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Spy Class · Hit List 弗·福赛斯 10085Words 2018-03-18
Ask Jerry Dermot, and he'll put his hand over his heart and swear he's never intentionally hurt anyone in his life, and he doesn't deserve to die.But it didn't save him. In mid-March, Boise, the capital of Idaho, USA.Reluctantly, Winter loosened its grip slowly.There is still snow on the tops of the mountains surrounding the capital, and the wind blowing down from the peaks is still bitingly cold.People walking on the street shrank in warm coats. State legislators emerged from the State Capitol at 700 West Jefferson Street and emerged from the building's grand entrance.He walked along the sandstone wall towards the car parked on the side of the street, and the car was ready to start.He nodded in his usual way to the police officer on the steps of the portico, and saw Joe, his driver.Joe has followed him for many years and has always been loyal.Now, he was coming around from the car and opening the rear door.The congressman didn't notice that a man stood up from a chair on the other side of the sidewalk, wrapped up tightly, and started walking towards this side.

The man wore a cap without a brim, and a long black coat with no buttons in the front, which he fastened with his hands from the inside.The only strange thing is that he is not wearing jeans under his coat, but a kind of white clothing.It was later confirmed that this dress was the ankle-length tunic worn by Arabs. "Congressman." Jerry Dermot had almost reached the open car door when the voice sounded, and he turned to the voice.The last thing he saw in this world was a dark face staring at him, but the man's eyes were empty, as if looking at something far away.The overcoat slid off, and a sawn-off gun barrel was lifted out of the suspended position in the clothes.

The police later discovered that the two barrels fired at the same time, and the bullets were the large lead bullets used for hunting animals, not the small pellets used for hunting birds.The shooting range was almost ten feet. As the barrel was sawed short, the bullets were scattered widely, and the steel balls shot through the Senator's body, and several of them hit Joe, causing him to turn in the other direction and fall backwards.Joe had a pistol under his coat, but his hand was in his face and he never used it. The officer on the steps saw all this.He drew his revolver and ran down.The assassin waved his hands in the air, holding the short gun in his right hand, screaming something.The officer, not knowing whether he had fired the second barrel, fired three times.At twenty feet, with his training, it was impossible to miss.

The man yelled.All three hit him in the middle of the chest, knocking him backwards into the trunk of the car.He bounced up and fell forward, face down in the ditch, dead.The man coming out from under the porch saw it all—two men down, the driver staring at his bleeding hands, the policeman standing next to the assassin's body, gun in both hands, pointing down.They ran into the building, calling for backup. The two bodies were moved to the city morgue.Joe was in the hospital with three shotgun shots in the face.The congressman died, with more than twenty steel balls shot into the chest, hitting the heart and lungs.The assassin is also dead.

The latter was stripped naked and placed on the mortuary board without any clues about his identity or personal documents.Oddly enough, except for the beard, the body hair is all shaved.By publishing his mugshot in the evening papers, two insiders provided information: one was the rector of a college on the outskirts of the city, who identified the deceased as a student of Jordanian descent; the other was the landlady of a boarding house, who The deceased was identified as one of her tenants. Detectives searched the man's room and took away books in Arabic and a laptop.The data from the laptop was downloaded to the police technical lab.Boise City Police Headquarters had never seen anything like this.The hard drive contained a series of speeches and sermons — a hooded man with piercing eyes watching the screen, delivering “teachings” in fluent English.

The content is simple and brutal.True believers complete their own personal transformation - from heretics to true Muslims.He can only rely on himself, does not trust anyone, converts to Jihad, and becomes a truly loyal fighter of Allah.Then he should find out those dignitaries who serve "Great Satan" and send them to hell, where they will die like "Sayyid" and ascend to the Paradise of Allah to live there forever.There are many videos of him with the same message. Police turned the exhibits over to the FBI's Boise office.The latter sent the entire dossier to the John Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, DC.FBI headquarters was not surprised at all.They had heard of this "missionary" before.

On November 8, Mrs. Lucy Carlson went into labor.She was taken straight to the Naval Hospital Maternity Unit at Pendleton Base, California, where she was admitted with her husband.Two days later, her first and only son was born. The child was named after his grandfather, Christopher.His grandfather was a senior officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was often called Chris. To avoid confusion, the child's nickname became "Kit".The mention of the elder pioneer is merely a coincidence. His birthday is also coincidentally, November 10th. On this day in 1775, the United States Marine Corps was officially established.

