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Chapter 2 Chapter 02 The Savior Sent by Chairman Mao

long live love 黄晓阳 21176Words 2018-03-18
When Fang Zijin went to the People's Hospital for an internship, Bai Changshan was driving a car on Hainan Island. Bai Changshan landed on the island with the second batch of combat troops after the assault troops landed safely.Before the landing, the organization was still very neat, but once the truck landed on the island, everything was completely messed up.The order conveyed by the regiment headquarters to the Corps Headquarters is: move forward and pursue the enemy.But where is the front?Where is the enemy?Bai Changshan and all the car fighters were not clear about it.Since the superior told them to move forward, they stepped on the accelerator and drove forward with all their might.

Before departure, Bai Changshan suffered from dysentery. In order not to affect his participation in the battle, he asked the health worker for some medicine, and crossed the Qiongzhou Strait without telling the troops.After all, dysentery is not like other diseases. If you say you have diarrhea, you will have it. No matter how strong your willpower is, you can only endure it for a while.In order to reduce the frequency of pulling, he has not eaten or drank any water for three meals.No matter how hungry or thirsty he was, he gritted his teeth and endured it.Because I couldn't pull anything out, and because I wanted to save time, I tried desperately. After a few times, the hemorrhoids squeezed out of my body, and I sat in the cab, feeling pain in my heart when I moved.Every time he rushed forward, he had to stop, jump to the side of the road and squat for a while.After many times, he fell behind and didn't know where his comrades went.

After running for a while, I met a group of soldiers running forward. After a serious look, they were my own.Bai Changshan slowed down, poked his head out, and asked loudly, "Comrade, where is the enemy?" "It's right in front." The comrades pointed forward and said, "Why don't we get in the car and chase together." Bai Changshan stopped the car, and his comrades climbed into the car.He didn't know which unit they belonged to, but it could be seen from the clothes and the uniform carbines in their hands that this was Shino's unit.His car was quickly armed, with two light machine guns erected on the roof, and a soldier with a carbine stood beside the left and right doors, and around the car, more than a dozen comrades-in-arms were standing by with guns.The attack power of this car is therefore stronger than that of a tank.

After running for a while, Bai Changshan was about to pull again.He had to stop the car, took a few steps to the woods on the side of the road, and squatted down as soon as he pulled his pants. Hainan Island is different from the old forests in the Northeast. There are banana trees everywhere. The leaves are wide and wide. The breeze blows and twists like the waist of a beautiful woman.The moonlight that night was very good, with white flowers shining on the leaves. From a distance, it looked like a group of beauties dancing under the moonlight. After squatting for a while, when he was about to get up, Bai Changshan heard something humming not far away.He thought, could it be that his comrades were injured, or maybe the enemy's wounded soldiers were hiding?The Kuomintang often does this kind of thing. When they run away, they leave the wounded soldiers alone.In order to protect themselves, the wounded soldiers crawled to a nearby place to hide.Thinking of this, he quickly fastened his pants, pulled out his pistol, bent his body, and touched forward.

After walking dozens of steps forward, he felt something was wrong.Why is there a woman's voice in that humming sound?The woman seemed to be crying loudly and loudly, as if someone was whipping her with a whip, and when she whipped her, she screamed loudly.That's right, it must be so, isn't there still a man's panting sound?Thinking of this, Bai Changshan was furious.The whole country is about to be liberated, but there are still people who bully their class sisters?He slowly touched it, stepped forward to take a look, and was immediately dumbfounded. In the field, a man and a woman are hugging each other tightly. The man is pressing on top of the woman, and the woman's legs are lifted up, resting on the man's shoulders.Bai Changshan was stunned for a moment, he was twenty-two years old, he had never seen such a thing before.He knows that this is definitely not a good thing. If it is a couple, why not do it at home?Why did you run to this moon field?But no matter how insincere it is, that's other people's business, and I still want to fight the Kuomintang.He wanted to turn around and walk away, but just as his body moved a bit, seeing the pair in front started to move, he couldn't help it anymore, stopped and looked forward.

The man and the woman stood up together.The moonlight shone on the woman's body, making her body dazzlingly white.It was the first time he saw a woman's body, and he didn't expect women to be so different from men.The woman is curvy and exquisite, with a pair of big breasts on her chest, so the mountains there are undulating, and when she reaches her waist, she becomes slender and slender, and then begins to grow again. The curvature really seems to be carved out of something.The man pulled the woman's body, the woman shook, and the pair of round buttocks faced the man.The man pressed the woman's waist with his thick hand, and the woman bent down.The man hugged her waist and pressed her butt tightly.At that moment, the woman screamed, and her body shook violently.The moonlight shone on her body, which was particularly conspicuous.

Bai Changshan really wanted to see more.However, a car of fighters is still waiting for me.Thinking of this, he was a little reluctant to turn around.When his eyes moved, he saw a pile of clothes next to him, and there was something reflecting on the pile of clothes.bullet.His heart skipped a beat.Yes, that's the bullet.He took a closer look. Although he couldn't see it clearly under the moonlight, he was sure that it was a set of military uniform and a gun.Be good, dare to love this guy is a Kuomintang officer.Thinking of this, Bai Changshan immediately waved his pistol and jumped out.

"Don't move, raise your hands." He appeared next to the two of them in an instant, with a pistol pressed against the man's head. The woman screamed, and her body, which had been exercising violently just now, stopped.However, the pair of tits on the chest refused to stop and wobbled for a long time. Bai Changshan pointed the gun at the man while bending down, quickly checked the pile of clothes, and grabbed a pistol and some bullets.It turned out that the man was a regimental deputy of the Kuomintang, and the woman was the concubine of the regiment leader.Xue Yue gave the order to retreat, and the Kuomintang soldiers on the island rushed for their lives like a tide.Seeing that his concubine could not run away, the head of the regiment feared that he would be caught by the Communist Party if he took her with him, so he handed her over to the regiment deputy and ordered the regiment deputy to take his little wife to a safe place.The regimental deputy ran for a while with his concubine, but fell behind.The deputy of the regiment knew that he was falling behind, and he might die, so he didn't care much, so he decided to enjoy it before he died. The little wife was pushed down in the wasteland.Although the woman was not happy, she was overwhelmed by the vicious appearance of the deputy, and had no choice but to let him manipulate her.

All the PLA soldiers in the car didn't know the way, but the regimental deputy knew that he led Bai Changshan and the others to take shortcuts and run wildly all the way. Sitting in the cab, Bai Changshan stared at the road ahead, skillfully controlling the car with both hands and feet, but his mind was distracted.The shot of the regimental officer hugging the woman and violently colliding with him recurred in his mind. The pair of big breasts on the woman's chest were shaking violently, and under the faint moonlight, there was a kind of bluish-white light.The suppressed and cheerful cry echoed in his ears, stimulating the most sensitive nerves in his body.

