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Chapter 15 Chronicles of Baimao Ridge.3

i love bill 王安忆 4905Words 2018-03-19
Then we sent her back and picked up the second one.The second one was sitting under the eaves embroidering, wearing a pair of large-frame glasses with deep myopia, rolled up his trouser legs, lowered his head and embroidered a few more stitches before getting up and taking an umbrella to follow us.She is short and has a strange face, and I don't think she is pretty or charming at all.On the way, she bent down twice to roll up her trouser legs, and the umbrella let the wind blow away a few steps. I waited for her to straighten up, thinking: What kind of story can she tell me! As soon as we walked in the door, we apologized to her for delaying her quota.She said it doesn't matter, the quota is actually appropriate.But what about everyone complaining?we say.She smiled and said: That's because they are too stupid, these people can't afford a lawsuit!Because it was the first time we heard such a statement, we couldn't help laughing.Her voice is nice, a little crisp, and her tone is very humorous.Why did you come in?we ask.The first time, pickpocketing; the second time, prostitution; the third time, probably about human trafficking——she said unhurriedly, and we laughed again, feeling very happy, as if we had found a good conversation partner.Without us asking any more, she told the story from the beginning: her mother is a Burmese - that's why she looks a little strange, when she was very young, her father and mother went together Hong Kong, leaving behind the children, she is the youngest sister.The story should have started in the middle of the Cultural Revolution. At that time, she had been transferred from the countryside of Jiangxi to a cultural troupe in a small county town, where she sang, danced, and sometimes acted in small plays.Once, before the Spring Festival, she took a boat back to Shanghai for the festival. When the boat arrived in Wuhu, a group of boys came up and sat opposite them.After coming up, they started telling jokes.When they said this, didn't they want to laugh?she says.Well, just like that, she met her first man and got married after they met. This man was on a farm in Wuhu. After getting married, neither of them went back and lived in Shanghai all the time.Not long after, her husband was suddenly arrested. Only then did she know that this was the second time her husband had been sentenced for theft.The farm where he lived was the place where he was left after serving his sentence for the first time.And she's pregnant.So, from then on, every time she came to visit, she took a long-distance bus to the farm with her big belly and big bags.Later, he carried his son on his back, and his son grew up at one and two years old.At this time, she also started stealing things, and stealing things became the source of life for their mother and son.Finally, her husband returned to Shanghai after serving his sentence, she thought, living like this is not a long-term solution after all!When the mother came back from Hong Kong, she also felt that her little daughter's life was not satisfactory, so she decided to arrange a Hong Kong visit for her.When she received her passport, her husband went to the police station to report her theft. Her passport was confiscated and she was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp.After returning to Shanghai after being released from teaching, the two people's household registrations were moved back to Shanghai, and they also had jobs, and lived a peaceful life.One day, she came home early due to a work-related injury, but saw her husband lying on the bed with one of her little sisters, and the two made a big fuss, smashing everything in the house that could be broken, resulting in a divorce.When she returned to her natal home, the house had been divided by her brothers and sisters, so she could only build a bed board in the kitchen for shelter.Brothers and sisters come in and out early in the morning and night, and they inevitably have to be sarcastic. They are all outstanding people and have maintained their progress in the work unit. It is really ashamed to have such a younger sister, but this younger sister lives back again.Life at home was difficult, so she went to the street, what did she do on the street?To cut a punch, to cut a punch is to coax single men into entertaining them for dancing, drinking coffee, eating, and so on.Those who can "cut" often lose everything, and those who can't "cut" will lose themselves.You know, in this world, everything is missing, that is, there is no shortage of "punch". She said that during the process of her narration, one of us often couldn't hold back and asked eagerly: What happened afterwards?What happened?The other would stop her even more anxiously: Don't make noise, just listen to her!She also said: Listen to me!Then he continued unhurriedly, a very talented narrator.When she was "cutting the head", she met a young man who fell in love with her and couldn't leave her anymore, but she thought it was impossible because the boy was six years younger than her.No matter what, put him away first, and then continue to cut her "punch".The boy still fell in love with her, followed her, and finally moved her.The two of them, plus her son, form a family of three.Life is hard, living off fish sales.Because she felt that the matter with her ex-husband was embarrassing in the factory and she couldn't go back, so she quit her job.In the cold winter, the life of selling fish is very difficult.She finally fell ill.While she was convalescing, the boy suddenly became rich. He went out every morning and brought hoofs, soft-shelled turtles, and hens back at night, and cooked soup for her to drink.She asked where the money came from, and he said that business was good today.But she understood what was going on in the business, and asked further, only to find out that he had gone to touch someone's wallet.He assured her that he would stop working when she recovered from her illness, and she worried about him every day, and nothing happened at last.At this time, she met her former husband again, who was still unmarried and had become a seasoned pimp.He introduced business to her and organized prostitution in the south. Later, when things were revealed, he was sentenced for the second time, and she was sentenced to labor camp for the second time.As for my business, that's it!she said finally.We were all fascinated by her experience and eloquence, I thought: She is a smart person!As if it has been thoroughly understood, it tells this miserable and dark story so vividly and wittily.She always had that self-deprecating tone, like a writer writing about his childhood, how many thrilling things are hidden in her teasing tone, which makes people laugh, but dare not think about it.We laughed constantly, and she was very proud of the effect of her narration, but she kept her expression down.We asked her again how the boy who was six years younger than her was doing.She said that he lived with her son, who called him "uncle", and "uncle" couldn't control him no matter how old the son was, because the son was disobedient.Sometimes he is asked to "release cigarettes" but he refuses (to release cigarettes is to sell foreign cigarettes).Sometimes I went to "release cigarettes", but the capital and interest were swept away together.She wrote to her son and said, "You can't treat my uncle like this. Uncle is bitter. The bowl of rice that "puts smoke" is not very tasty. If you encounter the police, if you don't collect it quickly, you will have to confiscate it."She also wrote a letter to ask her neighbor if her uncle was good to her son. The neighbor said, "Hello uncle, that's the only way my uncle treats his son well!"We said that this young man treats you very well!Yes!She said, he treated me very well!As soon as the note to visit relatives was mailed, the person arrived a few days later, in large and small packages.He will come again in a few days, if you don't go back to Shanghai, you can see him.Our captain said: Why does he treat you so well?I see you are not good!I said: I don't know either, you can ask him yourself!He wrote a letter half a month ago saying that his son had pried the cupboard door, stole the money and his uncle's suit, and disappeared somewhere.We asked, the son can already wear his uncle's suit!Ah, my son is very tall and very beautiful. When he was a child, he was picked up by the dance team of the Opera House. He couldn't bear the hardship and escaped back.Sooner or later, this brat will eat the food of the people's government.That's fine, I also hope that he will come to eat the food of the people's government. When we asked what "eating the food of the people's government" meant, she said it meant to eat a lawsuit, which is what she said here.

