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Chapter 42 Letter Forty Fonson Regard to Julie

New Heloise 卢梭 784Words 2018-03-18
Miss: Forgive a poor hopeless girl who has lost her mind and ventures to turn to your mercy, for you are always happy to comfort those in need, and I am so wretched that only you and God will not resent my crying .It was with great sorrow that I left the place of apprenticeship to which you had arranged for me, but, having lost my mother last winter, I was obliged to return to my poor father, who was bedridden with a paralysis. I have not forgotten that you advised my mother to find me a man who would take care of the family.Claude Arnett, whom His Majesty brought back from the army, is an upright and well-behaved young man. He has a good craft and is good to me.You have already helped us a lot, I dare not trouble you anymore, he has maintained our livelihood all winter.He was supposed to marry me this spring, and he was so focused on the marriage, but they forced me to pay the three-year rent that was due at Easter, and it was really killing me, where would I get such a big house? Money!Poor Claude Arnett signed up for Mr. Meweiere's company without saying hello to me, and handed me his recruitment money.Monsieur Meweiere was at Neuchâtel only seven or eight days at most, while Claude Arnett had to report for duty in three or four days.As a result, we have neither the time nor the means to get married.Once he was gone, I was at a loss for what to do.If through your prestige or the baron's prestige, you can win us at least five or six weeks of grace, we will try to arrange a marriage during this period, or try to redeem the poor Claude.But, knowing him well, he will never get back the money he gave me.

A very rich gentleman came this morning and offered me lots and lots of money, but, God forbid, I refused him.He said he would come back tomorrow morning to see how I decided.I've already told him not to bother you any more, and he knows what that means.God bless him to stop being so stubborn!Even if he came back tomorrow, it would still be the same result today.I could have turned to poor people's relief, but we've been despised enough, bear with us, and Claude Arnett would be very upset if he found out, he wouldn't like a begging grandpa Granny's girl's. Forgive me for being so unruly, my good lady, but I have no one but you with whom I can boldly pour out my sorrows.I was so distressed that I couldn't write any more.

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