Home Categories contemporary fiction Pirates of Chang'an

Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen

Pirates of Chang'an 海岩 3647Words 2018-03-18
Hong Yu slept almost all day. Shao Kuancheng heard from his mother that Hongyu only woke up in the afternoon and drank a bowl of rice porridge with a little meat floss; at night, he drank Sibao soup stewed specially for her and ate a green onion pancake.As soon as Li Jin entered the door, he said that Zhao Hongyu looked very good, better than expected, not purely to be polite and appease. When Li Jin and Zhao Hongyu were talking in the hut, Shao Kuancheng was not allowed to listen.On behalf of the team leader and the first criminal investigation team, he expressed his gratitude to Hong Yu for her important contribution to the investigation of the case, and fully affirmed the performance and role of her undercover company.Li Jin then announced that Zhao Hongyu's work could now be over, and that Zhao Hongyu had successfully completed the tasks assigned by the organization.I hope she will have a good rest, take good care of her body, and welcome her new life and upcoming studies.

Shao Kuancheng didn't know whether Zhao Hongyu was very happy to hear the praise from the organization, but he later learned that Zhao Hongyu asked Li Jin a question after Li Jin announced his decision, which surprised Li Jin! Zhao Hongyu asked: "Has the case been solved? Is it really a queen's tomb?" Shao Kuancheng later heard that Li Jin was stunned for a long time before asking back: "The Queen's Tomb... Did you hear what Shao Kuancheng said?" Li Jin originally came to announce Hong Yu's decision to quit, and to express his condolences and praise to Hong Yu. How could he have expected that tonight when the case was completely hopeless, he actually saw Zhao Hongyu in Zhao Hongyu's hut? A glimmer of light.

Zhao Hongyu didn't hear any introduction about the case from Shao Kuancheng, but she actually knew that the ancient tomb excavated by the criminals was the tomb of a queen. "Did you hear it from your father?" Li Jin asked again sensitively. "I heard it from my father and a man named Yang Jiao. I was sleeping, so I couldn't hear it clearly." "Yang Mace?" The nerves on Li Jin's forehead twitched! From Li Jin's expression, Zhao Hongyu must have realized that Yang Jiao who appeared in the ward last night, and the conversation between Yang Jiao and his father, may have some important connection with this case.Last night, she was half asleep and half awake, and the conversation behind the screen seemed muddy and clear.She vaguely remembered that Yang Jiao and his father were looking at a few photos, and in the few fragments that came to her ears, it seemed that a queen's tomb was mentioned.

In any case, Li Jin's trip to the small courtyard that night had an unexpected harvest. There was actually a person who had never been included in the investigation of the Jingling robbery——Yang Jiao. Li Jin left, in a hurry. After Li Jin left, Shao Kuancheng entered Hong Yu's hut, gave her water to take medicine, wiped her face with wet wipes, and sat down to chat with her.He could tell that Hong Yu was not in a high mood, as if she had something on her mind, she asked a question and answered it, always thoughtful.This state of hers was obviously related to Li Jin.Of course Shao Kuancheng wanted to know what Li Jin had talked with Hong Yu just now.

"What's wrong?" he asked.In fact, he didn't know where to ask the question. "Nothing." She replied.In fact, she didn't know what he wanted to ask. "The case hasn't been solved, why didn't you say anything?" Zhao Hongyu was silent for a while, and asked back. "Oh," Shao Kuancheng didn't know how to explain.The Jingling robbery case changed suddenly overnight, and he didn't know how to explain, how to look forward to, or how to clarify the current situation and future prospects. "Originally, this case is over," Shao Kuancheng said in a low voice.In fact, from noon until now, Shao Kuancheng was also in a very bad mood, but he had to force himself to be happy when he went home to face Hong Yu who was ill.Now, since Hong Yu's mood is also unbearable, and he talked about this embarrassing case again, so he simply put away his smiling face, with a black line on his forehead, and said sadly: "No one thought that the cooked duck would fly away again." Who is so crazy, and there is no clue until now." After a pause, Shao Kuancheng suddenly wondered: "Didn't Captain Li come to talk to you about quitting today? Why did he tell you about the case again?"

