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Chapter 12 Chapter Eleven: When a Killer Loves Deeply in My Heart

killers 刘墉 8983Words 2018-03-19
cheap life November 8 What a wonderful day today!Because there is great news! Here's the thing: It was already late autumn, and the maple leaves in the yard turned from bright red to lemon yellow, and then fell one after another.This kind of Japanese red maple is different from the Canadian sugar maple. The small leaves do not contain much water. After falling on the ground for a few days, they are rolled up one by one, gently, softly, and soft when walking. There is also the French sycamore more than ten meters high. Before the leaves change color, they will be pushed down by the leaf buds that will grow next spring.It seems that when a child changes teeth, the "tips" of the new teeth replace the "roots" of the deciduous teeth.

The garden is full of fallen leaves, and the original grass can no longer be seen.The gardener uses a powerful leaf blower to blow the leaves to one place, then packs them and transports them to the car.But as soon as the people left, a gust of wind came, and it was full again. The worst thing is the roof. The fallen leaves are not cleaned up, and they accumulate in the gutter, blocking the water outlet.When it rains, the house becomes a waterfall around the house.If you don't clear it again, the gutter will freeze in winter, snow and freeze again, and it will accumulate thicker and thicker. When it thaws, it will "seep back" into the eaves and cause water leakage.

Take advantage of my son's return.This afternoon, I specially took a few large garbage bags and two pairs of gloves, and asked him to go to the roof to clear the gutter together. It has been a whole year since late autumn last year.The leaves accumulated earlier have all rotted.Starting from the top, there are gorgeous frosty leaves first; then soaked rotten leaves; and then down, there are black mud. Every year, I feel very worried when I see the gardeners carrying away the leaves in a cart. I feel that the earth nourishes the forest, and the trees grow leaves. The fallen leaves should return to their roots, turn them into nutrients, and give back to the earth.Now that the leaves fall and are transported away every year, isn't the land getting poorer and poorer?

For a while, I dug a big hole in the backyard, piled all the rotten leaves and grass in the hole, and then covered it with soil to turn them into nutrients.Unexpectedly, the soil pit that was piled up high in the previous year actually subsided a little bit in the second year. When I dug it up, although I saw black humus, it was only a thin layer. It turns out the leaves turn back into the soil, just a little bit.It can also be said the other way around, a little bit of soil, through the photosynthesis of plants, can turn into thousands of leaves. Squatting on the roof to clean the gutter, seeing the black mud, we can know that the leaves are always falling, and they rot as they fall, so that so much can be accumulated.It was only then that I realized that it had been a long time since I had cleaned the gutters properly, nor had I spent late autumn at home.

We grabbed the rotten leaves and mud into garbage bags, filled them up, and then threw the bags into the yard below, and collected them together later. "Clean up the mud as much as possible, so as not to accumulate more." I told my son. He suddenly yelled and stretched out his hand to show me: "My God! There are earthworms in the gutter!" Sure enough, an earthworm was wriggling in his hand. "Throw it in the bag," I said. He didn't do so, stretched out his hand, and threw it into the flowerbed below. "Alright!" I said, "I don't know how it got into this gutter. Maybe it was picked up by a bird when it was young and fell into the gutter. I never knew what the earth looked like, and I thought the gutter was the world." .You are sending it back to its hometown!"

We continued to clean the gutter without seeing a second earthworm.But from this earthworm, I thought of many things. The son mentioned that his classmate from Alaska said that there were many large pits left after mining, which later accumulated snow water and turned into ponds. No one took care of it, but fish appeared. "I don't know where the fish came from?" the son said to himself. I think of "The Blue Holes" in the Bahamas, hundreds of feet deep holes in limestone, where all kinds of fish and shrimp live. Some of them were destroyed by a strange tsunami millions of years ago. To rush into a cave; or possibly through a small crack in the ground, accidentally slipping into it.

With a very small chance, a few small fishes swam into a gap in the seabed, and then the stratum moved, closing the gap, and could never swim back to the sea, so they had to stay in peace. No more tides, no more waves, not even sunshine.They also gradually no longer need eyes and become blind. They don't even know where the world is, and they can swim upside down and upside down. These are humble lives.Living humblely for hundreds of millions of years, the purpose is only to continue his own life.What are the earthworms on the roof compared with those creatures that accidentally fall into a deep hole and live for generations without knowing the outside world?

