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Chapter 26 Essay Comments: Liaozhai Four Questions and Others Chapter 26 What happened after Nora left?

Feminine 雍容 700Words 2018-03-18
[Note] An unknown friend left a message on my homepage, leaving an address, and I made a return visit. From this, I visited the new blog launched by Tianya Community for the first time, and then entered another blog from the friendship link, the link of that In the book, there is a name that attracted me: Zhuying Qingtong.It has been nearly four years since I went to Tianya, and I have been diving most of the time.Tianya's "Between the Same Sex" section, I'm afraid it is the first "mainstream" website in China to have a gay-themed section, right?However, the color of that section was rather ambiguous at first, and it seemed to be the transition between a girl's natural intimacy and "true homosexuality".Later, it gradually became "professional".I have always had no taboos on things that I find interesting, so I go for a stroll occasionally.Its ethos is actually better than dancing, writing, etc., and there are quite a few outstanding authors.However, in this very open-scale section, there is a girl who is always scolded and banned, and that is Zhuying Qingtong.Out of curiosity, I dug out one of her novels.I couldn't help laughing after watching it.Her ability to control words is good, but her ability to structure is relatively poor, and the highlights are in those presumptuous details: "Zhuying is so tired that she is sweating all over her body.She said: "You woman is really cheap. You are so powerful." I said: "Aren't you cheap?" Zhu Ying said: "I am cheap too." I said: "Is it just us two who are cheap?" Bamboo Ying said: "Women are all cheap." I said: "Is it just women who are cheap?" Zhu Ying said: "Everyone is cheap." We laughed together. ’ I really have no way to disagree with her point of view.This sentence, to put it mildly, is nothing more than Confucius's "only women and villains are difficult to raise."In fact, if you think about it carefully, women and villains are not the only ones who are difficult to raise. "If you are close, you will not be inferior, if you are far away, you will complain" is just a common weakness of human nature.It's just that the way she expresses it is unbearably frank.So I felt that she was wronged by being sealed, because the trend of the world, many novels talk about "sex" to the same extent as her, and are often recommended, but she aroused the greatest "righteous indignation".I thought that what she really stinged was not the sex, but the sharpness, and this is exactly what I admire about her.Not long ago, there was Mu Zimei, Zhuying Qingtong and her style are actually a bit similar: if you don’t leave any room for others, you won’t leave any room for yourself.

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