate developers.A piece of state-owned land in the prosperous area of ​​Xijiang City, that is, the land of the original Xijiang Plastic Factory, was auctioned to Dumei Real Estate from the provincial capital through improper means. Other plots in the same area, after bidding, auctioning and listing, the land premium per mu reached 1.4 million.For this item alone, the land price difference obtained by Dumei Real Estate is more than 100 million yuan. Cheng Yiyi looked nervous, Xijiang is the city where Wang Hao is located, and this certain leader seems to be suspected of being Wang Hao. Liu Kai said: "The amount is so large, how can you pay it back? What kind of company is Dumei Real Estate? How dare you do such a thing?" "I don't know much about Dumei Real Estate. This company has developed real estate in Nanzhou. The boss of the company is always a woman named Du Li. At present, this company may be a large-scale real estate development company in Jiangnan Province." Cheng Yiyi added: "If the situation is true, this problem is very serious. I don't know where the Commission for Discipline Inspection... "I called the Commission for Discipline Inspection just now, and they have also received a letter. They have decided to send people down to investigate. I also reported to Comrade Wei Dong, and he asked the provincial party committee to invite a deputy secretary-general to participate. I It’s just you, you are familiar with grassroots work.” "This...isn't appropriate? The Commission for Discipline Inspection wants to investigate, here..." "It's okay. You just go to find out, and don't interfere with the normal investigation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection." "Well, I'll be there tomorrow." When he came out of Deputy Secretary Liu Kai's office and passed by Xu Qizhe's office, Cheng Yiyi went in and explained the situation a little bit, explaining that he was going to Xijiang tomorrow, so he wanted to know something first.Xu Qizhe used to be the secretary of the Xijiang Municipal Party Committee in the early years. When Xijiang was mentioned, he naturally paid close attention to it.Moreover, he is also very familiar with Dumei Real Estate.After listening to Cheng Yilu's report, he pondered for a while, and said: "This matter should not be too hasty. Comrade Liu Kai came down from the top, and there may be some situations that are not too familiar. Xijiang, don’t say it’s for this report letter, but for a general work inspection. Comrades along the way should do it, Jiwu, we also want to protect him!” Cheng nodded all the way.Xu Qizhe said again: "I heard from some comrades that you have made some reforms in the general office. This is very good! However, you must also pay attention to the balance. For example, the relationship between the deputy secretary-general and the general office must be corrected. Haha, they told me, I said that Comrade Yiyi fully agrees with the internal system reform. However, we must also pay attention to the method and method. You can’t turn a good thing into a bad thing, right? Ah!” “Of course Yes, I will pay attention," Cheng nodded all the way.
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