Thinking about Patty, she was really lucky. Before she was caught in the house, she didn't know how many of her kind she had faced.Even if those same kind were killed by her, she saw them after all.However, how many people's pets, which may be cats or birds, have been in the hands of human beings since they were born without even hatching, and then they are locked in the house, and they have no chance to see the same kind throughout their lives. If there is a child, under the domination of some kind of superpower, who is raised alone and has never seen another "person" in his life.Do you think it's sad or not?And when one day, he actually sees "people", what a shock it will be?

"Petty probably won't find a husband and will be a virgin forever," I said. "Even if she can find it, is she still interested?" The son said with a smile, "I'm afraid she's too old!" Things in this world are so wonderful that you cannot but believe in fate.As I was talking, I suddenly yelled: "Don't move!" A praying mantis landed on the tile behind the son.It was as if God heard our conversation and immediately dropped one.I reached out and grabbed an empty trash bag and walked slowly over.I already knew the personality of the mantis, so I was sure that as long as I put the bag on it, it couldn't escape.

The garbage bag is black, and the material is very thin. I couldn't open it no matter what, so I simply used the method of catching snakes, stretching my hand into the bag to grab it. I approached inch by inch, it had seen me earlier, and it should have raised its claws to attack, as soon as it made a move, I would grab it. But instead of lifting the pincers, it stretched out its wings, revealing the red membrane inside.Then, without even a sound, it flew up into the air, went up first, straight up, and then flew towards the bushes below. "Dad! Why don't you jump at it?" the son called.

