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Chapter 140 Letter II to Gentleman Edward

New Heloise 卢梭 20912Words 2018-03-18
Yes, gentlemen, I agree with joy, that Meyeri's scene was indeed the turning point of my madness and my distressed mood.Mr. de Walmart's words completely reassured me about my true state of mind.My too-weak heart has been healed and restored to health; and I would rather grieve with an imaginary remorse than the fear of being constantly surrounded by guilt.Since the return of this admirable friend, I have not hesitated to treat him as a friend; you have made me appreciate the noble value of the term friend.That is at least what I call anyone who restores my virtue to me.My soul is at peace, as is this house in which I live.I have begun to live here as freely as in my own family; and if I have not yet fully assumed the majesty of a master, I am more than happy to consider myself a child of the family.The simplicity and equal treatment I saw in this family moved me deeply and made me respectful.I passed day after day between deep sanity and soulful virtue.In the process of frequent contact with this happy couple, I was greatly influenced by them, and my heart was touched unconsciously. My heart gradually merged with theirs, as if I was in contact with someone. When you speak, you will unknowingly have the same accent as the other party.

What a cozy and sweet hideaway!What a pleasure it is to live here!How much the sweet habits of life here add to the value of life!Even though this home doesn't look like much from the outside, once you get used to it, it's hard not to like it!Madame de Walmart performed her noble duty with keen interest in making all those close to her in communication with her—her husband, her children, her guests, her servants—happy and kindness.In this peaceful and quiet place, there is no noise or loud laughter, but there is joy everywhere, everyone's heart is happy and their faces are happy.Although sometimes tears can be seen, but they are tears of sympathy and joy.Worry, trouble, sorrow, like their inevitable results--sin and regret--never descended on this home.

As far as she is concerned, apart from that secret affair which tormented her, the reason for which I have told you in my last letter, it is certain that everyone is making her happy.Yet, for all the reasons for her happiness, there were also a thousand reasons for her displeasure in her position.Her monotonous solitary life no other woman could bear; they would resent the noise of children; His cleverness and respect can't offset his seriousness and older age; even his inseparability and reluctance will become a burden for them.They would then try to keep him away, so that they could be at home, or go away, because they despised the domestic pleasures; They feel at home only when they are strangers in their own home.Only a healthy mind can appreciate the beauty of a secluded life; one sees only good people who prefer to stay at home and prefer not to go out; and if there is a happy life in the world, it must be the one they lead at home.However, the tools of happiness are meaningless to those who cannot use them. Only when people know how to taste happiness can they know the real happiness.

If it had to be stated exactly what was done in this family to make life happy, I think my answer would be: "They know how to live at home." But this is not what the French understand it to mean, According to the understanding of the French, that is to treat others according to certain rules required by fashion.This sentence should be understood from the perspective of the meaning of life, because people are born for this; this kind of life is the kind of life you talked about with me, the kind of life you set an example for me, and it lasted more than Even when he is dying, he will not feel that his life is wasted.

Julie had a father who cared deeply about the well-being of her family; she also had two children who had to be properly raised.This should be the main concern of the down-to-earth person, and the first concern she shares with her husband.As soon as they formed a family, they studied their finances: they did not place much value on whether their wealth would allow them to live a life commensurate with their station and needs; they knew that no honest family could be content with their possessions Yes, so they don't worry about their children complaining that they didn't leave much in the future.Therefore, they devote themselves to the improvement of the family situation, rather than to expand their own family business; they prefer to save their money properly than to earn interest; The land, and the example set by their conduct was their only wealth, the only inheritance they wished to extend.

It is true that if property does not increase, it will gradually decrease due to various unexpected situations. However, if you want to double your property because of this, when will you stop using this as an excuse and stop endlessly? How about expanding wealth?The property will be distributed to the children in the future.But did they stop doing anything because of that?Is not the income of each man's labor a supplement to his own wealth?Is not every man's intelligence also a part of his wealth?Insatiable greed is thus intensified under the guise of prudence, and leads to crime through the blind pursuit of insurance. "It is useless to claim to make things permanent, because it does not conform to the nature of things," said Mr. de Walmart. "Even rationally, we have to chance many things. , but if our lives and our fortunes are always not in our hands but in luck, are we not always looking for troubles, always trying to prevent doubtful pains and inevitable dangers? Is it really stupid?" The only course he took in this matter was to live on the principal for one year, and then to save the income of the year for the next year's expenses, so that the expenses of the year could be advanced. Set aside for a year.He would rather eat some money than blindly chase profits.He never took any risk, lest he would go bankrupt if there was a slight accident, so instead he made his investment several times more profitable.In this way, managing the family well, keeping it stable and not chaotic, is equivalent to allowing his family to save and get rich by spending wisely.

According to the world's view of wealth, this family is not rich, but in fact, I have never seen anyone richer than them.There is no such thing as absolute wealth. The word "rich" means nothing more than a relative relationship between the rich's desires and financial resources.A man may be said to be rich if he owns an Alban of land, but a man may be poor even if he owns mountains of gold and silver.There is no limit to the profligacy, the unrestrained dispensation, and such people are poorer than those who are really forced to be poor by life.In this family, the relationship between desire and money was built on an unshakable foundation, that is to say, on the harmony between the husband and wife.The husband is responsible for the income from the land, while the wife controls the use of the income, and it is precisely because of their tacit cooperation that they are so rich.

The deepest impression left by this family is first of all, in an orderly and step-by-step environment, you can always find that kind of appropriate, free and cheerful atmosphere.Generally speaking, a well-organized family with strict management has a big disadvantage: the atmosphere is gloomy and depressing.The masters have to do everything by themselves, and there is always a little bit of stinginess.Everyone around them feels cramped; the strict orderliness feels enslaved and unbearable.The servants were doing their duty, but they were unhappy and trembling.The guests were well received, but they dared not really be free; for fear of breaking the rules of the host's house, they were cautious in their words and manners, for fear that they might make some mistakes.One feels that the heads of such families are slaves, never living for themselves, always thinking of their children, never thinking that they are not only fathers but human beings, and that they have to do for their children. As a role model in life, let children know that only being wise and open-minded is happiness.In this family, the rules set are reasonable.They believe that one of the main duties of a good father is not only to keep the family happy so that the children can grow up happily in it, but also to make his own life so easy that the family can feel happy living as he does , so that the love of ease does not lead to a life contrary to his.One of the maxims which Mr. de Walmart used frequently in speaking of the amusements of the cousins ​​was that the melancholy, uninspiring lives of the father and mother were the chief source of the disorder and confusion of the lives of the children.