Captain Alvin Carlson was in Vietnam before.The fighting there was brutal, as it was for the next five years.But his rotation was over, so he was allowed home for Christmas, reunited with his wife and two young daughters, and welcomed his first son. He returned to Vietnam after the new year. He eventually returned to Marine Corps Base Pendleton in 1970.His next assignment was not an assignment.He spent three years at Pendleton, watching his son grow from a toddler to four and a half years old. Here, away from the deadly jungle, the couple lived a normal base life between the officers married quarters, offices, social club, commissary and base church.He can also teach his son to swim at De Mar Anchorage.He sometimes thought of the good old days at Pendleton.

In 1973, he received an assignment to accompany his family to Quantico, just outside Washington.Quantico was then a mosquito- and tick-infested wilderness where young boys could chase squirrels and raccoons through the woods. The Carlsons were still living at the base when Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam met outside Paris.The talks resulted in an agreement to formally end the decade-long carnage now known in the United States as the "Vietnam War." Carlson, now a major, is back in Vietnam for the third time.Danger remains as North Vietnamese forces prepare to invade the south in violation of the Paris accords.But he was recalled earlier, before the unrest spread from the embassy to the last plane at the airport.

Over the years, his son Kit has gone through the stages typical of young American boys—Little League, Boy Scouts, elementary school. In the summer of 1976, Major Carlson and his family relocated to Lejeune, North Carolina, the third largest Marine Corps base. As second in command of his battalion, Major Carlson was based at Eighth Marine Corps Headquarters on C Street.He lives in the officers' married quarters with his wife and three children.No one ever said anything about what the developing boy might like to do when he grew up.He was born in the center of two "homes": the Carlsons and the Army.It is generally believed that he would have followed his grandfather and father into officer school and donned the uniform.

From 1978 to 1981, Major Carlson received long overdue maritime assignments to US Naval and Marine Corps Base Norfolk on the southern shore of Chesapeake Bay in Northern Virginia.The family lives at the base, and the major is on duty as the commander of the Nimitz aircraft carrier, which is the pride of the aircraft carrier fleet.His vantage point at sea allowed him to witness the fiasco of Operation Eagle Claw - also known as "Desert One", in which several American diplomats were killed by a group of "students" under the control of Ayatollah Khomeini. "Kidnapped to Tehran as a hostage, but it was a desperate rescue. Major Carlson stood on the bridge of the Nimitz, watching eight heavy Sea Stallion helicopters thundering toward the shore with long-distance binoculars. The "Green Berets" and "Rangers" are in charge of this "snatching" operation-they will rescue the diplomats and take them off the coast and back to safety.The sea stallion was there to support them. He had seen the difficult return voyage of most of them.The first two flew into a sandstorm off the coast of Iran and failed due to lack of sand filters.Another flew head-on into the storm wall, and the aircraft burst into flames.Other helicopters returned with the injured.For the rest of his life, every time he recalled this memory and that foolish plan, he felt very painful. From the summer of 1981 to 1984, already a lieutenant colonel, Alvin Carlson and his family were posted to London as Counselor to the US Marine Corps at the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square.Kit attended the American School in St John's Wood.Later, the boy recalled his three years in London with emotion.It was the era of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan's remarkable partnership. The Falkland Islands were invaded and immediately liberated.A week before British paratroopers moved into Port Stanley, Ronald Reagan was on a state visit to London.Charlie Price was named ambassador and became the most popular American in the city.Since then, parties and dances have continued.The Carlsons met Queen Elizabeth during a welcome parade at the embassy.Fourteen-year-old Kit Carlson had a crush on a girl for the first time.And his father has been in the army for twenty years. Lieutenant Colonel Carlson was promoted to commander of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, and his family moved with him to Kaneohe Bay in the Hawaiian Islands, which has a very different climate from London.For teenage boys, this is a time of surfing, snorkeling, diving, fishing, and growing interest in girls. At the age of sixteen, his physique is amazing.Academic performance also shows that he has a racing brain.A year later, his father was promoted to the General Staff and sent back to the mainland.Kit Carlson is an Eagle Scout and ROTC freshman.What had been speculated years ago was turning into reality—like planes starting to land and unable to stop, he was following in his father's footsteps as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. Back on