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Chapter 72 letter five replies

New Heloise 卢梭 3712Words 2018-03-18
My dear Julie, you are quite understandably at a loss; I think the worst thing about your current situation is that no one can help you except yourself.Friendship comes to the aid of a restless mind when it is a matter of prudence; and if a choice must be made between good and evil, a man whose passions make it difficult to distinguish between You can't listen to other people's innocuous advice.But this time, no matter what decision you make, your nature will both approve it and deny it, your reason will both condemn it and appreciate it, your calling will make you both unable to do and have to do it.The result is horrible in any way.You can neither be indecisive nor choose well.You have to compare the evils, whichever is the lesser of two evils, which only your mind can discern.For me, the enormity of addressing this problem daunts me, and the consequences worry me.Whichever way you choose, it's not going to be right for you.And I, because I can't show you the right choice for you, and I can't guide you to true happiness, so I don't have the courage to decide your fate.This is the first time you have been rejected by this friend of mine, but it will also be the last, for I clearly feel that I will pay dearly for it.However, the reason why I am not enough friends is because if I want to give you an idea on something that cannot be done rationally but can only be done according to your wish, I will only give you a bad idea.

Don't blame me, my dear friend, and don't say anything wrong about me too soon.I know that some prudent friends refuse to express their opinions on difficult things, for fear of hurting themselves, especially for fear of adding danger to their friends.well!You will soon understand why this heart that loves you is so cautious!Please allow me to talk about your affairs without you for a while, let me talk about mine first. My angel, have you never discovered how much you are loved by those around you?It is no wonder, I suppose, that a father or mother loves his only daughter; and it is not unusual for a passionate young man to love a sweetheart.But for a man as calm and mature as Mr. de Walmart to see you and be moved for the first time in his life, there is something to be said.The whole family treasured you; my father, a man of few emotions, liked you very much, even more than his own children; friends, acquaintances, servants, neighbors, and even the whole town adored you, Is there no reason why I care so much for you?My dear, this unanimous love seems impossible if there is nothing special about you.Do you know what the reason is?It was not because you were pretty, or clever, or graceful, or what people call a gift for likability, but because you had a tender heart and an incomparable tenderness.My friend, it is because you love others that others love you so much.One can resist everything but tenderness; there is no sure way to be loved except by giving love.Hundreds of women are prettier than you, and many are as dignified as you, but you alone have, besides your charm, something that is not only lovable, but tantalizing to see you.I feel that this tender heart of yours thought only of giving, and that the tender affections it sought, naturally came to seek it.

For example, you are amazed at the incredible care and love that gentleman Edward has for your friend; you are very surprised to see him busy for your happiness; you accept his generous gifts with appreciation, Said he did it out of sheer virtue, and therefore, my Julie, you are deeply moved!Dear cousin, you are so wrong!God forgive me, I am not deliberately belittling the goodness of gentleman Edward, nor the greatness of his heart!However, please believe that although his enthusiasm is very pure, under the same circumstances, if he treats other people, he will not be so enthusiastic.It's you and your friend's incredible personalities that drive him to work so hard that he doesn't even feel it.He did it out of admiration for both of you, and he mistook it for honor.

Anyone with a certain quality has this charm.They can, so to speak, change others into what they are; they have a sphere of influence in which nothing can stand against them: once one has known them, one cannot help imitating them, and with their own A noble character attracts all those around him.Because of this, my dear, neither you nor your friends may ever understand the people around you, because you will think that they will act like you, instead of acting as they think.You set the tone for all the people you live with, and as a result, they either avoid you or become like you, but you will see people like you in this world , I'm afraid it's unique.

Now, come talk about me, cousin.I have the same family background as you, the same age, especially the same interests and temperament, but completely opposite personalities, but we have been inseparable since childhood: The effect of this beautiful relationship on me, the person you live with, is felt by everyone around you, but how do you feel about it yourself?Do you think there might be nothing more than an ordinary relationship between us?When we are together, I get pleasure from looking in your eyes every day, and don't mine also make you happy?Don't you see that this moved heart of mine is willing to share your pain, to weep with you?I can forget that when you first fell in love, you didn't feel that our friendship was in your way, and when your lover complained about me, you didn't keep me far away, no Let me see how you throw yourself into your arms?That hour, my Julie, was an austere one; and I know what a sacrifice this embrace is in your timid heart.If I was just an ordinary friend of yours, I would never become your confidant. Our hearts are connected and our feelings are deep, and there will be nothing that can separate us from now on.

