Home Categories contemporary fiction Wife disaster

Chapter 7 six

Wife disaster 高和 6451Words 2018-03-19
After running around all day, exhausted physically and mentally, He Tianliang really couldn't bear to let such an extra mouth like him be on the dining table of Sanlijia when it was time for dinner.The Sanli couple and the two disabled people are struggling to support their two sons, and their lives are very poor.He joins in Sanli's house, and Sanli not only won't charge him for meals, but also tries his best to make the food as good as possible, so he decided not to go to Sanli's house for dinner in the future.Now that he decided not to go to Sanli's house for dinner, he was not in a hurry to go back, and wandered around the street alone, lest Sanli would chase him home and call him when he saw that he didn't come for dinner.

In the past few days, he has been running around looking for a job, but there has been no result.He went to the original unit, and he was told that since the day he was sentenced, he had been expelled from the factory, and it was impossible to restore his factory registration; besides, the factory had been losing money year after year, was filing for bankruptcy, and the employees were dying. He has been laid off and returned home. Even if he resumes his factory registration, he will still die. The basic national conditions of China are that there are more wolves and less meat.But he didn't understand. He always thought that he was strong and good at fitter skills, so he didn't worry about not having a job or making money.He was like a blindfolded sparrow, flying here and there, exhausted and exhausted but unable to find food. After a few days, he unconsciously felt a little relaxed.

He Tianliang wandered from the east side of the street to the west side, and then turned from the west end of the street back to the east end, his legs and feet were already sore, and the people on the street were gradually returning to their nests, only he was still wandering in the empty and dark street like a lonely ghost wandering.Three defensemen with red armbands were patrolling with sticks, their vigilant eyes scanning He Tianliang like searchlights.The Chinese people are born with an allergic reaction to the red armband. He Tianliang has been reformed in prison for more than eight years, and he is even more frightened when he sees the red armband.Although he did not do anything that the party and the government did not allow, he felt guilty when he saw the red armband looking for faults. He didn't dare to stay on the street any longer, and hurriedly walked home.

The door was open, and He Tianliang thought another uninvited guest had invaded, but when he rushed in, he saw Sanli lying on his bed.Seeing him coming back, Sanli turned over and sat up: "Fuck, where did you go? You came back so late, and you didn't say anything without eating, which made me wait for half the night." He Tianliang looked at the clock on the square table, it was past eleven o'clock.Seeing the furnishings in the room, he remembered that Feng's mother and daughter said that Feng Meirong had not been in the city for many years and his whereabouts were unknown. If they were telling the truth, then the furniture in this room would have nothing to do with Feng Meirong. This house has a purpose, so what's the matter with these things?

Sanli saw that his expression was dull and exhausted, and knowing that he had run away for nothing all day, he quickly relieved and said: "I am in a hurry to find you because I have something to discuss with you. Do you want to do some work?" He Tianliang picked up the teacup on the table and drank it cold, and asked, "What work?" Sanli said: "My daughter-in-law and her old aunt used to be a cadre of the Hongqi Sub-district Office. There was a printing factory on the street, which closed down at a loss and was converted into a hotel. Her aunt contracted it. Recently, I want to hire a handyman, although the salary is low. You can control food and control, can you do it?"

Hitting the wall everywhere made labor truly He Tianliang's first need. The salary level, food, and housing became irrelevant, as long as there was work to do. "Do it, why don't you do it?" "That's good, let's meet tomorrow." Sanli's wife's aunt saw that He Tianliang was young, strong, and handsome, and heard that he was a fitter with skills, so she immediately asked He Tianliang to fill out the form, which meant that he was hired. He Tianliang's job is to get up at 5 o'clock every morning to clean up, heat up the boiler, and then ride a tricycle with the chef to fetch oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, rice, noodles, meat, and vegetables.After he was busy with breakfast, he went to pull coal and ventilate, send and receive sheets and bedding and hand them to the laundry room for washing. The manager and other people in charge would also order him to do some errands and chores from time to time.In the past, if the electrical circuits and equipment in the hotel were broken, you would have to pay a technician to fix it.He Tianliang was able to do cars, pliers, riveting, electricity, and welding. Once the fan of the boiler stopped working, He Tianliang fiddled with it for a while before turning it on again.The switchboard of the hotel burned down. He Tianliang found some waste materials and fiddled with it to restore the power supply.In this way, if there is a problem with the equipment and facilities of the hotel, he will let him repair it, and there is no need to hire outside technicians, which saves the hotel a lot of expenses.Seeing that he was really useful, the manager gave him an additional 100 yuan on top of the 300 yuan monthly salary he had agreed upon.He Tianliang feels that his work has been recognized by others and his financial income has increased, so he is very happy.

