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Chapter 55 fifty-four

last lover 残雪 1328Words 2018-03-19
Maria goes on a trip (8) Her hair fell down over her face.Maria saw that she had no shoe on one foot and a bloody gash on her ankle.She looked up with tears in her eyes. "Maria, you go home. If you don't go home, there will be no way back. What can you do here? We all make a living by raising beetles. This kind of animal does not eat or drink on the surface. It's not easy to raise them, because they rely on our efforts to survive. One day we don't like our life, they will melt in the water tank. Several relatives in Qing's family have this kind of behavior The situation, now they are all lying at home dying. The beetle is gone, they have lost their source of income, what is the point of living? Maria, you can’t like life here for a long time. Only when you grow up here People who live here will like life here. Let’s say Lila, who has been here for so many years and still can’t make up her mind.”

"I also want to see the beetles one last time. I haven't looked at them very well yet," the thought occurred to Maria. "Go to the right, let's go, maybe you'll be back at the hotel soon." Maria wandered around in the bamboo forest for a long time, until she was discouraged, and then became afraid again: Will she starve to death in the forest?When she couldn't walk anymore, she sat down against a bamboo tree and dozed off.While dozing off, someone whispered some of the sweetest love words in her ear, and called her "Little Nightingale" sensibly.

"Let's go back?" the thick-eyed taxi driver said to her when he saw her wake up. "What is this place?" she asked, rubbing her eyes. "On the edge of the bamboo forest. Look, the front is the wasteland you saw when you came here." He pointed to the right. "Oh, I didn't realize it just now! I'm thinking of going to the hotel to get my luggage." "Of course, the hotel is just ahead." Maria got into the taxi and looked at the driver uneasily, thinking he didn't look like a local. "Aren't you a resident of North Island?"

"Me? I come and go, specially picking up guests like you." After Maria entered the room and took her luggage, she stood in the living room for a while. Finally, she couldn't hold back her curiosity. She leaned over to the door to see if there was no one there, and then came back to lift the lids of the water tanks.How strange, every water tank is empty, not even water. "Your village chief Qing, I just saw him sitting in the wasteland and howling like a wolf." The taxi driver turned his back to Maria when he spoke.She found that this man had been avoiding her face to face, and she could only see the back of his head.

"He is not my village head, because I am not from here." "It's not that simple. I'll still consider him your mayor." Maria saw him secretly laughing.She pictured Qing howling like a wolf.Will the vellus hair of a wolf grow from his right face, which is beginning to rot? After the car started, the driver said to Maria: "You didn't expect me to come here, did you?" "Ah, you're Joe! How come I haven't heard your voice? You were wearing a mask? I thought you were someone else. How did you find out here?" "That Ula, she has been sending me travel brochures too. She and Qing have long been woven into my story. I told you just now that I pick up and drop off guests. I have been doing this for a long time. I always I will come here on a business trip, and Daniel will also come here in the future. Look at the two rows of egrets in the sky, how free they are!"

What Maria saw was not an egret, she saw a path of granite.With all kinds of tenderness in her heart, she laid her head on Jo's shoulder, and closed her eyes.She heard many people cheering to her, most of those voices were familiar, and then she saw the square surrounded by cypress trees, girls in kimonos, and the spring in the center of the square.She said to Joe in her dream: "Joe, I have come to your story." On the way, Maria didn't wake up. Even if Joe stopped the car to eat, she slept while eating.She felt exhausted to death. But when she got home she woke up.She saw Daniel busy in the garden, and the petite Amei was working with him.She said to Joe:

"Aren't these two a natural match?" Qiao smiled kindly and replied: "Just like the two of us back then."
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