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Chapter 67 Letter 65 Clare to Julie

New Heloise 卢梭 6205Words 2018-03-18
Everything is arranged.Despite his carelessness, my Julie is safe and sound.The secret in your heart has been deeply hidden.You are still favored, admired, and your reputation intact and respected among family and neighbors.Think about the dangers, can you not feel lingering fear?If we interfere too much or too little, what a shame, or what is called love, will be the consequences!You have to learn not to reconcile some emotions that are incompatible.You are an infatuated and silly girl, and you are too timid, thank God for leaving you a piece of happiness that belongs only to you. I didn't want to tell you the details of his sorrow and pain and had to leave, so as not to hurt your sad heart again, but you must know, and I promised to tell you, so I will cherish my heart. With the openness shared by both of us, I kept my word, even though I was uncomfortable doing so.My dear poor friend, if you insist on knowing, listen to me carefully, but you must be brave and hold on.

I told you all the measures I have taken yesterday, and I have carried them out one by one.When I got home, I found M. de Olbe and Gentleman Edward already there.I begin by saying to Mr. Edward that we know him to be a heroic man, and to express to him the admiration you and I have for that.I then explained to them the strong reasons for your friend's immediate departure from this place, and the difficulties which I anticipated would result from doing so.The gentleman understands all this perfectly, and is very sorry for the consequences of his good intentions and bad deeds.They agreed that your friend must leave this place as soon as possible. As long as your friend nods, let him go immediately, lest he change his original intention and encounter new dangers here.I would have liked Mr. de Orbe to quietly make the necessary preparations for your friend, but Mr. Edward thinks it is his fault and wants to do it himself.He assured that his carriage would be ready at eleven o'clock this morning, and said he would take him as far as he needed.He also suggested that first find another reason to let him go, and then take the time to tell him the truth.It seems to me that this is not very good for us, nor for your friend of ours, and I do not want your friend to be in a state of desperation when he hears about it at a distance from us. Gentleman Edward was hard to see again.For the same reason, I disagree with his suggestion that he go and tell your friend to agree to leave this place forever.I guess this conversation with your friend is going to be delicate, so I'd like to talk to him alone, because I'm definitely more aware of the sensibilities of his psyche, and I know that conversations between men are always straightforward, and women It will ease the atmosphere of the conversation.However, I think that Mr. Edward's kindness was not unhelpful to us, and it was useful in our arrangement.I have found that a philosophic temper speaks to a resolute man with great influence, and a friend's voice will warm the heart of a wise man very much.

I therefore beseech Gentleman Edward to go to your friend the night before, and say nothing about his situation, and insensibly harden your friend's heart exceedingly.I said to him: "You know the point of Epictites very well, and now is the time to use it, or you will never use it. Let him make a good distinction between apparent and actual interests, Make a good distinction between our own interests and those outside of us. You have to point out to him that when there is a test in the outside world, a person’s pain comes entirely from himself. A wise man can encounter misfortune everywhere, but he can also encounter to happiness." From his answer, I can see that these few harmless irony words, instead of making him disgusted, aroused his enthusiasm, and promised to do a good job for your manager the next day. A friend from work brought me here.Which suits me well, because, while I don't really like this bombastic philosophy in my heart (and neither do you), I'm a firm believer that an honest man is always ashamed of what he says one night and changes the next morning , always ashamed to overthrow all the decisions made on the basis of reason on the first day on the second day.

Mr. de Horbe also wanted to help and would like to spend the evening with them, but I advised him never to go. If he went, it would not help the matter. On the contrary, it would embarrass everyone and affect the conversation.As much as I liked him, it was clear to me that he was too far off from those two to get along.Those two were strong characters, and their way of expressing their thoughts was so unique that he couldn't understand the words and sentences at all.As they parted, I suddenly thought of punch, and fearing that they might give away the secret, I reminded Gentleman Edward with a smile.He replied, "Don't worry, I only drink when I think it's okay to drink. I'm not a slave to alcohol. Now, it's about Julie's reputation and maybe a man who is also my friend." I can't get drunk with my life! I'll have some to drink then, so that the conversation doesn't sound like it's prepared. But I can't drink punch either, Instead, drink some lemonade. He's quit drinking, so he can't see the fault at all." My dear, you don't think it's nice for a person to get into such a bad habit that can lead to accidents if you are not careful. Embarrassed?

This night, I tossed and turned, but it wasn't all because of you.The carefree and happy life we ​​had when we were young, the close friendship we had in the past, and the closer contact with me over the past year because it was difficult for him to see you, all these made me think of him leaving, and I don’t know when I will be able to reunite. When we meet each other, we can't help but feel sad, so sad.I feel that as you lose your other half, a part of my life is lost too.I counted the hours with anxiety, and when I saw day break, I saw with dread the coming of the day that would decide your fate.All morning I've been thinking about what to say and what effect I'm going to have.When the time finally came, I saw your friend walk in.He looked anxious and couldn't wait to ask me about you, because he knew you were ill the day after you quarreled with your father, and yesterday Gentleman Edward told him that you couldn't get out of bed.In order to avoid him asking about your condition, I immediately told him that you were much better when I left you yesterday evening, and I also told him that I just sent Hans to see you, and he will hear the good news when he returns up.It was useless for me to be so careful, he still asked endlessly about your physical condition. Since his question had nothing to do with what I wanted to talk about, I answered him briefly and then turned to ask him the question.

