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Chapter 91 Letter Twenty-Four from Julie

New Heloise 卢梭 933Words 2018-03-18
Yes, yes, I know well that happy Julie is always your dear one.In your last letter I felt again the same light of love that shone in your eyes before.In the letter I found again all the enthusiasm that motivated me, and my spirits were all the more lifted by it.Yes, my friend, it is in vain that fate should tear us apart.Let our hearts be bound together, let us preserve by letters the warmth that is born in us, and drive away the desolation of parting and depression, and let all that seems to weaken our love continue. deepen our love. But you see how naive I am.Since I received this letter, I have felt the charm of the things said in the letter.That little talisman, even though I had made it myself, still had a fascination for me, and made me feel that it was really powerful.During the day, whenever I was alone, I would tremble countless times, as if I felt that you were by my side.I imagined you holding my portrait, and I felt a moment of ecstasy, feeling you caressing it, kissing it.My lips feel receiving your kisses, my tender heart tastes your kisses.O sweet and sweet dreams!Ah, sweet fantasy!This is the last hope of the unfortunate people!what!Make dreams come true if possible!You can still bring some comfort to those who no longer have any hope of happiness.

As for the way in which I have endeavored to make this portrait, let me tell you, it was motivated by the power of love, but if love can really work miracles, it is not the miracles it intends to do.Now let me unravel the mystery.We had an Italian portraitist here some time ago, with some letters from Mr. Edward.Gentleman Edward probably intended him to paint.M. de Horbe wanted to take this opportunity to have him paint a portrait of my cousin, so I asked him to paint me too.Both my cousin and my mother wanted a portrait of me, and at my request, the artist secretly painted me another one based on the finished portrait.Then, I didn't care which one was original and which one was a copy, so I chose the most similar one from the three and sent it to you.It's a reckless switch, but it doesn't hurt, because a little more or less lifelike portrait doesn't really bother my mother and cousin, but if you're aiming for a picture that doesn't quite look like me Worshiping the portrait is tantamount to an act of infidelity, especially if the portrait is prettier than myself, it is even more dangerous.Anyway, I never want to see you take an interest in a beauty that I don't have.Also, I didn't want to dress up, but it wasn't up to me, no one listened to me, and my father said that's what portraits should look like.I beg you to at least believe that, except for the headdress, the rest of the attire was not painted according to what I was wearing, but was added to me by the artist's imagination based on his whim.

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