Strange to say, when he thought about the woman's body, the pain and discomfort in his abdomen disappeared. Before dawn, they caught up with the enemy's regiment.It is said to be a regiment, but in fact there are only about one company of soldiers left.The enemy's regiment leader didn't know who was coming, and thought it was his own troops.The deputy of the regiment jumped out of the car and ordered the whole regiment to assemble. The regiment leader woke up like a dream and ordered the assembly loudly.All enemy soldiers stand still.At this time, the PLA soldiers in the car aimed all their guns at them and shouted: "Don't move, hand in your guns and don't kill!" Those enemies suddenly lost their legs and knelt on the ground.

The head of the regiment was caught and thrown into the car. After the rest of the people surrendered their guns, they were ordered to go back and report to the follow-up troops of the People's Liberation Army.Bai Changshan drove the car and continued to rush forward. Before the war, the chiefs of the Central Military Commission and Shino estimated that the battle of Hainan Island might take a month or even longer. In fact, the main battle was resolved in just eight days, and the enemy continued to pursue it for the next few days.In less than half a month, all the fighting was over.Because Bai Changshan captured a regiment deputy of the enemy army and then captured a colonel commander of the enemy, he won the second-class personal merit and was promoted to deputy company commander.Wearing the big red flower for meritorious service and the unique luster of a woman's body, he followed the army to Henan for training. Women were the one thing he thought about the most during that period.He didn't know where the woman he was destined to love for the rest of his life was at this moment. When Bai Changshan followed the troops from Hainan to Henan, Fang Zijin finished his internship in the hospital and went to the countryside with the medical team. The captain of the medical team, Liang Xiangxi, is a health worker from the People's Liberation Army.There were two other doctors in the team, Luo Xingfu, the attending doctor of surgery, and Yu Shanyao, the attending doctor of gynecology. Two of the other team members were students who had just graduated from medical university, and the other three were high school students who had just joined the revolution. The medical team went out with the stars all over the sky.It was dark, and the whole earth was still in a dream.Walking under the starry sky, the morning wind with a strong chill is blowing head-on, and the mountains in the distance are dormant, as if hiding thousands of ghosts.Fang Zijin shivered.Her dream is to go to medical school, but now she has to go to the countryside with a backpack.What does the future look like?She was a little dazed and a little scared. When we arrived at Hengxing Wharf, the sky had just dawned.Hengxing Wharf is the first gateway in the west of Zhongqu Province. Merchants on the river often start here, and the men of Zhongqu go out to venture into the world. They all start from here.The pier looked extremely crowded and messy, with human heads everywhere, and even though it was May weather, the waiting room was still filled with an unpleasant smell of leaves, smoke and sweat.The local dialect is mixed with some half-baked mandarin. Lu Qiusheng hurried in from the door of the waiting room. As soon as his figure appeared at the door, Fang Zijin noticed it.At that time, she was paying attention to all the people in military uniforms inside.Most of the people in military uniforms are men. Although they are only coarse yellow military uniforms, they show that they are extremely masculine.I used to look at the military uniforms of Kuomintang officers. Although the fabrics were very good, the tailoring was well-fitting, and the design was beautiful, I always felt that they lacked momentum.The uniforms of the Communist Party are made of coarse cotton, but they give people an indescribable sense of strength. At this moment, a man in military uniform blew in at the door like the wind.She just glanced at it out of the corner of her eye, and thought to herself: Wow, such a good military uniform is really a waste to wear on this person.Why doesn't he grow taller?Like a gust of wind can blow it down.Taking a closer look, it was clearly Lu Qiusheng. Seeing Lu Qiusheng, Fang Zijin panicked.She hurriedly stood up, quickly passed through the crowd, and squeezed into the toilet next to her.The toilets on the pier were filthy and stinky, making one suffocate.This is the second time she has walked in here today.A few minutes ago, she wanted to pee. She came once, but she didn't come in and then backed out again.She would rather hold back than step in here.This second time, she had to step in.The women's toilet in the pier is very small, with only two pits for squatting. She suppressed the feeling of wanting to vomit and waited for several minutes. Finally, when one of the pits was emptied, she stepped into it. Because there was no water to flush, the toilet pit was full of feces, and the stench was overwhelming.She wanted to run away again, but when she thought of facing Lu Qiusheng, she held it back.Fortunately, she has been holding back for a long time, and she will settle down when it comes, and solve this problem first. It was time to board the ship, and when she came out of the toilet, she was covered in an unpleasant stench.As the crowd struggled to move towards the ticket gate, she looked around and was relieved that she didn't see Lu Qiusheng.He probably didn't find her and had already left. Passing the ticket gate, she thought she was finally out of Lu Qiusheng's sight, but suddenly a voice rang above her head: Zijin!Zijin!She looked up and saw Lu Qiusheng standing on a high platform inside the ticket gate waving at her.Seeing her, his face was full of excitement, and he jumped off the one-meter-high platform all of a sudden, and rushed towards her, looking at the situation, as if he wanted to hold her in his arms.She took a few steps back unconsciously. