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Chapter 5 Chapter 2.3

deviant suit 高和 12038Words 2018-03-19
Eight In the past few days, Section Chief Wu has been ordered to lead a team of two people to squat in the pit to monitor a group of suspected drug dealers.According to reports, the group consists of four people, two men and two women, and will conduct a drug deal in an upstairs unit in the No. 2 residential area in the near future.Their task is to closely monitor this building and this unit. Everyone who enters and exits must take photos and videos, and report the situation to the bureau in time, and arrest them at an appropriate time.The so-called appropriate time means that when these drug dealers are conducting transactions, they immediately report to the bureau and the bureau will take action under unified command.

They found a storage room in the hotel on the opposite building. This storage room is one floor higher than the opposite house being monitored, and it is facing each other, so they can see the situation on the opposite side without omission.Originally they wanted to ask the hotel for a guest room, which would be more comfortable, but the bureau disagreed, and the bureau also had their reasons. Only this room had the most convenient angle and distance for monitoring, and it would not affect the normal work of other hotels.In order not to expose the target, the bureau also strictly stipulated that they were absolutely not allowed to enter or leave the house during the surveillance period.So they had to be wronged in this 10-square-meter hut.Set up cameras, video cameras, and binoculars, and the three of them took turns to wait for two hours each. No one dared to be negligent. After all, it was a major drug trafficking case.Eating instant noodles when they were hungry, and drinking cold water when they were thirsty, the three of them were quite excited at first, talking and laughing happily, just like poor men who are about to get a fortune.Two days passed, and the three of them could no longer cheer up. The target never appeared. No one could sleep well day and night. Whenever they saw the wrapping paper of instant noodles, they felt like throwing up. One of them got sick from drinking raw water. , and did not dare to leave the room, so they had to create a place for excretion in the corner of the house, which made the whole house stink.The three of them cast all their fire on the drug dealers, cursing the drug dealers became their most common topic, and later, they even lost the spirit of cursing the drug dealers. Said, but in my heart I decided that the information was inaccurate, and hoped that the bureau would issue a notice to cancel the operation as soon as possible.

Just when the confidence was lost, the target appeared. A man and a woman carried a combination box and a woven bag and sneaked into the corridor. Through the window of the corridor, they saw that the two men had arrived. On the third floor, I entered the room, turned on the lights, and walked back and forth, apparently turning on the TV and tidying up the room.Then the two sat side by side on the sofa, and Lou hugged and flirted.Section Chief Wu was watching it amusedly, but the woman stood up and walked to the window, and closed the curtains with one hand. Xiao Li, who was in charge of taking pictures next to him, said: "It's over, I can't take good shots." Fortunately, the other party turned on the lights, and through the curtains, the two silhouettes can still be clearly seen moving indoors.Section Chief Wu hurriedly turned on the walkie-talkie and reported to the bureau: "The target entered the scene. There are two people, a man and a woman."

"Is it the delivery person or the delivery person?" It was the director's voice. "I don't know..." As he was speaking, Section Chief Wu saw another man and a woman walking into the corridor with a combination box, and hurriedly told the director: "There are two more, a man and a woman, and they are going upstairs now... ...into the house." The director ordered them to continue monitoring and not to act rashly unless the subject showed signs of leaving.Section Chief Wu knew that he was about to take action, so he ordered the two little policemen to continue monitoring. He left the hotel first, entered the corridor, climbed up to the fourth floor, and blocked the corner of the stairs leading to the fourth floor from the third floor of the drug trade site. Prevent drug dealers from running upstairs when the police come up from downstairs.

After a while, he heard the sound of brakes coming from near and far, and knew that everyone had arrived.After a while, there were loud footsteps, and the arresting policemen went upstairs. Section Chief Wu joined them, made a "up" gesture, and kicked open the door first. After rushing into the room, Section Chief Wu was stunned. The four men and women rolled together naked, and the unsightly group rape scene was being broadcast on the TV screen.The other policemen were also a little surprised. Section Chief Wu ordered decisively: "Cuff up and search!" The policeman skillfully handcuffed the four men and women, and threw a piece of clothing on the two women to cover their shame. Then began to search up and down.I searched the bottom of the sky, but I didn't find any drugs.A little policeman suddenly yelled excitedly in the bathroom: "Yes, white powder!" Section Chief Wu ran over, and the little policeman was indeed carrying a plastic bag full of lumpy white powder in his hand.Everyone immediately became excited, and finally solved a big case. The hard work was not in vain and everyone contributed.Lao Zhou, an expert from the anti-narcotics department, took the bag, dipped his fingers in some white flour and put it on his mouth, and tasted it with his mouth open. His appearance was very professional, and it was better than the big drug lords in Hong Kong movies who inspected the quality of the goods when they received them. Not bad at all.For a moment, Lao Zhou frowned, "Bah, bah, bah!" He kept spitting, his mouth was covered with white foam, like a crab that had just landed, and swearing while spitting: "Idiot, what heroin, washing powder."

