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Chapter 6 Teacher Wang's "Playing the Piano"

western wolf 陈玉福 1048Words 2018-03-18
"...It's nonsense! Besides, some languages ​​are unhealthy, such as 'wolves are not afraid of guests', can students write them in their compositions? What are 'beckoning in the smoke hole, attracting people to the dark road', 'like eating, Sleeping and laughing, I was shocked when I heard the work'... You are teaching students in the worst way!..." In order to solve the problem of lack of language in students' compositions, Mr. Wang Zhong called on the students to go down and collect some easy-to-understand languages ​​from the masses.Ask everyone to collect and choose carefully, and then extract the language they think is good into the composition text.

On this day, the principal decided that all the teachers in the school would listen to the fourth grade composition commentary class, requiring that the composition must be this week's composition. Teacher Wang Zhong's composition teaching is good, and he is famous in the whole school district.Every time he took a composition class, he went down to write articles with the students in person.For this reason, the principal once criticized him for "not doing his job properly", saying that those who teach should only study and teach, and write any articles.You are so capable, why is your name not in the newspaper.He also stated that if Mr. Wang wrote again, the general affairs department would deduct his lighting fee.

As a result, Teacher Wang still wrote with the students, which left a bad impression in the headmaster's mind: the comrade disobedient to the leadership. Last year, in the composition competition of the whole school district, nine of the 23 students in the graduating class led by Mr. Wang won prizes, accounting for 42% of the school district's prize winners.For this reason, Teacher Wang was praised by the school district (originally rated as an advanced teacher, but the principal said he was disobedient and defiant, so the school district crossed out Wang Zhong's name). Teacher Wang thought that the principal should change his mind this time, but he was criticized again by the principal.

Teacher Wang Zhong can't figure it out, what are you criticizing me for? The principal dropped a newspaper. Oh, it turned out that an article written by Teacher Wang had appeared in the newspaper. "Just for this?..." Teacher Wang left the principal's office angrily. There is a reason for the principal's appointment today to listen to the composition commentary class of the fourth grade.The school district stipulates that this year's fourth-grade essays must pass the exam, so the principal handed over the fourth-grade Chinese class to Mr. Wang.I came to the class today to cheer up Teacher Wang and pave the way for the pass exam.

Teacher Wang began to comment on the students' compositions, but the composition is only language, not articles.But it’s okay, the article itself is the art of language!The title of this lesson is called "The Language of Composition". Teacher Wang hung the copied students' composition on the blackboard, and commented enthusiastically.Which languages ​​are well collected, where they are good, and under what circumstances they are used. The students spoke enthusiastically throughout the class, and it can be said that the teaching task was successfully completed. However, at the extracurricular discussion meeting, the principal not only criticized Wang Zhong, but even became furious: "Playing the piano indiscriminately! Is the collected language of the masses also called composition?"

"Principal, it's like this. The student's composition is too poor. It seems that there are no suitable words to write. Collect language to pave the way for writing a good composition..." Before Mr. Wang could finish explaining, the headmaster raised another question: "Anyway, you are playing the piano like this! ... It's nonsense! Besides, some language is not healthy, like 'wolves are not afraid of visitors', Can you let students write in their compositions? What's "beckoning in the smoke hole, attracting people to the dark road", "like eating, laughing when sleeping, and startled when listening to work"... You are teaching students in the worst way! ..."

Teacher Wang sighed for a long time, there is no need to argue, and it is useless to argue... He even brought in a pair of "embroidered shoes". He has big feet, can he bear it?
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