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" he said. Fang Zijin wanted to say, is this necessary?But she didn't say anything, just looked at Captain Liang and Teacher Yu.Yu Shanyao's face was indifferent, she didn't know what she was thinking at this time.Liang Xiangxi seemed very annoyed, and shouted to her: Fang Zijin, hurry up, the boat is about to leave. Lu Qiusheng took out a Parker fountain pen from his pocket and handed it to her. "Here, keep it as a souvenir." He said, "I hope you often write to me with this pen." An ordinary fountain pen is a very high-end item, let alone a Parker pen?Fang Zijin had heard about the origin of this Parker pen.This pen was originally owned by a Kuomintang general. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, this Kuomintang general and a Communist general fought side by side, and the two climbed out of the devil's corpse together.At the time of parting, souvenirs were exchanged, and the pen was transferred to the Communist general.During the War of Liberation, the general was seriously injured. He knew that Lu Mingquan liked this pen very much, so he left his last words, hoping that his comrades in arms would donate the pen to Lu Mingquan.However, in the days of raging wars, even such a small gift was extremely difficult to deliver from the front line to Lu Mingquan, who was engaged in underground work in enemy-occupied areas.After tossing and turning the hands of several people, it finally landed in Lu Mingquan's hands.Later, Lu Qiusheng made meritorious service on the front line, and Lu Mingquan gave this pen to his son as a prize. Fang Zijin shrank his hands back, saying no, I can't take it.This is too precious. It is because it is precious that I give it to you.As Lu Qiusheng said, he forced it into her hand.Fang Zijin pushed a few times, seeing his team leader's eyes staring like a bull's-eye, he didn't dare to push any more, so he had to accept it, and hurried to catch up with his team.Give it back to him next time we meet.Thinking so, she boarded the ship. With a long whistle, the ship left Hengxing Wharf and headed upstream.Fang Zijin stood on the side of the boat, looking at the rolling waves below, imagining Lu Qiusheng looking up from the other side of the boat. Farewell, Hengxing.She said silently in her heart.For her, it was a flight, a relief.But what about him?She couldn't tell.Will this matter, like a gust of wind blowing through my heart occasionally, go away forever with the change of time and space?She clenched the fountain pen in her hand, thinking, maybe, this will become the first physical evidence of her youth. The journey of youth, the journey of love, started like this?Looking at the mountains on both sides of the Yangtze River, she was a little confused. The first stop of the medical team was Chuxiang County.In terms of origin, this is Fang Zijin's hometown.Fang Jincheng's hometown is Fangjiabazi, fifty miles upstream of Chuxiang City.From Chu Township to Fangjiabazi, there are private boats that go back and forth every few days.Every time Fang Zijin went back to his hometown with his father, he would stay here for a night or two.Knowing that his daughter was going to Chu Township to be sent to the countryside to join the medical team, Fang Jincheng applauded the Communist Party for the first time.He said, Jin baby, it seems that this party is really different from the previous party, and the Chinese people have hope.This time you go back to your hometown, if you don’t have time, forget it, if you have time, go back to Fang’s house and have a look.There is our root, and the tomb of your brother and sister's clothes, which should never be forgotten.From now on, no matter where you go, you should go and have a look if you have time, and burn some paper for your brother and sister.Zhou Yanyue said, isn't there land reform?In a few years, I don't know if the baby's grave is still there.Fang Jincheng said that the land reform is good, and the life of the poor will be easier after the land reform.Jin baby, you take these land deeds with you and hand them over to the local government. When they disembarked from the Chuxiang wharf, the secretary of the county party committee led a group of people to meet them at the wharf.The secretary of the county party committee said that you are the saviors sent by the party and Chairman Mao.For so many years, the common people in China first experienced the aggression of the Japanese imperialists, and then the Chiang Kai-shek reactionaries only cared about fighting civil wars, disregarding the life and death of the people.You can't imagine the extent to which the people in the mountainous areas are short of medical care and medicine, unless you see them in person.Sometimes an aspirin can save a life.However, because there is no aspirin, they can only watch this life die.When you send doctors to the countryside this time, what you send is not only medicine or