At this time, the director came in with a face full of nervousness and excitement, and asked as soon as he entered the door: "Did anyone catch it?" Everyone rushed to answer: "Caught it." The director asked again: "Have you found the goods?" Everyone is silent. The bureau chief understood, was a little disappointed, and a little bit unwillingly ordered: "Bring people to the bureau for a surprise interrogation, and keep a few people to continue the search." Two men and two women were taken back to the bureau, and it was only after interrogation that they found out that all four of them were laid off and had nothing to do to play mahjong all day long. It was originally agreed to get together to play mahjong next night, and one of them brought a yellow plate. The video is said to adjust the atmosphere and look fresh, but it turns out to be messed up after watching it.These four people don't even touch drugs, and they don't even know whether drugs are black or white.It seems that it's not just that the information is inaccurate, but that some people made trouble with these four hapless people, reported a false case, and used the public security bureau as a baton that was full of anger.

Section Chief Wu was so useless that he was going to die. He mobilized the crowd to endure hunger and hunger, and in the end he picked up four broken shoes.However, in any case, these four people seriously violated the public security management regulations. The director decided immediately that each of them was fined 5,000 yuan and sent to labor camp for half a month. It was late at night when Section Chief Wu returned home. After a hasty shower, he got into his wife's hot bed. She touched him for a while, but he didn't respond, and fell asleep snoring like thunder.Not long after falling asleep, the phone rang suddenly. The daughter-in-law was afraid of disturbing her husband's sleep, so she hurriedly grabbed the phone, put her mouth on the receiver and asked softly, "Hi, who are you looking for?"

The person on the phone said, "I'm from the provincial capital, is Section Chief Wu there?" The daughter-in-law turned around and replied, "He's not at home, he's on the night shift." The other party asked suspiciously: "Isn't that right, I clearly heard him snoring, please ask him to answer the phone, I'm his friend, I have something urgent." Section Chief Wu's daughter-in-law secretly said: It seems that this friend's ears are really good. How can I send him away so that my husband who has worked hard for a few days can sleep well.The daughter-in-law was still hesitating, but Section Chief Wu had gotten up, reached out to answer the phone, and asked, "Who?"

"My surname is Wang, I'm sorry to disturb you so late." When Section Chief Wu heard that it was Dr. Wang, he knew that he must be in a hurry, so he said, "It's okay, there is a case in the past two days, and it just finished today. You must have something to do when you call so late, let's talk about it." Dr. Wang said: "Tonight I received an anonymous call. The caller threatened me and refused to let me participate in Cheng Tieshi's case." "Any clues?" "I checked, and the call was made from a public phone in Haixing." Then he reported the phone number, and Section Chief Wu wrote it down on the paper.

"I would like to ask you to go to this phone user to learn more and see if you can verify the situation of the caller." "Okay, I'll do it right away." "Don't worry, just rest and talk about it tomorrow." Section Chief Wu said: "Tomorrow the day lily will be cold, so I might find something if I check it immediately. Just leave it alone and wait for my call." Putting down the phone, Chief Wu got dressed and went to the kitchen to wash his face.The daughter-in-law said, "Is there something else? You are going out so late, who is calling?"

"A friend you don't know." "Shall I serve you a bowl of noodles?" Section Chief Wu quickly shook his head: "I've only eaten instant noodles these days, so don't mention the word noodles in front of me for at least a month." The daughter-in-law said: "Then lay two eggs and fry a steamed bun." While eating, Section Chief Wu called the inquiry desk of the post office, reported his identity, and quickly found out that the public phone for Dr. Wang's anonymous call was a grocery store at No. 25 Zhanqian Street.Putting down the phone, Section Chief Wu told his wife that he would be back soon, hurried downstairs, got on his bicycle and pedaled towards Zhanqian Street. The grocery store was closed, and Section Chief Wu knocked on the window "bang bang bang" and a thin old man came out and asked sternly, "What are you knocking in the middle of the night? You're off work." Section Chief Wu took out his ID for him to see, and said, "I'm from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and I want to ask you for some information." The thin old man's attitude softened immediately, and let Section Chief Wu in. "Master, did someone use your phone to make a long-distance call at ten o'clock tonight?" He said and