American soil, a college degree called him.He was sent to the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, where he boarded for four years, majoring in history and chemistry.Three of those long summers were spent at the U.S. Army Paratrooper School, Scuba Diving School, and Officer Candidate School at Quantico. In the spring of 1989, when he was 20 years old, he graduated with a degree and got a bar on his shoulder, becoming a second lieutenant of the Navy.At the awarding ceremony, both the brigadier general's father and his mother felt extremely proud. As an honor cadet, he was commissioned first to the Naval Officers' Basic School, and after Christmas, to the Army Officers' School until March 1990, and then to the Ranger Academy at Fort Benning, Georgia.After earning his Ranger badge, he was flown to the Twentynine Palms Naval Station in California. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 7th Regiment, at Twentynine Palms Naval Base, also known as Stump Air Ground Operations Center.Then, on August 2, 1990, a man named Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.The U.S. Marines returned to battle, accompanied by Ensign Kit Carlson. Claiming that Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait would not be tolerated, the United Kingdom and the United States formed a vast alliance there, from the Persian Gulf to the Jordanian border, along the Iraqi-Saudi Arabian desert border. The United States Marines join the Oceanic Expeditionary Force under General Walter Blomme, with the 1st Division under General Mike Myatt.Lieutenant Kit Carlson was nowhere near their rank, assigned to the 2nd Division.This division was assigned to the easternmost end of the alliance front, and eastward from their position was the blue ocean of the Persian Gulf. The first month, August, was dazedly hot, tense and hectic.The whole division, including all armored weapons and artillery, must be unloaded and landed, and deployed along the defense zone.The huge transport formation arrived at the Jubail oil port, which is still sleeping so far, unloaded the required materials, and provided supplies for a fully-organized American division to equip and live.It wasn't until September that Kit Carlson was called in for assignments.It was a very old major with acerbic speech--probably because he couldn't be promoted, and was unhappy about it. Major Duran slowly read the new officer's file.His eyes finally caught something unusual.He looked up. "You were a boy in London?" "Yes, sir." "Weird bastards." Major Duran read and closed the file. "Just to the west of us is the British 7th Armored Brigade. They call themselves the 'Desert Rats.' Like I said, weird. They Call yourself a soldier mouse." "Actually, it's a jerboa, sir." "What is it?" "Jerboa. A desert animal, like a mongoose. They won the title when they fought Rommel in the Libyan desert in World War II. Rommel was the desert fox. The jerboa is weaker, but more elusive. .” Major Duran was not surprised. "Don't play tricks on me, Lieutenant. For some reason, we have to deal with these desert rats. I suggest to General Myatt that you go over there as our liaison officer. Disband." The coalition had five more months to sweat in the desert—the commander, General Norman Schwarzkoff, had asked the coalition air force to knock down Iraqi forces before he could attack.During this time, Kit Carlson had been working as a liaison between the two units after reporting to British General Patrick Codingley, who commanded the 7th Armored Brigade. Few American soldiers have any interest or sympathy for Saudi Arabia's native Arab culture.But Carlson, who is naturally curious, is an exception.He found two officers among the British who knew a little Arabic, and learned phrases from them.When he went to Jubail, he listened to the five daily prayers of the prayers, watched them prostrate themselves on the ground in their robes, and kept touching their foreheads to the ground to complete the prayer. Whenever he had the opportunity to meet Saudis, he took the formal greeting As-salamu alakhum (peace be upon you) with great importance and learned to respond with Wa alaikum assalaam (peace be upon you too).He noted the consternation that this caused, but this was not something that foreigners should worry about, and after the consternation came friendliness. Three months later, the size of the British Armored Brigade was increased to a division.General Schwarzkoff ordered the British to advance east, much to General Myatt's chagrin.When the ground forces finally moved, it became a short, brutal, furious battle.The Iraqi armored forces were driven away by British Challenger II tanks and American Abrams main battle tanks like autumn leaves.As in the past few months, air supremacy is completely controlled by the coalition forces. Saddam's army hid in the trenches, was pulverized by the carpet bombing of the US B-52 bombers, and surrendered one after another.For the U.S. military, this massacre was a rapid advance to Kuwait, which excited them; at the same time, it was also the last attack to infiltrate the Iraqi border, so their superiors ordered them to stop.The ground war lasted only five days. Ensign Kit Carlson must have done something right. When he returned in the summer of 1991, he