medicine, but also Chairman Mao’s Communist Party’s kindness to the people.Of course, here we are in a mountainous area, and the mountainous area is not very peaceful. There are not only spies from the Kuomintang reactionaries lurking in pieces, but also bandits who occupy the mountain as kings, as well as tigers and wolves.However, we can't wait to clear out the spies, bandits, and those wolves, tigers, and leopards before sending medical teams to the countryside. The sick people in the mountainous areas can't wait.In order to ensure the safety of the medical team, the county party committee decided to send a squad of the county brigade to follow you after research, to be responsible for arranging the security, living and communication of the medical team. After hearing about the situation in the mountainous area, all members of the medical team strongly requested not to stay in the county seat, but to go to the countryside immediately.In the afternoon of the same day, the platoon leader Le Dongming of the county brigade led a squad of soldiers to escort the medical team out of Chuxiang County.In the evening, when the medical team was walking along the mountain path, they heard a noisy sound ahead, and then saw a group of villagers running towards them carrying a person.The mountain road is very narrow, and it is difficult for two groups of people to avoid when they meet.The villagers in front saw the medical team from a distance and shouted loudly, "Excuse me, let me go, we rushed to save lives."Liang Xiangxi went all the way and asked, fellow villager, what happened?The man who spoke first said that the mother-in-law gave birth to a baby.Dystocia. When Yu Shanyao heard about it, she immediately rushed forward, grabbed the stretcher and said, don't worry, let me have a look.Fang Zijin followed, craned his neck and looked ahead.The woman was lying on an overturned bamboo bed covered with a quilt, one end of which was red with blood.The woman's face was as white as paper, and she didn't have much strength to shout.The men in the mountains didn't know the People's Liberation Army. Seeing the men in military uniforms with guns on their backs, they thought they were encountering bandits. They were so frightened that they stopped the stretcher.My mother-in-law is dying.Let us go, I will be your longevity tablet for the rest of my life. Le Dongming threw his gun across and shouted, what a mess.Liang Xiangxi immediately stopped Le Dongming, helped up the mountain man, and said, fellow, don't worry, don't be afraid.We are the medical team sent by Chairman Mao to treat your illnesses and save lives.Your mother-in-law's situation is not good. If she is sent to the county town, she might be gone before she arrives.Our female doctor is an obstetrics and gynecology expert who returned from studying in the United States.Luo Xingfu knew that men in the mountains didn't know what a doctor was or an expert, so he corrected her and said that she was a female disciple of the empress who sent her off. Hearing this, the man in the mountain was overjoyed, and quickly climbed up to Yu Shanyao, hugged her leg, knelt down and kowtowed in front of her. The stretcher was put down, and Yu Shanyao lifted the quilt.Fang Zijin leaned forward to check, and saw that the woman's birth door had been completely opened, and a child's foot was sticking out.The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the woman's bloody body, a mass of bright red that had already turned into a dark purple.The bloody smell was not completely bloody anymore, but also mixed with the smell of feces and death, a group of flies hovering there.Yu Shanyao asked her man, how long has it been going on?The man said, the fifth watch happened.Luo Xingfu exclaimed, why didn't I expect to be sent to the hospital?Yu Shanyao asked, how far is it from your home now?The man said that there are more than five miles.Yu Shanyao said that it was too late to rush back and had to deal with it right here.Liang Xiangxi had a somewhat military style, saying, what to do, you give the order.Yu Shanyao said, you should do three things well.Set up tents, boil more water, and light gas lamps.The medical team had a tent, the security team had a tent, and they each had a marching pot.After Liang Xiangxi gave an order, everyone started to get busy.Fang Zijin didn't wait for Yu Shanyao to say anything before she put down the medicine box and took out the disinfectant. As the sun went down, two tents were set up in the mountains, and a gas lamp was lit in the faint night.Since the light was not too weak, the gas lamps were not very bright, but the two fires on the hillside were scorching and jubilant.Liang Xiangxi and others helped Fang Zijin carry the woman into the tent with the lights on. The men in the mountains knelt around the tent, chanting words and praying devoutly. In the tent, the broken bamboo bed was turned over, and the broken cotton wool covering the woman was thrown aside.The woman was placed on the bare bed covered with dried blood, lying there, not moving or screaming, as if she was dead.In the small tent, after a while, it was filled with the stench of blood, and many flies flew from nowhere, scurrying around.Fang Zijin followed Yu Shanyao. Although he had various experiences, it was the first time in his life that he faced such a dying woman who was full of stench.Her stomach turned upside down and she almost vomited.Yu Shanyao yelled at her, what are you still doing?Move her over to the bed quickly.Liang Xiangxi and the