handed the skinny old man a cigarette. The skinny old man thought for a while, and immediately said: "Yes, there are two people. It seems that they are not authentic, sneaky, talking while discussing, I remember very clearly. But they gave money, a lot of money." Section Chief Wu asked: "Can you still remember the looks, heights, and clothes of those two people?" "Yes, those two people are of medium height, about the same fat and thin, one with a crew cut, the other with a parted hair, the one on the phone has a crew cut, and the one with a parted hair wears a pair of glasses, giving advice by the side. Both of them wear dark colors I can’t tell whether the suit is blue or black under the shadow of the lamp.” The old man thought for a while and then said: “By the way, the two are about the same age, they are both over 30 and under 40 years old, and the person who makes the call wears glasses. His name is Section Chief Wang." "Wang or Wang?" "Anyway, it's that voice. I dare not say whether it's Wang or Wang." That's enough, it must have been done by the bank's section chief surnamed Wang.Section Chief Wu thanked the old man in the grocery store, got on the bike and walked back, and immediately called Dr. Wang when he got home. As soon as the phone rang, Dr. Wang answered it. Obviously he was not asleep and had been waiting for news. "The task you gave me has been completed. The call was made by the section chief of the bank surnamed Wang. I know the surnamed Wang. He is a big idiot. He can't do business. Just ignore him. A biting dog is not barking, he is doing it." What a bluff." Dr. Wang said: "That's all. I'm not afraid of them. The key is to have confidence in what happens. You are capable enough to check everything out so quickly. Thank you." Section Chief Wu was about to put on the phone, but Dr. Wang remembered something again, and said "Hi" twice. Section Chief Wu said, "What else is there?" I sent you the information and the registration form yesterday, so please pay attention to check it. Call me if you have anything to do." Section Chief Wu agreed with a "hmm", his eyelids were almost glued together.Putting down the phone, took off the clothes on his body a few times, got into the bed, stretched out his arms to hug the hot daughter-in-law, and fell asleep soundly. Nine Finally got in touch with Dr. Wang, Cheng Tieshi heaved a sigh of relief.He wished he could meet Dr. Wang right away, but Hei Tou went to see off Zhao Yalan and hadn't returned yet, and he couldn't figure out Dr. Wang's house, so he couldn't do anything in a hurry, so he had to wait until dawn. These few days Zhao Yalan came every day, just like working at Cheng Tieshi and Heitou.Every morning, before Cheng Tieshi and Heitou got up, she would knock on the door outside, and when she came, she would chat here and there, or search around to wash the dirty clothes that Cheng Tieshi and Heitou had replaced.When it was time to eat, I ate together, and if I had nothing to do, I dragged Cheng Tieshi and Heitou all over the street.Walking on the street, whether intentional or not, she always gets together with the black heads, often leaving Cheng Tieshi behind or in front of them.Zhao Yalan washed their clothes, even trousers and socks.At first Cheng Tieshi thought she was expressing his gratitude to Heitou for saving her life, and he felt very sorry and often stopped her from doing it.Later, he gradually felt that things were not as simple as he thought, and more and more realized that he was just a black head, so he went with her. Once, Zhao Yalan said: "Brother Cheng is always cloudy all the time, like a bitter child who was born in the old society and grew up in bitter water." Heitou said: "Your brother Cheng has been soaked in sugar water since he was a child, and he is used to smooth sailing. If something happens to you, of course he thinks he has fallen into the sea of ​​suffering." Cheng Tieshi said, "You seem to be bitter and bitter." Heitou said: "For half of my life, I have summed up a few words for myself: I lost my mother at the age of five, my father died at the age of fourteen, I was in prison at nineteen, and I had no housing at thirty." Zhao Yalan said: "What's going on, you're all starting to recall bitterness and sweetness." Heitou said: "I'm not remembering bitterness and sweetness. You've reached this point today. I really have to say a few words to Brother Cheng. What happened to him seemed like a big deal. Millions disappeared all of a sudden, but After all, those millions are not yours. Even if they belong to you, you can still live? Don’t you still eat and drink to live without the millions? Don’t you still eat and drink to live with the extra millions? Is it? Just do what needs to be done, there is no need to cry all day and night, making yourself unhappy." Cheng Tieshi knew that he was doing it to reassure himself, so he shook his head and said, "Heitou, you don't know how it feels if things don't happen to you. Forget it, let's stop talking about it." Heitou was silent