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Chapter 46 Prose Section 46

Feminine 雍容 2844Words 2018-03-18
My friends always look at me as a "petty bourgeoisie", which makes me very wronged. Why do they treat me as a "petty bourgeoisie"?At most, it is relatively petty bourgeoisie.Write this group of articles to laugh at yourself. Mencius said: A gentleman stays away from the kitchen.It sounds a bit hypocritical, but the so-called gentleman in ancient times means "the people above", and it means that you should not be contaminated with murderous intentions if you stay away from the kitchen.As for the little girl, it is her duty to wash her hands and make soup, and she stays away from the kitchen, which is naturally one of the crimes of petty bourgeoisie.

Since I was a child, I was very afraid of fishy smell and dared not touch raw meat, let alone kill chickens and fish with a knife. So, when my parents are busy in the kitchen, if they ask me to help, such as taking the internal organs of the fish to the garbage dump When I throw it away, I have to cover my nose with a sad face, put on two or three layers of bags, pinch a corner with my two fingers, keep away from my body, and throw it out quickly.Even if the cleaned Katano ψ is put in the refrigerator, I have to turn my head away.For this reason, I was often scolded by my mother.Naturally, I don't go to the vegetable market. The smell alone will make me retch, and my stomach will twist into a ball.Once when I was seven or eight years old, I followed my mother in with trepidation. When I looked up, I saw someone was catching a cage of sparrows one by one, plucking them alive, and they turned into flesh-red balls in more than ten seconds, and threw them into a basin.After being stunned for a while, I cried and vomited on the spot.Years later, it still makes me sick to think about it.Since then, I dare not eat birds, such as pigeons.

If he is really so kind, he should abstain from eating meat, but unfortunately he can't, he still can't help but be greedy for food and drink.So the real reason for cooking far away is: to destroy appetite. When I was in junior high school, once I was going home, the road was blocked again—there was a very narrow alley at the gate of the school. When school was over, we rushed out, and pedestrians were added, and we often had to block—someone used a three-wheeled scooter Two cows were pulled past.I tiptoed to the ground, supporting the bicycle, and suddenly the back of my instep felt cold, and I felt water dripping on it. I looked down, ah, it was the tears of a cow, very big, and splashed to the ground drop by drop.Although I have heard that cows cry when they are sent to the slaughterhouse before, seeing it with my own eyes is another matter.In the abnormally large and gentle eyes, tears gradually overflowed and fell to the ground... Enduring at home, I finally cried, and never dared to eat a bite of beef.

In fact, my family has not given me beef since I was a child, but I have been conscious since then.This is strange to say, because there is a custom in Quanzhou that the eldest daughter of the family should not eat beef, so my eldest aunt and I do not eat it.I once asked adults why, and they didn't know why.So much so that I had a very bad association, whether it is the ancient tradition of the eldest daughter saying that Wu'er is the main shrine of the family (see "Hanshu·Geography").I went to Pingyao, Shanxi Province a few years ago. Pingyao beef is famous. When I eat in restaurants on the street, I am strictly advised not to add beef.At that time, I was a little distracted and hungry, and I swallowed half of the vegetable dumpling in one gulp. I suddenly realized that I called the boss, and sure enough, there was beef in the dumpling, and my face turned blue with anger.So when I think of Pingyao, I feel a little resentful.

People who watched it must be surprised: since they have never eaten it, how would they know it is beef?But I do know.When I was a child, I had a serious illness and was almost deaf. Fortunately, my grandma saved me with acupuncture. Although my hearing was normal, it was not good.He likes to hide under the covers and read books, and his eyes have long been short-sighted.It is said that there is a delicate balance between human senses. As compensation, my nose and tongue seem to be particularly tricky.When I was a child, my mother laughed and said that I was a fox nose.That's a dialect, probably because the sense of smell is too sensitive.

Grandpa once took a few rabbits from the countryside, and nailed up a cage for me to raise. The cage had two floors, like a small cabinet, with grass inside.I play with the rabbits every day and feed them with radishes.There seemed to be six rabbits at most.One day my father came—at that time he was going to the countryside in Dehua, and occasionally returned to Quanzhou.When I came back from kindergarten at night, there was an extra plate of meat on the table. I ate a few mouthfuls and thought it was wrong. I asked what it was, and the answer was pork.I still felt that something was wrong, so I thought about it suddenly, and ran to the rabbit's nest to have a look... This unlucky thing naturally hurt me again.

