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Chapter 109 Epistle Fourteen Replies

New Heloise 卢梭 2783Words 2018-03-18
what!Very poor and sentimental girl, were you born only to suffer?It is in vain for me to try to relieve your pain; you seem to be constantly looking for troubles for yourself, and no amount of concern can overcome your obsession.You already have a lot of real pain, so stop thinking about it and add to your troubles.Since my prudence has done you more harm than good, then move on from a mistake that torments you, and perhaps the sad reality is not so severe to you.You must know that the dream you speak of is not a dream; what you see is not the shadow of your friend, but the man himself, and that moving image that keeps recurring in your mind is real, and that you were lying ill What happened in your room on the third day of .

That night, I left you very late, and M. de Halbe, who wanted to take my place in your guard, was about to go out, when suddenly we saw the poor man bursting into the house and throwing himself on his knees before us. , looks very pitiful.He came by stagecoach immediately after your last letter.He traveled day and night and spent three full days on the road. He stopped at the last post and waited until it was dark before he dared to enter the city.I am ashamed to confess to you that I did not immediately go up to him and put my arms around his neck as eagerly as M. de Orbe, for although I did not know the reason for his sudden arrival, I had foreseen his coming. the consequences.The painful memories of Ruo Xu, your serious condition, the danger of his situation, and the distress I saw him at that time, all of these cast a shadow on what should have been a great surprise meeting, so I have mixed feelings Intersection, unable to express any enthusiasm.However, I still hugged him, but my heart was flustered, and I felt the same in his heart. We hugged each other tightly and didn't say a word, but silence speaks louder than crying and shouting. Mood.The first thing he said was: "How is she? Ah! What's the matter with her? If she dies, I won't live." Only then did I realize that he already knew that you were ill.I found that he didn't know what disease you had, so he tried to be careful not to make your disease serious.Later, as soon as he learned that it was smallpox, he screamed and passed out.Because he was in a hurry all the way, he was sleepy and tired, and he was in a hurry, so he couldn't hold on, and it took us a lot of effort to wake him up.As soon as he could talk, we put him to sleep.

He was really sleepy, he slept for twelve hours, but he was so excited, not only failed to recover after sleeping for so long, but even more tired and sleepy.The next day, the trouble came again, and he insisted on visiting you.I objected, saying it would aggravate your condition.He promised to wait until it didn't affect your health, but his presence here is dangerous enough in itself.I tried to make him understand this, but he didn't listen to me at all. He interrupted me angrily and said: "Don't come to me with such an outrageous theory. Your method has really hurt me. Don't think about it." Drive me away again like last time. I came from such a long distance without stopping, just to catch a glimpse of her." Then, he added firmly: "In the name of my parents I swear, if I don't see her, I will never leave here. I want to see if I have moved you to pity, or if you have made me waste my spit."

He has made up his mind.M. de Halbe felt that it was better to first satisfy his request and then send him away as soon as possible, so that his return would not be discovered.Only Hans in our family knows him, and Hans is very reliable, and we have never called you by his real name before in front of our family.I promised him to see you the next night, and asked him to stay in your room only for a short while, not to talk to you, and to leave before daylight.I asked him to vouch for it.Only then did I feel relieved, and I asked my husband to accompany him, and then I returned to your side.

I found you much better, and the rash was all gone; the doctor's words restored my courage and hope.I had already agreed with Bobby, I said, although your fever is gone, your head still hurts, so no one should bother you, and then I sent my husband to bring his guests .I judge that you will not recognize him until after he sees you and before he leaves.Your grieving father insisted on staying with you every night, and we tried to convince him he didn't have to stay that night, but he wouldn't listen.In the end, I told him angrily that he would only make trouble for others by staying, and I also decided not to leave that night, and he also knew that although he was a father, he was not as good as me in taking care of the patients.He reluctantly left, leaving only the two of us in the room.About eleven o'clock M. de Halbe came and told me he had your friend waiting in the street.I went out and called him.I took his hand and he was trembling all over.When he passed the front hall, he suddenly lost his strength and had difficulty breathing, so he had to sit down.

At this time, he could make out a few things by the faint light of a lamp in the distance. "Yes," he said, with a deep sigh, "I recognize this place. I've been here once in my life...and at this time...so furtively...and I'm shaking like today Not stopping... the heart beats so fast... Oh, what audacity! I am a mortal, I dare to taste... Now, the same person I am about to see who makes me fascinated and shares my joy, will What is it like? Dying? Sick? My poor lady, dying beauty!" Dear cousin, I will not describe this touching scene in detail, lest your poor heart cannot bear it.He looked at you, but didn't say a word, he kept his promise, but the silence is so sad!He falls to his knees; he sobs and kisses your bed-curtain; he raises his hands and eyes; he sighs loudly;You didn't see him, but instinctively stretched out a hand; he grabbed your hand like crazy; his frantic kiss on your hot hand was louder than the surrounding noises, waking you up .I found out that you recognized him, and I ignored his resistance and pleading, and immediately dragged him out of your room, thinking that in the future I could pretend that this was a short-lived hallucination that appeared in your momentary delirium.Later, I saw that you didn't mention it at all, and thought you had forgotten it, so I forbade Bobby to tell you about it, and I know Bobby did what I said.But all my prudence is in vain, love has confused everything, and has caused a memory to churn in your heart that is too late to erase!

He left as he promised, and I made him swear not to hang around.But, my dear, it is not over, I must tell you everything, and you can never be ignorant of the truth anyway.Two days later Gentleman Edward came, and he pursued him as far as Dijon, where he was found ill.The unfortunate man contracted smallpox.He didn't tell me before that he never had smallpox, and I took him to you without first asking.Since he cannot heal your sickness, he would rather be sick with you.Looking back on the way he kissed your hand now, it can be concluded that he deliberately infected himself with smallpox.Damn me for not asking first, but it was a voluntary disease for love, so he was happy.It was an affliction that Heaven had reserved for the rare lover, who was blessed with it, but he has now been cured, and, according to Mr. Edward's last letter, they are probably now on their way to Paris.

Dear cousin, this news is enough to allay your vague fears.You have long since disowned your friend, and his life is safe.Then you should pay more attention to taking care of yourself, be filial, and make the sacrifice you promised for your father.In short, stop being at the mercy of idle hopes, and stop wallowing in fantasies.You can't wait to get ugly and be proud of it.Don't worry about it, just believe me, it is difficult for you to realize this kind of wish.You have had a bad case of smallpox, but your face is not pockmarked.What you thought would be scars are just red spots that will fade soon.I've had smallpox too, worse than you, but, you see, I haven't had any pockmarks either.My angel, whatever you do, you'll still be a pretty girl.That indifferent Wal-Mart hasn't made him forget the week he spent with you after three years of absence. If he can see you all the time, can he still forget you?well!If the only trick you have is thinking of people being annoying, then you're wasting your time!

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