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Chapter 41 forty

last lover 残雪 1546Words 2018-03-19
Lisa's Secret (5) "'Gu Li's business is expanding to the north. It has received three batches of orders. They are all strange customers. It is difficult to contact them. Joe will spend all his time traveling these days." Maria spoke with a very calm expression, without fussing at all.Maria's life was over long ago, Lisa thought, and now she looked like a goddess. "In Vincent's life there was an oriental woman, perhaps Japanese," Lisa said. "She lives in Building 2 on 13th Street." "So you know." "No, I don't know. I just happened to pass by there and saw the black-veiled woman coming out of the building."

"Do I belong to the kind of life Vincent has lived?" "On the contrary, I feel that you belong to his future. This means that you two will be isolated from each other, just like me and Joe. In fact, Vincent is looking for you everywhere." Coming out of Maria's house, Lisa seemed to have decided on many things, but she seemed to have decided nothing.Although she felt her steps were frivolous, she felt that every step she took fell on an invisible track. That night, when Lisa reunited with the long-lost Long March team, and when they tossed and turned like blind people in the foggy swamp, she felt a passage began to appear in her messy brain.The ghosts who had come to her room all those years ago were no more, nor were the voices of conversation in her ears.She stepped out the door, walked smoothly through the messy garden, and walked directly into the team.

"Lisa, Lisa, Vincent has been waiting for you for a long time." They said in unison, "Go and make love in the grass over there, there are zebras guarding you two there." But Lisa came to the chain bridge.Below is the stormy sea, her bare feet stepped on the swaying iron chain, she couldn't stop, because the people behind were urging her.Her feet slipped again and again, but she couldn't fall off.She heard herself calling for help, her voice drowned out by the din of the waves.The people behind are singing a strange song: "Long March, long march." Lisa finally lost control completely, her two numb hands let go of the chain, and she closed her eyes.However, she was still crossing the chain bridge between the two hills with the team, and someone was carrying her.Now she couldn't see even if she wanted to, the fog covered everything.

"Ah, you're back." Vincent said.He sat smoking his pipe in a thatched kiosk. "I've been looking for you everywhere, look, this is my umbrella. It's raining so hard, how did you walk back?" Lisa stood amidst the smoke, Vincent's long, ape-like arms around her.In a trance, she still felt that she was on the Long March.It seems that she and Vincent are cooking for everyone in the camp.The firewood was wet and choked the two of them coughing unceasingly. Lisa got up and went outside the stove to catch her breath.On the grassland under the drizzling rain, among those people sitting on the ground staggering around, she actually saw a woman in a black dress shuttle among them.She recognized the tall head and a little stiff posture at a glance.

"She, she!!" Lisa yelled incoherently. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the team will leave soon." Vincent grabbed her hands and pressed his lips to her ears, as if reassuring her. She couldn't see Vincent's face clearly, but she turned to him and said, "I don't want to go back. Let's go further together." "We've been getting farther and farther away from home." When Vincent said this, Lisa couldn't see him at all. The next thing she heard Maria was speaking behind her.When she got back to her house, she heard the driver and the cook swearing together in the restaurant.Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows.The kiosk could be seen, filled with smoke, but Vincent could not be seen.Is Vincent still in the pavilion?

"What a dark life!" Chef Bing raised his voice and sighed. "A Bing, A Bing, what a coincidence, most of my acquaintances live with the same chef." Lisa said to A Bing standing at the door of the restaurant, "Think about how attractive the title of chef is!" But Ah Bing was in a very bad mood at the moment, and he said viciously: "For people like us, life would be worse than death!" When A Bing spoke, the driver Booker showed a look of distress.They both obviously wanted to embarrass Lisa, and for what purpose?Lisa recalls the wild life of the driver Booker on the farm, and she thinks the boy is also a mystery.For example, at this moment, he actually got a military uniform from nowhere and put it on, but this military uniform is extremely inconsistent with his own lazy style.Lisa thought he was playing a clown and hated him.A person like her would not be easily embarrassed, so she sat down at the dining table to see what these two guys were up to.

As soon as she sat down, she felt so tired that she fell asleep on the dining table involuntarily.But at this time, she heard Booker talking loudly about the Long March.Lisa wanted to chime in, but her eyelids just wouldn't open.
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