for a while, and said, "Brother Cheng, do you know what it's like to die?" When he said this, he didn't look at Cheng Tieshi or Zhao Yalan, his eyes were only on the curling green smoke from the cigarette . "Of course you have never tasted death, but I have died. People who have not been around death really don't know how to cherish life. Let me tell you about my experience of death. I was sent In the spring of the second year of the labor camp in Inner Mongolia, black sandstorms occurred during the construction of the dry canal. You must not know what a black sandstorm is. It is a unique natural disaster in the border area between the desert and the Gobi. When a black sandstorm occurs , the strong wind sweeps everything with sand and gravel covering the sky, and a good village can be turned into a pile of sand graves in a blink of an eye. Cars on the road can be overturned effortlessly, and then buried with sand, including people and cars Disappeared without a trace." Both Cheng Tieshi and Zhao Yalan were attracted by Heitou's narration, Cheng Tieshi smoked silently, Zhao Yalan stared at Heitou without blinking, like a good boy who listened attentively to the teacher's lecture. "That day, the place where we went to work was ten kilometers away from the labor reform team. Although it was only spring, the big Gobi Desert, which was exposed to the sun, was like our burnt kang in the northeast. The hot beach under the feet is steaming, and people are like meat being steamed in a pot over a slow fire. Those who have not experienced it can’t imagine how it feels. They worked until ten o’clock in the morning and drank all the water they brought. Before the water provider arrived, we were like fish caught on the shore, breathing desperately with our mouths open, but there was still a fire burning in our chests, and our limbs seemed to have lost consciousness, not listening to the control of the brain at all,' The government', we all call the correctional officers the 'government'. Seeing that we can't hold on anymore, let us rest where we are. With this order, we all collapse like rotten flesh with no muscles and bones. It really feels like someone who hasn't slept for days and nights is lying on Simmons." Heitou took a sip of water and continued: "At this moment, we felt that something was wrong. The sky that was usually blue and blue became pale, white and dazzling, and our noses smelled a strong earthy smell. At this time, we didn't know Someone shouted: "Look, what's wrong with the sky over there?" I saw at this moment that there seemed to be a huge black wall between the sky and the earth in the northwest, pressing towards us. It has turned into a yellowish yellow color, and the earthy smell is getting heavier and heavier. People who are choking can't breathe. We are all terrified, and some people even say: "Did our country test the atomic bomb again?" Our country's atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs are all When it was released in the northwest, we really thought it was an atomic bomb.” Speaking of this, the black head laughed "hehe" twice, but Cheng Tieshi and Zhao Yalan couldn't laugh, and Zhao Yalan asked eagerly, "What happened next?" Heitou continued: "Then the wind came, what kind of wind was that? It was the porridge made of fast-moving sand and gravel. In the blink of an eye, the sky was dark and you couldn't see your fingers. You just felt like you were being tortured. Countless leather whips went crazy. They beat people's faces, necks, and hands incessantly. All exposed skin and flesh seemed to be cut by small knives. At this time, we were all in chaos, and no one could see anyone. I only heard a few gunshots. Only then did I realize that it was the 'government' who fired shots at the sky, trying to gather us together, but before he fired the fourth shot, the wind and sand swept him with the gun into a section of dry ditch that had just been dug and buried him alive. Alas, the sacrifice The 'government' is really a good person. It never accepts gifts from prisoners and their families. They are usually very kind to people. When I was sick, they even brought me sick meals. When we held a memorial service for him, we prisoners did not fail to shed tears. of. "When a storm hits, people can't open their eyes at all. Even if they can open them, they can't see clearly in the dark sky, and their ears are filled with the ghostly screams of the storm. Only then can you understand, people. , Sometimes it’s really not as good as a stone or a piece of wood. I crawled to the ground at the beginning, instinctively covered my head, trying to relieve the pain of the wind and sand whipping, and within a while, the sand buried me. Climbing out, my ears and nose were full of sand. I didn’t dare to climb on the ground anymore, and I couldn’t stand still, so I had to run in the direction of the wind. Once I started running, it was much easier, as if there were countless big hands behind me pushing you , fluttering lightly, a few meters at a time, because