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Chapter 108 one zero seven

last lover 残雪 2299Words 2018-03-19
Vincent and the Five Dragons Tower (6) There were no lights outside, no stars in the sky, it was a deep night.The white tiger could be vaguely seen wandering around.For the first time in days, Joe remembered Maria, and remembered himself as a man with a wife and a family.On some plateau so far to the east a part of his lost memory loomed dimly.He remembered the busy and fulfilling little days he and Maria lived in City B.They run a restaurant that serves western specialties.Their son is a long-distance truck driver who has been driving on highways in other provinces for many years.Joe said to himself, "What a wonderful family life." He saw steam in the kitchen, the dining room outside was full of guests, and the strong smell of fried shrimp was everywhere.Maria stooped to look for something in the pantry, then she straightened up and went up to Joe and asked, "Joe, have you got the shrimp seasoning ready yet?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the white tiger flashed in front of his eyes.Joe cried like a child. He returned to the hotel, lay down on the musty-smelling quilt, and fell asleep peacefully. He woke up once in the middle, looked at the yellowed wallpaper on the hotel wall, and briefly flashed this question in his mind: Has the turnover of that bookstore really increased?Then he quickly fell asleep again. Vincent was inside the tower, which was pitch black, and he heard the man walking down.The man probably fumbled step by step, walking with great difficulty.Vincent imagined the fear in his heart, and unconsciously clenched his fists.He stopped for a while, probably because a step was loose, and Vincent remembered the loud noise in the tower earlier.Maybe that section has fallen off and there's a big gap between the steps.Could it be that the white-haired old man's physical strength has been exhausted?He looked so frail, and he was really old.But he started to move again, and his steps were getting closer and closer. Did he have wings to fly through the gap?Or is there no gap at all?

The sound of footsteps was right in front of him, but the old man never met him.Maybe the footsteps are ringing in my heart?What is in the white light on the top?Vincent never went up, because in his dream, the old man in the fishing village told him clearly: "You can't go to the top of the tower." Last week, a beautiful wolf died inside the tower.Vincent felt that the little wolf was exhausted, it looked very peaceful, and there were no injuries on its body.The color of his fur is very pale, almost yellowish, and he is at the age of dreams.But who removed its corpse? Vincent put his feet on the felt on the ground, trying to fall asleep.At this moment, someone outside knocked on the tower door.Vincent went to open the door, and the man brought in a smell of dew.

"The hotel is full, so I have to go back here." It turned out to be the woman in black. Vincent lay down on the blanket with her.He asked her if she heard footsteps coming down, and the woman smiled and said, "That's me. I went up and down again. Everyone who has gone up has lost weight. Do you think I am light and light? "Vincent thought, she is really light.Vincent asked her again what was on top of the tower. "You have seen all ten round holes. Lean your body out of the round holes..." She stopped talking. "What's there?" Vincent urged her to speak quickly. "I don't know," she said, "I didn't do that, and then I came down."

Vincent hugged her tightly and fell asleep.In the dream, he spent Christmas at his home in country A.It was snowing heavily outside the window, Lisa was getting the firewood in front of the fireplace, and the raging fire reflected her face like a ripe apple.She turned her face to him and asked, "Vincent, when are you going to leave?" "Tomorrow," he blurted out, "or I'll be too old." When he woke up in the morning, his eyes were blinded by the strong sunlight above. He reached out to touch the woman next to him, but the woman was not there.When he looked up again, he found that the piece of white light was moving down, perhaps not moving, but expanding.Ah, it's really expanding!After a while, the entire tower became brightly lit, and Vincent's eyes seemed to be facing the sun, unable to see anything.He felt hot and he started to sweat.The voices of the locals sounded in his ears, very vaguely.He tried to reach out, touched the edge of the blade, and drew back immediately.Someone was pulling his hand, and he grabbed it, and he felt that it was an old man's hand, wet with cold sweat.

"Yesterday the sun was still out, but today the heavy snow has blocked the road, and I can't go back. Life on the top of the Five Dragon Pagoda is equivalent to a narrow escape." He said.He was probably from Vincent's country. "And me? What is the equivalent of my life under the Tower?" "Your life is equivalent to watching a theater." He laughed a few times, then shook off Vincent's hand, turned around and went to climb those stone steps. Vincent fumbled out of the tower door.His vision was restored immediately.A clear landscape on the plateau, green grass, trees with red leaves, gray wolves running, and huts behind the woods.But these landscapes are not real.Vincent imagined that as long as he stomped hard, everything in front of him would disappear.Now he is in the beautiful and malicious scenery, and he deeply feels that only the Five Dragon Pagoda behind him is the only solid and unbreakable scenery in this scenery-and he left it .

He walked along a path on the grass that had been trodden by passers-by.He thought to himself, Gao Yuan changed his face so quickly.Originally, he was already very familiar with this area these days, but now, every plant and tree has completely changed.Is this the effect of some kind of force?Is it to make people who come here have greater devotion to Wulong Pagoda?He turned around and saw that the high tower had become a small gray triangle, just like the one of the building blocks he played with when he was a child.Maybe it was the block? Vincent walked anxiously in this false scenery, his legs trembled a little, he thought, maybe it was because he was too hungry.He asked himself, has he made up his mind?

"A long time ago, on the beach, looking at the coral island in the distance, he thought about that question. In fact, it was a question that he couldn't think about, so how did he think about it? It should be said that he didn't think about the question itself. , He just opened up a lot of channels around that issue and laid an ambush." When these few words appeared in Vincent's mind, he felt a slight heat all over his body, and energy was being produced from his thin and tired body.His footsteps gradually became steady, and he no longer felt disgusted by the false scenery around him.

At the edge of the wood was an old man who was gathering wood with a long hook for a dead branch from a tree.After Vincent walked past him, he yelled a local word towards Vincent's back.Vincent understood at once, what he shouted was: "By boat or by plane?" Vincent returned to him, but he lowered his eyes and tied his firewood with a vine, as if nothing had happened. of.The old man's big-boned, capable hands looked so familiar, and Vincent felt something die quickly inside of him, but something else grew right away. The old man carried the load of firewood to the depths of the forest, and Vincent walked towards the opposite road.

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