As far as Julie is concerned, she has no other rules, she only works with her heart, and she has not found a more reliable pointer than the heart, so she does things with her heart without hesitation, in order to get things done, what the heart wants her to do She does what she wants.It doesn't need to ask too much of her, she knows how to cherish the warmth of life better than anyone else.Can such a very sentimental mind be indifferent to pleasure?No, on the contrary, she is very fond of entertainment, she seeks pleasure, and she will not refuse any pleasure that can make her happy; I can see that she has a good taste of pleasure, but the pleasure mentioned here is Zhu. The fun in Li's mind.She neither forgets her own comfort nor neglects the comfort of those she loves, that is, those around her.She does not consider superfluous anything that contributes to the comfort of a sensible man, but she calls superfluous that which is ostentatious, so that in her home you may find pleasure for the senses. things, but none of these things are refined or luxurious.As for the luxuries of pomp and vanity, there was nothing but what she could not resist her father's inclinations and had to display.In addition, people will find in her home that her things are less ostentatious and more elegant and generous.When I told her that people in Paris and London were trying every day to make the suspension of the carriage more stable and comfortable, she agreed with it, but when I mentioned how much it cost to paint the carriage carriage. When I was making money, she felt that this was too inexplicable, and she kept asking me if it would be more comfortable to sit in a carriage that was painted so beautifully.She believed I was not exaggerating, knowing that it was true that people wasted so much money on painted coaches, instead of putting coats of arms on them like they used to, it was like telling passers-by that the owner was a libertine rather than a rich man. Only people with virtue!She was particularly disgusted by the fact that she had heard that women did the same thing, or strongly supported it, and painted some provocative pictures on their own cars to show that they were different from men's carriages .On this point, I have to quote a sentence from your famous friend, which she found difficult to understand.One day, when I was at your friend's house, someone was showing him this type of double carriage.He just glanced into the carriage, then turned around and said to the owner: "Give this carriage to the court ladies, a decent man would not dare to ride in this kind of carriage."

The first step to goodness is never to do evil, and the first step to happiness is never to suffer.Mrs. de Walmart admired these two maxims, which, if well understood, would save a great deal of moral code.She hates hard life extremely, she doesn't want to live hard life herself and she doesn't want others to live hard life.When she herself is happy but sees others in distress, she feels very uncomfortable, just like a person who is innocent and has to live with the wicked.When she sees that she can help alleviate the suffering of those in distress, she will never pretend to be sympathetic and turn her face away. She thinks that doing so is too cruel and inhuman, so she will definitely lend a helping hand.She will also go out to the suffering in order to help them: she feels the presence of the suffering rather than seeing them; it is not enough for her not to hear of suffering, It must be certain that no one was suffering, at least not around her, and of course it would be unnatural to link her happiness with that of all.The neighbors are very concerned about her, and she cares about them with the same enthusiasm, and often asks what they lack; Go to great lengths to help them avoid the pain and sorrow that is bound to come their way in life.

Gentleman, I would like to use your experience to observe her, but please forgive my interest in talking about her, and I think you are like me.There will be no second Julie in the world.God was protecting her, but nothing that happened to her was purely accidental.God sent her into the world, as if to show people how beautiful the human heart can reach, and what she can enjoy in the hidden private life without compromising her own virtue and honor. kind of happiness.Her fault—if that was a fault at all—inspired and strengthened her.Her parents, her friends, her servants, all were fortunate enough to love and be loved by her.Her native place was the only place suitable for her growth; her simplicity ennobled her and won the admiration of those around her; she could be happy as long as she lived among happy people.If she was unfortunately born into a miserable family that is oppressed and impoverished, her future is bleak, and her