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Chapter 73 seventy two

last lover 残雪 1532Words 2018-03-19
Vincent goes to Las Vegas (6) Vincent frowned in disgust, and the other party noticed it immediately. "What's the use of you running here?" He raised his chin arrogantly, "You will never win her heart, because you don't know what kind of woman she is. Just take a look." , What amazing parents she has! Even our parrot doesn't like you." "But I've come, should I leave now?" "Leaving, that's the virtue of people like you, who don't stay anywhere long, have no home, only hotels. Poor Lisa, how she should regret it." "I think Lisa has completely forgotten about you," Vincent stabbed him.

"Maybe. I've also heard stories of people who go out from here losing their memories." He was silent, thinking about something.The parrot came alive again, walking around in the smoke, looking very anxious. Vincent walked over and opened the oven door, and the parrot ran out and jumped on his shoulder.This time, not only did it stop scolding him, but it also clung to his shoulders tightly as if attached.Vincent sat in the recliner and it jumped on his lap.It looked at Vincent kindly with its cloudy old eyes, and Vincent immediately felt the charm of it, but he couldn't tell what kind of charm it was.He saw the servant looking at himself in the mirror at this moment, looking very depressed, and he kept making faces in the mirror, as if trying to adjust his emotions.

"Vincent, Lisa has completely forgotten about you," said the parrot, imitating him. "Are you lonely, old uncle?" "Is Vincent lonely? If you are lonely, go to usury." Vincent laughed when he heard it.So the parrot laughed too.The parrot's laughter made Vincent unable to laugh for a while, because it was like the ghost in the ancient tomb laughing.It laughed and laughed, and all its feathers stood on end, as if possessed by a demon.Vincent wanted to push it off his lap, but at this moment the servant turned to him, as if he had read his mind, showing a cold mocking expression, and the parrot suddenly stopped talking.

"Why does it always say I'm a usurer?" Vincent asked the servant. "That's because the people who come to our gambling city are all loan sharks at heart. Look at you, you want to push away whoever makes you unhappy. This is the kind of temperament we look down on." When he said these words, the parrot was also staring at Vincent, and a cold light suddenly shot out from its cloudy eyes.It seemed to see through Vincent's internal organs, and its claws penetrated Vincent's pants and caught his flesh.Vincent felt compelled to say something at once, and what came out was: "Joyner."

Satisfied, the parrot let go of its claws, jumped to the floor, and flew from the floor to the servant's shoulder. "Joyner is the gatekeeper of the Las Vegas. After you return from here, even if you lose all your memories, you will still remember her standing in the smoke with a broom." The servant said. "I would like that too." Vincent agreed from the bottom of his heart. He could see through the windowpane that the smoke had cleared and the sky had a pleasing color, like the color of a cold sunny morning, but more beautiful than that, too beautiful real.The depression in Vincent's heart is quietly receding.He went to the steps outside the door and heard a nightingale singing. How could there be a nightingale in such a sunny day?In the garden opposite the house, a red apple fell from an apple tree full of fruit. Instead of falling directly, the apple floated slowly in the air for a while before landing gently on the blades of grass. , glowing red there like a miracle.

"Actually, it's midnight now." The servant said softly, and it turned out that he had also come out. "Listen, your car is here." Vincent heard the sound of the train approaching the station. "Should I hurry, then? But I have to see Lisa's parents." "Don't worry, the car is waiting for you to make up your mind. But I don't think you should go to see Lisa's parents. They are still dreaming underground. Don't deprive them of the happiness of old age. You go Meet Georgina." Vincent thought, he must not go to see his father-in-law out of jealousy.But what he wants to see now is Joyner. He imagines the scene of himself and the young girl standing under the beautiful apple tree and "confessing his heart", and he is a little impatient.So he bid farewell to the servant and the parrot on the servant's shoulder, and went to Joyner's hotel.In the distance, those stone mountains stopped smoking long ago, showing an extremely solemn appearance.In the past, Lisa told him that the casino is a tiny place, but it has a population of hundreds of thousands. People crowded on the street can smell each other's skin, and the casino is full of sweaty people.What caused the disappearance of the population and the collective retreat?What hidden core does the scene on the ground and underground that he sees reveal to him?

"Joyner, I love you."
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