The misfortune doesn't stop there.When I was young (three or five years old?), I ate a lot of frogs, and I became frogs.Because I was weak and often fell ill, my father made frogs and made soup for me.At that time Dehua frogs were everywhere, and farmers caught bunches and sold them.I don't know what it is, the soup is very white and thick, with some ginger, it tastes great, and the meat is delicate and sweet.It seems to be very effective, and I gradually become healthy.But one time, my father was killing frogs, and asked me to go over and watch. He demonstrated to me that after the head of the frog was chopped off, the feet could still move. He even turned the frog's stomach out, saying that this thing would eat mosquitoes, and the stomach was full.It is conceivable that I refused to drink frog soup from now on, and my father was crooked by my ignorance.My father is very good at cooking, and my friend Qinqiao will bring him to deal with any weird things.The one I remember most clearly is a poor owl.Unfortunately, I passed by the scene of the massacre again, and I vomited faintly.The smell of owl blood is extremely strong, and smelling it once can make you sick for ten years.That owl is very beautiful, I played with it at first, but after going out for a trip, it was dead on the spot when it came back.So I hate the so-called "game"?

In short, I have been given a lot of taboos for no reason. Most of them only eat pork, chicken, duck, and fish. Another favorite is shrimp and crab.There is no shortage of such things at the seaside.But one year, it became popular to eat hot pot and boil live shrimp. When the shrimp is thrown into the boiling soup, it will jump high and fall on the table. The shell is already red.Everyone took chopsticks and pressed them to burn them.I passed by once, and my appetite for prawns also decreased a little.I hate this old thing Ji Yun, who actually talked about how pitiful crabs are in Yuewei Thatched Cottage's notes, which made me hesitate for a long time when I looked at the red crabs my mother brought.It can be seen that the spiritual chef is not close.

When chatting with a friend, he suggested that I eat something hideous like a crocodile starfish.I am quite ashamed of this hypocritical behavior, and maybe one day in the future I will really give up meat.The friend said angrily: "Revolutionary people like me never taboo", "I was eating sweet potatoes when you were eating frogs." ——It is also a kind of happiness to be able to avoid food when you think of it. Dad just takes pleasure in tricking and forcing my mother and me to eat things we dare not eat.For example, my mother is most afraid of onion and garlic, so he will put onion and garlic in the dish, cover it with other aromas, and then coax mother to eat.Mom has a good sense of smell, and can still smell a little bit. If she refuses to eat, Dad will jump.I have more taboos, so he disguised all kinds of pork.But I could still eat it, and spit it out as soon as I touched it, so I was beaten and scolded a lot.One time when I entered the house, I smelled a strange fragrance, and I knew that someone must have brought something today. As a result, there was a plate of something on the dinner table——Dad made it into a puree, together with egg and shredded ginger Stir-fried, it is fragrant.He asked me to eat it, saying it was rabbit meat.I said I don't eat rabbit meat.He was furious and told me to eat it.As a last resort, I put a little bit into my mouth with tears in my eyes, and immediately spit it out, saying that it was definitely not rabbit meat (I won’t say what it is, anyway, my father is a doctor, and we lived in the dormitory of the hospital at that time, and the obstetrics and gynecology nurse was opposite the door. , think for yourself).cry.My mother couldn't bear to see it, and said that it was fine if she didn't like it, but my father beat me casually, as if he let me go.He ate a lot of it, but fortunately this was the only time he forced me to eat it on a whim.

That happened between my third and fifth grades.Dehua is still a quiet small mountain city, and the standard of living is still very low, so they are not willing to spend money on food.Parents' wages are also meager, but they say they can't wrong themselves.My friends say that my kitchen smells so fragrant.So if they smell something, they take a bottle of wine and knock on the door.Mom added the bowls and chopsticks, and they sat down to drink with Dad.I used to carry a small basket and go downstairs to buy beer for them. One basket could hold six bottles of beer.Sometimes I also order some sweet potato wine, or buy some snacks to go with the wine.As for what they eat, I probably dare not touch it.What I like is a small meat fish.My mother cut two knives on the fish, fried it until it was slightly golden, and then drizzled it with a little soy sauce.So far, I still think it is supremely delicious, and I am surprised that this kind of fish is extremely common. I also ate it later, but I still don’t have the wonderful feeling left on the tip of my tongue at that time.

With parents who can cook like this, I am even more happy to be away from the kitchen.What's more, cooking is a nuisance, just like cleaning the dust every day, reminding you how repetitive and boring life is.So I declared to my boyfriend early: I will never go to the kitchen in the future.It's a beautiful idea, when I wake up in the morning, someone will deliver a can of steaming black tea and cookies to my bed; when I come back in the evening, someone will cook and wait for me.He said slyly: "Okay, then you pay, and we will go out to eat every meal." It can be seen that we cannot escape the day of going to the kitchen after all. Now that I am in Singapore, I can only eat street food.The last time I went back to China, my mother insisted that I bring a small electric stew pot.I lost ten catties of meat in half a year, and my throat is always bad. She really loves me.In order to live up to my mother, I started to study soup.It was the first time in my life the day before yesterday that I put a half-cooked pig heart on the chopping board and chopped it into pieces. I didn't feel sick to my stomach. year 2002
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