struggles are fruitless, and the people who are suffering from life are moaning and sighing all day long, her life will have no happiness at all, and everyone’s suffering will overwhelm her. troubles and sorrows would torment her good heart, and cause her pain without hope of relief. Far from happening, everything here is promoting the development of her good nature.She had never heard of the catastrophe that made her weep.Nor had she seen the horrors of poverty and despair.The laid-back villagers need her ideas more than her handouts.If she finds that there are young orphans who cannot support themselves, widows who are lonely and no one to take care of them, and elderly people without children who have lost their ability to work and cannot take care of themselves, she will not be afraid that her relief will be ineffective for them. If it becomes a burden, it is impossible for the government to come and impose heavy taxes on them, so that the rich and unkind will benefit instead and pay less tax.She is satisfied that she has done a good deed, and she is glad that the good deed she has done has benefited others.As a result, she experienced more and more happiness, and it benefited those around her.Every house she went to soon presented a picture like her home; what she brought to each family was at least comfort and tranquility, and harmony and kindness spread in every house.When she went out of her house, she saw things that made her happy, and when she came home, she found things that were more pleasant; everywhere she saw things that made her happy; He pays too much attention to his own self-esteem, and learns to cherish and love himself in doing good deeds.Yes, gentleman, I repeat, there is nothing that involves Julie that is not a matter of virtue.Her charms, her talents, her interests, her struggles, her faults, her regrets, her life, her friends, her family, her pains, her joys, and her whole destiny Waiting for everything makes her life a unique role model. There are very few women who want to follow her as an example, but they love her involuntarily. What pleases me most here, in regard to the welfare of others, is that everything has been done with reason, and I have never found anything to be overdone.A person wants to do good things, but not everything is done well; there is often such a situation: when seeing a little thing, he immediately runs to help, thinking that he has helped a lot, but it has helped a lot Too bad I haven't found out yet.One of the virtues which is rare in a woman of good heart, but which was exalted in Mrs. de Walmart, was that she was good at discriminating between benevolent acts, or choosing the way which was most conducive to beneficence, Or to choose someone who does good deeds.She made some rules for herself and never violated them.For other people's requests, she is good at grasping the measure, neither agreeing casually because of soft-heartedness, nor refusing because of capriciousness.Anyone who did one bad thing in life could get nothing from her except reprimand, but she could be expected to forgive anyone who offended her; be kind.I've seen her flat out refuse to help someone who only she could help. "I wish you good luck," she said to the man, "but I don't want to do you a favor because I'm afraid I'll hurt someone else. You are alone." To be honest, she was so cold and felt very uncomfortable, so she did this very rarely.Her belief is that no matter who it is, as long as she has no evidence of his misdeeds, he will be considered a good person by her, and there are very few bad people who can cover up their misdeeds.She never practiced the idle, idle charity of some rich people, who think that by giving alms to the poor they will not need to pray, and that if anyone asks them to do something, they only need to give a little money.Her purse was not inexhaustible; since she became the matriarch of the house she had learned to be more penny-pinching.In terms of helping the poor alleviate their suffering, in fact, giving money is the most trouble-free and labor-saving way, but this method cannot solve the urgent need, and it will not cure the symptoms.Julie is not trying to leave the poor alone, but trying to be of great help to them. Whether she is advising others or doing things for others, she must first figure out whether her idea or help is reasonable and appropriate, and she will never be indifferent to nonsense.No matter who, as long as they really need her help and are worthy of help, she never refuses. However, for those who are speculating all day long and want to climb up, she seldom agrees to their requests.God rewards those who work hard and earn their own living.The peaceful country dweller will be contented if he only knows this.All kinds of real happiness can be obtained; people will