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Chapter 22 Essay Commentary: The Four Questions of Liaozhai and Others Chapter 22 A Woman Wishes to Have a Family

Feminine 雍容 2323Words 2018-03-18
Women wish to have a family when they are born——Three women in "Chen Yunqi" The article "Chen Yunqi", from the mysterious prophecy at the birth of the hero Zhen Yusheng, to the legendary experience of the hero and heroine reunited and separated, separated and reunited, has a strong romantic sentiment, but what really touches people's hearts is a kind of Caring for ordinary people—especially ordinary women—in life. In the past, apart from being puppets and slaves, women's feelings and wishes were never affirmed and respected.Although Confucianism recognizes that "husband and wife are the beginning of human relations" out of concern for the continuation of the clan, and even elevates the relationship between the sexes to a metaphysical philosophical level, but when it is implemented in individual behavior, it is "prostitution", let alone a monk.Especially female crowns and nuns, once they have "sexual" thoughts and actions, they are even more heinous.Therefore, from the legend of Tang Dynasty "Yu Xuanji" to the monks and nuns who broke the precepts in "Sanyan Erbai", all of them did not end well.There are occasional exceptions, and the pornography is vigorously exaggerated. For example, "Wen Rensheng Field Battles in Cuifu Temple, Watching Nirijin Huangsha Lane" in the book is obscene, and it is difficult to make people feel good about the heroine.

"Chen Yunqi" expresses tolerance and understanding for these young women.They are not bodhisattvas and immortals in the clouds, nor are they "harlots" who should go to hell.Although there is no "moral perfection", it has the brilliance of humanity. Lu Zu'an, where the heroine Chen Yunqi lives, is actually a brothel in disguise (since the Tang Dynasty, women's crowns have often been of the nature of high-ranking prostitutes). "Huangzhou is surrounded by clouds, and the few are incomparable", Zhen Yusheng went there admiringly, fell in love at first sight, but she avoided it cautiously, she was clean and self-sufficient, in contrast to Yunshen and Yundong.When Zhensheng finally got rid of the entanglement between Bai and Liang, and when he met him, Yun Qi talked to him through the window, first warning him that "everyone uses concubines as bait to catch the emperor, and if they come frequently, they will die", and then confessed that they "can't die forever" Keeping the rules, you can't be obedient and honest, and do things like Pan Lang." After Zhensheng made an oath, she still insisted on "the covenant in the middle of the mulberry, which is impossible."She is affectionate and reserved, bold and cautious.She doesn't intend to use her youth to sacrifice the so-called clear rules and precepts, but she also doesn't want to sink into this filthy environment. What she wants is "love", but marriage is more important.It is undeniable that her prudence has a little bit of self-importance, waiting for Jia to sell, but she lost her parents when she was young, has no one to rely on, and is in a terrible situation. All she has is just an unreliable color. Can you blame her for being cautious?Her cautiousness may be due to her painful experience of being deceived (her character is actually very naive, otherwise she would not have always believed that his surname was Pan because of a joke, which led to all kinds of misunderstandings later).Her standing is not noble, and her desire is also very ordinary, but it is the common aspiration of many women with similar fates in that era.

Later, after several turmoil, she never forgot her love for Zhensheng, and came to his home by accident. The real mother didn't know her real identity, and deliberately betrothed her to her son who had fallen in love with her: "'You know what it means for me to return together. The woman said with a smile: "I know it. But the original intention of the concubine to return together is unknown to the mother. The concubine's name is Yiling Pan, and the sound is too loud. There must be another good horse. Guo Er, it is also the mother." If you don’t, you will end up as a mother and a daughter—repay your mother someday.” Here again, his character is highlighted: emphasizing friendship and understanding.She values ​​love, but not hopeless love. She abides by righteousness, but not meaningless righteousness.After all, she is not a lady of every family, and she does not have such a strong concept of etiquette, not to mention that the so-called "marriage contract" between her and Zhensheng is not in line with "propriety".