was transferred to the 81mm mortar platoon as the best second lieutenant in the battalion.With a higher purpose, he did the unusual thing—for the first time, but by no means the last—he applied for and won the Olmsted Fellowship.When asked why, he replied that he wanted to be assigned to the Defense Language Institute in Presidio, Monterey, California.Even more impressive, he admitted that he wanted to learn Arabic.This decision later changed his life. His chief, confused by him, granted his request anyway.He spent a year in Monterey on an Olmsted Scholarship.Then in the second and third years he won a two-year internship at the American University in Cairo.Here he discovers that he is the only U.S. Marine and the only serviceman who has ever seen combat. On February 26, 1993, while he was still there, a Yemeni named Ramzi Yousef tried to blow up the World Trade Center at the World Trade Center in Manhattan.That man failed, but the American authorities ignored one point: he fired the first shot of "Islamic jihad" against the United States. There were no electronic publications at that time, but Lieutenant Carlson could keep abreast of the progress of the investigation on the other side of the Atlantic through the radio.He was both puzzled and curious.Finally, he called the wisest man he had ever known in Egypt—Professor Khaled Aziz, a teacher at Al Azhar University.Al Azhar University is one of the most prestigious research centers in the entire Islamic world.The professor sometimes gives lectures at American universities.He received the young American at his residence at Al-Azhar University. "Why would they do that?" Kit Carlson asked. "Because they hate you," said the old man calmly. "But why? What did we do to them?" "To them personally? To their country? To their families? No. Maybe you gave them some dollars. But that's not the point. With terrorism, it was never the point. With terrorists, whatever Is it Fatah or Black September, or is it the new sect, first anger and hatred, then the so-called justification. The IRA's justification is patriotism, the red brigade is politics, Salafist jihad The molecule is piety—false piety." The professor prepared tea for them both on the alcohol stove. "But they claim to be following holy teachings. They say they are following the will of the Prophet Muhammad. They say they are serving Allah." The water boiled, and the elder scholar smiled slightly.He noticed the word that had been inserted before—"sacred," a polite but pleasing word. "Young man, I am called 'Hafiz,' which means that one can memorize all six thousand two hundred and thirty-six verses. Unlike your Bible, ours is not composed of hundreds not written by two authors, but written by one person, or rather, dictated by one person, and some of the passages seem to contradict each other. "What the jihadists do is they take a sentence or two out of the whole text, twist it a little bit, and pretend they have a holy justification. They don't. There is nothing in our holy books that says we must kill women With children to please Allah who we call Merciful and Compassionate. All extremists do that, including Christians and Judaizers. Don't let our tea get cold, let it be hot and bubbling Time to drink." "But, professor, has no one ever studied, explained, or corrected these contradictions?" The professor added some more tea to the American himself.He has servants, but he likes to make tea himself. "It has always been. For thirteen hundred years, scholars have been studying that book, writing commentaries on it, and compiling them into Hadith, about 100,000." "Have you seen it?" "I haven't read it all. It takes ten lifetimes to finish it. But I still read a lot. And I wrote two." "One of the bombers, Sheikh Omar Khalid Rahman, was... er... is also... a scholar. They call him Mr. Blind." "A scholar who doesn't get it right. That's nothing new for any religion." "But I still have to ask, why do they hate?" "Because you are not them. Those who are not their own have made them extremely angry. We call Jews, Christians Kafir - those who do not believe in God and cannot convert to the One True Faith, but it also refers to those who are not pure Muslim people. In Algeria, in their jihad against Algiers, the jihadists bloodbathed Muslim guerrilla fighters in several villages, massacring the villagers, including women and children. Always remember, Lieutenant, anger comes first And hatred, and then those legitimate reasons, very pious gestures, are all disguises." "What about you, Professor?" The old man sighed. "I hate them and despise them. Because they blacken my beloved Islam. The Islam they present to the world is distorted by anger and hatred. But communism is dead, weak self-interested Westerners only care about pleasure and Greed. There will be many who will listen to new ideas." Kit Carlson checked his watch.It's almost time for the professor to go to church.He stood up.The scholar, noticing his gesture, stood up smiling, and accompanied his guest to the door.When the American left, the professor called to him from behind. "I'm afraid, Lieutenant, that Islam, which I love, is entering a long night. You are young, and you will see the end, Insha'llah. I pray that I do not live to witness its darkness." ⑾Insha Allah: Arabic, "if