I first began to explore his current mental state: I felt that his behavior was stable, his speech was quite methodical, and he was ready to control his emotions with reason.I secretly rejoiced, thank God, that our wise man was mentally prepared, and now he was going to be put to the test.Although the usual way is to gradually reveal the bad news bit by bit, but I know that he has a rich imagination, and he will ask you to the end if he catches a word, so I decided to do the opposite and get the news first. Make his heart heavy, and then slowly resolve it for him. You don't need to let his pain increase bit by bit, and simply go straight to the topic all at once.I fixed my eyes on him and said to him in a very serious tone: "My friend, do you know that there is a limit to the courage and moral strength of a person with a strong heart? The connection is beyond human ability?" Hearing this, he jumped up like crazy, waved his hands, then hugged his head tightly, and shouted: "I understand what you mean, Zhu Lie's dead! Julie's dead!" He kept repeating the words in a tone that made me shudder.Then he said: "From your oblique words, from the way you hesitate to speak, I feel that you are doing this to prolong my death and make me more painful."

Although his sudden agitation startled me, I immediately understood why he was agitated.First, I suspect that the news of your illness, and the sermons Mr. Edward gave him, and this morning's engagement, and my faltering to his question just now, have misled him into thinking you were dead.I can just let him suffer so much for a while, which is beneficial to the topic of the discussion, but I can't bear this kind of cruelty.A person's pain cannot be relieved when a loved one dies, so I took the opportunity to tell him the good news: "Maybe you will never see her again, but she is not dead and is still in love." to you. Oh! If Julie were really dead, would I, Claire, have spoken to you? You must thank Heaven for saving your unfortunate creature from the same misfortune that might have happened to you." He was stunned, dazed, and bewildered.After I let him sit down again in the chair, I told him in detail and methodically what I wanted to tell him.I did my best to praise Mr. Edward's conduct, that he might feel grateful, and thus distract his sincere heart from the pain.

I went on to him: "Well, my dear friend, the situation is that Julie is on the verge of an abyss, about to suffer humiliation from all, the hatred of her family, the brutality of her furious father, and the brink of her own despair." Torment. The dangers are constantly increasing: either his father or herself may draw a dagger at any moment and pierce her heart. The danger is imminent. There is only one way to prevent such disasters, and this way depends only on you The life of your sweetheart is in your hands. Since her father has not allowed her to see you again, do you have the courage to leave her, or do you intend to be the maker of her mistakes, shame, shame and Witness. After all she has done for you, she is about to see what your heart can do for her. Is it any surprise that she fell ill with pain? Since you fear her life, then You need to know that her life is at your discretion."

He listened carefully to what I was saying without interrupting me.He soon understood what was going on.His agitated actions, angry eyes, and frightened expression just now all disappeared, and the previous sad and lost expression returned to his face.His face was sad, sad and depressed, his eyes were dull, and he was dumbfounded, and all the pain in his heart appeared on his face.He was barely able to answer my words.Finally, he said to me weakly: "I have to go! Let's go then. Have I lived enough?" If his voice was changed, others would think he was very calm.I immediately answered him and said: "Don't think so, you have to live for the one who loves you. Have you forgotten that her life depends on your life to continue?" He immediately took my words and said: " Then we shouldn't have separated our lives. She could have done it before, and she still can do it now." I pretended not to understand, and tried to stir him with some good hope.Just then, Hans came back with some good news for me.Immediately he rejoiced, and exclaimed: "Ah! She's alive! May she be happy, if possible... I just want to say good-bye to her one last time, and then I'm going." I replied, "You don't know Will she not be allowed to see you again? Alas! You have said goodbye, you have parted. The farther you are from her, the less miserable your fate will be. You can at least take the comfort of having her safe and sound. You today Just go, go now. Such a big sacrifice, don't make it too late. Don't ruin her after making such a big sacrifice." He said to me angrily: "Why! Don't let Let me go as soon as I see her again! Why! I shall never see her again! No, no, I will die with her if necessary, and I know that she will never feel pain if I die with me. Whatever What will happen, anyway, I have to see her again before I go. I have to dedicate my heart and my life to her before I go." If I were righteous to him, I said how absurd and cruel it was for him to do so. Cruel, it wasn't hard, but the "What! I'll never see her again!" he said repeatedly in a pathetic voice that seemed to indicate that he was at least looking for some solace for the future.I asked him: "Why do you imagine your misfortune to be more serious than it really is? Why do you give up hope that even Julie has not given up? You think that if this parting is instant and permanent, she will be able to say goodbye." To leave you like this? No, my friend, you should know her heart, you should know how much she would rather love than life. I fear, I fear very much (I admit, I exaggerate), she Soon everything will be lost for love. So you have to believe that since she promises to live on, she has hope. You have to believe that the reason she has to be cautious seems to be more For you, the reason why she has to respect herself is not only for her own sake, but also for your consideration." At this time, I took out your latest letter and showed him that you thought you would never get it again. To the sweet hope of the slut of love, I aroused his hope with the warm words of your letter.Those few lines in the letter were like a layer of curative ointment on his rotten wounds: I saw his gaze softened and his eyes became moist; I saw tender feelings gradually replacing despair and depression .However, the last sentence in your letter, "Once we are separated, we will not live too long", made him cry out in grief, and wept into tears.He kissed your letter and said aloud: "No, Julie, no, my Julie, we can't live if we are separated, and God will make our destinies together forever in this world, and will Let us be buried together in the same grave."