"I forgot!" I said.It should be said that I was stunned, because I haven't seen a mantis fly yet.It flies so quietly, so steadily, should I even say "so slowly". I regained my senses and asked my son to stare at the small tree it fell from.Pay attention to its movements.Then I rushed into the house through the balcony door, and then rushed downstairs, went to get the transparent plastic bag, ran into the yard, and went to the bush. "It's not moving, it's still there," cried the son. I've seen it.This time I covered it with a bag without any hesitation. When I walked into the study, my son followed me in and helped me put it into the newly bought round box. It was not in a hurry to escape.Standing at the bottom of the box with a calm look, he didn't even catch his breath. Praying mantises are panting, and they can be seen from their stomachs, moving one by one.The praying mantis has a small belly and is much shorter than Patty. "I believe it's public," I said. "Why?" asked the son. "Because the book says the male is smaller than the female, and he is smaller than Patty." "Probably hungry." "No! It's public!" I threw in a cricket and it didn't shoot right away, probably never seen a cricket in my life.I started to worry about him a little bit, it was so dirt and small, would Patty like it? But I also thought of the big parrot I raised before. Once flying around the house, it hit the glass nose and oozes blood.I put my arm on the ground and called it, and it slowly came over and stood on my arm, without any panic at all. Strong birds, strong insects, and strong men are all the same, they are not chaotic in the face of major events. I think this new mantis looks like a general. Sure enough, after a while, it easily caught the cricket and started to eat it.Eat half of it, throw it in the bottom of the jar, and start washing your face. Male and female praying mantises have different feeding habits.The male praying mantis only needs to eat enough; the female praying mantis has to eat continuously in order to be able to conceive more children in the future, and the bigger, fatter and better she grows. "Just like humans!" I said to my son, "I'm sure it's a male praying mantis!" Even though they don't seem to be "calling", I've decided to get them married today.I can't wait any longer, Patty's stomach is already very big, there must be a lot of eggs waiting to be fertilized inside, according to the book, even if the female praying mantis cannot find a male mantis to mate, she will still lay "virgin eggs", it seems that the same is true eggs, but will not hatch.So I had to take my chances and get them to mate in time. Patty's plastic house has a pink roof, without "festooning", it naturally has a kind of joy.Although the groom's officer is a little thinner than the bride, but his color is very green, he is good at flying, and his strength is also amazing. Looking at the advantages, it is not satisfactory.In many animals, females are bigger than males, because females must have a strong capital to conceive and bring up children.In fact, it's the same with people. Women's breasts are larger than men's, their pelvis is wider than men's, their subcutaneous fat is thicker than men's, and their heart strength is stronger than men's.Women are therefore more resistant to cold and hunger, and live longer.Look at the old people's home, most of them are women; on the street, you can always see old ladies helping old gentlemen.It's not that men should be served, it's because men always "age prematurely". Women also have more opportunities to improve their physical fitness than men.How men are born, they are not likely to be able to change after birth, at worst, they can be supplemented with medicine to improve their physique, but women are different, they have the opportunity to have children.I don't know how many women who were originally weak have changed since pregnancy, and even more so after giving birth.The body suddenly became two sizes bigger, and the energy in the middle became thicker.Childbirth changes the width of the pelvis, changes hormones, one person suddenly has to bear the "expenses" of two people, and the whole physique changes.More importantly, childbirth may also change a woman's entire "view on life". Many ambitions and high ambitions are gone at once, and all she wants is for her children to grow up well.From a certain perspective, a doll may kill a talented woman. From the perspective of species evolution, it is the "maternal nature" bestowed by God.It is often heard that it is a pity that a woman with a high degree of education later became a housewife.Why don't you want this highly educated mother to use her knowledge on her children? The reason why this world is lovely, or the reason why human society can continue to progress, is not because everyone comes out of the same "mold", but because everyone has their own characteristics. Some children are left alone since they were young, and they run around the street with their buttocks naked all day;Some children have never received the edification of the family, and some children have inherited the family education from a young age.The former has the achievements of the former, and the latter has the characteristics of the latter. I am afraid that the same thing, they think differently, and do it even more differently.This difference is good, it enables human civilization not to be rigid, but to present "diversity". By the same token, unmatched marriages can also create diversification. Now my Patty is going to have a "celebration".Growing up in the mountains, the male Mantis, who is simple in nature and strong in skills, is going to marry my highly educated, shrewd, capable and bloodthirsty Miss Patty.He should be happy that my Patty is still a "virgin" although she has "read countless people". Coitus is the starting point of all life, and it is also the place where species differences are least seen.correct!In the early stage of human copulation, like other animals, they enter from the "back".Because both are standing, and the male stands tall and can see far, he can be alert and run away at any time.Only in the late stage does the copulation action of face-to-face hugging develop.Eyes to eyes, chest to chest, and the bottom is closely connected, the window of the soul and all the "erogenous zones" are opposite.And because of the hug, there is a sense of security and belonging, how