Home Categories contemporary fiction Wife disaster
Wife disaster

Wife disaster


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 299523

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Chapter 1 Sequence: Misfortune

Wife disaster 高和 2390Words 2018-03-19
He Tianliang is an ordinary worker in a state-owned factory with neither rights nor money.But he had a beautiful, gentle wife, who bore him a beautiful, intelligent daughter, and he thought he had it all.He has no desire for life, and being able to live his life in such a peaceful way makes him very satisfied.Therefore, he named his daughter Ningning, praying for a peaceful life.However, this kind of comfortable and down-to-earth life is like a beautiful paper house, which is completely destroyed in an instant when it encounters wind and rain. That night, Ningning had a fever and cried all night.When he got up in the morning, he was going to take Ningning to the hospital. His wife Feng Meirong said that the child just caught a cold, and he should just take some cold medicine, and advised him not to delay going to work.During those few days, the factory was engaged in a battle to repair the No. 3 unit. He was the monitor of the fitter squad, and asking for leave would definitely affect the construction period.So he listened to Feng Meirong's words and went to work as usual.When he arrived at the class, he was restless and hit his finger with a hammer. The director asked him to go to the infirmary to bandage it.After bandaging the wound, he took the opportunity to sneak home to see Ningning.Opening the door and entering the room, two naked bodies on the bed writhed like venomous snakes mating. Accompanied by the movements, the animal screams and gasps echoed in the room, making him feel as if his head had been hit with a club, his brain was disordered into a ball of mud, and his body Collapsing into boneless soft flesh, he became stupid and bewildered, at a loss.

In a panic, his wife Feng Meirong grabbed a piece of underwear and covered her face. The white flesh of her body and the darkness between her legs exposed her humiliation to him.The adulterer put on the vest in a panic, and there was a big red word "award" printed in the center of the vest, and the ugly thing that had shrunk into a dried chili was dangling from his crotch.He saw clearly that the man was Bai Guoguang, the deputy party secretary of their factory, who often sat on the stage and gave them reports.Every time He Tianliang met him, he would respectfully call him "Secretary Bai", and he would always nod to He Tianliang humbly.

Seeing his daughter Ningning sleeping soundly on the floor next to the bed, like a rotten baggage thrown on the floor, his hollowed out chest was suddenly ignited with anger that wanted to burn everything.He threw himself forward and stretched out the fitter's strong and strong hands, dragged the tender Bai Guoguang under the bed and squeezed him into the gap between the bed and the wall, and beat him violently.Bai Guoguang's cries and pleas were like gasoline being poured on a raging fire, driving He Tianliang even more crazy. He punched Secretary Bai hard on the head and body, and the pain caused by being humiliated, bullied, and robbed The visceral damage was compensated in this punch after punch, kick after kick.The tactile sensation and muffled sound of fists and feet hitting the flesh made He Tianliang intoxicated with semi-crazy pleasure.Bai Guoguang's wailing and begging for mercy gradually turned into weak gasps and intermittent moans.