I was running along the force of the wind, the sand hit my face and neck, and my face and neck didn’t hurt so much. I kept running and running, and I didn’t know whether I passed out or fell asleep in the end. Anyway, I don't know anything. "I don't know how long it took before I woke up. When I opened my eyes, there was a big moon above my head. It was yellow and yellow, so low, so close, as if I could touch it with my hand. I really wanted to reach out and touch it, but my moon I couldn't move my hands, arms, or legs. I realized that I was half buried in the sand. Thanks to the fact that my head was still exposed and the black sandstorm stopped in time, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here and telling you this passage today. .” Heitou picked up the teacup, it was empty, Zhao Yalan hurriedly refilled him with water, eagerly urging him to continue talking.Heitou took a sip of water, looked at Cheng Tieshi, and said, "Forget it, it's boring to talk about it." Cheng Tieshi said: "I haven't heard you talk about these things yet. I'll talk about them today. What happened afterwards?" Heitou said: "At that time, my whole body was limp like a pool of mud. I didn't know how far I ran. How could I have the strength to crawl out of the sand pile? I struggled for a long time, but it was useless. I put the back of my head on the sand. On the pile, staring at the moon, I still can’t figure out how the moon can be that sallow yellow color, without any light, as if it was cut out of paper. I feel hungry, that kind of internal organs The starvation method with the internal organs being emptied is really unbearable. I feel thirsty, and the saying of dry mouth and tongue is really not thirsty to me at that time. The thirst I feel is the kind of thirst that every cell in my body The pain of opening my mouth to absorb water desperately, my mouth, tongue, and throat have long been turned into wood, and I have lost any feeling. At this time, I thought of death, and I really felt that life was fading from my body to the bottom of my body. I was staring at the big moon above my head, not daring to close my eyes, for fear that once I closed them, I would never be able to open them again. At that time, my brain seemed to be extraordinarily clear, every part of my body The cells seem to be numb, but the brain is running very smoothly. I think of my mother. My mother died when I was five years old. To be honest, my memory has been blurred. In fact, I put my mother Thinking about it with my sister, both my mother and my sister, because since I was sensible, my sister brought me up. I think of the dog days, my sister carried me along the street to pick up toothpaste skins in the dustbin I exchanged money to buy popsicles for me, and I asked her to eat them, but she pretended to take a sip, deliberately saying it was not tasty, and let me eat, but she swallowed secretly, and the sweat on the tip of her nose was like transparent little beans. In the evening, my dad went to work the night shift. My sister patted me to sleep. I called her Mom, and she cried with tears all over her face. I also thought of my dad. My dad is a worker. He works the night shift in order to earn extra night shift fees. After work in the daytime, he goes out to pull the scooter after a short sleep. When he comes back from pulling the scooter, he is so tired that he can’t straighten up, but every time he enters the house, he has to give me and my sister Each of us stuffed a jelly bean in our mouths, my sister and I seemed to own the whole world with jelly beans in our mouths, my father would just sit silently on the small bench and watch me and my sister, smiling, sometimes weeping while smiling Come." Tears glistened in Heitou's eyes, and he pretended to drink water to stabilize his emotions.Cheng Tieshi felt sour in his heart, and he tried to hold back, not daring to speak, for fear that if he spoke, he would burst into tears.Zhao Yalan's face was already full of tears, and she couldn't stop wiping her face. "By the way, I still thought about Brother Cheng and your family at that time. I remembered that Cheng's mother cooked something delicious. If I didn't eat it, she would ask you to bring it to me. At noon, she would hang on the window sill I yelled 'Heitou, it's time to eat!' just like I am also a child of your family. Before I died, I was thinking about it like watching a TV series, almost going through the events and people. , thinking about it, whether it is real or imaginary, even I can't figure it out. Gradually, the moon is getting closer and closer to me, or I am getting closer and closer to the moon, and my brain seems to be separated from my brain. Body, I seem to be in the air, I can see the pitch-black earth, I can see half of my body buried in the ground, I think, it seems that I am really dead, if this is the case, I can still see everything after death , I can hear it, but it’s nothing to be afraid of. Later, I don’t know anything about it.” Zhao Yalan wiped away the tears on her