Since then, we have to ask every evening whether her big boy has come to visit. Every afternoon, the farmer’s tractor will send the visiting family members, but there is no young man until we leave. When we broke up with her, we found her attractive.Her appeal lies in her intelligence.However, if she is so intelligent and insightful, why would she go on such an unwise path?She was obviously not driven by vanity, the man on the Yangtze River would not give her any vanity.Everything happened because of this encounter on the Yangtze river ship. If she hadn't met this man, what would she be like today?What attracted her to this man?She always said that he can tell jokes, is it an important talent to be able to tell jokes?She is also very good at telling jokes, and there are many witty remarks in the conversation.She has a knack for making people happy, which is what makes her attractive.This ability to make people happy was probably what attracted her to the man.We returned to the team headquarters with satisfaction, and the captains said: "Let's talk to her again!" Every time the reporter came to visit, she was sent to talk, and every time the task was successfully completed, everyone was happy.All the labor camps were willing to live in the same room with her. Although she never made small reports, she was never reported by others. She could also talk back to the captain.She never quarreled with people, and no one dared to bully her, and she made people very happy.She made everything run smoothly and evenly.She also pleases everyone.I think this is roughly what she said: eat enough to sue.And many people can't eat it.What is the lawsuit?It means "eat the food of the people's government".

In any case, the people in the third squadron have been in the sea after all. Compared with other squadrons, they are indeed "affordable" to sue. At noon, the rain stopped, and the sun came out, shining on the tea forest, a piece of oily green, and the rolling hills with a touch of black, this scene is beautiful.We put away the umbrella and sent her back to the No. 3 Squadron for dinner. There was a girl publishing the newspaper in front of the newspaper column. She called her "Juanjuan" and told us that Juanjuan's boyfriend is an Englishman in London; Juanjuan this time " "Second entry into the palace" is also an injustice lawsuit. She was in a guest room of a big hotel, and a foreigner wanted to make out with her, but she refused. When she was arguing, the police rushed in.She still hasn't admitted it yet, God knows what's going on.Juanjuan is good-looking, tall and fit, with a very generous temperament, and her handwriting is correct.