encounter pain that is inseparable from life. Some people think that they have got rid of the pain, but in fact they have not really got rid of it, but just converted into another more serious pain. Painful.Rural life is the only life a country man needs and is useful for.He feels himself unhappy only when other ways of life crazily interfere with him, or tempt him with evil examples.Whether a country is truly prosperous or not lies in its countryside; the strength and greatness of a nation comes from itself, rather than relying on other nations, they never rely on attacking other countries to strengthen themselves, they have an extremely reliable self-defense Method.When it comes to the measurement of power, the scholar looks at the king's palace, his ports, his armies, his armories, and his cities; the true statesman looks at his lands, and penetrates into the huts of the peasants.The former sees what has been done, the latter what can be done. According to this principle, the owners of this house, especially in Etanches, are doing everything they can to help the peasants improve their living conditions, rather than helping them get out of the countryside.Both the rich peasants and the poor peasants are obsessed with sending their children to the city. The former wants to send their children to study so that they can one day become a superior person, while the latter wants their children to find a job in the city so that they can relieve themselves. parental burden.And young people themselves like to run to the city; girls envy the clothes of city people; boys want to serve in foreign armies. They think that what they will bring back to the countryside in the future will be the kind of roughness and arrogance that despise the original peasant identity , and show the demeanor of a subservient mercenary, which is better than the kind of love for the motherland and freedom that is brought back to the countryside.Julie pointed out the error of this kind of prejudice to them, pointing out that it would corrupt the children, they would deny their parents in the future, and their life, destiny and morality would be in constant danger, and those who could escape this bad luck would not be able to reach them. one percent.If the peasants insisted on their own way, she would never help them; she would leave them to the risk of crime and poverty; The loss suffered by staying.She taught them to bring honor to the family by cherishing and loving themselves; she never treated the peasants like the city people; Realize that your status is not humble.A good farmer, as long as you let him understand the difference between him and the little nouveau riche in the village who make their parents look ashamed for a while, he will definitely respect himself.Mr. de Walmart and the Baron (when he was here), they used to go to the sports training, competitions, sports meetings and so on in the village and the neighboring villages.The young man, who is naturally lively, enthusiastic and competitive, became more energetic and confident when he saw the old officers also come to watch their games.The two old officers also told the young men that some soldiers who had returned from foreign mercenaries were inferior to them in many respects, because after all, it was impossible for a man who earned only five sous and was constantly threatened with clubs to be as good as he was. Like a free person, he fought so hard for the honor of his village in front of his parents, neighbors, friends and lovers. Therefore, one of Mrs. de Walmart's great principles is never to help others change their status, but to try to help everyone who is content with his status to live a good life, especially not to let the happiest people in a free state. The number of people is getting smaller and smaller, and other people benefit. On this point, I have often objected, that nature seems to give men different talents, as if to make each man his own, regardless of his birth.To this she replied that there were two things to consider before talents: custom and beatitude. "Man is a very advanced creature, so he should not just be a tool for others. You can't let a person do things for others without asking whether it is beneficial to him, because people are not for Social status is born, but social status is set up for people; in order to allocate positions appropriately, everyone does not have to pursue too much work that must suit him, but as long as a certain job can make his life as good as possible , more pleasant, that's all. It is never permissible to do anything that corrupts a man's heart for the benefit of another, nor to make another man a villain for the benefit of a righteous man. "Among the one thousand people who left the countryside, there are less than ten who are not degenerate in the