face, and asked afterward, "Then what happened after that?" The black head said: "Then it was dawn and the sun woke me up. When I saw it, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was blue and blue. I bit my tongue, and it hurt. I knew I was still alive, and I immediately regained my strength. I struggled." After a while, I finally crawled out of the sand. I thought, I ran along the direction of the wind, and the wind was blowing from the northwest. If I walked northwest again, I would definitely be able to return to the labor camp. After I determined the direction, I started Walk northwestward, crawl if you can’t walk, and sleep for a while if you can’t crawl. Surrounded by the Gobi Desert and sand dunes, I can’t find a single person. If I can’t return to the labor camp, I will definitely die. I have already died once. Can I die again? When I was thirsty or hungry, I chewed red willow sticks and camel grass roots. After walking like this for two days, I met the search team in the team. It was fruitful, and I stayed in the hospital for a month, and with the approval of my superiors, those who voluntarily returned to the team after running away from the black sandstorm would have their sentence reduced once." Zhao Yalan said, "Brother Blackhead, what did you do that got you sentenced to ten years in prison?" Heitou smiled wryly but did not answer, Cheng Tieshi said: "Your brother Heitou's sentence is similar to the last time he saved you. He did what is right, but he overdid it." Xing Xing kept saying, "Brother Blackhead, are you a hero? It's an honor to be sentenced." The black head said: "What is the glory? Let you stay in the prison for eight years, and you will know the taste of the glory. Alas, my life is really hard." Zhao Yalan said: "People say that the first half of life suffers and the second half enjoys happiness. Don't worry, you will be rich and powerful in the second half of life." Heitou said: "If I become really rich, I will hire you as a babysitter, washing clothes, cooking and serving me every day." Zhao Yalan said: "Now you didn't hire me, didn't I wash your clothes, make tea and serve you every day? I almost didn't cook, it's not that I don't do it, it's that the place you live in has no conditions." Speaking of this, her face suddenly flushed The crimson of the girl secretly took a peek at Cheng Tieshi, Cheng Tieshi pretended not to see him, but secretly smiled in his heart. As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. Cheng Tieshi can see clearly the relationship between the black head and Zhao Yalan.When the three of them are together, they talk and laugh, and are easy-going and natural.When the two of them are alone together, the black head and Zhao Yalan show restraint and shyness in the intimacy. Zhao Yalan will give the black head a tie and a shirt from time to time, and gradually decorate the black head with style from the outside.When going out, I often remind blackheads that the shirt is not tucked in, or the trousers are not flattened.Heitou coughed twice, and she bought Kechuanning and Contac without saying a word, and forced Heitou to eat it.In Cheng Tieshi's impression, Heitou is a careless person, but now he also knows how to buy lipstick, collar flowers and other small items as gifts.Two days ago, Cheng Tieshi brought back a bicycle basket quietly, and Cheng Tieshi asked him why he bought it. He said that Zhao Yalan's bicycle did not have a basket, and it was inconvenient to pack a schoolbag or go shopping on the street. lump. If Heitou and Zhao Yalan can make it, Cheng Tieshi is of course happy, but after all, he and Zhao Yalan have known each other not long ago, and he has worked as a dance hall lady. There is no job at all, so it's okay to hang out with blackheads for a while, but how can you hang around forever in the long run?Heitou is the kind of person who is easy and unfeeling, but once he is really emotional, he can do something to die for love, which Cheng Tieshi firmly believes. "Brother Cheng, you haven't slept yet?" Heitou came back, his eyes were bright, his face was glowing, and he could tell he was in high spirits at a glance. "Send it back?" "Ok." "Where does she live?" "City Hall Street." "What's the house number?" "I don't know, every time I send it to the intersection, she asks me to come back, and I come back." Men in love are the stupidest, Cheng Tieshi is even more convinced that this sentence is the truth, and the blackhead in front of him is an example. "You are really careless. You have known her for so long and sent her off so many times. You don't even know where she lives." "Never mind her, she will know when she should know, and it's useless to know when she shouldn't." Cheng Tieshi got under the covers, smoked in bed, washed his face and brushed his teeth with blackheads.Cheng Tieshi said: "I got in touch with Dr. Wang and made an appointment to go to his house tomorrow morning." Heitou said, "Did he talk about the progress of the matter?" Cheng Tieshi said: "He didn't say much