"Captain Li didn't say anything. I asked him if the case was over, and he said it was over. He said the case had just begun, which shocked me." Shao Kuancheng muttered bitterly: "I'll go!" Zhao Hongyu couldn't help being puzzled: "Since the case has not been solved, why did you go home so early today? The team asked you to come back and take care of me?" Shao Kuancheng hesitated instinctively, and said, "I won't participate in this case." "why?" When it comes to the reason why the team withdrew Shao Kuancheng from the Jingling robbery case, Zhao Hongyu had to be involved.Their conversation then turned to the conflict that had taken place in the hut last night.Maybe Zhao Hongyu was numb at the time and seemed to be awake, so she couldn't remember the details of the conflict clearly, but when it came to whether she wanted to go back to the Wanjia Mansion or stay in this low hut, her answer made Shao Kuancheng feel uncomfortable. Calm and calm.

"If my mission is really over, I will definitely come back to live at home!" The "home" that Zhao Hongyu mentioned, of course, refers to the small courtyard she is staying in now.Shao Kuancheng was in a good mood, and he said, "Damn, I offended your father to the end to get you back! If your father knows that we are going to get married, he will kill me if he doesn't kill you!" "Then I will definitely kill you." Hong Yu said absently, "Even if my father kills himself, he can't kill me." "Let's talk about it first," Shao Kuancheng said, "We'll live in our own small courtyard after we get married, and not go to your father's big villa."

Hong Yu was still thoughtful, and after a long time in the fortress, she finally realized: "Hey, I can only honor your parents, right? Can't you honor my parents?" Shao Kuancheng couldn't help being hurt: "It's not that I don't respect him, it's that he doesn't accept me." Hong Yu seemed in no mood to argue: "My dad will accept you, as long as it's what I want, my dad will follow me." Shao Kuancheng stopped arguing, and it was useless to argue.He definitely has no confidence in whether his future father-in-law will accept his hard-working son-in-law!

But no matter what, Shao Kuancheng could finally sleep peacefully that night.The sad reminder of being reprimanded and punished by the leader disappeared after "discussing marriage" with Hong Yu.He slept without nightmares until dawn the next day, until his mother woke him up. His mother told him nervously: "Your team has come again, looking for Hong Yu." He rolled up from the bed, with a suspicious expression on his face: "Our team? Looking for Hong Yu? So early?" He hurriedly put on his trousers and ran to Hong Yu's hut without washing his face.When I opened the door, I saw Inspector Jing and another police officer talking to Hong Yu. When he came in, Inspector Jing stopped and explained to him:

"Yesterday, Hong Yu reported some situations to Team Li. The situation is very important. Team Li asked us to hurry up and make a record." Shao Kuancheng was stunned and said "Oh". That morning, Shao Kuancheng helped his mother bring tea and water to Inspector Jing and the two of them, and also brought breakfast to Hong Yu.The sumptuous breakfast was highly appraised and highly praised by Inspector Jing, who said that it was no wonder that Hong Yu stayed in her father's mansion and insisted on coming back here to suffer poverty. It turned out that the breakfast here is so warm and delicious!