city, or who are no more depraved than those who instigated them. Almost all those who succeed and make a fortune in the city are The ends are achieved by unjust means. And those unfortunate people who fail to make a fortune in the city will no longer return to their original situation. They would rather be a beggar or a thief in the city than go back to the country and become a farmer. Among the thousands of people, even if there is such a person who does not follow the crowd and can keep himself clean, think about it, this person will still be able to go back to the original calm and monotonous life as he did in the countryside, free from the influence of strong desires. life? "If people want to develop their talents, they must understand their own talents. Is it easy to always understand the talents of each person? We have all reached the age where we can make our own decisions. How can a little farmer understand his own talents, when the talents of children are so difficult to be clearly understood? Nothing is so ambiguous as the aspirations which a man expresses in childhood. Children imitate more than talents. The signs of ambition manifested are more an accident than a genuine ambition to pursue, and ambition itself is not always a sign of talent. Real talent, real talent, is unpretentious, without The impetuousness of the exposed talent, the eagerness to show off. People often regard this exposed talent as the real talent, but in fact it is just a flash in the pan and will not succeed in the end. I just want to be a general; when someone sees a house being built, he wants to be an architect. My gardener Ding Gusdan became interested in painting because he saw me painting, so I sent him to Lausanne to learn painting; he therefore So I thought I was a painter, but in fact I was just a gardener. Luck and self-motivation determine what kind of career a person chooses. It is not enough to think that one is talented, one must also think about how to use one's talents. One Can a monarch become a coachman just because he is good at driving a four-wheeled carriage? Can a duke become a cook because he is good at roasting meat? A person with talent should think of going up instead of down, do you think? , is this the law of nature? How many people can really develop their talents when everyone knows their talents and wants to use them? How many people can overcome the obstacles of injustice? How many people can overcome a base opponent? Whoever feels that he is not good will always use tricks and tricks, and he who is confident in himself is not ashamed of this. You have not said to me many times , Are so many schools that teach art actually harming art? Due to random recruitment, there is a phenomenon of mixed good and bad, and the truly talented people are buried instead. The honor that should be awarded to talented people, It was won by tricksters. If there really existed a society where jobs and status were allocated strictly according to individual talents and achievements, then everyone could hope to get the position he is qualified for, but when the most despicable When you are the only one who can be lucky, you must strictly follow the rules, and you must give up the standard of talent." "I will also tell you," she went on, "that I do not really believe that talents of all kinds can be developed, because for this to happen, it must be the number of talented people and the needs of society. It is exactly the same; if the agricultural work in the field is only done by those who are good at it, or if all the people in the countryside who are more suitable for other jobs are transferred away, then there will not be enough people left to cultivate the land in the countryside. Can’t feed us anymore. I think that human talents are like medicines. Medicines are given to us by nature to heal diseases, although nature does not want us to need medicines. There are some plants that can poison us. Some animals eat us, and some talents are harmful to us. If everything must be used according to its main characteristics, it may do us more evil than it does. Good. The honest and simple need not so much talent; they can do better by their simplicity than the opportunists. However, as the opportunists gradually degenerate, their talents also increase, As if to make up for their lost virtue, and compel bad men to want to be useful even though they don't mean to be." There was one other thing, I didn't quite agree with her, and that was helping beggars.Since her home is located on the side of the main road, there are a lot of beggars coming and going, and when she sees a beggar come to her door, she will definitely give alms.I told her that not only was it throwing money in the water, it was taking money away from the really poor, but it was going to increase