others are not gynecologists, and they don't know that when women give birth, their legs are hung under the bed.They placed the woman in the middle of the bed.Fang Zijin immediately stepped forward, grabbed the woman's two bloody legs, and dragged her towards him, so that her legs were hanging from the head of the bed, and her buttocks were just on the edge.The woman was not wearing pants, and the blood flowed out along the delivery port and dripped to the ground, tick-tock. Yu Shanyao came over, separated the woman's legs to the two sides, and pushed her legs outward.The delivery bed in the hospital is specially made, and the height can be raised and lowered freely, so that obstetricians can work in a more suitable posture.But the bamboo bed was too short, Yu Shanyao had to bend her body, and after a long time, she couldn't support it at all.At this moment, saving people is the first priority after all, and it is impossible for her to find better conditions.Fang Zijin stood opposite Yu Shanyao, holding the mother's legs with both hands.Yu Shanyao reached under the woman, held the baby's bare feet, and stuffed them gently.As the little foot was stuffed into the woman's birth canal, Yu Shanyao's hand also reached in.Following Dr. Yu's instructions, Fang Zijin pressed his hands on the woman's lower abdomen, and rubbed the woman's abdomen again and again in the direction of Yu Shanyao's hand.This matter seemed to be of little intensity, but because she was standing on the side of the woman and bent over, her waist ached and her hands ached after a while, fine beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, from her cleavage, and from her armpits. come out.The room smelled of blood, so there was a little more sweaty smell. The man and other villagers knelt in the field.Time is like a broken car that is stuck, stagnant without any trace of rolling.The moonlight is like washing, the stars are anxiously looking forward to it, and the frogs in the weeds are tirelessly noisy.Occasionally, there are one or two unknown beasts, howling not far or near, undulating among the mountains like waves.The man squatted by the door, as if he was listening to the movement in the room, and seemed to be in a state of complete numbness. Yu Shanyao's hands were all inserted into the woman's birth canal.Fang Zijin could hardly see any movement of her hand, but could feel Yu Shanyao's hand moving very slightly and slowly through the woman's abdomen.At first, Yu Shanyao was still imparting knowledge to Fang Zijin.She said that with the increase of pregnancy time and the growth of the fetus, the wall of a woman's uterus is like a balloon, getting bigger and thinner.The wall of the uterus before labor is the thinnest, so unless it is absolutely necessary, do not put your hands into the mother's uterus easily.If you are not careful, your fingers may cut the uterine wall, causing massive bleeding.Under the conditional situation, it is best to perform a cesarean section in such a situation, which is the safest.Fang Zijin also sneaked in and took the opportunity to ask her why she stuffed the fetus' legs in.Yu Shanyao said that among all the organs of the fetus, the head is the largest.During normal delivery, the head comes out first. As long as the whole head is delivered, the limbs will be neatly arranged in the direction of delivery, and there will be no resistance, and the body will come out easily.However, due to various reasons, a considerable number of mothers are not born in a normal way. The fetus has a body lying horizontally at the birth opening, which is called Hengsheng. .There is also a situation where the feet come out first, which is called reverse birth.During reverse birth, if only one foot comes out, the other foot may diverge, and the other foot may even be pushed into a fracture by the uterine contractions and the strong force of the mother, and it will become a jam, blocking the fetus .Even if the feet come out smoothly, the hands may become another card.Both horizontal birth and reverse birth are dystocia, and it is almost impossible to give birth to a baby smoothly.Therefore, in the case of dystocia, it is first necessary to judge the orientation of the limbs of the fetus in the uterus and determine whether it can be corrected manually.If not, a caesarean section is required.In the absence of conditions, it can only be corrected by human methods.Manual methods usually include abdominal massage and midwives inserting their hands into the uterus for normal positioning. Generally, for mild fetal malposition, abdominal massage can be used for normal positioning. Only when it is absolutely necessary can the hand be inserted into the uterus for normal positioning. During the whole process of delivering the baby, the physical strength exerted by bowing the body is far greater than the force exerted by the hands.After a while, Yu Shanyao was unable to bow her body anymore, her knees gave way, she knelt down on the ground, and stopped talking.While Fang Zijin was rubbing the protruding abdomen of the parturient, every once in a while, she had to wipe the sweat off Yu Shanyao's forehead.It seems that a century passed before Yu Shanyao's new order came again.Her voice trembled a little, as if emerging from some distant rock crack.Among those who pinched her, woke her up.she says.Fang Zijin pulled his hands away from the woman's round abdomen, moved them to her cock, and pressed.She herself felt that this force was too small.Yu Shanyao said, use force, force.She suddenly