beautiful!This is one of the best qualities humans can show off to other animals.However, this kind of lovemaking action is also the most dangerous. I have never seen praying mantises copulate, and I believe it cannot escape the form in which the male enters from behind.It seems that most animals will go through some chasing and even fighting before mating. They will be beaten to the point of bleeding, and then they will be pushed together halfway. This kind of violent action is particularly exciting to some people.Because "sex" is often the "purpose" of conquest, and it is always the "trophy" of conquest.Some even enjoy "threesomes."A few years ago, there was a policeman in the United States who often taught his wife to seduce other men to bed, and he hid in the closet to watch.The matter was on TV, and it was broadcast for several weeks, and the two of them got a lot of limelight because of it.However, according to the analysis of psychologists, many animals will shoot more sperm if they have other competitors during sexual intercourse, so as to increase the possibility of their "offspring" being pregnant.Maybe that's why "threesomes" are more exciting for some people. After lunch, I cleaned up the desk first, and put the two boxes containing the bride and groom side by side, so that they could cultivate some emotions by looking at each other.In fact, since I caught the male praying mantis, I always put their boxes very close to each other in the past two days except for the time of feeding separately.I believe that the pheromones they secrete have already communicated through the vent holes on the box. It's just that they still eat their own food, sleep their own food, and never even looked at each other.This is still the case now, which makes me have to suspect that they may be of different species. The so-called "horse horses and cows are irrelevant" cannot produce emotions at all. 3:30, this is the time I usually start to create, I plan to waste more time on Patty's wedding, and I don't expect them to have any beautiful wedding candles.Just want to send them to pile early.As for the next step, it's up to the young couple to ask for their own blessings. "Listen to the new house!" I called everyone over: "Petty is consummating the house." Everyone didn't respond enthusiastically, only the daughter came up first and asked, "What is consummation?" "To consummate the house is to get married!" "It's great! It's great!" the little girl started screaming and jumping: "Petty is getting married." Then she looked around: "But who is the flower girl?" "We're all flower girls." The wife came slowly: "Fuck mantis! What flower girl do you want? You can't even tell if it's male or female. I'm afraid I'll eat the new one again." "That's good! Anyway, it's not a marriage, it's a feast. It's always a good thing." As I said, I opened the lid of the male praying mantis. He was climbing on the lid, so he was lifted up along with the lid. I opened Patty's lid again, and put the male praying mantis's lid on top of Patty.By doing so, the male mantis can step down from the lid and meet Patty who is standing at the bottom of the box. I started humming the wedding march of "Dang, Dangdang" loudly.It was only after humming a verse that a "big change" had occurred in the box.The male praying mantis didn't know whether he jumped down by himself or was grabbed by Patty. The two mantises were already entangled, and Patty's pincers just caught the male mantis' neck. "Don't fight! Don't fight!" I lifted the lid of the box, intending to persuade the fight.How can this skinny male praying mantis be Patty's opponent?But no matter how much he is an opponent, he can't be like a wasp, flying in front of Patty and dying silently! I tried to pull on Patty's pincers, hoping to free the male mantis, but stopped before I could.Because I saw that the tail of the male praying mantis had been tucked between Patty's ass. God!How could I believe that these two guys, who had never looked at each other before, hit it off immediately and had sex without saying a word.Could it be that they have secretly communicated the song?Or is it a fire that burns without fanning? The male praying mantis is on top, the tail makes a sharp turn and bends forward, reaching into Patty's ass. Patty's tail used to be pointed, but now it flared up and down like a big kettle with a radius of about eight millimeters.The tail of the male praying mantis is not too deep, and it has been tightly closed, as if sucked together. Although the head of the male praying mantis was clamped by Patty, it tilted unnaturally to one side.But the tail kept shrinking, as if injecting his own sperm into Patty's body. Suddenly Patty let go of his hand, twisted, and lifted his upper body from below to the side of the male mantis, and then hooked his hand, pressing down on the male mantis' back. The two guys became an X shape and twisted together. As far as the lower body is concerned, the male mantis is on top; as far as the upper body is concerned, Patty is on top. The eight legs below are also intertwined.One stepping on the other seems to say "you are not allowed to move, and I will not allow you to go, we will die together." It reminds me of butterflies mating in the air, flying while mating, and you are reluctant to separate them when you net them . It is said that when making love, women have greater pain tolerance, and many pains are transformed by some nerves at that time and become part of pleasure. "Happy, happy!" "Pain" can also be a kind of "pleasure", perhaps "coitus" is the best proof of this point. I don't know if Patty, who is "first try Yunyu", will be in pain or happy.But the younger daughter was very anxious, saying that Patty was bullied.Many young children assume that dad is bullying mom or mom is bullying dad when they accidentally catch their parents having sex.Like crying often sounds like laughing; laughing often laughs out tears. "Calling the bed" does sometimes sound like being bullied, abused, or calling for help.No wonder people often called the police, saying that someone in the neighbor's house screamed and knocked on the door, only to see two disheveled men and women panting. "It's called mating." I explained to my daughter, "Didn't you see? Their tails are joined together. This way, they will have babies, so it's not bullying, it's love." Just as he was talking, he saw that Patty's mouth kept