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Chapter 52 Fifty Letters From Julie

New Heloise 卢梭 2066Words 2018-03-18
Yesterday, when I left you, I was not at all willing to explain to you the cause of my sadness which you reproached me, because you did not want to hear me then.As much as I hate to spell things out, I've got to tell you, because I promised you, I'll tell you now. I don't know if you remember the strange things you said to me last night, and the look on your face when you said them.As for me, I shall never soon forget them, for your honor and my peace, and, unfortunately, I am too angry to forget them easily.Words like these ring in my ears sometimes, and I can't believe they come from a man of integrity.At least I dare to believe that they will never be included in lovers' dictionaries, but I never thought that they would be used on us.Oh, God!What kind of love is your love, if it adds pleasure to it?Yes, you are doing it because of the endless supper, but people always eat so long in a place like this, that should be forgiven, and that's why I want to talk to you .I want to tell you that when we talked alone, your cold look was the last time in our life, this is not an example.

What astonished me most, however, was that what a person says and does after drinking is a reflection of what he or she thinks in his heart.Can I believe it's true how you behave when you're not drinking?How would I feel if you hadn't been drunk to say that last night?I would rather put out the fires of this most gross love, and lose a man who does not appreciate his mistress, and is not worthy of his mistress's love, than suffer such contempt.Tell me honestly, are you a person who values ​​honest feelings so much, and do you mistakenly think that in the presence of happy love you no longer need to be concerned about shame, and that you can speak insultingly and disrespectfully to his lover?what!If that's what you've been thinking, I would have been less terrified and less miserable!Don't be confused, my friend, for there is nothing more dangerous to true lovers than worldly prejudices.So many people are talking about love, but there are very few people who know true love. Most people regard adultery as pure and sweet love. He can do anything immoral.

I don't know if I'm wrong, but I think true love is the purest of all relationships.It is it, its holy fire that purifies our instincts and concentrates them on one and only object, and it is it that keeps us from the temptation to love no other but that one object. of the opposite sex.To an ordinary woman any man is a man, but to a woman who loves with all her heart no man is a man except her lover.What does it mean?Is a lover nothing more than a man?what!A lover should be a nobler person!For a woman who is in love, it is not enough to be a man. His lover is much taller, making other men hard to come by.She and he were peers of their kind.They're not cranky, they're in love.Their minds are not at all at the mercy of the senses, but guide them, and hide them with a veil of beauty from being led astray.No, there is nothing meaner and nastier than profanity and foul language.True love, which has always been cautious, never boldly takes advantage of it, but avoids these vulgar behaviors shyly and shyly.Mystery, silence, timidity, and shyness hide her excitement and inspire her enthusiasm.Her raging fire makes each other's intimacy and tenderness more dignified and pure.Grace and propriety were with her even in the pleasures of the senses, and only he knew how to enjoy the good things in the world without losing a little decency.what!You, a man who has seen real happiness, tell me, how can debauchery and shameless behavior be connected with real love?How can this behavior not sweep away the joy and charm of love?How could she not tarnish the perfect image of the person she loved the most?Believe me my friends, lust and love cannot coexist and neither can compensate each other.When people are in love, the heart feels real happiness. Once it is no longer in love, nothing can fill it.

If you weren't so bad and fond of saying shameful things, how did you say that indecent thing?How can you use that tone and tone of voice on your Quarry that a decent person hasn't even heard of?Since when did you find it fun to make someone you love sad?Let others suffer and gloat, what kind of murderous enjoyment is that?I have not forgotten that I have lost my right to be respected, but even if I have, do you have to remind me?Shall I be punished more severely by the person who caused me to make a mistake?It should be to let the person who caused me to make mistakes to comfort me.Anyone has the right to despise me, except you.You should make me up for the humiliation you have caused me; you have shed so many tears for my weakness that you should not hurt me so cruelly.I am neither prudish nor artificial.well!How can I, who doesn't even know how to be sensible, pretend to be serious!You know very well, you heartless, how can my amorous heart refuse love!At least it will give way to love, and only to love, and you have taught me so many love languages ​​that I cannot replace it with another very different language.Even if you beat me and scold me, I can't stand it more than your words.You either give up on Julie, or you learn to be respected by her.I have told you that I know nothing of shameless love, and if I should lose your love for it, let me yield, and I will pay a greater price.

I still have a lot to say on this subject, but I must close this letter and talk about it at another time.Before I do that, I must remind you that your so-called dictum about drinking too much is very hurtful.I believe that you didn't think so in your heart, but your words broke my heart.You don't know what you're doing, you're hurting my easily frightened heart, which cares nothing about you, as if on purpose.
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