on the phone, and we will meet tomorrow for a detailed discussion." After washing, the blackheads slipped into the bed, silently, as if thinking about something, suddenly asked after a while: "Brother Cheng, what do you think of Zhao Yalan?" Cheng Tieshi knew what he meant, and also knew the weight of his words in Heitou's heart, so he thought carefully for a while before saying: "You have nothing to say, and it's not bad to be friends. If you get married and live together, you have to get to know him better." The black head let out an "um" and stopped talking.Cheng Tieshi stubbed out the cigarette butt and heard Heitou tossing and turning on the bed next door. He knew that Heitou would definitely suffer from insomnia tonight. ten The night before last night, Dr. Wang slept soundly until late at night, only to wake him up when the door was knocked loudly.Looking at the watch, it was already past nine o'clock, and while climbing up, he shouted outside: "Who is it? Here it comes!" "Brother Wang, it's us." Hearing that it was Heitou, the doctor pulled the slippers and opened the door. When he saw Cheng Tieshi and a lady behind Heitou, Doctor Wang, who was only wearing briefs, was in a panic and said, "Wait a minute, I'm sorry." .” Bian hurried back to the bedroom to get dressed. Zhao Yalan came to the hotel early in the morning and brought soy milk and fried dough sticks to Cheng Tieshi and Heitou.After washing up and having breakfast, when they heard that Cheng Tieshi and Heitou were leaving, Zhao Yalan prepared to go with them as usual.Cheng Tieshi is going to discuss business with Dr. Wang today, and thinks it's inappropriate to bring along Zhao Yalan, but she said that your friends are also my friends, so why not let me get to know each other?You talk about your business, I just don't interrupt.Heitou said, "Just go, what are you doing talking about so many reasons, no one said that you won't be allowed to go." Zhao Yalan glared at Cheng Tieshi coquettishly: "Although he didn't say anything, Brother Cheng's expression shows that he doesn't want to take me there. You two don't know what you're going to do if you leave me. If you don't let me go, go." Cheng Tieshi had nothing to say at the moment, so he could only follow her.Sure enough, as soon as he entered the door, the reckless owner was in a hurry.Dr. Wang was fully dressed and washed his face before he came to the living room and sat down. He pointed to Zhao Yalan curiously: "This lady is..." Heitou didn't talk to him, so Cheng Tieshi could only say, "It's our friend, Zhao Yalan, Miss Zhao." Zhao Yalan was also generous, grinning at Dr. Wang, and nodded: "Hello, Brother Wang, I have heard Heitou tell Brother Cheng about you a long time ago." Dr. Wang glanced at Cheng Tieshi, then at Heitou, he hesitated to speak, his face was full of confusion, and Heitou nodded to him, indicating, "Speak up if you have something to say, it doesn't matter." Cheng Tieshi was afraid that Zhao Yalan would see the secret communication between Dr. Wang and Heitou. She was embarrassed, so he took a sneak peek at her. She was just looking around at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall and the decorations in the room as if nothing had happened. The well-groomed suit and skirt showed elegance, and Zhao Yalan in front of him made Cheng Tieshi hard to imagine what she would look like as a lady sitting on the stage. Dr. Wang went to boil water and make tea again, and after working for a while, he began to explain the situation to Cheng Tieshi.In fact, Cheng Tieshi also knows the general situation of these situations that Dr. Wang talked about, but it is not as specific and systematic as Dr. Wang's grasp.What he is most eager to get is the answer, the method and way to break through the deadlock and find a way out.After Dr. Wang introduced all the information he had, it finally boiled down to one question: By what method, the serious problems in the trial process of this case should be reflected to the relevant parties, and the relevant parties should take effective measures to intervene and correct the case? Mistakes in trial. Dr. Wang said: "If you want to talk about the law, I can do it. I can take care of everything from appearing in court to defending and representing in litigation. When it comes to official relations, it is indeed my weakness. I have been thinking about it all night. I have no relatives and friends who are high officials. The high official's secretary doesn't even know any of them." Heitou said: "My father, my uncle, or my uncle's uncle is an official, but unfortunately there has never been smoke in my ancestor's grave, and there is no one in the three generations of the family who is an official." Cheng Tieshi also racked his brains to find a way to find a relationship, but in the Northeast, apart from Blackhead, now he met Dr. Wang, and Zhao Yalan, they can barely be regarded as friends, and other relationships are not related at all.If there was such a relationship, he wouldn't be where he is