That's exactly the mental state I want him to be in.But he had a sad, sullen look on his face, which worried me.I won't let him go like this.However, as soon as I saw him crying and heard him calling your name affectionately, I no longer worried that he would commit suicide, because as long as he was not completely desperate, it meant that he still had something in his heart. warmth.At this point, he raised an objection that I hadn't expected.He spoke to me of the situation you feared, and swore he would rather die a thousand times than leave you alone to face every danger you might encounter.I didn't say a word about what happened to you, I just told him briefly that your expectations had been dashed, that there was nothing left to look forward to.He sighed and said to me: "In this way, in this world, there is no happiness for me. It has disappeared like a dream that can never be realized."

Now, I'm left with the last part of what you asked me to do.It occurred to me that after you two had been in love for a while, there was no need for preparation or secrecy in this respect.In this trivial matter, even if there was a quarrel like that in the course of our conversation, I would not have avoided it, and it would not be a big deal to argue a few more words.I blame him for not paying enough attention to his personal life.I told him, "She has been worried that you don't care much about your life," and told him that before the situation improved, you ordered him to take good care of you, take care of his daily life, and Take all the additions I gave him on your behalf.He neither looked embarrassed nor took it seriously.He just said to me simply, you know very well that he will accept anything you give him, but you don't need to worry about it. He said he had just sold a small house in Grandson. Yes, got some money, much more money than he had in his life, it was a small inheritance left by his ancestors.He went on: "Besides, I have a bit of a specialty, and I can earn money to eat anywhere. I will be happy to take care of my worries in the middle of work. And since I noticed that Julie used the money she saved for In the case of orphans and widows, I feel that her money is a sacred treasure, and I will never use it in good conscience." I mentioned to him again his trip to Valais, your letter and your express letter. Order.For the same reason... He interrupted me angrily, "Same reason! I refuse to ask for her stuff, punish me by not letting me see her again. As long as she lets me stay, I will take her stuff Why did she punish me when I obeyed her orders? How else could she punish me if I disobeyed her? . . . for the same reason!" The union with her has just begun, but it will end soon. Maybe I will be separated from her forever. There will be no relationship between me and her. We will be like strangers." He said these last few words with his heart In other words, I saw that he had fallen into the previous state that I had tried so hard to get him out of, and I was so scared.So I pretended to be joking and said to him: "You are such a child, you still need a guardian, and I am willing to be your guardian. I will take on this important task. In order to fulfill this obligation related to both of us, I To know everything about you." I tried my best to divert the gloomy thoughts from his mind by the means of our constant correspondence.He is a person with a pure heart. It can be said that he has all his thoughts on you, and he is eager to keep in touch with the people around you. It is easy to fall into this trap.We therefore agreed upon where to send our respective letters.As this method suited him very well, I explained in detail how it was to be done, until M. de Orbe came in and signaled to me that everything was ready. Your friend can easily figure out what's going on.He immediately asked to write you a letter, but I did not promise him.I was thinking that as soon as he wrote the letter, thousands of loves would surely come to his heart, so there would be no way to make him leave.So, I said to him: "It will be dangerous if the time is prolonged. You should leave quickly. When you arrive at the first station, you can write to her leisurely." Mr. Alber signaled.I walked up to your friend, with a heavy heart, about to cry, and pressed my face to his.I can't see his face anymore, I don't know what his expression is.Tears blurred my eyes, my head was groggy, and it was time for me to finish my task. After a while I saw them hurrying down the stairs.I went to the stairs and watched them go.My heart was about to break when I saw that last scene: the delirious man knelt down in the middle of the steps, kissing the steps step by step, and flung himself on the cold steps It was with great difficulty that M. de Orbe pulled his sobbing and trembling body up.I felt that I couldn't hold it anymore, and tears were about to come out of my eyes involuntarily. I hurried back to the room, for fear that the whole family would see it. After a while M. de Orbe returned, wiping his eyes with a handkerchief. "All done," he said to me, "and they are on their way." On returning to his lodgings, your friend finds a carriage parked at the door.Gentleman Edward was waiting for him in the car.He went up to your friend, took him in his arms, and said to him affectionately: "Come, wretch, come and pour out all your sorrows to my heart that loves you. Come, Maybe you will feel that you have a friend like me in this world, so you haven't lost everything." With that, he took him into the carriage with his strong arms, and they embraced tightly Let's go.
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