He encountered enough setbacks when looking for a job, and let He Tianliang understand that the current job is hard-won.Although the salary is not much, they take care of three meals a day. For people like him who came out of the labor camp, they don't despise themselves, so it would be good to give them a job.Therefore, he is usually quiet and reticent. No matter what his duties are, no matter how dirty or tired he is, as long as there is work, he will not say a word, move his legs when he needs to, and make moves when he needs to. Everyone responded well to him, and he himself felt at ease.

In the evening, He Tianliang had to call the porter of the hotel and could not go home, so the hotel arranged for him to live in the back room of the porter.It used to be a house where sundries were piled up. There were only doors and no windows.He Tianliang lived here and couldn't close the door at night, otherwise he would be suffocated.There are no windows, and the lights have to be turned on during the day, otherwise it is like being in a tomb.Working during the day and shifting at night, He Tianliang was dragged around the work unit 24 hours a day, rarely going home to see him. After dinner is He Tianliang’s free time. At this time, he can sit in the yard with a small bench, make a cup of tea, light a cigarette, and let the fatigue and hard work of the day slowly dissipate in the evening mist with the afterglow of the setting sun. among.From time to time, guests living in the hotel passed by him, some regular customers would say hello to He Tianliang, and some even stood down to chat with him.

A guest led his daughter back from outside.The girl is hugging a fluffy dog, and the braids with two bows are up and down with the jumping steps, which is really cute.He Tianliang stared blankly at the backs of the father and daughter, until they walked through the yard and entered the door, and they continued to watch.He thought of his daughter Ning Ning. He had been out for so many days and hadn't seen Ning Ning yet. He didn't know what she looked like now. Sanli entered the yard with a cane, saw He Tianliang sitting there alone in a daze, and asked, "What are you thinking about alone?"

Seeing him coming, He Tianliang quickly moved a small bench from the porter and poured him a cup of tea.Sanli sat on the stool, leaning against his side with a cane, the copper head of the cane gleaming in the afterglow of the setting sun. "How's it going here?" "Good." "Take time to visit Ningning." He Tianliang knew that he had seen the scene just now, and guessed what was on his mind.He never told Sanli about going to grandma Ningning's house to see that Ningning had a bruised nose and a swollen face. He felt that he was really useless but helpless.Today Sanli asked about this, so he told Sanli about the process of going to Feng's house to find Ningning that day.