Feng Meirong woke up from extreme fear and shame, knelt on the bed and begged He Tianliang: "Don't hit me at dawn, people will die." The quivering lump of flesh on Feng Meirong's chest, the waist and thighs like white jade, used to fascinate him, but now they are like dirty rags printed with insults to him. Dirty and disgusting like maggots.He slapped her hard twice, then grabbed her hair, dragged her half naked outside the door, locked the door tightly, and allowed her to cry, beg for forgiveness, and smash the door outside. This home is over.He sat on the edge of the bed dejectedly, he really didn't know how all this happened.Before the incident broke out, there was no news at all. If he hadn't come back to see Ning Ning halfway today, he might be blindfolded by the green turban forever, like a donkey in a mill running around the house endlessly.Secretary Bai's groans reminded him of the barking of the dog and man when they had sex just now. The extreme humiliation, disgust and hatred made him lose his mind again. He raised his chair and smashed it hard on Bai Guoguang's head. The rough and muffled sound of the collision of flesh and blood was like a rest, and Bai Guoguang's panting and moaning stopped abruptly. In an instant, there was silence all around, the whole world seemed to be still, and Feng Meirong outside the door was also silent.The sudden silence brought him back to reality, and at this moment he thought of his daughter Ningning.He stepped over the big bed and hugged Ningning from the floor in front of the bed.Strangely, Ning Ning was still asleep even though the family was in trouble.He tried his daughter's forehead with his lips, and Ning Ning's forehead was slightly sweaty, and the child's fever had subsided.He hugged Ning Ning tightly in his arms, let her head rest on his arm, and called her softly, but Ning Ning was still asleep.Ning Ning is a light-headed child. At night, he and Feng Meirong do some homework between husband and wife. If there is any loud noise, she will be awakened. How could he sleep so soundly today?He felt something was wrong, and started patting and calling anxiously, but Ningning didn't respond.He was in a hurry, not caring about the messy home and the dying Secretary Bai Guoguang, who was bleeding like a river, he rushed out of the house and ran towards the hospital with Ning Ning in his arms, without even closing the door.At this moment, to him, apart from Ningning in his arms, everything in the world doesn't matter.

In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctor told He Tianliang that after laboratory tests, the child had taken too much sleeping pills and would wake up on his own after sleeping for a while. There was no other danger. The doctor blamed him for how he could give sleeping pills to such a young child.He suddenly realized that the pair of dogs and men were afraid that Ning Ning would affect their secret love, so they gave Ning Ning a sleeping pill.His head was almost bursting with rage. If Bai Guoguang or Feng Meirong were here, he would definitely kill them both. When he walked out of the hospital gate with Ning Ning on his back, he happened to meet a whining ambulance stopping at the gate, and the medical staff in white coats hurriedly lifted the unconscious Bai Guoguang down.He came to the front of the stretcher, spat hard at Secretary Bai Guoguang, whose face was covered with blood, sticky phlegm hung between Bai Guoguang's brows, and then left the stunned white coats behind.

He Tianliang was arrested from his home on the third day after the accident.After the accident, he did not go to work, nor did he leave the house for half a step.As a man, having suffered such a great humiliation, he has no face to face colleagues and friends, no courage to face boring reassurance, curious eyes and cheap sympathy.During those three days, he hid at home and guarded Ning Ning, ignoring anyone who knocked on the door, and devoted himself to cooking for Ning Ning and himself.After the mania and rage subsided, it was replaced by extreme depression and sentimentality. He didn't think about what to do next. In that situation, he had lost the ability and mood to plan the future.

The police were led by the security chief of the factory.After he was handcuffed, Ningning started crying.The security chief hugged Ning Ning and asked him what to do with the child.He Tianliang thought for a while, and said, "Leave it to her grandma." Through the window of the police car, he saw the chief of the security department hugging Ning Ning and coaxing her. The small face was painted with tears like an apple in the wind and rain, this is the last memory Ningning left for him.His tears also flowed down, this was the first time he cried after the accident. In court, based on the testimony of the victim, Bai Guoguang, the procuratorial organ accused him of retaliating against others because he was dissatisfied with the leadership, causing the victim, Secretary Bai Guoguang, to be seriously injured.He remained silent in the face of the charges, neither defending himself nor admitting his alleged crimes.At that time, Bai Guoguang was faced with the "severe and quick" "severe crackdown". The court sentenced Bai Guoguang to 12 years in prison for the crime of serious injury based on the accusation of the procuratorate and the fact that he was injured.He did not appeal.

During the entire trial, Feng Meirong did not show up.He has no idea what she's doing.After serving a year in prison, Feng Meirong filed for divorce through a lawyer, and he signed and agreed without saying a word.The old prisoners in the prison called him stupid.He said: "I just spit out a mouthful of phlegm as if I dumped a bucket of garbage."
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