In the afternoon, we also interviewed a girl who yelled that she was wronged. Even the captains were puzzled by her affairs.At the age of twenty-seven, this was the third time she came to Baimao Ridge for prostitution, and there was only two months between the second and third time.It is said that when she returned home after her second labor camp, she really decided to start a new life.She decided to do some department store business, and soon after returning to Shanghai, she went to find a way out, and was introduced to contact some self-employed department store owners.One day, they negotiated a deal, and a self-employed person invited her to a hotel, and then they had a relationship.Afterwards, the man was arrested because of other women's crimes, and she also confessed to her. When the organizer found her to confirm the statement, she denied it with a very strong attitude and ignored it.The organizer summoned her again and again, but she refused to admit it again and again, but she panicked in her heart. She thought: What will happen if this matter is revealed?The matter is only this one, but she has a criminal record, will she be sentenced ten times at a time?There are many such examples!At this time, Bai Maoling took her squadron leader to study in Shanghai, and went to see her at her home. Seeing her frowning, she asked her what was the matter, and she said that she had encountered such a trouble.The captain immediately went to the undertaker to find out the situation. The undertaker said that we were not trying to mess with her, but only hoped that she could cooperate, confirm the confession, and close the case of that person, and hoped that the captain could help with the work. The meaning was brought to her, and she explained the matter the next day.Unexpectedly, she was sentenced to three years. The team leader said that during the first two labor camps, she was relatively quiet, with a gentle attitude, not too quarrelsome, and had considerable self-control.But this time it was very different. She wanted to commit suicide several times, got into fights with others, and her personality became very violent. The captains said to her: We will also tell you the truth. You should fight us.If you are dissatisfied, you can write a complaint again. If you can’t write it yourself, we will write it for you.But she cried and said that she didn't write a complaint, she didn't believe that there was any justice in this world, this society was against her, and it never planned to give her a way out. Liar!She is going to go out anyway, and after she gets out, she will do bad things again anyway, and she will go against this society anyway!

When she came to us, she cried after three sentences. She said that she hated the society, the world, and everyone. She has no hope anyway, so just wait!Her hair is cut short, she wears a white dress and a white dress, she is of medium height, well-proportioned and strong, her temperament seems to be relatively delicate, she really looks like a girl on Huaihai Road.Her family lives on Huaihai Middle Road. Among the many brothers and sisters, she and her younger sister are the best, but her younger sister is dead.Speaking of her sister, her tears were like broken beads, and she cursed her father through gritted teeth, saying that her father had killed her sister.During her first or second reeducation through labor, her father suspected that her sister was doing the same thing as her, so he took the initiative to send her to a work-study school. The girl later committed suicide.She said: My younger sister is a very honest and good girl. She is a three-good student in school and has excellent homework. How can she go to a place like a work-study school?I can't spare my father, I hate him, his serious look makes me sick!Thinking of the past, she wept unceasingly, full of despair.She blamed society for making her so hopeless.She said that when she was eighteen years old, she was arrested for the first time, and her hair was cut off as soon as she entered. Since then, she has no self-esteem and hope.After she came this time, she didn't want to send money or a note to visit relatives. We said, should we go to your house to see your parents and let them come to see you!She said: No, no, I can't let my mother come. She is over 60 years old and not in good health.If—her tears stopped suddenly—if my mother was gone, I would ask my father to visit me, and I would ask him to come every three months, and let him carry here and there, big bags and small bags, Getting in and out of the car, and then taking a farmer's tractor, and running in the wilderness, she imagined the scene maliciously, and she burst into tears.Later, she gradually calmed down and said goodbye to us standing at the door. The sun after the rain shone on her, and her white dress and skirt seemed to be transparent. She looked very pure.We asked her to live in peace since she came here, and to spend the past few years in peace. After we return to Shanghai, we will definitely help her appeal. She said it was useless, and we are very confident that he said we will try.Then, she left.

Another tractor arrived, and there was a rumbling sound from afar, and there was a lot of noise in front of the door.Not long after we returned to the house, the door was violently knocked open. A man in his thirties carried a big snakeskin bag, leaned in and said, "Where's the captain?"Backed out again. In the evening, we saw this man with a snakeskin bag sitting in the backseat on the car returning to the field. Beside him was a gray-haired, stout old man and a handsome six-year-old boy, very lively. Kneeling on the car seat, looking out the window at the muddy road after the rain, the sunset was gorgeous, the old man's face was very gloomy, while the man looked depressed, but he patiently answered the child's curious questions.Who are they?

After getting off the bus, I saw the man and the old man walked into our guest house with their children and checked in at the service desk. I was very curious. I pretended to read a bus timetable and waited for the opportunity to talk to them. I saw a The name of the station is "cypress store", which reminds me of the lonely cypress tree on the hill, wandering in our field of vision.They didn't seem to have a smooth deal with the waiter, and both sides were impatient and impatient.While the man was negotiating, the old man was prowling in front of the store, full of anger, like a trapped animal, while the child was squatting on the ground playing his own game.After finally completing the formalities, the three of them walked into the room at the end of the corridor, dragging the huge snakeskin bag.Finally unable to speak, I had to leave regretfully and went to the dining room for dinner.

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