exerted the last bit of strength in her body and pressed down hard.The woman first took a deep breath, and then screamed violently. "Don't bark, save your energy and listen to my instructions." Yu Shanyao said. According to the teacher's request, Fang Zijin pressed his hands on the woman's abdomen again.Yu Shanyao ordered the woman to take a deep breath, hold back her energy, and then force herself downwards.The three women worked together, and the child finally came out.The white light of the gas lamp shone on the baby's body, Fang Zijin saw the bloody mass, glowing with a dark purple light, and lifted it upside down in Yu Shanyao's hand.She swung her palm and slapped it down on her little butt. The lump of flesh swayed for a while, but there was no reaction at all.She raised her hand a little higher and shot down again.After more than a dozen shots, a miracle happened, and the child burst into tears. The cry like a baby fish stimulated every nerve of the man, he suddenly stood up, and rushed towards the tent.Due to squatting for too long, his legs were numb and unconscious, and he fell down at the tent door.Hearing the cry of the child, the other mountain men and the guard soldiers cheered and rushed inside.Yu Shanyao yelled, what are you doing?get out.Before the man got up from the ground, he asked impatiently: Is it a son or a daughter?Yu Shanyao said, it was his son.Your wife is still in danger, we need to rescue her, get out quickly.Then, she called out again, Captain Liang, where is the water?Get the water in quickly. The man was dragged out by other people. He knelt down outside the tent and said in his mouth: "Savior, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva!"In the tent, Fang Zijin took the baby from Yu Shanyao and washed the blood off his body.Yu Shanyao began to clean the woman's delivery port to disinfect and stop the bleeding.After giving birth, the mother passed out again due to excessive blood loss.She doesn't know anything about what Yu Shanyao has done for her.Fang Zijin knew that in this case, the mother should be given blood transfusion.But in this wilderness, they couldn't check the blood type of the mother and couldn't find the blood source.Whether this mother can survive, can only be left to fate. After dealing with everything, Yu Shanyao and Fang Zijin walked out of the tent together.Seeing them, the man quickly crawled over on his knees and kowtowed desperately in front of Yu Shanyao.Yu Shanyao seemed to want to reach out to help the man up, but just as she stretched out her hand, her body began to shake.Seeing this, Fang Zijin was secretly taken aback, and quickly reached out to help her.The moment her hand touched Yu Shanyao's body, she felt a strong force pressing towards her.She wanted to use her last bit of strength to hold back Yu Shanyao, but her body was also weak, and she couldn't hold it at all, and finally the two of them fell to the ground together.Seeing this, the man yelled, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, what's wrong with you?Liang Xiangxi came up to check, felt the pulse of the two of them, and said to the man, it's all right, they are tired. Luo Xingfu looked around and said to Liang Xiangxi, if something is difficult to deal with in this wilderness, we have to rush to a village as soon as possible.Yu Shanyao and Fang Zijin rested for a while, drank some sugar water respectively, and their spirits recovered.Yu Shanyao also told Liang Xiangxi, we can't stay here, we have to go back to the village immediately.The medical team brought two stretchers, plus the bed used by the villagers to carry the mother, which can carry three people exactly.Both Yu Shanyao and Fang Zijin said they could walk, but they refused to lie on the stretcher.The man put Yu Shanyao on the stretcher regardless of the situation, and several villagers lifted it up and left.The man picked up his son, but left his wife behind.Liang Xiangxi then ordered the guards and soldiers to lift up the pregnant woman, and a group of people ran forward through the night. When Yu Shanyao asked the man how far it was from home, the man said more than five miles.However, they walked all the way, and when dawn appeared on the horizon, they walked at least ten miles before seeing the hazy village in front of them. A villager had rushed back to report the news, and not long after, the village became noisy.Men, women and children came out of the village, and even brought out gongs and drums, clanging and beating.When the medical team passed by them, they knelt down in unison, shouting for their benefactor, Guanyin Bodhisattva.Seeing this, Liang Xiangxi immediately felt that something was wrong.The medical team was sent by Chairman Mao, and it was sent by the party.This kindness is the kindness of Chairman Mao and the kindness of the party. How can it be recorded in Guanyin's head?He vigorously waved his right hand and shouted Long live Chairman Mao.Members of the medical team and members of the security team shouted together.Hearing their shouts, the villagers were stunned.No longer calling Guanyin Bodhisattva, nor shouting Long Live with the medical team. Liang Xiangxi stopped and asked a farmer beside him, why didn't you follow suit?The farmer was puzzled and said who was Chairman Mao?How did he live forever?Liang Xiangxi explained to him that Chairman Mao is the leader of the Communist Party and the great savior of the people of the whole country.Luo Xingfu knew that these peasants didn't understand the words, so he said, isn't it