today. Dr. Wang scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "When I was a lawyer and represented others in litigation, what I hated the most was finding some officials to intervene in the trial of the case through my relationship. People who flirt, flirt, seek relationships, and cheat as lawyers, but now I really want to have such a relationship, and I really complied with the sentence: If you have a son, don’t laugh at being a thief, and if you have a daughter, don’t marry Han." Cheng Tieshi said: "No way, let's continue to write complaint letters." Dr. Wang said: "Don't be naive. Chinese people don't know how many complaint letters they write every day, but how many of them can really be seen by the Lord? Why do you have so many offices, letters and visits rooms, and research rooms? Isn't it just for these Was it stamped and typed back on the letter? The background of your case is complicated, and relying on the formal official documents of letters and visits won’t do anything.” Cheng Tieshi thought about it, it was indeed so.He didn't know how many letters he had written after the case was transferred, didn't they all disappear? "No way, let's print the materials into leaflets and distribute them all over the street." Heitou came up with an idea. "That's against the law. Any policeman can detain you. Why do you want to file a lawsuit?" Dr. Wang poured cold water on Heitou head-on. Cheng Tieshi was silent, he smoked desperately, and really had thoughts of despair.His emotions affected Heitou, who said angrily: "Since there is no justice in this society, why don't you just make a bomb and blow up that shitty bank? I don't believe no one cares if the bank is blown up." Dr. Wang said: "If the bank is blown up, someone will definitely take care of it, but they will definitely take care of you, not the bank. Forget it, don't say useless words, we should discuss a more feasible way to be serious." At this time, Zhao Yalan, who had been sitting on the sidelines and listening to their conversation, suddenly asked, "Is it okay to find Zhao Shiduo? Isn't he a big official?" The black head asked: "What does Zhao Shiduo do?" Dr. Wang said: "Zhao Shiduo is the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee. It would be great if he could intervene in this matter. Is he in charge?" Zhao Yalan said excitedly: "If he can do what he says, I can find him." The black head said, "Does he know you or do you know him?" Zhao Yalan said, "He is my uncle." Heitou laughed and said, "You didn't drink any alcohol today, why are you still talking drunk?" Cheng Tieshi also found it absurd, if Zhao Yalan's uncle was really the Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, how could she be a lady sitting on the stage, earning money by selling her youth and personality?Is there really such a strange thing in the world that the niece of the Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee is the lady sitting on the stage? Zhao Yalan became anxious, and stomped her feet and said, "Zhao Shiduo is not Chairman Mao, what's the big deal? I wouldn't pretend to be his niece in front of you, this kind of thing is no fun." 黑头还要跟她斗嘴,程铁石说:“黑头你别捣乱,听雅兰说。” 博士王也惊诧的问:“你是赵世铎的侄女?” 赵雅兰说:“是呀,我就住在他家么。” 黑头已经愣住,从上到下打量赵雅兰,象是不认识这个人似的,半晌说了一句:“原来我们赵小姐还是大官家的娇小姐啊,今后可再不敢让你给我洗袜子了,洗洗衣服就行了。” 赵雅兰气哼哼地说:“臭美,今后衣服也不给你洗了。你们也真是,我大伯不就是个大伯吗?有啥了不起?看你们的样子,好像赵世铎是我大伯我就不是我了。”停停又说:“我又没有专门瞒着你们,我也没想到他能帮上你们什么忙。” 博士王连连说:“能帮上忙,能帮上大忙。” 赵雅兰说:“咋帮?你们说我去办。” 博士王说:“我们把你刚才听到的那些事写成材料,你负责亲手递交给他就行。” 赵雅兰说:“我给他他不会在乎,他根本不把我当回事,弄不好还得骂我一通。” 黑头不高兴了,说:“刚才还说能帮忙,这回又缩回去了。” 赵雅兰有些发急地说:“我不是缩回去,我是怕我给他递材料,他当成我小孩子瞎胡闹,不重视,耽误你们的事儿。” 黑头还要说什么,博士王摆手止住了他,问赵雅兰:“那你觉得怎么办好一些?” 赵雅兰说:“我领你们去,你们有啥事当面给他说,有材料当面交给他,不是比我传递更好?” 博士王说:“那当然更好,只是你那么做方便吗?” 赵雅兰说:“自己家人有什么不方便。你们别看我大伯在电视上讲话时一本正经,官里官气的,在家还不是跟别的老头一样,该吃就吃,该喝就喝,该生气时气的没辙,该捱训的时候让我大娘照样训的老老实实。” 困扰博士王好几天的难题没想到让一个不起眼的小女孩一下给解决了,博士王浑身轻松,又充满了斗志,对赵雅兰说:“这件事可牵扯到你程哥的前途命运,你无论如何要尽心办,你放心,我们绝对合理合法,不会让你大伯违反原则,也不会让他为难,只要求他能督促下面秉公执法就行了。我这里先谢谢你了。” 赵雅兰说:“王哥你这么说我倒不好意思了,程哥跟黑头的事就是我的事,我给自己办事还用的着谢吗?” 程铁石问:“你大伯有什么爱好没有?”他心里想的是,当官不打送礼的,头一次登门拜访,又是求人家办事,空着手不像样,所以事先打听一下这位政法委书记的爱好。 赵雅兰说:“他没啥爱好,整天就是上班、开会,回到家就三件事:吃饭、睡觉、看电视。” 博士王明白程铁石的心思,说:“我们正正当当找他反映问题,不是求他开后门、拉关系,不要来那些俗套子。再说,即便是出于礼貌,给他送点东西,我觉得没办法买,他啥也不缺,太贵的咱送不起,就是送得起他也不见得敢要。太贱的拿不出手,送给他他也不会在乎,反而显得我们小器。” 赵雅兰说:“王哥说的对,啥也别买。那样反而显得见外。” 博士王看看表,说:“已经十一点半了,从昨晚到现在啥也没吃,该补充点能源了。” 程铁石说:“咱们这就去,找个好一点的饭店,我请客。” 博士王说:“我是主人,我请。” 程铁石说:“给各位添这么多麻烦,各位这么尽力仗义帮我,我请,就算给我个表示的机会。” 黑头说:“谁最有钱谁请,反正我跟赵雅兰俩白吃。” 程铁石跟博士王不再争执,各自打算吃完喝完了掏钱就是,早早就争着请客反而显得没气度。 四个人来到饭店,点了酒菜,程铁石跟博士商量着下午把已写好寄过的材料全都带过来,由两人从新拟写一份,博士王说:“这份材料的总体要求一是事实清楚,二是法律依据充足,三是语言简练,四要把话讲的重一些但又不出原则。” 赵雅兰说她回去就安排一下,这一两天准给回信。 事情有了眉目,程铁石又有了新的希望,心情开朗了许多,对黑头说:“下午我跟你王哥写材料,你陪雅兰到处走走。” 博士王说:“女孩子爱逛商店,黑头陪雅兰逛商店,算是对你的惩罚。” 黑头说:“陪她逛哪都行,可是惩罚我什么?我又没犯错误。” 博士王想了想,说:“对呀,黑头今天倒真是没有犯什么错误,那就这样,让你陪赵雅兰小姐逛商店,算是对你没犯错误的奖励。” 黑头说:“惩罚也罢,奖励也罢,反正这个商店是非逛不可,我好命苦。” 赵雅兰说:“命苦啥?你应该觉着有福,换个人陪我逛商店,论时付费我还不见得要他呢。” 博士王还想再说什么,程铁石拦住他,说:“士别三日当刮目相看,你别信黑头面上叫苦,心里乐得很呐。” 博士王是聪明透顶的人,一点就亮,马上举起酒杯,说:“来,预祝黑头跟雅兰万事如意,也预祝程大哥的案子早日出头,干杯!” 他的这个祝酒辞既有重点,又面面俱到,谁也没法不喝,四只酒杯碰的脆响,四杯酒喝了个杯底朝天。
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