Sanli said: "You have really turned into a log in the past few years. They are Ningning's grandmother and aunt. They said they didn't know Ningning's whereabouts. I wouldn't believe it if they killed me. Besides, when you went in I handed Ningning over to them, and now that you are back, they will send you away without knowing, how can it be so easy? They won’t let them off unless they tell the reason.” He Tianliang said: "That's what I said, but in fact things are not that simple. I insisted that they hand over Ning Ning, and they pushed the matter to Feng Meirong. What can I do if I can't find Feng Meirong? Even if I find her Feng Meirong, she won't let me see, or use all kinds of excuses to deal with me, it's still troublesome." Sanli said: "The most important thing right now is to find Ningning's whereabouts. As long as you find out Ningning's whereabouts, if her family won't let you see her, do you have to go to her house to meet her? You can't see her anywhere on the road or at school." "Have you never seen Feng Meirong once in all these years? Or have you heard about her whereabouts?" He Tianliang asked Sanli. "No." Sanli replied very positively. He Tianliang sighed, he was working as a handyman in a hotel, this job was hard-won, and he worked a lot of hard work, so it was impossible for him to have enough time to search for Ningning all over the world. Sanli said: "Don't worry about this matter, we have quite a few friends, let everyone help to find out, I think as long as you set your mind to find them, it is not difficult to find them." The two sat for a while, and Sanli had to go back to prepare the goods for the next day, so he said goodbye and left. He Tianliang kept sending Sanli to the entrance of the alley. When he walked back, he felt as if someone was following behind him. When he turned his head suddenly, the Taoist priest smiled at him.He Tianliang made Ning Ning's troubles feel depressed, and the Taoist priest came just to chat and relieve the boredom, so he greeted him with a happy face: "How do you know that I work here? Go, sit in the room." The Taoist said, "I met the cripple who was with you on the street two days ago. He told me about it." He Tianliang was upset when he heard that he had slighted Sanli, so he told him solemnly: "My friend is called Sanli, and he was still here just now. Don't yell lamely from now on. Be careful that he won't make you step down." The Taoist said nonchalantly: "I just called him so casually, and I couldn't remember his name all at once." While talking, he got into the room where He Tianliang lived, looked around, got out again, and shook his head. The head tsk-tsk said loudly, "It's such a broken place, I really wronged you, to be honest, it's not even as good as the prison we live in." He Tianliang asked him, "Are you sitting inside, or outside?" The Taoist looked disdainful, sniffled and shook his head and said, "Your air-raid shelter can suffocate people, and it will be brighter if you stay outside." The two squatted side by side under the wall, the Taoist didn't speak, and passed a cigarette first. This scene reminded He Tianliang of life in prison.In the prison, the most basic movement of the prisoners is to squat. Whenever they have time, the prisoners squat side by side on the ground. "Why are you free to visit me today? How much money did you cheat?" "Don't mention cheating, I'm allergic to that word. At best, I can only be regarded as a magic show. Compared with those qigong masters in the world, I'm far from cheating. Speaking of which, it's really called cheating, cheating the whole of China. It can still be a national treasure." At this point, the Taoist was a little lost, changed his subject, and bumped He Tianliang with his shoulder, "Brother, thanks for reminding me, otherwise I would have fallen into it again this time." He Tianliang asked, "What's wrong?" The Taoist said: "I originally wanted to do the business of reversing the car. If I let you join the group and you quit, I would be discouraged. In addition, I didn't have time to teach hard Qigong classes recently, so I put it off. It took me two days to find out that my buddy really got a group of people to steal cars, refit them and then buy and sell them. Not long ago, the Public Security Bureau took over. If you hadn’t reminded me, I would have relaxed about that and dragged on for a few days. My God, maybe this time I will also follow in." He Tianliang said: "As far as your hard qigong training class is concerned, I don't know if it will be given to you someday." The Taoist said: "In today's world, the most profitable business is to lie to people. Among the magic tricks I am more familiar with is teaching skills and teaching the law. If you do it well, you will have nothing to lose. He’s just a gangster on the street, as long as he doesn’t interfere with other things, he won’t get into a situation. I’ve learned a lot from a pitfall, and now I’ve basically figured out the tricks of this industry, and I will never repeat the same mistakes. If you don’t believe me, just keep your eyes open Just look at it, it won't be long before your elder brother and I will become a master of supernatural powers known all over the country." He Tianliang