Allah desires". Three years later, the old scholar died in his bed.But the killing had already begun, with a giant bomb hitting an apartment building in Saudi Arabia populated by American civilians.A man named Osama bin Laden left Sudan to return to Afghanistan as a distinguished guest of the new Taliban government, which by then had swept across the country.The western world still hasn't done anything to protect itself, and continues to enjoy the grasshopper time after autumn. Tourists wander the 17th-century cobbled streets of Glenjocombe, Somerset, England, in summer.Tranquil away from all the main arterial roads leading to the South West beaches and harbour.But it also has its history, royal charters, town council and a mayor. In April 2014, it was time for Giles Matravos, a retired tailor, to become mayor. In his three-cornered hat, fringed fur coat, and mayor's chain, he was opening a chamber of commerce building behind the high street.A person from the small crowd of onlookers rushed out, and before anyone could react, he crossed the ten yard distance between him and Matravos, and stabbed him in the chest with a butcher knife. . There were two police officers at the scene, but neither was armed.Town council members and others tried in vain to tend to the dying mayor.The police stepped forward to subdue the killer, but he had no intention of running away, repeatedly shouting words that no one could understand.Afterwards, experts confirmed that he shouted "Allah Akbar" or "Allah the Great". The killer was thrown to the ground by two officers in blue uniforms, one of whom had a cut in his hand with a knife.Detectives from Taunton, the county capital, arrived promptly and began the formal interrogation.The assassin sat in the police station, saying nothing, refusing to answer questions.An Arabic-speaking constable was called in from the county police headquarters because he was wearing an Arabic-style robe that came down to his ankles, but he was also unsuccessful. The man was a stocker at a local supermarket and lived in the living room of a one-room boarding house.The landlady confessed that he was an Iraqi.It was initially thought that his actions were motivated by outrage at what was happening in his country, but the Home Office found he had come to the UK as a refugee and was granted political asylum.Young people from the town came forward to testify that Luke had been partying, drinking, and dating three months earlier.Afterwards he seemed to be a different person, taciturn and disdainful of his former way of life. In his living room, nothing was found except a laptop.But what's on his computer is sure to be familiar to the police in Boise, Idaho -- sermon after sermon.A man wearing a mask sits in front of a black cloth with an inscription on it, asking believers to eradicate Kafir⑿.Bewildered Somerset police officers read some of the sermons, only to find that the preacher spoke perfect English, without the slightest accent. ⑿ Kafir: In Islamic terms, it means "unbeliever", pagan. The killer remained silent when he was interrogated, while files and laptops were sent to London.Police officers from the Metropolitan Police sent the details to the Ministry of the Interior.The Home Office then consulted the intelligence agency MI5.The latter has obtained a report on the events in Idaho from the British embassy in Washington. Back in the United States, Lieutenant Kit Carlson was stationed at Pendleton Base for three years.He was born there and spent the first four years of his life there.During those days, his grandpa died at his house in North Carolina.The old man was a retired colonel of the Marine Corps and had participated in the Battle of Iwo Jima.Shortly before his death, he had witnessed his son, Kit's father, promoted to one-star commodore general, and the old man was breathless with pride. Kit Carlson met and married a Navy nurse at the hospital where she was born.For three years, they had been trying to have a child, and tests later revealed that the woman was infertile.They agreed to adopt a child in the future, but so far they have not. He returned to Quantico in the summer of 1999 after being assigned to the Staff College. In 2000, he was promoted to major.After graduation, he and his wife received another assignment.This time he was sent to Okinawa, Japan. It was there, several time zones away from New York, that as he watched the midnight news before bed, he witnessed the unbelievable sight of what would come to be known as 9/11. screen. He and the others sat in the officers' club in silence late into the night, watching over and over the slow-motion replay of the two planes crashing into the twin towers—first the north tower, then the south tower. Unlike the people around him, he knew Arabic, he knew the Arab world, he knew Islam.He knew that there were over a billion people on this planet who practiced it. He thought of Professor Khalid Aziz gently and courteously serving him tea and prophesying the long night of the Islamic world.It was done by nineteen Arabs, including fifteen Saudis.As the situation became clearer, he heard angry commotion rising around him, and he thought of the others.He remembered the shopkeepers beaming when he greeted the Jubailians in their native language.Are terrorists