Shao Kuancheng's mother was very happy, and kept asking Inspector Jing and the others: Have you eaten?If you don't eat it, I'll make it for you right away.Detective Jing and the others said repeatedly: Eat, eat, thank you, thank you! Detective Jing brought someone over to take notes, which was a routine job in criminal investigation, and Shao Kuancheng didn't take it seriously.That day he went to work as usual, got off work at that time, and had dinner with Hong Yu as usual in the evening, feeling that life was so happy.After two days of porridge and soup, Hongyu's stomach can already eat some meat and custard.At the dinner table, Shao Kuancheng's mother talked about Hongyu's father coming again this afternoon, and still wanted to take Hongyu away, so she teased Shao Kuancheng's troubles that had been left behind. The mother nagged, "Her dad stayed here chatting until five o'clock before leaving. I still kept him for dinner, but he didn't. In fact, the food I cooked was no worse than what he ate in the big hotel." Shao Kuancheng turned to Hongyu and asked, "Your father still wants to pick you up?" Hong Yu sullenly ate, and said, "Yes." Shao Kuancheng asked again: "Why didn't you leave?" The mother said angrily: "Your child is sick! Hong Yu don't talk to him, he is sick!" Shao Kuancheng asked Hong Yu again: "Then why did you talk for so long?" Hong Yu replied: "Just talk about how these years have been. He also talked about my mother. He asked my mother about these years." Shao Kuancheng lashed out angrily, "He didn't want you at the beginning, why does he care about you now?" Hong Yu raised her head and said, "Didn't you persuade me not to hate my dad back then? Didn't I listen to you?" Shao Kuancheng argued strongly: "I didn't make you hate your father, I'm talking about historical facts." Hong Yu said: "Is it interesting to talk about things in history? Anyway, I know that my father and mother love me, so that's enough. My father is a career-oriented man. At the critical moment of his career, he gave up for more important things. Love is also understandable." Shao Kuancheng made a BS statement: "What is more important than fame and wealth! You won't be like your father, right? When you encounter a critical moment in your career in the future, you don't want your family and dump us all." In front of Shao Kuancheng's parents, Hong Yu was inconvenient to fight back forcefully, so she pretended to be weak and said: "Then it's okay if I don't get married? Is it okay if I pretend to be dead?" Shao Kuancheng beat him up: "Look, you get anxious when you talk about it." Hong Yu said: "I can't live through this day. I'll talk to my dad about the family life and you're still so restless. Is there any way for me to survive?" Shao Kuancheng's father intervened to educate his son: "You can learn from your father. After I met your mother, I was not jealous of who she wanted to chat with. Your mother liked to chat with men at that time, asking for fans everywhere. Seeking attention." Shao Kuancheng's mother retorted: "You are excellent, you are confident, okay. Who do I like to chat with! Feel your conscience, besides serving you and me all these years, how can I have any free time? Who do I chat with? !" As usual, the atmosphere in Shao's small courtyard at night was casual and relaxed. Although the relatives occasionally talked harshly, they never forgot to coax each other when they quarreled with each other. Before dinner was finished, someone rang the doorbell.The bright ringing of the doorbell made Shao Kuancheng frightened.Recently, almost every time the bell rang at night, it was not auspicious. He thought it was Zhao Hongyu's father who came again, but to his surprise, the person who came was Captain Li Jin. Accompanied by the old well. A day or so later, Li Jin and Lao Jing visited Shao's small courtyard twice, which was indeed extraordinary.Shao Kuancheng couldn't help being uneasy, all kinds of uneasy, with faint irritability and dissatisfaction on the outside. Li Jin still came to look for Hong Yu, and after a brief greeting with Shao Kuancheng's parents, he and Zhao Hongyu moved to Hong Yu's hut to talk.When Shao Kuancheng went in to deliver tea, they stopped talking and waited for him to go out in silence.Shao Kuancheng had no choice but to withdraw embarrassingly.It is estimated that they still want to talk about the Jingling robbery case. He is no longer a working member of the case, and of course he has no right to attend. Shao Kuancheng returned to the living room, his heart was very tangled, his face was covered with black lines, and he was restless.More than half an hour passed, and he saw Li Jin and Lao Jing coming out of Hongyu's house from the window, so he went out with his parents to say goodbye to Li Jin, and said politely at the door. After sending Li Jin away, Shao Kuancheng went to Hong Yu's house first.Hong Yu sat alone on the bed, silent and preoccupied. Shao Kuancheng asked: "What did Captain Li talk to you about, or that case?" Hong Yu said, "Well, let's ask about my dad meeting Yang Jiao." Shao Kuancheng hesitated for a moment and said, "They...don't plan to ask your father directly?" Hong Yu said: "No, I said I could ask my dad, but they said don't ask for now." Both fell silent.Perhaps Zhao Hongyu also understands the connotation of Shao Kuancheng's silence—the reason why Li Jin didn't let Hongyu ask her father was obviously because she didn't rule out her father's "relationship" with Yang Qie, or at least, it is still not certain that Professor Wan Yu Jingling The robbery was completely unrelated. Of course, Shao Kuancheng couldn't explain this connotation clearly. He didn't want Hong Yu to be upset, and he didn't want Hong Yu to feel that he had a prejudice against her father, "revenge for the government"!
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