the number of beggars and homeless people because they were happy to do this kind of work. Effortless work, in consequence, creates a burden on society that prevents them from doing the work that they should be doing. "I see very clearly," she said to me, "that in the big cities you have listened to the arguments that the smug ideologues love to use to justify the callousness of the rich, even in the words you use. How can you demean the poor by such a contemptuous appellation as 'beggar'? How can a sympathetic person like you openly use such a term? Stop using such Words, my friend, should not come from your mouth. By using such words, it is not the unfortunate who bear the title but the heartless who say it. I Can't tell if those who depreciate handouts are right or wrong, but all I know is that my husband is contemptuous of your philosophers, and he often tells me that their views on this subject are simply obliterating. I have often seen him dismiss their rhetoric and never disagree with my actions. His reasoning is simple: 'Some people suffer, but others spend a lot of money. Money makes people do so many useless jobs, and some of them are completely used to corrupt customs and morals.’ If you regard begging as a job, you don’t need to be afraid of it, but you can find it Something that inspires our humanitarianism, and thus unites all men. In terms of talent, a theater actor can make me cry a few tears, and I still have to pay, so the beggar's Eloquence touches my heart, why can't I give them money? If the former makes me love the kindness of others, the latter makes me want to do good deeds: all that people feel in tragedy Everything is forgotten as soon as you come out of the theater, but the memory of the scenes you helped the poor always leaves you with endless memories and endless joy. If the large number of beggars has caused a great loss to the country, So, what about so many occupations that are encouraged or tolerated? Let there be no beggars in the society, and it all depends on the people who hold the power of the country. Let the citizens be inhumane and ruthless? As far as I am concerned," Julie continued, "I don't know if the poor should be managed by the state. I only know that they are my brothers. I can't bear to refuse them to me. A small request. Most of them are bums, I admit, but I know how hard life is, so I know how much misfortune an honest man has to go through to get to this point. How can I wait until Would you give him a morsel of bread after knowing that he was an honest man begging me in the name of God, who was dying of starvation, and would be doomed if I refused him? My alms at the door of the house was Insignificant: half a Druze and a loaf of bread given to every beggar, double for the visibly handicapped. If they could get that much from every rich household along the way, it would be enough for them to eat and drink along the way Well, that's what we're supposed to do to beggars from out of town. Even if this little thing isn't reallyHowever, this at least shows people's concern for their suffering, relieves their sad feeling of being blinded, and it can be regarded as a little comfort that people give them.Half a Druze and a loaf of bread is more than enough to say, 'May God bless you! 'It's much more sincere, as if everyone has God's gift, there are other granaries in the world besides the granary of the rich!In conclusion, no matter what people think of these distressed people, even if you don't owe the beggars anything, you should at least show respect to suffering human beings or its representatives, and refrain from acting when you see these suffering people A heart of stone is what it is. “对于那些可以说没有借口而真正需要乞讨的人,我是这么做的:对于那些自称找不到活儿干的工人,我这里总为他们备有一些工具以及他们可以干的活计。我们就是以这种办法在帮助他们,并考验他们是否诚实;撒谎者对此十分清楚,所以他们就不再上我们家门了。” 绅士,这个有着金子般的心的人就是这样始终以其美德在与心狠刁钻之人进行着斗争。所有这些事情以及类似的事情她都当做乐趣去做,每天除了她最珍视的职责而外,余下的时间,一部分就用来做这类事情。在做完了所有该为别人做的事情之后,当她想到了自己时,她为了使自己的生活变得惬意而做的事,也表现出了她的美德来;她的动机始终是那么的值得颂扬,在满足自己的欲念时,她是那么的有理智、有分寸!她尽力取悦那喜欢看到她满足而欢快的丈夫;她尽力地启发孩子们去玩那些无害的游戏,这些游戏很有节制,很有规矩,而且又很简单淳朴,不致让孩子们产生强烈的欲望。她总是自己先玩再带孩子们去玩,如同母鸽在自己的胃里先把谷粒润软之后再喂小鸽子们一样。 朱丽心细,身体也灵活。她的感情细腻,骨骼柔软。她天生就懂得并喜爱各种娱乐,而且,她长期以来一直是把美德当做是最甜美的享受才极其珍爱美德的。今天她既在平静地享受着这最崇高的乐趣,也绝不拒绝能与它配合一致的其他各种乐趣,但是,她享受它们的方法如同拒绝享受的人一样那么严格,而她玩的方法像是没在想让自己玩似的,不过,也并不是违背天性强忍着不玩,这样连上帝也会认为是不合情理的,因此,她让我们品尝山区的某些奶制品、德式糕点,以及家里人自己猎获的野味,这就是我所看到的这家人家的所有特别的东西,这就是餐桌上摆满的食物,这就是让我们在欢乐的日子里大快朵颐的东西。餐具很简单,都是乡下人所用的,但全都干干净净,看着喜人;大家吃得欢欢喜喜,开开心心,因此胃口大开,吃得就更加的有滋有味。相反,满桌的银餐具,干坐着,也得饿死;水晶瓶上插着鲜花也当不了饭后甜食,填不饱肚子。而这家人家是绝不做中看不中吃的东西的,不过,他们也很注意食物的外观,色香味俱全,让人吃得舒服而不觉得很撑,痛痛快快地喝而不头晕目眩,饭吃得很长而不厌倦,离席之后也不倒胃口。 二楼有一个小餐厅,与楼下平常吃饭的餐厅不同。这个特别的餐厅在二楼的拐角,两边都有阳光照进来;它一边朝向花园,花园那边,从树林望过去就是日内瓦湖;在另一边,满山坡的葡萄树,枝繁叶茂,两个月后可获得大丰收。餐厅很小,但装饰雅致,看着舒服喜兴。朱丽就是在这里为她父亲、她丈夫、她表姐、我和她自己,有时候还有她的孩子们,举行小小的家宴。当她吩咐摆放餐具时,大家就知道是怎么回事了,因此,德·沃尔玛先生戏称这个小餐厅为阿波罗厅,但是,这个小餐厅也同吕居鲁斯的餐厅一样,在宾客的挑选和菜肴的挑选方面,十分的严格。