people like them? In the evening, the whole regiment gathered and lined up to listen to the leader's lecture.His speech was depressing — this is a war, and the Marines, as ever, will defend the country wherever and whenever they are called. Major Kit Carlson agonized over the wasted years.In Africa and the Middle East, attack after attack against the United States only fueled a week of rage among politicians who had little idea, or even the scale, of the slaughter planned in the cave complexes of Afghanistan. It is impossible to overestimate the pain caused by the "September 11 Incident" to the United States and her people.Everything has changed and it will never be the same again.The giant has woken up in the past twenty-four hours. Carlson knew there would be retaliation, and he wanted to be a part of it.But he was stranded on this Japanese island and still needed to serve in this post for several years. But just as the event changed America forever, it changed Kit Carlson's life.Unbeknownst to him, in Washington, a senior CIA officer and Cold War veteran, Hank Crampton, was scouring Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps files for an extremely rare type of person.He was looking for active-duty officers who knew Arabic, and the name of the operation was "cleansing." In his office in Building Two, CIA Headquarters, in Langley, Virginia, computers sift through files far faster than the human eye can see or the human brain can process.Names and resumes kept scrolling, most were eliminated, and a small number of projects were kept. A name suddenly popped up on the top of the screen, and a star beside it kept blinking.Major in the Marine Corps, Olmsted Scholarship, Monterey Defense Language Institute, two years in Cairo, bilingual, proficient in Arabic. "Where is he?" Crampton asked. "Okinawa." The computer replied. "Okay, we want him here," Crampton said. It took a while, and some wrangling.The Marines were reluctant, but the CIA was better.The director of the CIA is accountable only to the president, and George W. Bush is at the beck and call of Director George Tenet.The Oval Office overruled the Marine Corps' objections.Major Carlson was immediately seconded to the CIA.He didn't want to change jobs, but at least it got him out of Okinawa.He vowed to return to the Marine Corps when he had the chance. On September 20, 2001, a Transport Star plane took off from Okinawa and headed for California.A Marine Corps major sat in the back seat of the plane.He knew the Marines would take care of Susan and send her to the Marine Corps base at Quantico later in the day.It would be closer to him in Langley. In accordance with the order, Major Carlson was transferred from California to Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington in order to go to CIA headquarters. Interview, Arabic language test, compulsory casual attire, and finally a small office in the second building.It was a few miles away from the senior CIA officials on the top floor of Building One headquarters. They gave him a bunch of intercepted radio communications in Arabic to study and annotate.He was a little annoyed.It was the job of the National Security Agency at Fort Meade on Baltimore Road in Maryland, and they had interceptors, wiretappers, codebreakers, and he was in the Marines, but he hadn't analyzed the news broadcasts from the Cairo transceivers. Afterwards, rumors spread throughout the mansion.It is strange that Mullah Omar, head of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, refused to hand over the "9.11 incident" criminals.Afghanistan will guarantee the security of all operations of Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda in Afghanistan.And the rumor goes like this: We're going to invade. ⒀ Mullah: In Islamic countries and regions, mullah is a respectful title for intellectuals, which is equivalent to "Mr." in Chinese. Details are scarce, but some are still quite accurate.A large number of navies will set sail and enter the Persian Gulf to transport large-scale air force.Although Pakistan is reluctant and has put forward many conditions, it will cooperate with it.U.S. ground forces use only special forces.Their British partners will be with them. In addition to spies, agents and analysts, the CIA also has a division that engages in what the industry calls "active means" -- a euphemism for murder. Kit Carlson has a clear position to sell himself to certain people.Facing the person in charge of the Special Operations Division, he said very directly: You need me. "Sir, there's no value in keeping me in a coop like a hen in a coop. I may not speak Pashto or Dari⒁, but our real enemy is bin Laden's terrorists— They are all Arabs. I can understand them. I can interrogate prisoners, read their written orders and notes. You need me in Afghanistan, no one needs me here." ⒁Pashto and Dari: Both languages ​​are Afghan languages. He found allies and was transferred.By the time President Bush announced the invasion on Oct. 7, advance troops from the Special Operations Division had already gone to join the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance.Kit Carlson set off with them.
Notes: It means a witness, and is also used to refer to a martyr.
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