the People's Republic of China now?This new China was brought down by the People's Liberation Army led by Chairman Mao.This time, the peasants understood and said, oh, Chairman Mao is the current emperor.After saying that, the farmer immediately took the lead and knelt down again, shouting loudly: Long live my emperor, long live, long live!The peasants behind him also suddenly realized that they knelt down in unison and shouted: Long live my emperor, long live, long live! Liang Xiangxi yelled: What a mess, it's wrong.The leading farmer was puzzled and asked, what went wrong?Liang Xiangxi said, long live Chairman Mao, not my emperor.The emperor was beaten away by us, and there is no more emperor.The villagers said, didn't they say that Chairman Mao sat in the Dragon Court?Liang Xiangxi said that now the people's government has been established, and it is no longer ruled by the emperor.The farmer said, no matter what, there must be someone in charge of the world, isn't it all the same?Liang Xiangxi knew that he couldn't explain it clearly to them, so he could only say, just shout after me. long live Chairman Mao! The farmers froze for a moment, then shouted: Long live Chairman Mao. This small episode passed quickly, and the countrymen ushered in their saviors. They entertained them with the best food at home, and the whole village was immersed in a kind of festive joy. It was from this day that Yu Shanyao's name spread in this remote place where the sky was high and the emperor was far away.People didn't remember her name, but they all said that she was the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who came to the mortal world to save suffering.People from several surrounding villages rushed to see the doctor. Instead of walking, they kowtowed three times and knelt. When some people walked, their knees were worn out.Seeing Yu Shanyao, instead of seeing a doctor, she spread a red cloth on the ground and kowtowed three times.Because of Yu Shanyao's reputation, everyone wants to see her. No matter how she explains that she is a gynecologist and only treats women's diseases, people will not believe her. Chu Township is located in the Three Gorges area, and as far as the eye can see, there are all rolling, high and low mountains, mountains connecting mountains, and mountains overlapping mountains.On the sunny side of the mountain, there are dense trees, which block out the sun, while on the shady side, there are bare rocks with some weeds growing around them.The medical team got into the mountain, just like getting into the old nest of the disease.Especially the women in the mountains suffer from various women's diseases.Yu Shanyao and Fang Zijin began to see a doctor at dawn, and did not get some water to wash themselves hastily until late at night, before lying down on the bed.Because I was so tired, I almost fell asleep as soon as my body touched the bed. This is the third day since the medical team entered the fifth village.The mountain people are very poor. Most of the houses in the family are framed by trees, and some branches are surrounded by trees to protect them from wind and rain.稍好点的人家,外墙下半截用石头,上半截用木板。一大早,方子衿将药箱清好,和余珊瑶一起走进诊断室。诊断室设在一户乡民的家里,这家的门口围满了人。这是村里比较富裕的一户人家,堂屋里摆着香几,几上有一只很有年代的香炉,正袅袅地飘出香烟。香几下面摆了一张八仙桌,两边各有两把太师椅。为了供病人休息,事前还准备了几条长木凳。诊断室在厢房,里面被布帘隔开,里面是一张简易诊断床,外间摆了两张桌子。方子衿她们进去后,将药箱放在桌子上,拿出里面的东西。准备就绪,方子衿走到外面,叫道,二十四号和二十五号。妇科病是隐私病,一般妇女,即使病得很重,也不敢看。她们一旦走进这里,等于向全村人宣布,自己那个部位有病。医疗队汲取了在其他村看病的经验,到了一个村,不管是否有妇女病,将全村所有的妇女编上号,即使没有病,也做一次妇科检查。 二十五号是个四十岁左右的妇女,二十四号只有二十多岁。一般来说,年轻妇女患病的可能性小一些,方子衿便将二十五号推给余珊瑶,她自己接过了二十四号。听过心跳,拿过脉,方子衿将二十四号领到里面的房间,让她在床上躺下来。女人按照她的要求,将上衣解开,露出一对奶子。方子衿用双手轻轻地揉捏一遍,让女人穿好上衣,再脱下裤子。女人很犹豫,动作迟缓。方子衿对她说,不必顾虑,大家都是女人,知道女人的毛病。女人受到鼓励,将那条棉裤脱下,顿时有一股很浓的臭味扑面而来。女人再褪下内裤,方子衿往她的隐私部位看了一眼,立即皱了皱眉头。女人的私部一朵蔫了的花般向外张开着,一股很浓的臭味由那里发出,向四周飘散。她以为女人得的是湿疣一类的病,可认真看一看,又不像。她拿不定主意了,向外叫道,余老师,你来一下。 余珊瑶进来,看了一眼,问道,脱宫多长时间了?女人似乎不理解,她又问了一句,从么时候开始这样的?女人想了想,说十一二岁的时候。余珊瑶显然十分吃惊,问她现在多大,她说二十五岁。余珊瑶问她什么时候结婚的,她说十八岁。余珊瑶又问她和她男人的第一次是什么时候。女人说结婚大概一个月以后。 问清这些,余珊瑶心中有数了,知道女人的丈夫不是她的第一个男人,问她第一个男人是怎么回事。女人坚持说,她的老公就是她的第一个男人。余珊瑶听了,脸色立即变了,对女人说,你对别人说假话可以,对我你说不了假话。我是医生,我知道这种病是怎么回事。你还是把实情说出来吧。 女人没办法,只好说了。她自己的亲生父亲在她三岁的时候死了,她跟着母亲改嫁。八岁的时候,她被后父强奸了。有一次,后父和她做的时候,被他的两个儿子看到了,两个儿子趁着父亲离开,堵住了她,也要和她做。她没办法,只好依了。从那时候开始,他们父子三人,轮番和她做,尤其是那两个哥哥,天天不断,一天要做好几次。直到现在,她每次回娘家,他们仍然要和她做。余珊瑶义愤填膺,表示一定要将此事告诉政府,狠狠地惩罚这几个坏蛋。女人一听,连忙在她面前跪了下来。她说,这件事,她丈夫以及婆家人至今不知情。如果报告给政府,她就没脸活在世上了。 面对这个女人,方子衿又一次想起余珊瑶曾说过的话。女人的隐私部位,映照出的是整个社会。社会如果不能有效地治理好,妇女的隐私病,是很难治愈的。 半夜时分,一阵枪声将她们惊醒。方子衿猛然翻身坐起,听到外面一片闹腾。有人在大声地命令,土匪想进村,所有青壮年拿起家伙去打土匪,妇女留在家里,都不要出门。跟着医疗队的有县大队的战士,村里又有民兵武装,方子衿和余珊瑶都没意识到这次的事件可能非常严重。她们摸黑坐在床上,听着村外的动静。枪声非常激烈,却渐行渐远。遇到土匪袭击不是第一次了,以前曾有好几次小股土匪活动,都被县大队的战士和当地的民兵赶走了。余珊瑶听到枪声远去,大大地打了个哈欠,对方子衿说,土匪被打走了,明天还要忙一天呢,快睡吧。 两人再一次躺下,在枪声中睡了过去。突然,轰然一声响,门被撞开了,几个黑影冲进来,一个人小声地问,这屋里有两个人呀,到底是哪一个?另一个说道,管她是哪一个,一起带走。 刚刚惊醒的余珊瑶和方子衿意识到情况不对,大声地喊叫。那几个黑影将她们按在床上,往她们嘴里塞了些布,像扛麻包一样,往肩上一搁,扛着就往外跑。余珊瑶和方子衿意识到自己可能被土匪绑架了,拼命地挣扎着。留在村里的村民被闹醒了,他们从家里出来,纷纷打听出了什么事,见一伙人扛着两个人往村外跑,有人大叫:“土匪抢人了,快追土匪啊。”村民于是向前追。可土匪手里有枪,对着奔跑过来的村民头上放了一阵枪,再没有人敢往前跑了,只是远远地跟着。 土匪扛着余珊瑶和方子衿跑到村口,那里早已经准备了好多马。土匪们跳上马,将她俩往马背上一搁,马队立即撒开四蹄向山里跑去。 最初,方子衿她们还能听到身后嘈杂的喊叫声,转眼间,那声音没有了。既没有叫声也没有枪声,只有急促的马蹄声,在静夜的山谷间回荡。这么狂奔了好几个钟头,跑了不知多远,有人吆喝停下,方子衿感到腹下的马越跑越慢,然后停下来。她被人从马背上抱下来。山里有一股很重的寒气,四周静极,马儿显得有些夸张的喘息声中,夹杂着远处野兽一阵又一阵的嗥叫。她被两个男人抬着,放在了余珊瑶身边。 一个头目走上前,对她们说,观音大师,别怕,我们没有恶意。方子衿想说点什么,可她全身都在发抖,根本说不出来。那个头目接着说,在下是奉韩司令之命,前来请观音大师去司令部给韩司令夫人看病的。韩司令说了,等你把夫人的病治好了,我们立即送你们下山。 方子衿心中咯噔了一下。他这样说,是否表明,如果治不好那个女人的病,她们再也没有下山的机会了?更何况这些人是土匪,他们能有什么信誉? 头目继续说,观音大师,天就快亮了,我们不能让你记住路。所以对不住喽,得把你们的眼睛蒙上。 余珊瑶是半躺在山坡边草丛上的,听了他的话,突然翻身而起,以命令的语气让他们等一等。方子衿看不清头目的表情,却可以从他的语气中知道,他对余珊瑶还是有些敬畏的。他说,观音大师,你有么子吩咐?