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Chapter 114 Epistle Nineteen Replies

New Heloise 卢梭 2778Words 2018-03-18
Are you no longer my Julie?what!Don't say that, my admirable woman.You are my woman now more than ever.You are the woman who deserves the respect of the world; you are the woman I adored when I began to feel true beauty; if there is still in my soul the holy beauty that once delighted me in my life, you are me. Even after death, she still loves a woman.This act of bravery that brings you back to virtue makes you more like who you are.No, no, it was the moment when you cut me off that I really felt and said that you were more of my Julie, however painful it was for me.well!It was when I lost you that I found you again.But I, my heart trembles at the thought of imitating you, and I am tormented by a sinful passion that I can neither bear nor overcome, am I still what I wanted to be?Am I still qualified to please you?What right have I to trouble you with my sorrows and disappointments?What qualifications do I have to dare to love you bitterly?What kind of virtue have I ever been in order to love you?

I'm so delusional!As if I hadn't been humiliated enough, I had to seek shame myself!What's the point of mentioning those differences that love has eliminated?Love lifts me to your equal, it fires me; our hearts are one; our thoughts are one, and my affections share the nobility of yours.But I suddenly fell back to the humble situation!Good hope, you have nourished my heart and deceived me for a long time, and now you are gone and never look back!She will never be mine again!I have lost her forever!She is seeking happiness for another person! ...Ah, it's too damned!Ah, what a death sentence! ... A woman from Chaoqin Muchu!what!Don't you... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, madam, forgive me for my nonsense.Ah, God!You are so right, she is no longer... she is no longer the tender Julie to whom I can confide my heart!what!I've always been a wretch, and I can complain! ...she will listen to me!Have I always been so pitiful?So, what kind of virtue am I today? ... No, I will not shame you any longer because of you or because of me.It is all over, we have nothing more to do with each other, we must part; even from a moral point of view, it is time to sever ties; your hand has signed the order.Let's just forget about each other... At least please forget about me.I swear, I've made up my mind; I'll tell you no more about me.

Do I still have the guts to talk about you?Is it possible to retain the only concern I have in this world, which is your happiness?When you told me about your state of mind, you said nothing about your fate.well!For the sake of my great sacrifice that you should feel, just tell me, lest I be in a state of panic and doubt all day long.Julie, are you happy?If you are happy, then when I am desperate, give me a comfort that I can feel.If you are not happy, I also beg you to tell me, I will not grow old so miserable. The more I think about your desire to confess your past to your husband, the more I disagree with you.In the past, I never had the courage to refuse your request, but this time, on this matter, I have to stand my ground.This matter is of great importance, so please carefully consider my following reasons.First, I feel that your extreme care has led you to err on this point, and I don't see any strict moral standards on which you have to make a confession.In the world, any contract is to forget the past.People do not have to take responsibility for the past, nor do they have to do what they have been promised for a long time: Why should they report to the person they marry about what they did when they were free before marriage?You didn't promise to be loyal to him before marriage, so what's the point of being loyal?Don't be confused, Julie, it is not your husband you have betrayed, but your friend.God and nature united you and me before your father did his own thing.You have committed, in the marriage, a sin which neither love nor honour can pardon, and I alone have the right to recover from M. de Walmart the wealth which he has taken from me.

If there were occasions when such a confession was compelled to fulfill duty, it was only because of the danger of relapse, a prudent woman resorting to such defensive measures in order to excuse herself.Your letter, however, conveyed more truth to me than you might imagine.When I read your letter, I feel in my heart how much you hated that sinful union when we were passionately in love, but when we were separated, this disgust has disappeared. It can be seen that neither duty nor honesty require you to confess your past, but reason and reason require you not to, because there is no need to take the most precious things in marriage-the husband's love, the love of both husband and wife. The trust of the family, the harmony of the family - take risks.Have you fully considered this approach?Do you know your husband well?Are you sure it won't affect him?How many men in the world, as soon as they hear this kind of thing, they will become jealous, disdain and disdain their wives, and maybe even kill their wives, do you know that?How to deal with such delicate matters depends on the time, place and character of each person.In the country where I am now, there is no danger of such secrets, and those who take the relationship of husband and wife lightly do not regard mistakes before marriage as such a big deal.I will not mention the occasions when you sometimes have to confess such things, and these reasons do not exist for you, but I will talk about some women I know who are not very womanly, and they do it. They did not encounter any risks, but instead won a reputation for honesty and sincerity. The reason why they did this may be to gain the trust that they can muddle through when necessary at the price of this.But where the sanctity of the marriage relationship is revered, where a holy marriage forms a strong conjugal bond, where husbands love their wives sincerely, husbands demand To be clear, they want their wives to have true feelings for them. When they get a right they never had before, they ask the woman to put her heart on them before marrying them. They regard the woman's excessive freedom as a Like true infidelity.

Believe me, virtuous Julie, don't do things on a whim that are neither fruitful nor necessary.Keep your dangerous secret, you are not being forced to tell the truth, you may ruin yourself, and it will do your husband no good.Even if he deserves your confide in him, it will hurt him, and you're causing him pain for no reason.If he doesn't deserve you to tell him the truth, why should you give him the blame and let him get you?Even if your morality is supporting you and you can endure the condemnation in your heart, do you know if you can withstand the constant family disputes?You mustn't make trouble out of nothing, lest you make yourself miserable, and end up doing yourself a disservice, and end up in a worse situation than the one you just got out of.Wisdom is the foundation of all morality. At the most critical moment in your life, you must be clear-headed and not take it lightly.If this damned secret weighs on you too much, you'll have to wait at least for a while, say a few years, after you've gotten to know your husband more fully, and when he's seen your beauty— Beauty, more potent than the charm of your personality—it will not be too late for you to speak of it to him after it has had its effect on his mind, and felt it deeply.In short, when the truth--though it is very valid--does not convince you, do not disobey the person who expounds it to you.Ah, Julie, listen to a man who can practice virtue, at least he is worth your sacrifice for him, at least for what he has sacrificed for you today.

I must end this letter.I feel that if I go on writing, I will not be able to help using the tone you no longer want to hear.Julie, I must leave you!I am still so young, I have to give up my own happiness!The past is gone forever, but endless regrets keep coming!Happy, exciting, sweet moments, fairy-like fun!Gone are the days of my love, my only love, the triumphant and glorious phases of my life.
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