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Chapter 7 How far is the distance between abstinence and indulgence in "Jin Ping Mei" Xiaozha and Gossip Red Chamber Chapter 6

Feminine 雍容 1653Words 2018-03-18
It is the one I hate the most among the so-called "Four Great Masterpieces". I question it as "a great work describing peasant uprisings". . The "Tao" itself is already very suspicious, and for the sake of the "Tao", these so-called heroes are even more unscrupulous.Their hatred of mobs similar to theirs is far greater than their hatred of the "ruling class."If you can't take it back for your own use, you must kill it.More suspicious than "Tao" is their "righteousness".I thought they were less human and farther from humanity than the monsters in Journey to the West.

The character I hate the most in Water Margin is Shi Xiu.The Cuiping Mountain scene is one of the ugliest in Water Margin.Shi Xiu seems to be purely out of "loyalty" to remove the cuckold for her righteous brother Yang Xiong and kill the "harlot" Pan Qiaoyun.Even if we can't understand the practice of "death to adulterers", we must admit that in their era, husbands killing adulterous wives were legally recognized and even encouraged. According to the standards of the time, Yang Xiong was not wrong.But after reading these three chapters, you will feel that Shi Xiu's enthusiasm for "catching traitors" is much higher than that of Yang Xiong.Yang Xiong was quite satisfied with his wife. If Shi Xiu hadn't contributed to the flames, Pan Qiaoyun might not have died tragically.When Pan Qiaoyun appeared on the stage, according to the old novel's practice, she described her appearance for a while.Outlaws of the Marsh promotes abstinence, with violence but no pornography. This rhyme has a rare "meat" flavor in the whole novel, and all of this is just seen through Shi Xiu's eyes.His eyes not only greedily swept Pan Qiaoyun up and down, but were even miraculous enough to strip off her clothes and see through her naked body.To put it simply, Pan Qiaoyun aroused Shi Xiu's sexual desire at once. Unfortunately, the hero Shi Xiu must be an ascetic. Moreover, Pan Qiaoyun is a "righteous wife" and has no possibility of becoming a sexual object. He tried his best to suppress his desire for her.As a result, he hated Pan Qiaoyun and was jealous of Yang Xiong, who was actually eager to destroy the family.But he still has to refrain from hatred and jealousy, because he has no right to be jealous.The presence of the adulterer thrilled him: at last he had a fair excuse to vent his jealousy and hatred.So, there is this bloody scene:

... Shi Xiu stripped off the woman's head, face, jewelry and clothes, and Yang Xiong cut two skirts and brought them, and tied the woman to the tree with his own hands.Shi Xiu also took away Ying'er's jewelry, handed over the knife and said, "Brother, this little bitch, what do you want him to do? Cut the weeds and root them out."... The woman shouted from the tree: "Uncle persuade me Persuade you." Shi Xiu said: "Sister-in-law, brother has come to serve you."... Shi Xiu's performance is completely distorted by sexual desire, and vented in an extreme way of killing.In the end, the brothers of different surnames died together, and they formed an unbreakable "righteousness" through the symbolic ceremony of torture and killing.

Now back to Jin Ping Mei.Jin Ping Mei is a perfunctory cut from the middle of the Water Margin. The Water Margin is the world of heroes, while Jin Ping Mei is the secular world. The character who connects the two worlds is Wu Song.When Wu Song was assassinated and temporarily disappeared from the reader's sight, the world of Jin Ping Mei really unfolded.When Wu Song returned for revenge, Jin Ping Mei's world was already shattered. Perhaps ordinary readers rarely notice the subtle differences between the image of Wu Song in Outlaws of the Marsh and Jin Ping Mei and the scenes of "revenge" in the two books.In contrast, in Water Margin, Wu Song's means of revenge are upright, but in Jin Ping Mei, Wu Song pretends to marry Pan Jinlian, luring her to commit suicide.

In the Water Margin, when Wu Song killed Pan Jinlian, he stabbed his chest with a knife and pulled out his internal organs.This is a typical "revenge killing method" in old novels, because it occurs repeatedly, and it is not very stimulating to readers' nerves.Jin Pingmei's murder of his sister-in-law is longer and more delicate than that. It is extremely pornographic, violent and bloody, and disgusting.That Wu Song is calm, sinister and cold-blooded.Strangely, at this time, the author still did not forget to describe Jinlian's sexual characteristics, such as "Bai Fufu" and "half-flashing star eyes", which are exactly the words he likes to use every time when describing Jinlian and Ximenqing's copulation. , it seems that Pan Jinlian is not being slaughtered, but enjoying.In the end, the author used poems to express his emotions as usual, and he actually used "Mourning Jin Liancheng is pitiful, he took off his clothes and knelt in front of the spirit. Who knew that Wu Er would kill with a knife, and Ximen only played with leggings..." Such a light touch The hook links the "just revenge" action of killing his sister-in-law with the sexual abuse of Pan Jinlian by Ximen Qing in the 27th episode of Drunken Grape Rack.The true face of Wu Song, an ascetic who hates "prostitutes" extremely, is already clear at a glance—he is just another Ximen Qing.

How far is the distance between abstinence and indulgence?It's just a piece of paper.They all deviate from bright humanity and normal human feelings.Don't believe the words of Gao Luopei and others. In fact, our culture has never been able to establish a healthy sexual attitude and concept, and is always swaying between extreme depression and extreme indulgence.Jin Ping Mei is a true portrayal of the Ming Dynasty.Today, after another period of extreme repression, we move toward extreme indulgence without hesitation.When our nerves are tired of the unrestrained collision of pornography, we don't know what is waiting for us?

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