余珊瑶指着方子衿说,她完全不懂医,去了也没用,路上还增加你们的负担。我跟你们去,你放她走吧。 方子衿没想到余珊瑶此时会想到救自己。跟着余珊瑶学医已经几个月了,余珊瑶对她既没有好语气也没有好脸色。她一直以为,余老师不喜欢自己,只是因为上面硬塞给她,她才无可奈何接受的。而现在,在这生死攸关的时刻,她想到的不是自己而是她的这个没有真正拜过师的学生。在方子衿的眼里,余珊瑶突然之间异常高大起来。她知道自己应该有所表示,至少要表现一点豪气。然而,一想到这种豪气可能直接关系到自己的生死,她浑身就发软,以至于嘴都没有力气张开。 根本轮不到她说话,小头目已经以看似恭敬的语气堵死了方子衿的生路。 脸上蒙了黑布之后,方子衿再一次被放在了马背上,马蹄声再一次急促地响起来。方子衿的身体在马背上颠簸着,她怀疑自己的脊骨会被跌断,或者是被奔跑的马匹颠到地上摔死或者自己的肠子会被颠断。事实是她所有的估计都没有发生,只是腹部和胸部之间的一块皮被蹭破了,肿痛了好多天。 这样奔跑了好几个钟头,土匪们再次停下来,把她们从马背上放下。方子衿觉得浑身都散架了,所有零部件都不属于自己一般。那些土匪可不管这些,放下她们之后,便把不知什么东西往她们嘴里塞。没容方子衿张口,听到余珊瑶说,先别忙着吃了,我都快憋爆了,解开绳子,让我们先方便一下。一个土匪说,就在我们眼前拉得了。余珊瑶说,你这说的是么话?你妈你姐你妹方便,你也看吗?土匪说,那不行,我们不看着,你们跑了怎么办?余珊瑶说,亏你想得出,这一路疯颠,我全身都是麻的。现在你让我跑,我都跑不动了。无论她们怎么说,土匪就是不肯让她们离开视线。最后,她们只好躲在一棵大树后尿了,又胡乱吃了两只窝窝头,喝了点水。 土匪们又要上路,余珊瑶紧紧地抱着一棵树,说这样跑下去不行,她就快要死了。无论如何,得让她睡一觉,否则,就算让她死在这里,也不再走了。土匪无计可施,只好让她们睡觉。余珊瑶见他们答应了,倒头便睡。方子衿可不敢大意,紧张地说,老师,我们睡着了,他们如果……怎么办?余珊瑶明白她的意思,小声地对她说,你放心睡吧。没听说是他们的司令要我们去给司令夫人看病吗?没有见到司令之前,他们不敢乱来的。即使如此,方子衿还是悬着一颗心。没有见到土匪司令之前不敢乱来,那么见到之后呢?难道自己的生命,真的就这样结束了?胡思乱想着,不知什么时候真的睡过去了。被人推醒,才知道,天再一次黑了下来。 草草吃两个黑面和麦麸混合而成的馒头,喝了一点山泉水,她们又像两只麻包一样被扔到了马背上。这样一路不停地奔跑,不知跑了几个小时,马终于是停了下来。方子衿的身子再一次被人抱住的时候,她连挣扎的劲都没有了。她被人安排在一乘滑竿上,滑竿被人抬上了肩,隐约是在往山上走。她的感觉还停留在马上,自己的身子一直上下颠簸着,根本无法停下来。即使几个小时后滑竿停下,蒙在她脸上的黑布被扯下时,她的身子还在上下苦颠,似乎停不下来一般。方子衿四处看了看,见自己和余珊瑶被带进了一座山寨,四周用石头砌着一堵厚墙,沿着山势有一些房屋,只有正中几幢像点样子,旁边都是一些临时用石块垒成的简易房子,看起来像是一座座地堡。刚下地,方子衿和余珊瑶都不会走路了,双腿抖得厉害,根本不受自己控制。抬她们上来的几个土匪伸手上来扶她们,被她们挣开。 从正面一幢屋子里走出两个穿国民党军装的年轻女人,她们腰中扎着手枪,看上去颇威武。可那一身衣服,显然有些年头了,陈旧而且有了补丁。再看周围那些男人,差不多是破衣烂衫,面带菜色。两个女人走到她们面前,分别搀了她们,向屋子里走去。余珊瑶叫道,先别忙,我们要去一趟厕所。两个女人交换了一下眼色,然后改变方向,走到围墙边一个用松树枝搭成的棚子前。方子衿看了一眼这厕所,竟然只有半截,不封顶的。别说是一米七几的男人,就是她站在那些枯了的松枝旁边,都能看清里面的一切。方子衿问,就这里?其中一个女人说,我们这里只有这一间厕所。 从厕所出来,正中那幢大房子前面,已经站了一个孔武的中年男人。他唇上有一撮很浓密很整齐的黑胡子,嘴里咬着一根烟斗,身上是一套国民党少将军服,腰中扎着武装带,脚上是一双有些破了的马靴,双手放在身后,抓着一条马鞭。看到余珊瑶和方子衿,他将烟斗从口里取下,迈开大步,迎着她们走过来。两个女人见到他,迅速立正,叫了一声韩司令。韩司令没有理会两名手下,将手中的烟斗塞到牙缝里咬住,停下来,双手抱拳,说道,余大夫,非常抱歉,用这种方式请你来看病,实在是情非得已,万望海涵。 余珊瑶的胸似乎突然挺了一挺,看上去正义凛然。她说,病人呢? 韩司令摊开一只手,向屋内做出一个请的动作。方子衿跟着余珊瑶走进去。她们两人既因为一路颠簸,也因为山中太冷,身子一直都在发抖。 进门后是一间堂屋,很宽敞明亮,正中一张八仙桌,两边排了很多椅子。八仙桌的一边,坐着一个非常年轻漂亮的女人。女人也是一身国民党军服,同样是旧了,却是一个补丁都没有。领她们进去的两个女人,站立在司令夫人身边,等待着进一步的命令。方子衿一直以为自己的母亲和余老师是女人中最漂亮的,可见到面前这个女人时,她才知道,原来还有女人比她们更漂亮。当然,她很快看出面前这个女人的身子极其虚弱,脸色苍白,就像是被漂洗太多次的白布一样。女人见到她们,站起来,苦瓜一样的脸上挤出一丝笑容,客气地说,余大夫,真的非常抱歉。让你受惊了。 余珊瑶只是用眼角的余光看了她一眼,也不顾韩司令是否让座,自己先走过去坐下来,以命令的语气对女人说,你坐过来。女人没动,旁边一名女勤务兵拿眼看韩司令。韩司令喝道,愣着干啥子?快把椅子搬过去。女勤务兵立即搬了一把椅子,放在余珊瑶面前。那一刻,方子衿对余珊瑶佩服得五体投地。在这样一个匪窝里,她竟然能够表现得如此镇静,真不知她是什么东西做成的。自己就不行,腿肚子一直在打战,抖得厉害,甚至都有些站不住。余珊瑶可能看出了这一点,温柔地对她说,小方,你也坐过来。韩司令对女勤务兵说,快帮余大夫的学生搬一把椅子过去。有人将她们的药箱提进来,摆在八仙桌上。 方子衿坐过去时,余珊瑶已经伸出她的纤纤玉指,轻轻按住了司令夫人李筱玉的手腕。同样是美女,两只手那么一交叉,立即就分出了楚河汉界。余珊瑶的肤色,更接近于婴儿的光泽,凝脂一般白皙,一种从最深处透出的红色,就像清晨第一道霞光般媚惑。司令夫人的皮肤显得蜡黄而又干燥,被山里的阳光涂上了一层釉色。 其他人都退了出去,堂屋里只剩下韩司令和三个女人。余珊瑶拿过脉,对司令夫人李筱玉说能不能找一个僻静一点的房间,她要做一些特别的检查。李筱玉站起来,将她们领进侧面的一个房间。房间里有一张很大的床,床上的被子显得很破很脏,房间里有一股子霉味,还有一些血腥味和死鱼一样的臭味。韩司令跟着她们走进房间,甚至讨好地搬过椅子让余珊瑶坐。余珊瑶盯了他一眼,似乎在说,这是看女人的病,你有必要留在这里吗?韩司令没有理会她的眼色,她也懒得再理,从药箱中拿出听诊器,让女人解开外衣。 女人的里面穿的是一件白衬衣,现在已经不能说是白色了,上面沾满了汗渍,变成了土灰色。看女人外面的军装还算光鲜,可里面的衬衣已经破了。破的地方也非常奇特,两只奶子上面,只有稀稀的几根纱线,以至于女人的奶子一眼就可以看到。这是一对显得松垮的奶子,没有一般女人的奶子那种瓷白色,是一种病态的苍白。 余珊瑶将听诊器贴在女人的胸部听了半天,又让女人躺到床上去,将裤子褪下。女人听话地躺了上去,脱下军裤后露出的是一条花内裤,方子衿一看就知道是上海货。三峡地区的女人,生活在城市或者县城的,通常穿那种大花裤衩,而乡下女人,仅仅在外面套一层裤子遮羞,里面是不穿内裤的,晚上睡觉,全家人都是精赤条条。眼前这个女人和整个三峡地区的女人都不同,穿的是一条紧紧裹在身上的三角裤。穿这种三角裤,三角区原本该是如香蕉状的,非常饱满圆润。可李筱玉的那个地方,鼓得惊世骇俗,显得很不真实。内裤比衬衣破得更厉害,腰部露出的是毛边,小小的一块三角之地,竟有好几个破洞,显示里面塞了不少的纸。纸的边缘,女人的阴毛向外怒张着,似乎在表示某种不满。女人问余珊瑶还用不用脱,余珊瑶说暂时不用。她将听诊器贴在女人的小腹部,认真地听着。 这道程序刚刚结束,韩司令有点急不可耐地问情况怎么样。余珊瑶眼睛都没有看他一下,而是转向方子衿,对她说,你来给她检查一下。方子衿将自己的手伸出去,手指还在颤抖着。她暗自对自己说,你不能这样,如果能治好这个女土匪的病,说不准他们真的会兑现诺言。这可不是在治病,而是在救你自己的命,无论如何,你得用点心。 用去比平常至少长三倍的时间,方子衿才将自己的手指从李筱玉的腕上抽了回来。见余珊瑶拿眼光看自己,她又拿出自己用的听诊器,先听女人的心跳,再听女人的小腹。做完这一切,韩司令再次问到底是什么病。方子衿拿眼看余珊瑶。余珊瑶以目光鼓励她。她说,看上去是喜脉。可是,脉象很弱,应该属于极度阴虚。病象下沉,应该在肾。李筱玉立即说,对,我的腰老是疼,有时候是阴阴地疼,有时候又像裂开了一样。司令搬把椅子坐到她们面前,问是不是看出什么病了。余珊瑶不理司令和李筱玉,对方子衿说,你问吧。 不需要她问,李筱玉开始自己介绍病状。十个月前,她停经了。当时以为是怀孕,欢天喜地的。没想到,六个月前,突然又流血了。最初,她以为是月经,没理。可是流了半个月,还没有干净,找了附近几个郎中看,说是流产。等流完了,自动会好的。差不多一个月后,不流了,她以为好了。岂知半个多月后又开始流,一流就是一个多月。从那以后,似乎总也没有干净过,所以,她的下面,不得不一直塞着纸。 方子衿一下子糊涂了。脉象显示是喜脉,似乎表明她怀有身孕。可不停流血又是怎么回事?阴虚显示什么?如果说流产,最多半个月甚至几天就流完了,不太可能流一个月,更不太可能流过之后再流。难道自己的脉拿错了?她看着余珊瑶,见余珊瑶也正好看着自己,眼中流露的是一种鼓励和支持。她第一次读懂了余珊瑶的目光,心中大为欣慰。她在以目光暗示自己呢。这么说,自己刚才对脉象的分析是对的?如果是对的,这病到底是怎么回事?如果怀有身孕是对的,那就不是流产。不是流产又是什么?流了两个多月的血,胎儿还能活吗? 余珊瑶对韩司令说,我们要做妇科检查,能不能请你出去一下?韩司令看了余珊瑶一眼,很听话地走出去,并且将门带上。余珊瑶对李筱玉说,现在把你的内裤脱了。女人脱下内裤,又取下厚厚的一沓沾满乌黑血迹的纸,顿时有一股很浓的血腥味夹杂着死鱼一般的臭味在空气中弥漫升腾。方子衿皱起了眉头,余珊瑶却是视而不见。她戴好乳胶手套,走到床边,将女人的双腿扒开,方子衿看到,女人的那个部位血肉模糊。她很清楚,造成这种状况,主要原因是流血时间太长,女人又一直捂着纸,皮肤不透气,又容易滋生细菌,而且行动时,腿和纸一齐摩擦皮肤,容易让不健康的表皮破损,加上卫生条件不好,没有及时消毒,便出现了溃烂。余珊瑶先看了看女人大腿根部溃烂的情况,又小心地将自己的手指伸进去,在里面探着。她抽出自己的手时,方子衿看到手套上沾的血。血很淡,而且带着乌紫色血块。 “现在你来给她做指检。”余珊瑶命令道。 方子衿觉得有什么东西哽在喉咙里,强烈想呕吐的感觉,搅得她头昏目眩。老师发了话,她不好不照办,只得硬着头皮给女人指检。 做完检查,李筱玉问余珊瑶,自己到底得的是什么病。余珊瑶不说话,转身向外走。韩司令像受伤的苍蝇一般在堂屋里打着旋,见到余珊瑶,像是见到救星一般,立即上前询问。余珊瑶并不答话,走到刚刚坐过的那把椅子上坐下来,又示意随后跟出来的方子衿也坐下。韩司令一直都在说着话,无非是问夫人的病情。直到李筱玉也回到堂屋里坐好,余珊瑶才对方子衿说,你先说说吧。 方子衿拿过脉时,心里还是一团乱麻。等余珊瑶指检过后,她突然灵光一现,找到了答案。她说,她认为韩司令夫人十个月前确实怀了孕。但因为某种原因,这个胎儿在三个月左右就死了,死胎并没有排出,而是留在了子宫,成了子宫异物。流血应该是死胎引起的。精血不固,伤及脾肾。 司令立即问余珊瑶是不是真的。余珊瑶说,其实,你夫人没什么病,只是因为胎儿死在腹内,造成出血。血流多了,身子虚,当然就一身是病了。要想治好这个病,只有一个办法,动手术将死胎拿出来,然后再慢慢调养身体。韩司令问她是否能动手术。余珊瑶说,动手术是一件大事,需要设备以及相当的药物准备,要到山外的大医院去做,最好是去恒兴。韩司令一听就傻眼。他是土匪司令,共产党的剿匪部队正四处寻他。他如果带着夫人去恒兴治病,岂不是自投罗网?他焦急地问余珊瑶有没有别的办法。余珊瑶坚决地摇着头说,你可要快点决定。人的血是有限的,经不起这样流。韩司令显然是给难住了,急得在房间里打旋儿。余珊瑶趁机又加了一句,如果再这样流一段时间,神仙都救不了你夫人。说过之后,她又以命令的口吻对韩司令说,被你们闹腾了一个晚上,我和小方还没睡过呢。找个地方让我们睡觉。 韩司令叫来那两个女勤务兵,带着方子衿和余珊瑶去她们的房间休息。房间很小,摆着两张陈旧的木床,床上铺着厚厚的草,草上有垫絮。垫絮已经成了黑色,上面的床单补了许多的补丁。房间里有一股很浓的霉味,夹杂着一股像是死老鼠的味道。可那肯定不是死老鼠。余珊瑶不一会儿就睡着了,方子衿无法入眠。躺在床上时,那种死老鼠的味道更浓了,而且还有一股很浓的男人味。这可是女人的床,怎么会有这么浓的男人味?仔细一想,她明白了,这里是土匪窝,一个男人的世界。在一个男人的世界里住着两个女人,这两个女人会是什么样的人?想到这里曾经有许多男人滚过,方子衿顿时觉得浑身不自在,就像是有亿万只虱子在咬着她一样。
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