Home Categories contemporary fiction Bella's Secret Garden

Chapter 5 Part 1 Fingers and Piano Make Love

Bella's Secret Garden 贝拉 2091Words 2018-03-20
If one day there is nothing left for me in life, at the last moment, I will have a rare courage—the courage to hold the weight of my body and mind at the piano, for sure, until—”One day, I suddenly felt The string inside is broken." In the middle, Reiko said. In the Norwegian forest, I enjoy a real solitude.That is a transcendent state brought to me by the "Secret Garden" - my whole soul has quietly integrated into the ethereal connotation of the music in the fairyland of music. The raindrops of my fingers that landed on the computer keyboard, like the red dancing shoes on the stage, kept spinning and couldn't stop any longer. I am alive and pouring out my heart...

I also use my fingertips to interpret the joyful and sad beauty of "Secret Garden"; every day, I am willing to sink in the magic cast by my old eighty-eight keys, I am almost crazy, I Crazy, really crazy, full of joy when I cry, giggling when the pain eats me up... don't know who I am?Do you often forget where you are? I was on the keyboard, pondering over and over again the black and white keys, and each group of scales that progressed layer by layer. They seemed to be the themes that echoed in my words: return, raving, blending and searching, which summed up my emotional world All the way ahead!

I was thinking, if one day there is nothing left for me in life, at the last moment, I will have a rare courage—the courage to hold the weight of my body and mind by the piano, for sure, until—”One day, I suddenly felt that the string in my brain was broken." In the middle, Reiko said. Every time I stand in front of the sea in Oslo Bay, I can feel something flowing. The blue waves churned by the waves, but a giant piano jumped out in my vision. My eyes were wet, and I was silently soaked in the ocean of music, which moved me to tears. I wanted to dance. Go down, jump into the ocean, let that giant piano let go of the brakes, and drift with the wind, while I lie quietly in its arms, dying forever, piano, dear piano, with your immortal grace Music stay with me, you are my eternal coffin...

The ocean and the piano, "Secret Garden" and "1900", that is the most exciting thing in the world, and it is therefore eternal. Do you know Danny Pullman TD Linmon 1900? Aside from the ocean and the piano, he might just be a number, a human being without identity, destination, or place of birth.But when the ocean and the piano have an affair, the loosened piano foot brakes will endlessly throw the intoxicating music taste into the air in the swaying waves. 1900 is the medium between the ocean and the piano. He was born here, grew up here and died here. He spent his whole life to achieve the dance of fingers and piano.

People may be born with their own space, just like my piano complex was first broadcast in my childhood urban dreams, and then gradually drifted away, falling on the edge of a foreign city, in a forest like a shallow hill, and infiltrating into To the love of the bed amidst the red light and green shadows. Yes, sex in bed. On a wooden bed in a Norwegian forest, a bed for one or two people, the music has been floating in the dark sky, the stars are shining on the roof, the sensual beauty is hovering in the rainbow, singing and dancing, intoxicated. yes!When modern civilization flocks like the crowds transported to the United States by the "Virginia" for gold mining, the ambitions stuffed with suitcases are mixed with the impulsiveness, anxiety and greed after the third-class cabin opens, and the first-class cabin The nobility of the city and the pride of the second class were all banished to the shore together, and then they continued to pile up their cities in various civilized or barbaric ways—the cities that gradually died in the pileup.

If you want to keep your heart fresh and flowing, please go to the shore to listen to the sound of the sea, and of course the sound of love in your life.Falling in love with someone, living in a house, buying a piece of land, and looking at a scene, these are the daily life conditions that everyone in the city will face, but if you use your whole heart to enter the artistic conception of the entire music, everything will be It's different, your life is completely different. Please accept the "perfect" smiles of the musicians on the sea, let's smile at each other in the music...

I can't be sure whether there are pianos and oceans in heaven; but heaven must be more poetic than pianos and more magnificent than oceans. But now I can't go into heaven, I can only face the piano and the ocean for soul blending, so that I can truly understand the Norwegian forest and the "mysterious garden" floating in the forest. In my big wooden house the music flows like the air, it either spills out of the stereo, it spills out of my heart, or it spills out from my light fingers on the keys, sometimes I love to play Rahmani I played the piano concerto of Nove (Work No. 3) over and over again, and listened to the performance of a talented musician named David over and over again. The high-pitched female voice penetrated from David's piano sound from time to time Coming out, closing my eyes, I seem to see this nervous genius jumping and running wild under the fresh and barren blue.

Yes, I understand too well that any musician who challenges Rachmaninov’s Third Piano Concerto needs a price. Genius, finally defeated in the collision of heart and keyboard... This is a piano that will never be locked, even if it is covered with soot and bread crumbs, it will allow him to play the most gorgeous and noble music. "Life is an eternal adventure." David struck the keys with his childish innocence, and the keys went straight to the heart of the world. His ravings and his father's whispers were perfect in the unrehearsed harmony of piano and violin converged. Am I not a mesmerized "David" in another musical world?

I have lamented the magic of music more than once, and it is almost like the magic power of angels and devils.You see, the little girl he met at the sorority, Gillian who became his wife, and the admirer who took him out of the hospital, who can really enter David's life, that is a heart opened for music, only Beating for the music, after the heart stops beating, the music just comes to an end. After going to heaven, he will stretch out his hands and hold his heavenly music grand ceremony in Rachmaninov's resplendent concert hall! Among the spectators of this parade of heaven must sit my blue-eyed sweetheart, with tears in his eyes, and his tears, a flowing lake, a deep blue lake, oh, my Graham, I Darling, wait for me, wait for me, I will cross this lake, pass through the mysterious garden, float to your heaven, and quietly land on the vacant seat beside you...

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