asked him solemnly: "You know that trains don't burn coal and cars don't burn oil, so how can they run? How can airplanes fly without burning oil?" The Taoist blinked and asked back, "How would I know, what do you think?" He Tianliang said, "It's all up to you." The Taoist knew that He Tianliang was not interested in his stuff, and He Tianliang would get annoyed if he continued, so he set himself a step down: "Forget it, let me tell you that you don't understand. If you are not interested, it means you have no fate." The half of the cigarette was thrown into the yard. "You just throw away such a long piece, you are too wasteful." The cigarettes were bought with money, and He Tianliang felt a little distressed when he saw him throw away half of the cigarettes. "Look, you look shabby! You're still poor, and who cares about the half of cigarettes if you have money." The Taoist sarcastically said to He Tianliang, and then said, "A good man doesn't earn a lot of money, so why are you willing to stay in this dilapidated hotel?" Do you work as a handyman for a lifetime in there? It’s boring to earn those three melons and two dates every month. If you let me go out with you and go out into the rivers and lakes, but you don’t do it, you are really hopeless.” He Tianliang said: "Eighty to ninety percent of the people in China live in this way, and I am quite content." "Satisfaction is useless. I am afraid that you will not be contented for a lifetime, and others will not let you be contented for a lifetime. To be more sober, if people say they don't want you, you have to pack up and leave. What is the long-term." "Forget it, I won't talk to you about these useless nonsense, I'm here today to introduce you a way to make money, 100% profit, it depends on whether you do it or not." He Tianliang asked back: "Why don't you do it for 100% profit?" The Taoist said unhappily: "Whenever I tell you these things, you ask me why I don't do it, as if I have nothing to do and think about harming you all day long. I am different from you, I rely on this thing for a living," He pointed to his head, "I can't do things that require hard work, otherwise I would have done it long ago." "What are you doing? Tell me and listen." "Picking for gold." The Taoist said, "There is a gold mine in the Heishui River. I have a buddy who built two pits there. He couldn't take care of it. Let me help him find a reliable person to help. I thought of you. Only you are the most suitable. You go well and do it well, and it will be launched soon." He Tianliang became interested, and on second thought, of course he is not afraid of hardships and hardships, but he doesn't understand the business at all, so it's hard to say whether he can handle it.Besides, if he went panning for gold, he would have to quit the hotel business.Sanli has traveled a lot with crutches for this job, and spent so much time talking, and now he just resigned because of his words, and he was really reluctant.If the gold panning business can't continue, the job here will be lost, and if he fails at both ends, he will have to go to the northwest wind. Seeing his hesitation, the Taoist said: "There is no rush for this matter, you can think about it slowly, anyway it is a way. I don't think this dilapidated hotel will last long. If you decide to go, or someone else The hotel doesn't want you anymore, call me anytime." He Tianliang nodded: "Then let me think about it carefully." The Taoist raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "What time do you leave work?" He Tianliang said: "It doesn't matter whether we are off work or not here. If we have get off work, we have to do it no matter how late it is. If we have nothing to do, no one cares about going out." The Taoist said, "Then let's go eat." He Tianliang was most afraid of being bored in the concierge by himself, so even though he had eaten, he followed him after hearing what he said.The two walked and chatted all the way, and went to the street to find food.When we arrived at the restaurant, the Taoist priest had dinner, and He Tianliang asked for a bottle of beer to accompany him.After eating, the Taoist smiled wickedly and asked him, "Can you hold back after you've been out for so long? I'll invite you to the toilet!" He Tianliang scolded with a smile: "Fuck you, you still need to go to the toilet." The Taoist priest said solemnly, "I'm not inviting you to a common toilet, but a paid public toilet." He Tianliang vaguely felt something strange, and knew that Taoist priests must not deceive him, so he followed him without asking further questions. The Taoist priest chatted some gossip along the way, and led him to a hotel at the end of a dark alley.The concierge of the hotel seemed to recognize the Taoist priests, and greeted them with a bow and bow when they saw them coming.The Taoist priest said carelessly: "Open a room." The concierge didn't speak, and turned around to make arrangements.The Taoist grabbed him, stuffed him ten yuan, and pointed to He Tianliang: "My brother has raw noodles, and the tea needs to be hot." The concierge looked at He Tianliang, nodded and left.The Taoist priest and He Tianliang waited in the room for less than five minutes, and the concierge came back and