moving, as if kissing, along the back of the male praying mantis, and kissed up to the neck.Kiss hard, omg!She actually bit the neck of the male mantis, but the male mantis was too stupid to avoid it. In just ten seconds, the head of the male mantis had been bitten off.Patty didn't use his hands to help, but relied on the "moving whiskers" next to the mouth to help. He turned the head of the male praying mantis back and forth in his mouth, and continued to bite, bit off half of the head, and threw the "skin" on the ground . The headless male praying mantis still hugged Patty tightly, without changing his original posture, and his stomach was still twitching, injecting sperm. Patty started turning his head, biting the male mantis from the shoulder down.Last time she bit the "guest" to death, she didn't eat up the upper body, I believe it was because that was the hardest part of the praying mantis exoskeleton. But this time, she actually kept biting and ate it all.Everyone watched with bated breath, and could hear the creaking sound.The upper limb was bitten, that is, the position where the pliers were in contact with the upper body, and one plier fell down, making a "answer" sound, which shows how hard it is.But Patty didn't let go of the other pincer, and ate it all up like a biscuit. At first, the wife couldn't stand it anymore, scolded "cruel", turned around and left.The father-in-law also left, laughing and shaking his head.I also asked the little girl to do her homework, and said that I would tell her when there are wonderful pictures later. After calling several times, the little girl woke up like a dream and asked, "Why does Patty eat her husband?" I was stunned for a moment, and I didn't know how to answer, so I prevaricated him and said: "Her husband is going to give it to her to eat." Then I said: Didn't you see Patty bite him, and he didn't hide?Praying mantises are different from humans. They express their love in another way. " The little girl shrugged and left.It is absolutely incomprehensible for a child over six years old to eat his partner alive and kill his husband on their wedding night. In fact, there is nothing wrong with what I just said to my daughter. Many insects eat their mates during mating.It can also be said that the partner took the initiative to give it to the mouth, or passively did not avoid it, preferring to be eaten. All that are eaten are males, but females cannot be eaten.Just like in a movie, the protagonist cannot die halfway through, otherwise there will be no acting. The female eats the male, and the female continues to live and lay eggs so that the offspring can reproduce.Originally!Why don't men sacrifice their own lives to protect their wives and children, but the way insects sacrifice is not the same. Of course they must have a sacrificial purpose.For example, when a "red-backed spider" in Australia is copulating, the male spider will take the initiative to send its body to the female spider's mouth for "she" to eat, and there is also a male cricket (sagebrush cricket), which will Give your own wings to the female cricket to eat.There is also a kind of male locust (kaiydid), which will make a delicious "jelly" and give it to the female locust to eat during mating.What is their purpose in doing this? It is hoped to prolong the mating time.Because according to research, the longer the mating time, the more eggs can be "fertilized", and the more healthy offspring can be produced. In addition, we can assume that the male insects give their bodies or nutrients to the females to "supplement their wives".Certain female insects also seem to know innately that they should eat their mates.Even whether you are hungry or not, you have to eat. Scientists in Sweden once divided female spiders into two groups, one group was not given food, making it hungry; the other group was fed well.Then they were allowed to mate, and the ratio of the two groups killing the "lover" was the same. "To love him is to eat him." Isn't there some girls who say to their boyfriends when they love to the extreme: "I really want to put you in a small bottle and take you with me"?Many years ago, a student studying in France in Japan killed his girlfriend and put the important meat in the refrigerator to enjoy as sashimi? Love is possession, and the most real possession is to make him a part of himself.Love is also sacrifice and devotion. For the reproduction of the next generation, in order to make your lover have enough ability to raise the next generation in the desolate age, no matter human or insect, you may sacrifice your life. I kept Patty's box in front of me all the time, sketching at critical moments while I went about my business.I find that sketching is sometimes better than photography, because there is no "focal length" limitation, and every "detail" can be drawn. From six o'clock in the afternoon to eleven o'clock at night, there was no change. Patty bit off most of the upper body of the male praying mantis, and stopped biting because she couldn't bend down to continue biting. Just like what Mr. Chen Weishou said at Hualien Airport during the summer vacation, the male praying mantis seemed to be happier without his head.Continue to shrink your stomach happily, enjoying the pleasure of fish and water; also happily enjoy the joy of self-sacrifice. At twelve thirty, I look at them for the last time. The mating is over, and Patty is grabbing the body of the male praying mantis and eating it bite by bite.She has the sperm of a male mantis in her ass and the body of a male mantis in her stomach.What a total possession this is!She has his "essence", his "love", his "body" and his "life". And then—his kids.Heads up November 11 As soon as I woke up in the morning, I rushed to the study, because I was so curious, I wanted to see if Patty could swallow her husband completely. Patty was hanging upside down from the lid, unable to move.I looked up from the bottom and saw a big belly. Look down to see if there are any stumps or broken legs left at the bottom of the box. Except for a pliers, a "skin" and four thin wings that accidentally dropped yesterday, there is nothing left.Patty had eaten up her husband. It is always good not to waste food, including not wasting the dead body of the husband. This reminds me of a judge who once said that "when a person dies, he is no longer a life, but a thing. But you cannot become a thing because