一般的客人是不在这儿款待的;有外人来的时候,也不在这儿用餐。这儿是神圣不可侵犯的信任、友情和自由的清静处所。在这儿同桌共餐的都是贴心的人;这儿聚会的是交心的聚会,只有想永不分离的人才能聚集其间。绅士,聚会在等着您,您来此的第一次迎宴将在这儿进行。 一开始,我并未获得此殊荣。我只是从德·奥尔伯夫人家归来时才被邀请走进阿波罗厅的。我想象不出主人还能比这再高规格地款待我了;可这顿晚餐让我产生了其他一些想法。在餐桌上,我感觉到一种说不出的亲切、愉快、欢乐、自在,大家亲密无间,不分彼此,这是我以前从未感受过的。主人并未叫我随便一些,可我却感到自由而随意;我觉得我们彼此之间比从前更加的了解了。仆人们没有侍候左右,我心里的那份拘谨矜持也不翼而飞了;这时候,在朱丽的恳请之下,我又恢复了已戒掉多年的饮酒习惯,餐后,与我的主人们一块喝着纯葡萄酒。 这顿饭让我吃得非常开心,我真希望我们以后顿顿都如此。“我还从未见过这么漂亮的餐厅哩,”我对德·沃尔玛夫人说,“你们为什么不天天都在这儿用餐呢?”她回答道:“您瞧,它多么美丽呀!损坏了它岂不可惜吗?”我觉得她的回答不符合她的性格,我怀疑其中另有隐情。我又问道:“您至少可以经常在您周围做出与这儿一样的安排,把仆人们支开,让大家轻松自如,无拘无束地交谈呀?”她回答我说:“那是因为这样做太舒适了,老这么惬意,日久必然生厌,最后反而是大家都不痛快。”无须她再作进一步的解释,我已经了解了她的想法;我觉得,让欢乐永远津津有味的艺术就是,恰如其分,不能过滥。 我发现她在穿着上比以前注意多了。大家责备她的唯一缺点就是,太不注意穿着打扮。这位傲岸的女子自有自己的道理,使我找不到任何借口对她妄加猜测。但她怎么掩饰也没有用,我总觉得她的魅力太强,反而觉得不很自然;我心中暗自叫劲儿,一定要弄清她为什么不注意打扮但却依然光彩照人;如果她在头上挽一个髻的话,那我就会指责她想卖弄风骚了。今天,她的魅力一点也不小,但她并不想运用自己的魅力;我如果没有发现她今天的这番新的打扮的缘由的话,我会认为她今天这么注意穿着打扮只不过是想让自己成为一个漂亮女人而已。开头几天,我对此完全弄错了;我没有去想她的穿戴与我到的那天(她压根儿没想到我那天会到来),为什么没有什么不同,我还以为她是为了我才刻意打扮的。在德·沃尔玛先生不在的那段时间,我才醒悟过来。自德·沃尔玛先生动身后的第二天起,她那让人百看不厌的漂亮打扮不见了,从前那让我心醉的楚楚动人的朴素样子也不见了,换成了一种淡雅的装束,让人看着心动而又肃然起敬,娇美的面容更显得端庄。她的风采中透出一股为人妻为人母的尊严;那腼腆而温柔的目光变得更加严肃;可以说是一种崇高而伟大的神态遮掩住了她温情的容貌。并不是她的仪容举止有了什么变化;她的心情的平稳、行为的天真从来不是假装的;她只不过是运用了女人们天生就有的才能,有时改换一下装束,改动一下发型,改穿另一种颜色的衣裙,就能改变我们的感情与思想,毫不费力地就对我们的审美观产生了巨大影响。在等着她丈夫回来的那一天,她毫不掩饰地又把自己好生打扮了一番,把自己的天生的美貌展现无遗;她走出化妆间时,简直是光彩夺目;我发现她并不是不懂得去掉珠光宝气,以最朴素的饰物装扮自己;在看出了她如此这般打扮的目的之后,我心里气愤地暗想:“她在同我相恋时,为何不这么打扮呀?” 这种打扮的品位从女主人扩展到了这家人家所有的人和事:男主人、孩子们、仆人们、马匹、房屋、花园、家具等等,都打扮得干净利落,这表明主人并非不懂得奢华,只是不愿意这么做而已。或者说,假如美的表现不在于东西之豪华,而在于一切都要井然有序,配合得相得益彰,能反映设计者的意图的统一,那么,这家人家的确可以称得上是很美的。就我而言,我至少认为,到一个家庭成员不多但共享天伦之乐的普通人家去参观,比到一座乱糟糟的王宫去参观,要有意思得多,住在王宫里的人,一个个都在琢磨着搞垮别人,浑水摸鱼。治理有方的人家,是一个整体,一切都让人看着惬意,而在王宫里,您所见到的各种各样的人和物,胡乱地混淆在一起,相互间的联系是表面的,乍看上去,处处美好,仔细再看,顿然省悟。 如果只按照最自然的印象考虑的话,似乎无须刻意求俭,只要具有审美能力就可以做到鄙夷豪华与奢侈了。对称与整齐是人见人爱的。舒适和享乐的样子当然会打动贪图它的人的心,但是,讲究排场是跟秩序与幸福毫不相干的,其目的只是在人前炫耀而已,这能在观者的心中产生对讲排场人的好感吗?是因兴味使然?兴味在朴素的事物中难道不比在华而不实的事物中表现得强过百倍吗?有什么能比摆排场、讲阔气更令人不舒服的事呀232?是显示自己了不起吗?但结果却完全相反。当我看见有人想建造一座大宫殿时,我马上就会去想,为什么不把这座宫殿造得更大一些呢?为什么这个主人只有五十名仆人,而不雇用一百名呢?这套漂亮的银餐具为什么不换成金餐具呢?这人把他的马车镀了金,可他为什么不把他的墙围子也装饰上黄金呢?如果他把墙围子装饰上黄金了,那为什么不把他的屋顶也镶上黄金呢?那个想建造一座高塔的人,最好是把它建得直插云霄,否则他把塔修得再高也是白搭,因为他修到一定程度就修不上去了,让老远的人看了会觉得他无力再往高处修了。啊,渺小的爱慕虚荣的人!如果您把您的能耐展现出来让我看看的话,我就会告诉您到底有多么可悲可叹。 相反,如果事事有规有格,不受人言之左右,样样都以实用为主,件件都符合真正的自然需要,那么这家人家呈现出的景象不仅受到理智的赞许,而且也赏心悦目,因为在这个家庭里生活的人们感到舒服惬意,自我满足,不存在自己能力有限之感,看到这幅美好图景没人会感到忧伤的。我敢说,任何一个理智健全的人如果连续观赏一小时国王的王宫和豪华摆设的话,是绝不会不感到忧伤,不对人类的命运感到悲哀的。然而,这座房屋以及居于其中的人的简朴而有规律的生活,则让观者们心中暗自欣喜,越看越入迷。为数不多的一些温柔恬静的人,因共同的需要和互相的关心而团结在一起,为了一个共同的目的而齐心协力:每个人都能根据自己在家庭中的身份地位,得到满足自己的需要的东西,谁都不会存有非分之想,大家都对这个家十分依恋,仿佛要在此待上一生一世似的,他们唯一的想法就是做好自己的工作。发号施令者很有分寸,而服从命令者热情也很高,所以人员之间工作分配平等,没有谁会对自己分到的工作有所抱怨的。这样一来,谁也不会去羡慕别人的工作;每个人都意识到只有共同财富得以增加,自己的财富才能增长;就连主人们也认为,只有自己周围的人幸福了,他们才能幸福。大家都觉得这里无须添加什么也不必减少什么,因为这里样样东西都有用,而且什么也不缺,因此,这儿看不到的东西,大家也都不想要,而大家在这里看到的东西都足够了,谁也不会去问:为什么不增加一些呀?如果在这里增添些饰物、绘画、枝形吊灯、金饰银饰什么的,那就会大煞风景。大家看到所需之物十分丰富充裕,但又无一样是多余的,所以大家都认为,如果这里没有某样东西,那就是不需要它,而如果是需要的话,那一定是大量存在的。经常不断地看到这家人家把东西拿去接济穷人,您就会说:“这家人家富得放不下自己的财富了。”我觉得这才是真正的富足。 当我得知他们为什么保持着这种富足的样子时,我感到非常震惊。我对德·沃尔玛夫妇说:“你们这样会把家给败了的,用这么一点收入维持这么大的开销是难以为继的。”他们听了便哈哈大笑,告诉我说他们的家当并未减少,他们只是想方设法地节约,收入不仅没有减少反而大增,根本败不了家。“我们保持富足的最大秘诀就是,”他们对我说,“钱不多,但在使用上,必须尽可能地避免生产与消费之间交换的中间环节。每交换一次,都必然有所损失,这些损失积累起来,就使相当多的财力物力几乎丧失殆尽,如同一只漂亮的金匣子,折腾来折腾去,最后便变成了一只铜匣子了。我们生产的东西就地使用,避免了运输上的消耗,我们所消费的东西都是自家生产的,没有交换上的损失问题,而当我们需要把多余的东西拿去换我们所缺少的东西时,我们并不先把我们多余的东西拿去卖钱,然后再用这个钱去买所缺的东西,因为这样会造成双重的损失,所以我们采取以物易物的办法,这样双方都很方便又都很合算。” “我了解这种办法的好处,”我对他们说道,“不过,我觉得这种办法也并不是没有缺点的。除了麻烦多,其利益只是表面上的而非实际上的;运用这种办法管理产业,其损失很可能超过你们的雇工为你们带来的利益,因为地里的活儿,由一个农民去干总比你们自己去弄要好得多,而且收获时也比你们来得细心。”沃尔玛先生立即反驳我说:“您这种看法是错误的。农民更关心的是节省费用,而不是提高产量,因为投入资金尽管将来的收获能给他带来利益,但资金的投入却是他难以承担的。他的目的并不在于拿一笔资金去发挥效益,而在于地里的花费愈少愈好,如果眼下的收益有了把握,他就不去关心如何改良土壤,而是尽量消耗地力,如果他不把地力消耗殆尽,那就谢天谢地了。因此,有一些懒散的地主,只是为了不费心劳神地收那么点地租,反而给他自己以及子孙后代造成极大的损失,增加更大的麻烦,有时甚至会弄得倾家荡产。” “另外,”德·沃尔玛先生继续说道,“我并不否认我在耕种上的花费比一个佃户的花费要多,但是,佃户的利益我也得提供呀。由于我种的庄稼长得更好,产量就大增,因此,花费虽多,但收益却大。再者,所谓的花费多,也只是一种表面现象,实际上,所产生的经济效益却是很大的。如果交给别人去种我们的田地,我们就会闲着无事了,就得搬到城里去住,城里生活费用大,我们的娱乐活动就比在这儿的娱乐活动花钱多得多,而且我们还会觉得玩得不痛快。您称之为操心的那些事,其实是我们所应该做的事,而且做起来也很有意思。因为我们未雨绸缪,凡事早做安排,所以做起来并不繁难,而且也让我们不用去干那些耗费钱财的荒唐事了,在农村里,根本不会有荒唐事可干的,而且也没兴趣去干,所有有利于我们的舒适生活的一切,对于我们来说,都变成一种乐事。” “您放眼看看您的周围,”这位贤明的一家之主继续说道,“您看到的将只是一些有用的东西,它们几乎没花我们什么钱,而且让我省去了许许多多的无谓的花销。我们餐桌上的食物全都是本地产的;我们穿的用的全都是当地的土布:没有任何东西因为它是普普通通的就受到蔑视,没有任何东西因为它稀罕就受到特别的喜爱。由于远地来的东西或是冒牌货或是掺假的,所以我们非常仔细而慎重地选择我们周边出产的质量好而可靠的东西。我们的吃食很简单,但却是经过挑选的。尽管作为丰饶奢华来说,我们餐桌上缺少远处所吃到的美食,但我们这儿的东西全都新鲜,全都少见,一个美食家在巴黎是吃不到我们湖里产的美味鳟鱼的。 “在穿着打扮方面也同样是奉行着同一原则,如您所见,穿着打扮并没有被忽视,但唯一讲究的是落落大方,不是摆谱显阔,也不是追逐时尚。对于事物的价值,人们所说的价值与事物的真正的价值之间是有着巨大差别的。朱丽关心的是事物的真正价值,譬如一件衣料,她对它是否陈旧是否时兴倒并不怎么考虑,她考虑的只是质量是不是好,她穿着合适不合适。甚至有些东西,往往正是因为其时兴,她就不要,因为时兴的东西价格昂贵,实际上却并不值这么多钱,而且也不耐久。 “您还得注意的是,在这里,每样东西的价值源自其自身的少,而源自其实用性以及与其余的东西相协调的多,因此,朱丽把各种价格不高的东西调配在一起,组成一个整体,价值就很大了。她生性喜欢创新,单单这种趣味就能赋予事物很高的价值。时兴的样式无一定式,而且价格高昂,而她讲究的样式则是既经济又耐久。经良好品味认可了的东西总是好的,即使它很少是时髦的,但却绝不会是滑稽可笑的,它简朴大方,用起来方便,当时髦的东西过时了的时候,它却依然如故,可靠可信,常用不衰。 “最后还得说一句的是,必需品虽然很丰富,但并未因此就加以滥用,因为必需品也有其自然限度,而实际需要则是漫无节制的。