If it is said that Chen Yunxi's marriage to Zhensheng was partly out of love, then what happened to Sheng Yunmian is even more intriguing.After getting married, Yun Qi ran into Yun Mian, who was living in the rivers and lakes and was haggard and not in the past. She was relatively sad, so she pretended to be a sister and took her home with her.Yun Mian "behaves like a master; while talking and laughing, he is sophisticated" and won the favor of his "widowed and lonely" true mother. Yun Qi offered to "become the emperor", and Yun Mian also married her real life.Men taking concubines always arouse our disgust, but Yunqi's behavior here cannot be regarded as "feudal morality".She is certainly hinted by the environment of the times, men have the freedom to take concubines but women have no right to be "jealous".However, the article repeatedly emphasizes that the two orphans have had a deep relationship since childhood.Since Yun Qi wanted to lean on Yun Mian as his arm because he couldn't take care of the family, he sympathized with Yun Mian's experience and hoped to change his fate (otherwise, he would have no status, and Yun Mian would not be able to live in the real family for a long time). It is Yunqi's kindness and openness.

Yun Mian's marriage to Zhen Sheng was not out of love—— Gao said: "When I was watching the Chinese Communist Party's pillow, my sister said: 'But if I get someone who can love me, we should work together'. Do you still remember it?" It is none other than him: If you run the business every day, no one knows the joys and sorrows. For several days, but there is a little fatigue, even if you bother the old mother, the center will be warm and cold. If you don’t issue an order to drive away the guests, you will be able to stay with the old mother. I wish this is enough, and I don’t want to practice the foreword.”

On the wedding night, she said frankly to Zhensheng: "The reason why my concubine is happy with her lover is that she must be willing to be lonely. Sincerely, as a boudoir, the remuneration is like a hook, which is unbearable..." She has never had the feeling of "home" Warmth, she has not obtained the identity of a "human", so this little care makes her linger.Du Liniang's dream-seeking dream is the awakening of youth, and for her who is reduced and helpless, even the sorrow of youth is too extravagant.Maybe she is too practical and vulgar, but how can a humble girl from Goulan control her own destiny? She has done the greatest resistance she can do. In her body, why not shine with the dignity of personality and the brilliance of humanity.

Liao Fan, the heroine of the late-Ming novel "Happy Enemy Huang Huanzhi's Love and Sentence by Officials", has several poems about her own mental journey, one of which is as follows: Xuanzhu Xiangyun learns to wear flowers, and never wears the old cassock. It is better to use the well mortar to offer delicious food, and to separate the branches and abandon the fahua. Yue Su suddenly knew that the mandarin mandarin quilt was warm, and the makeup at first glance was extravagant with a phoenix hairpin. The bandit with a Zen heart is tired of spring, and a woman wishes to have a family when she is born.

It can be used as a knot for Yunqi and Yunmian. After talking about the two young women, don't forget the third woman in this article, the real widowed mother.As soon as she appeared on the stage, the novel confessed that she was "strictly trained in the court". She categorically refused her son's courtship and once became an obstacle to his son's pursuit of happiness. She seemed to be a cruel and authoritarian parent.But in a dramatic way, she personally sent her son's ideal person to him.When she finally knew the whole story.He just smiled and said, "At first I didn't want to marry a Taoist priest for my son, but now I have two." It shows that she has become kind and humane under the warmth of her family.Near the end of the novel, I specifically confessed: "My wife is good at playing games. She is a widow and has no time for it. She is self-satisfied and manages the well. She has nothing to do day and night, and often plays games with girls. Light up the lamp and play tea, listen to the two women playing the piano, and the night begins to disperse." Every time I tell people: 'When the son and father are around, I can't have this joy.'" Imagine, except for Pu Songling, who has ever paid attention to the emotional world of a widowed mother in her prime?

Her realm has also risen to a higher level: when the real life test was defeated, she said: "Although my family is not rich, there are 300 acres of Susukida, but thanks to Manager Yunmian, I am getting more and more food and clothing. My son is under my knees, leading my two wives." Enjoy with the old body, and I don't want you to seek wealth and honor." In the concept of ethics, "family" is just the epitome of "country", and "filial piety" has solidified into a code of conduct. The deep affection between them? The romance of "Chen Yunqi" is not concealed by its reality, and its reality does not dilute its ideal color.It embodies Pu Songling's deep insight into human nature, and also embodies the universal love for mankind that a great writer must have. Year 1999

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