of the dead body of your loved ones." , took him to the market, cut them into pieces, and sold them as meat. The corpses of relatives can only be used as objects of worship." The praying mantis obviously violated this good custom.But from a biological point of view, the female praying mantis eats the male mantis, not only getting rid of the guy who "completes the mission of inheriting the family, it is useless and will only waste food".It can also be used as a nutrient to make the next generation grow well, isn't it perfect? When eating when I was young, adults always warned: "Don't drop rice grains, so as not to get a pockmarked daughter-in-law in the future." When they grow up, they change their words and say, "Every grain is hard work."So even if I was stuffed to death, I was not allowed to leave the table, and I had to eat up. This concept continues to this day. I get upset when I see my daughter leftovers; every time I eat meat, even if I can't eat it, I still hold on.It's just that now I think differently than before—— If my daughter has leftovers, I would think "Did you eat too little? No wonder you are so skinny. Find a way to eat more!" When I eat meat myself, I think "This meat is provided by living animals, sacrificing their lives. Although it is only a small piece, how painful would it be if it were cut off from me? So, I can't waste it. Since I eat it, I will eat it." Eat up." In the same way, since her husband sacrificed his life to feed Patty, she should eat well, give birth to a healthy offspring, and fulfill her husband's last wish.If you only take two bites and bite off the head, you will stop eating, which is "unkind". I turned the box back and forth, side to side, to see how big Patty's belly was, and imagined how a whole male praying mantis would enter her abdominal cavity through that thin neck and narrow chest.Her belly was stretched translucently, showing "one grid, one grid", a bit like the texture of crocodile skin.The "buttocks" that opened wide yesterday are now closed again. I believe there must be many eggs inside, which are being fertilized and growing.Calculated, they made love for a total of nine hours, which should be long enough, and they must be able to breed many offspring. I started worrying about her delivery. In the wild, praying mantises lay their eggs in an upside-down position on tree branches.The taller the tree, the ants are less likely to climb up, and the eggs are safer.In addition, I made a special call last night to Teacher Chen Weishou in Taipei to tell him the great news and Patty's performance of "killing relatives righteously".Chen asked again, do praying mantis eggs need to survive the winter, or can they hatch immediately?Chen thought for a while, and said that logically, praying mantis eggs in temperate zones should live through the winter. So I thought, are there enough branches in this little plastic box for Pettie to produce?After giving birth, what should I do with her eggs? If I put her eggs in the house, will a lot of little praying mantises suddenly come out?Also, should I take her eggs outside and freeze them?And hang on the branches to create a more "natural" environment, waiting for the hatching in the next spring." Just like a husband, after his wife becomes pregnant, he has a lot of anxiety.Patty's husband died, and everything fell on me. Pets are just that.Rather than saying that they entertain you, it is better to say that you serve them. Of course, they are also very poor. As long as you don't feed them, they will die. Strange to say, since raising Patty, not only have I not missed work, but I have also become healthier.Chasing bugs in the garden every day, even in typhoon and rainy weather, I go out with an umbrella.I have never been so close to nature. Perhaps because the nasal mucosa is often exposed to air of different temperatures, even my asthma is much better.Should I be thanking Patty? Now, although the bugs are gone, I still stuff a plastic bag out of the left and right trouser pockets every day, and when I encounter a bee occasionally, I follow it closely, and follow it to the ends of the earth, trying to catch it. Sometimes, I would stand in front of the flowerbed and look at the nest of "yellow jackets" by the window.They are still coming and going, indicating that it is cold and there are still activities.It's just that as soon as they come out of the hive, they fly straight to disappear, and I don't know how far they fly.I guess they also have the habit of "rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest". Speaking of "nest", I decided to move Patty from the current new house back to the original glass jar, because the jar is taller and can hold longer branches, which is good for Patty's production. At the bottom of the pink box, there were some remains of her husband and wings. I wanted to put the wings away, but thought I should keep her as a souvenir, so I poured them into a glass jar together. She didn't even look straight at her.Great people often have a "head up look", they look forward and look far away.Strong people also have a "head-up look", they only look at "a general's success" and don't look at "ten thousand bones withered"; Patty never looked at her leftover corpse.Those are all losers, and losers are not the objects of her compassion and care.She only walked over the corpses to hunt down her new prey. I lost another game to her.I'm interested to see if this killer whose stomach is about to explode will still kill? That was the cricket I bought back yesterday. I guessed that it might be lucky to be able to live for a few days by the side of the murderous "tyrant".How amazing it is to be able to live by the tyrant's side!What an achievement worthy of respect!If you can't be a jester and make the tyrant happy, then you have to be a traitor and help the tyrant to abuse you.If you do it successfully, you can still be a "comprador", redeeming people's death, pleading for mercy, and opening joints... It is a pity!The cricket did not succeed.As soon as it went in, Patty rushed over to bite it to death and eat it. An animal that becomes a mother always becomes more ferocious, and its ferocity is not for itself, but for its children. I affirmed Patty's kindness even more, as if seeing the radiance of maternal love on her face.how cute!Overnight, she has become a mature little woman.
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