您可以为一套衣服花上二十套衣服的钱,您可以一顿饭吃掉一年的收入,但是你不可能同时穿上两套衣服,也无法一天吃两顿午餐。因此,个人的想法是无边无际的,而大自然则从各个方面在限制着我们;一个生活一般般的人,只要不太讲究享受,就绝不会有倾家荡产的危险。” “亲爱的朋友,”贤明的沃尔玛继续说道,“这就是如何处处节约,事事用心,过上富裕的生活的诀窍。能否既增加财富又不改变自己的生活方式全在于我们自己,因为在这里,我们几乎从来没有毫无目的地透支过,我们花费掉的钱都给我们带来了更多的收益。” Here!绅士,所有这一切,没有一样不是显而易见的。到处看上去花销很大,但其中却是巧作了安排的。必须假以时日才能看出他们的生活既舒适快乐又不奢华的奥妙之所在。人们一下子很难明白他们怎么会有那么多的积蓄,但仔细想来,便恍然大悟:他们的财源取之不尽,而且享受生活乐趣的方法恰如其分,使幸福绵长。对这样的一种极其符合自然规律的生活,人们怎么会感到厌倦呢?财富天天在增长,怎么可能用完耗尽呢?消费时量入为出,怎么可能倾家荡产呢?当每一年都对下一年胸有成竹时,谁会把这一年的安排给打乱了呢?在这家人家,往日的劳动果实现在享用,而现在的劳动果实又将作为下一年的充分享受;他们既有花销又有进账,不管年成好坏,今天的生活都有保障。 我深入地了解了这家人家的详细治理情况,我发现一切都是在贯彻这一精神的。所有的刺绣与花边都出自妇女们之手;所有的布匹都是雇用贫穷女子到家中来纺织的。剪下的羊毛被送到毛纺作坊去换成呢绒,为大家裁剪衣裳;葡萄酒、食用油和面包都是自家制作的;院子里堆放着按实际需要砍伐的整整齐齐的木头;吃的肉是用家禽到屠户那儿换来的;食品杂货店的物品是用小麦兑换的;雇工与仆人的工钱是用他们耕种的土地上所产的实物支付的;这里所使用的家具是用城里房子的房租购置的;债券的利息用来聘请各位师傅以及添置少量的餐具;剩余的葡萄酒和小麦便拿去卖掉,把钱存起来,以备不时之需:这笔钱由于朱丽的精打细算,绝不会用得一子儿不剩的,不过,也积攒不了太多,因为她还得周济穷苦的人们。至少纯娱乐性的事情,她只是使用地里的收益来支付,譬如开垦荒地的收益啦,植树造林的收益啦什么的。因此,收入与支出始终自然地在保持着平衡,而这种平衡是不可能打破的,谁都无法把它搅乱。 再有,我已经说过了,她在享受方面是很克制的,而这种克制既是一种节俭的方法又是一种新的享乐的方法,譬如,她非常爱喝咖啡;在娘家时,她天天都喝;现在她却改掉了这一习惯,以便增加喝咖啡的新鲜感;她只是在有客人到访时才喝咖啡,而且是在阿波罗厅喝,以使大家都喝得高兴。这种小小的刺激令她更加开心,花费少了,但她却既有所克制又饱了口福。与此相反,她却对她父亲和她丈夫经常揣摩,尽量满足,他们爱吃什么就给他们准备什么,而且准备得既丰富又精致,让他们觉得她为他们准备的东西非常合乎自己的口味。他们两人都按瑞士人的方式用餐,把时间稍稍拉长一些,因此,她从不忘记在晚餐之后,给他们上一瓶比普通的葡萄酒香醇得多的陈年葡萄酒。一开始,我被他们那些确实味道纯美葡萄酒响亮的名字唬住了;我一边像产地的人那样喝着,一边极其明显地嘲讽她与自己所奉行的准则不相符合,但她却笑吟吟地引证普鲁塔克书中的一段故事作为回答。那故事讲述的是,弗拉米尼乌斯把安提奥朱斯手下有着各种各样野蛮名称的亚洲人军队比作各种各样的炖肉,名称虽有所不同,但一位朋友告诉他说,那全都是同一种肉。“同样,”她说道,“您责备我让您喝这些外国葡萄酒,其实也都是一种酒,您喝着觉得很醇美的兰西奥、切雷斯、玛拉加、萨塞涅、西拉库斯什么的,其实都是拉沃产的葡萄酒,只不过是酿造方法有所不同罢了,您从这儿就能看到生产这些远近闻名的酒的葡萄园。它们的质量虽然没有前面提到的那几种名酒好,但它们也没有这几种名酒的缺陷;由于大家对这些酒的配料很放心,所以大家至少觉得可以喝着不会出危险。我有充分的理由相信,我父亲和我丈夫像喝珍贵稀有的名酒一样爱喝它们。”这时候,德·沃尔玛先生对我说道:“她所酿造的这些酒,我们喝着感到具有其他各种葡萄酒所不具备的醇美,这是因为她是怀着愉快的心情去酿造它们的。”朱丽接着又说道:“啊!它们将永远是味道醇美的。” 您可以清楚地看到,他们都非常的忙,所以偷闲躲懒是不可能的,谁也不会闲得无聊,要跑到外面去拜访朋友或参加社交活动。他们倒是比较爱到邻里家走动走动,维持睦邻关系,但走访的人家并不多,免得成为一种累赘。尽管有客来访他们盛情相待,但他们并不希望客人造访。他们认为来访者过多,隐居生活的乐趣就被破坏掉了;他们把田间劳作视为一种开心的事情;但凡觉得家庭生活温馨甜蜜者,都觉得其他的交际活动是枯燥乏味的。他们在这儿消磨时光的方式过于简单,过于单调,许多人是不为所动的,但是,正是采用这种方式的人有此心情,所以他们觉得它很有意思。怀有一颗健全心灵的人,对恪尽人类最崇高最美好的天职并使大家一起生活快乐怎么会感到不高兴呢?每天晚上,朱丽对白天一天感到满意,希望第二天也与当天一样,而每天早晨,她都祈求上苍赋予她与头一天一样的一天。她每天都在做着这些同样的事情,因为它们都是好事,而且她不知道除此而外还有什么更好的事情可做的。她想必是这么做了之后,享受到了人类所能享受到的至福了。愿意长此以往的这么生活,难道这不是她在这种状态下生活得十分幸福的一个明证吗? 虽说在这里很少见到大堆被称之为“高级人士”的无所事事的人,但聚集在这里的人都能以某种长处打动人心,并以种种美德赢得人们的敬重。平和本分的乡民,虽不懂社会礼仪,繁文缛节,但天性善良、朴实、诚挚、乐天安命;退役的老军人;厌倦了为财卖命的商贾;以谦虚和良好的品德教育子女的贤妻良母:这些都是朱丽喜欢结交的人。她丈夫有时候也喜欢同那些曾经混迹江湖的人来往,他们因年龄与阅历的增长,已改邪归正,吃尽苦头之后已经变得老老实实,愉快地回到家乡来耕种父辈的土地,不愿再离开。如果有人在饭桌上想讲述一番自己一生的重大经历的话,那他也绝不会像富有的辛巴德那样讲他如何在纸醉金迷的东方大捞金银的事,而是讲那些通情达理的普通人的故事,讲他们由于命运的捉弄和别人不公正的对待未能得到梦寐以求的虚假财富,但却获得了真正的幸福。 这两位连智者都喜欢向他们求教的心灵高尚的人,竟然同农民很谈得来,您能相信吗?贤明的沃尔玛在村民的淳朴中发现了一些鲜明的个性,都有自己的想法,不像城里人那样全都戴着一模一样的假面具,每个人看起来都另有一副面孔,不像是他们自己。温柔的朱丽在乡民们身上看到的是一颗颗十分注重情义的心,一点小小的抚慰就能让他们感动不已,对于她对他们生活是否安逸的关心,他们由衷地感激不尽。他们的心和他们的头脑都根本没有受到人为的塑造;他们丝毫没有学着按我们的模式生活,所以,您用不着担心会发现他们是社会之人而非自然之人。 德·沃尔玛先生在他外出巡视时,常常会遇见某位老者,其理智与头脑令他称奇,所以他很喜欢与之闲聊一番。他把老者领去见他妻子;她热忱地欢迎他,这倒不是她要表现出其身份地位的应有礼貌来,而纯粹是她那温柔善良的性格使然。老者被留下用餐:朱丽让他坐在自己身边,给他夹菜,让他多吃,还饶有兴趣地同他交谈,了解他的家庭和生活状况,对他的局促不安毫不嘲笑,对他那乡下人的粗笨举止绝不过分注意,免得让人难堪,她总是那么平易近人,让他心情放松,而又绝不超出对一个坎坷一生、年老体弱老者应有的真心实意的尊敬。老人很开心,敞开了心扉,似乎一时间恢复了自己年轻时的那份活泼开朗劲儿。为祝愿一位年轻夫人而频频干杯,几杯酒下肚,他那已几近冰封的心又活跃起来。他兴致勃勃地讲起了自己的往事,讲起了他的爱情、他的家乡、他参加过的战斗、他的同胞们的英勇顽强以及他回到故乡的情况、他的妻子、他的孩子、地里的活计、他所见到的不良现象和他所想到的改进办法等等。在他这把年纪的人滔滔不绝的谈话中,往往会有一些精辟的见解或一些农业方面的经验,所以当他津津有味地讲述时,朱丽总是很认真很有兴趣地聆听。 饭后,她回到自己房间,拿出来一件小礼物,是一件旧衣服,适合老人的妻子或女儿们穿的。她让自己的孩子们送给他,而他也回敬给孩子们某种既普通又是孩子们所喜欢的东西(是她偷偷地塞给老人让他送给孩子们的)。这样一来,孩子们从小时候起,就培养起与不同阶层的人交往的仁爱之心。孩子们养成了尊敬老人、崇尚朴实、区别不同阶层的人的优点的习惯。农民们看到自己的父辈在一户可敬的人家受到热情款待,并同主人同桌共餐,并没因自己未受到邀请而抱怨,反而是十分高兴;他们知道自己未受到邀请并非是自己地位低下,而是因为年轻;他们绝不说:“我们太穷了。”而说:“我们太年轻了,所以不可能受到这种礼遇。”看见自己村里的老人受到如此礼遇,他们也抱着希望自己将来有一天也会有此殊荣,使得他们因未受邀请的心情得到了宽慰,并激起他们认真做人,争取有一天能有资格获得这种荣幸。 这时候,为所受之盛情款待而心情久久激动难平的那位老人,回到了自己的茅屋,心急火燎地把自己带回来的礼物拿出来给妻子和孩子们看。这几件微不足道的东西却给全家人带来了欢快,他们知道有人在关爱着他们。他夸大其词地跟他们讲述主人对他的款待,给他夹的那些菜肴,他品尝的那些葡萄酒,对他说的那些语重心长的话语以及对他的家人的嘘寒问暖,他还细说了主人的平易近人,仆人们的照顾,总之,他是受到了最大的尊敬与善待;他一边在叙述着,一边心里觉着又一次地在享受着主人的盛情,而全家人也都因一家之长受到的礼遇而感到无限荣光。全家人一起在祝福这个慷慨侠义的大户人家:他们为大人物做出了榜样,为小人物提供了庇护,他们绝不会瞧不起穷人,而且对白发老人尊敬有加。这是对乐善好施者的最高评价。如果上苍愿意赐福人间的话,它所赐予的绝不是当着被吹捧对象的面用阿谀奉承的语言所祈求的福,而是一颗怀着感激之情的朴实的心灵在乡村茅屋里暗自祈求的福。 一种温柔甜蜜的感情就如此这般地使得冷漠之人认为平淡乏味的生活具有了情趣;家庭琐事、田间劳作、隐居生活就这样通过巧妙的安排而变得有滋有味了。心灵健康的人对普普通通的工作干起来都会产生情趣,犹如身体健康的人吃什么都香一样。而对生活十分厌倦者,无论别人如何让他们开开心心的,也都开心不起来,这是他们的恶习所造成的,在不尽自己的天职的同时,也就丧失了对生活的兴趣。就朱丽而言,情况恰恰相反,从前因为心中存在着某种忧郁而不愿做的事情,而今,由于有着启迪她去做的动力,她便非常乐意去做了。只有对什么都无动于衷,才会永远无精打采,了无生气。往日让她活泼积极的天性受到压抑的那些因素,而今却反转来让她的活泼性格得以发展。她一直在寻求隐居的孤独生活,以便静静地去享受心中充满着的爱恋;现在,她结识了一些新的朋友,生活中便增添了新的内容。她根本就不是那种慵懒倦怠的主母,在需要干点什么的时候,却偏偏在看书,把时间浪费在打听别人如何尽其天职,而却不去利用时间尽自己的天职。今天,朱丽要把从前所学的东西付诸实践,她再也不去研究,去看书了,她要付诸行动。由于她比她丈夫晚起一小时,所以她得比他晚睡一小时。这一个小时是她唯一用来学习的时间,而白天要做的事情太多,她总觉得时间不够用。 绅士,以上就是我要告诉您的有关这家人家的经济管理以及主人们的个人生活情况。他们对自己的命运颇为满意,知足常乐;他们对自己的财富也很满足,他们不是为了自己的孩子才去致力于财富的增长,而是在给他们留下遗产时,同时给他们留下肥沃的土地、忠实的仆人和热爱劳动、秩序、节俭的习惯,使他们像明智的人那样快乐满足地享受既是辛苦挣来的又是巧于利用的微薄的家业。
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