What is it among women (I mean among women who know how to love) that makes their friendships lukewarm and unsustainable?It is the selfishness of love, the beauty of appearance, and the jealousy of the ability to conquer men.If these and other reasons could have caused us to part ways, we would have gone our separate ways long ago.Even if my heart is indifferent to love, even if I don't know that the fire of your love is not quenched until the end of your life, I know that your lover is my friend, that is to say, my brother: who has seen Will a friendship like ours eventually lead to love?As for Mr. de Horbe, he will always cherish your affection for him. I have no problem with that, and I will not hold him hard. If you want to take him from me, I will not. It doesn't matter.Ah, my good cousin!If I can use his feelings to heal your emotional wounds, I am willing!Of course I'm happy to have him, but I'm also happy to give him up.

As for appearance, I can make myself as beautiful as possible, and you are a girl who doesn't want to compete with me. I firmly believe that you will never think about me in your life. Who is more beautiful between the two.I'm not completely indifferent to physical beauty; I know it's important to me, and I'm not the least bit concerned about it.I even feel that I am quite proud of my appearance, but I am not jealous of the beauty of others, because your beautiful appearance has no effect on my appearance, and will not take away my beauty at all, and, because of your Beauty, on the contrary, makes me more beautiful, because of your demeanor, makes me more lovely, and because of your talent, makes me appear quite talented.I set off my beauty with your perfections, and it is in you that my noble self-esteem rests.But I don't really like to intimidate others for my own benefit. I'm pretty, so I don't need to intimidate others.Everything else is of no use to me, so I needn't say, out of humility, that I'm inferior to you.

If you're anxious to know what I'm trying to say, I'll tell you.I cannot give you the advice you ask me for the reasons I have already told you.However, the idea you will take for yourself will also be the idea you take for your friend and me.Regardless of your fate, I am determined to stand with you through thick and thin.If you leave, I will follow you; if you stay, I will stay too.I've made this unshakable determination that I should, and nothing can turn me back.My damned indulgence has caused your misfortune, and therefore your fate is mine.My Julie, if we have been inseparable since childhood, so must we be until death.

I guess you'll think my idea is ridiculous and stupid, but it's actually a lot more sensible than it looks, and I don't have your reasons for hesitation.First of all, in my family, for example, if I leave a kind father, then I am also leaving a father who doesn’t care about us. Out of love for children, but because he doesn't care about them.As you know, he was preoccupied with European affairs rather than family matters, and his daughter was far less important to him than the State Rescript.Besides, I'm not like you, I'm not an only child, he has quite a few children, so he doesn't necessarily know that I'm missing.

Did I walk away from an impending engagement?No, my dear, and if M. de Horbe loved me, he might be a little sorry.As far as I am concerned, although I admire his character, although I do not dislike him as a person, I would be sorry to lose him as a very honest person, but, compared with my Julie , he means nothing to me.Tell me dear, is there a gender in the soul?To be honest, I don't really feel that my soul is a woman's soul.I may have all kinds of whims, but I don't think much about love.A husband is useful to me, but he is only a husband after all.I'm a free agent, and I'm decent-looking. If I want to find a husband, the world is so big, and I can still find one.

Cousin, you must be careful, although I never hesitate, this does not mean that you do not have to think twice, nor does it mean that I want you to do what I want, because I say If you go, I will follow you.Our circumstances are very different, and your obligations are much greater than mine.As you know, I am filled with almost one love, which overwhelms all other affections, and makes them all seem to vanish into thin air.I have liked you since childhood, and it has become almost a habit, an irresistibly sweet habit.I love only you with all my heart.If you want to cut off a certain relationship because you go away, I will follow your example and muster up the courage to cut it off.I'm going to say to myself, I'm emulating Julie, and I believe I'm doing the right thing. Note from Julie to Claire My incomparable friend, I understand what you mean and I thank you very much.I will do my duty at least once to be worthy of you.
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