smiled at them, signaling that everything was ready.They followed behind the porter and walked in.He Tianliang secretly asked the priest: "This is not a black shop, right? Don't send me into the ditch." The Taoist said: "It's not a black shop, it's a yellow shop. I'll accompany you. Let's go down the ditch together. After a while, you can play whatever you want. If you have enough fun, just walk away. Don't worry about other things. I will pay you." Already paid." Only then did He Tianliang fully understand what the Taoist said about going to the public toilet.In the prison, prisoners often say that there are so many pheasants and whores out there, as long as they spend money, they can find whatever they want.Women are a topic that the prisoners will never get tired of. They talk about it with great interest, just like people in the famine era talking about various delicacies to deceive their empty stomachs.This kind of topic also caused He Tianliang to have many fantasies and desires, but today he really came to this kind of place, but he was uneasy, his desire and timidity made him unable to even walk steadily. The concierge led them through the long aisle to the backyard of the hotel. The backyard was a row of bungalows. The concierge opened a room and let them in: "Boss, you take a rest first, the lady will be here soon." After speaking, he left. out. A moment later, high-heeled shoes sounded outside the door, and a woman with her face painted white and her mouth blood red came in shyly.The Taoist looked up and down at the woman, nodded: "It's okay." Then he said to the woman, "This is my brother, please serve him well. If he is satisfied, he will come here often in the future and be your old lover. .” The woman smiled seductively at He Tianliang, her fine wrinkles could not be concealed with thick makeup.The Taoist made a grimace at He Tianliang, and got up to leave.Seeing that the Taoist priest was about to leave, He Tianliang hurriedly stood up and asked, "Why are you going?" The Taoist said: "You can't let me watch from the sidelines, can you? I also have to go to the toilet, which is next door. Don't be nervous, it's okay." After finishing speaking, he walked out.He Tianliang heard the door next door, the sound of high-heeled shoes entering the next room, and then heard the laughing and talking of Taoist priests. The woman greeted him and leaned against He Tianliang's body: "Boss, can I accompany you?" The scent of makeup and the smoothness of the flesh aroused He Tianliang's instinct, and He Tianliang felt his impulse. Red chopsticks, green chopsticks, I will watch your mother xx. Big lantern, little lantern, me and your mother xxx. Red rooster, black tail, your grandma likes big cocks. ... This kind of obscene nursery rhymes are popular songs among the children in the worker's new village. He Tianliang learned these nursery rhymes while calling his parents from the beginning of his babble.With the growth of age and the arrival of puberty, these jingles made up by someone and passed down from generation to generation have become the sexual enlightenment textbooks of their generation. So far, the only person He Tianliang can actually use the sexual enlightenment nursery rhymes is Feng Meirong. Only Feng Meirong let him understand the actual meaning of these nursery rhymes, including beauty and ugliness. Spent eight years in prison. The woman skillfully peeled off the wrapping on her body, revealing the loose and pale flesh.The woman gave him a squinting look, and said with a charming smile, "Take it off too." He Tianliang got up, but the woman was already lying on the bed naked, posing in a professional posture. Looking at the pale female body like a roundworm, He Tianliang felt in a trance. Feng Meirong's dirty body suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the humiliation and hatred deeply imprinted in his mind immediately made his heart calcify into ice cold Disgust and hatred dominated his thinking, and the tide of desire turned into disgust, he subconsciously spat at the body, turned and left.The woman jumped up in shock and cursed loudly: "You are sick, you won't fuck even if you leave the x on, smelly eunuch..." He Tianliang was dazed, as if he was stepping on cotton, and stumbled out of the hotel.The concierge came out and wanted to strike up a conversation and ask for a few rewards, but seeing He Tianliang's expression, he retreated into the room wisely. The night wind is blowing on the hot cheeks, the street lamps silently shine on the passers-by, and the vehicles traveling at night merge into a turbulent river of lights.He Tianliang regained his composure.The woman's scolding still echoed in his ears: "Silly x, smelly eunuch...you are sick..." Could it be that he is really sick?Otherwise, why did he make such an abnormal behavior and lose the basic ability of a normal man to act in that situation?Thinking of this level, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.At this moment, he felt a little regretful again, not because he regretted not doing it, but because he blamed himself for not spitting it out. That woman was not Feng Meirong after all, and she had never hurt himself.
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